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Text File  |  1997-09-16  |  1MB  |  16,885 lines

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  875.                            19                               
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  957.                            rle.cod.info                     rle.info
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  961.                            urle.cod.info                    urle.info
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  989.                  amighpv3c_eng.68020              amighpv3c_eng.68020.info
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  993.                  amighpv3d_fr.68020.info          docs.info
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  1002.                            amimastergear.info               amimastergear07.info
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  1006.                            amimastergear06.info             
  1007.                          8chireslace (dir)
  1008.                            amimastergear01.info             amimastergear02.info
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  1011.                       8chires.info                     8chireslace.info
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  1013.                  amimastergear.doc.info           amimastergear.info
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  1020.                       mfm.device                       statram.device
  1021.                     docs (dir)
  1022.                       amimsx2_english.guide            amimsx2_english.guide.info
  1023.                       amimsx2_español.guide            amimsx2_español.guide.info
  1024.                     libs (dir)
  1025.                       stc020.library                   
  1026.                     msx_drivers (dir)
  1027.                       ramsx                            ramsx.info
  1028.                     mvd_files (dir)
  1029.                       speed test.mvd                   
  1030.                  amimsx2_v2.3                     amimsx2_v2.3.info
  1031.                  disk.info                        docs.info
  1032.                  keyboard.iff                     keyboard.iff.info
  1033.                  msx_drivers.info                 mvd_control
  1034.                  mvd_control.info                 
  1035.                appleii (dir)
  1036.                     apple2000_utilities (dir)
  1037.                       afid                             afid.doc
  1038.                       disk2file                        disk2file.doc
  1039.                  apple2000                        apple2000.guide
  1040.                  apple2000.guide.info             apple_2000
  1041.                  apple_2000.info                  _disk.rom
  1042.                appleiie (dir)
  1043.                     txt (dir)
  1044.                       acaslreq.def                     acaslreq.def.info
  1045.                       acaslreq.mod                     acaslreq.mod.info
  1046.                       acgadgets.def                    acgadgets.def.info
  1047.                       acgadgets.mod                    acgadgets.mod.info
  1048.                       apple.mod                        apple.mod.info
  1049.                       applecomm.mod                    applecomm.mod.info
  1050.                       applescreen.def                  applescreen.def.info
  1051.                       applescreen.mod                  applescreen.mod.info
  1052.                       base37.def                       base37.def.info
  1053.                       base37.mod                       base37.mod.info
  1054.                  amigacomm.source                 apple
  1055.                  apple.info                       applecomm
  1056.                  applecomm.info                   bugs
  1057.                  bugs.info                        readme
  1058.                  readme.info                      todo
  1059.                  todo.info                        txt.info
  1060.                applem (dir)
  1061.                     apple (dir)
  1062.                       apple.tos                        applsoft.bin
  1063.                       convert.c                        demo.bin
  1064.                       demozp.bin                       emulator.doc
  1065.                       emulator.doc.info                
  1066.                  apple.info                       applem000
  1067.                  applem000.info                   applem0x0
  1068.                  applem0x0.info                   demo.rexx
  1069.                  loadram.rexx                     readme
  1070.                  readme.info                      saverom.rexx
  1071.                d32 (dir)
  1072.                     asa_examples (dir)
  1073.                       ex1                              ex1.6809
  1074.                       ex1.info                         ex1.sym
  1075.                       ex2                              ex2.6809
  1076.                       ex2.info                         ex2.sym
  1077.                       ex3                              ex3.6809
  1078.                       ex3.info                         ex3.sym
  1079.                  asa                              asa_examples.info
  1080.                  asa_manual                       asa_manual.info
  1081.                  awe_information                  awe_information.info
  1082.                  cleanmachine.d32                 emulator manual
  1083.                  emulator manual.info             readme_first
  1084.                  readme_first.info                shell.info
  1085.                  the 6809 emulator                the 6809 emulator.info
  1086.                emulators (dir)
  1087.                     docs (dir)
  1088.                       apple2.faq1.html                 apple2.faq2.html
  1089.                       apple2.faq3.html                 apple2.faq4.html
  1090.                       apple_ii_faq-3.txt               apple_ii_faq-3.txt.info
  1091.                  docs.info                        
  1092.                frodo (dir)
  1093.                     64prgs (dir)
  1094.                       3fff                             colorbars
  1095.                       d011h3                           dadb
  1096.                       de00all                          dycp
  1097.                       fld                              lrborder
  1098.                       sprsync                          stretch
  1099.                       tech-tech                        text26
  1100.                     docs (dir)
  1101.                       author.html                      bugreports.html
  1102.                       demoprograms.html                emulwindow.html
  1103.                       files.html                       frodosc.html
  1104.                       future.html                      history.html
  1105.                       installation.html                kernal.html
  1106.                       keyboard.html                    legalmush.html
  1107.                       main.html                        overview.html
  1108.                       sam.html                         settings.html
  1109.                       systemspecific.html              technicalinfo.html
  1110.                       thanks.html                      whatsnew.html
  1111.                  1541 rom                         1541 rom.info
  1112.                  64prgs.info                      basic rom
  1113.                  basic rom.info                   changes
  1114.                  char rom                         char rom.info
  1115.                  docs.info                        frodo
  1116.                  frodo prefs                      frodo.info
  1117.                  frodosc                          frodosc.info
  1118.                  kernal rom                       kernal rom.info
  1119.                games (dir)
  1120.                     bombjack (dir)
  1121.                       01_h03t.bin                      02_p04t.bin
  1122.                       03_e08t.bin                      04_h08t.bin
  1123.                       05_k08t.bin                      06_l08t.bin
  1124.                       07_n08t.bin                      08_r08t.bin
  1125.                       09_j01b.bin                      10_l01b.bin
  1126.                       11_m01b.bin                      12_n01b.bin
  1127.                       13_r01b.bin                      14_j07b.bin
  1128.                       15_l07b.bin                      16_m07b.bin
  1129.                       bombjack.dsw                     readme.txt
  1130.                       readme.txt.info                  
  1131.                     centiped (dir)
  1132.                       centiped.201                     centiped.202
  1133.                       centiped.207                     centiped.208
  1134.                       centiped.209                     centiped.210
  1135.                       centiped.211                     centiped.212
  1136.                       centiped.307                     centiped.308
  1137.                       centiped.309                     centiped.310
  1138.                       centiped.dsw                     readme.txt
  1139.                       readme.txt.info                  
  1140.                     dkong (dir)
  1141.                       dk.3f                            dk.3h
  1142.                       dk.3n                            dk.3p
  1143.                       dk.5a                            dk.5b
  1144.                       dk.5c                            dk.5e
  1145.                       dk.7c                            dk.7d
  1146.                       dk.7e                            dk.7f
  1147.                       dkong.dsw                        
  1148.                     invaders (dir)
  1149.                       invaders.bat                     invaders.drv
  1150.                       invaders.dsw                     invaders.e
  1151.                       invaders.f                       invaders.g
  1152.                       invaders.h                       
  1153.                     mpatrol (dir)
  1154.                       epr171                           epr172
  1155.                       epr194                           epr195
  1156.                       epr196                           epr197
  1157.                       epr198                           epr199
  1158.                       epr200                           epr201
  1159.                       epr202                           epr203
  1160.                     mrdo (dir)
  1161.                       d1                               d10
  1162.                       d2                               d3
  1163.                       d4                               d5
  1164.                       d6                               d7
  1165.                       d8                               d9
  1166.                       mrdo.doc                         mrdo.doc.info
  1167.                       mrdo.dsw                         
  1168.                     pacman (dir)
  1169.                       pacman.5e                        pacman.5f
  1170.                       pacman.6e                        pacman.6f
  1171.                       pacman.6h                        pacman.6j
  1172.                       pacman.dsw                       readme.txt
  1173.                       readme.txt.info                  
  1174.                     penta (dir)
  1175.                       penta.105                        penta.dsw
  1176.                       penta.u14                        penta.u15
  1177.                       penta.u20                        penta.u21
  1178.                       penta.u31                        penta.u32
  1179.                       penta.u7                         penta.u8
  1180.                       penta.u92                        
  1181.                     phoenix (dir)
  1182.                       phoenix.23                       phoenix.24
  1183.                       phoenix.39                       phoenix.40
  1184.                       phoenix.45                       phoenix.46
  1185.                       phoenix.47                       phoenix.48
  1186.                       phoenix.49                       phoenix.50
  1187.                       phoenix.51                       phoenix.52
  1188.                       phoenix.dsw                      
  1189.                     scramble (dir)
  1190.                       2c                               2d
  1191.                       2e                               2f
  1192.                       2h                               2j
  1193.                       2l                               2m
  1194.                       2p                               5c
  1195.                       5d                               5e
  1196.                       5f                               5h
  1197.                       readme.scr                       readme.txt
  1198.                       readme.txt.info                  scramble.dsw
  1199.                     zaxxon (dir)
  1200.                       zaxxon.1                         zaxxon.10
  1201.                       zaxxon.11                        zaxxon.12
  1202.                       zaxxon.13                        zaxxon.14
  1203.                       zaxxon.15                        zaxxon.2
  1204.                       zaxxon.3                         zaxxon.4
  1205.                       zaxxon.5                         zaxxon.6
  1206.                       zaxxon.7                         zaxxon.8
  1207.                       zaxxon.9                         zaxxon.dsw
  1208.                       zaxxon.txt                       zaxxon.txt.info
  1209.                  bombjack.info                    centiped.info
  1210.                  dkong.info                       invaders.info
  1211.                  mpatrol.info                     mrdo.info
  1212.                  pacman.info                      penta.info
  1213.                  phoenix.info                     scramble.info
  1214.                  zaxxon.info                      
  1215.                gbuk (dir)
  1216.                     gfx (dir)
  1217.                       gadgets.pic                      gameboy.pic
  1218.                       pointer.pic                      topaz11.pic
  1219.                       topaz11.txt                      
  1220.                  gbuk                             ixemul.library
  1221.                  prefs                            readme.ami
  1222.                  readme.ami.info                  
  1223.                mastergear1.0c (dir)
  1224.                  dasm                             mastergear
  1225.                  mastergear1.0c.readme            mastergear1.0c.readme.info
  1226.                  mg.doc                           mg.doc.info
  1227.                  stripheader                      
  1228.                p96_svd_12 (dir)
  1229.                  p96_svd_12.readme                p96_turbosvd
  1230.                  p96_turbosvd.doc                 p96_turbosvd.doc.info
  1231.                v2600 (dir)
  1232.                     source (dir)
  1233.                       acconfig.h                       address.h
  1234.                       amiga_disp.c                     amiga_joy.c
  1235.                       amiga_keyb.c                     amiga_mouse.c
  1236.                       asm.h                            bin2c26.c
  1237.                       c26def.h                         c2p_020_fastram2.a
  1238.                       changes                          collision.c
  1239.                       collision.h                      colours.h
  1240.                       col_mask.h                       config.h
  1241.                       cpu.c                            cpu.h
  1242.                       dbg_mess.c                       dbg_mess.h
  1243.                       debug.h                          display.h
  1244.                       exmacro.c                        exmacro.h
  1245.                       extern.h                         files.c
  1246.                       files.h                          keybdrv.h
  1247.                       keyboard.c                       keyboard.h
  1248.                       kmap.h                           limiter.h
  1249.                       macro.h                          main.c
  1250.                       make                             memory.c
  1251.                       memory.h                         misc.c
  1252.                       misc.h                           mnemonic.h
  1253.                       moudrv.h                         no_limiter.c
  1254.                       no_sound.c                       no_ui.c
  1255.                       options.c                        options.h
  1256.                       profile.c                        profile.h
  1257.                       raster.c                         raster.h
  1258.                       realjoy.h                        resource.h
  1259.                       scoptions                        sound.h
  1260.                       table.c                          tiasound.c
  1261.                       tiasound.h                       txt_debug.c
  1262.                       types.h                          ui.h
  1263.                       version.h                        vmachine.c
  1264.                       vmachine.h                       
  1265.                  copying                          copying.info
  1266.                  credits                          credits.info
  1267.                  readme                           readme.amiga
  1268.                  readme.amiga.info                readme.info
  1269.                  source.info                      v2600
  1270.                  v2600.doc                        v2600.doc.info
  1271.                vgb_amiga (dir)
  1272.                  amiga.c                          codes.h
  1273.                  codescb.h                        codesed.h
  1274.                  common.h                         conv
  1275.                  conv.c                           dasm
  1276.                  dasm.c                           debug.c
  1277.                  display.a                        gb.c
  1278.                  gb.h                             help.h
  1279.                  lame.h                           rawkeys.h
  1280.                  scoptions                        smakefile
  1281.                  sweetdreams.displayme            vgb
  1282.                  vgb.c                            vgb.doc
  1283.                  vgb.doc.info                     vgb_amiga.readme
  1284.                  vgb_amiga.readme.info            z80.c
  1285.                  z80.h                            
  1286.                wotizpsx_v1 (dir)
  1287.                  wotizpsx                         wotizpsx.doc
  1288.                  wotizpsx.doc.info                wotizpsx.info
  1289.                  wotizpsx.readme                  
  1290.                wzonka-lad (dir)
  1291.                     cartridges (dir)
  1292.                       tictac.gb                        
  1293.                     fonts (dir)
  1294.                          wzonka (dir)
  1295.                            8                                
  1296.                       wzonka.font                      
  1297.                     gbs (dir)
  1298.                       megaman2.gbs                     
  1299.                     icons (dir)
  1300.                       wzonka-lad drawer ii.info        wzonka-lad drawer.info
  1301.                       wzonka-lad executable i.info     wzonka-lad executable ii.info
  1302.                       wzonka-lad.info                  
  1303.                     libs (dir)
  1304.                       controlpad.library               lowlevel.library
  1305.                     prefs (dir)
  1306.                       zelda           .prefs           
  1307.                     tools (dir)
  1308.                       prefs_to_cfg                     
  1309.                     vgb_colour_schemes (dir)
  1310.                       a_island.cfg                     digdug.cfg
  1311.                       drmario.cfg                      ff1.cfg
  1312.                       pacman.cfg                       tailgato.cfg
  1313.                       tennis.cfg                       zelda.cfg
  1314.                  wzonka-lad                       wzonka-lad.guide
  1315.                  wzonka-lad.guide.info            wzonka-lad.info
  1316.                  wzonka-lad.readme                wzonka-lad_install
  1317.                  wzonka-lad_install.info          
  1318.                zxampokeguide (dir)
  1319.                  file_id.diz                      zxam_poke.guide
  1320.                  zxam_poke.guide.info             
  1321.             6xxx_crossasm.info               a2600.info
  1322.             a2source.info                    abeeb.info
  1323.             amame.info                       amigameboy.info
  1324.             amighpv3d.info                   amimastergear.info
  1325.             amimsx2.info                     appleii.info
  1326.             appleiie.info                    applem.info
  1327.             d32.info                         emulators.info
  1328.             frodo.info                       games.info
  1329.             gbuk.info                        mastergear1.0c.info
  1330.             p96_svd_12.info                  v2600.info
  1331.             vgb_amiga.info                   wotizpsx_v1.info
  1332.             wzonka-lad.info                  
  1333.           game_on! (dir)
  1334.                ahi (dir)
  1335.                     developer (dir)
  1336.                          docs (dir)
  1337.                            ahi.doc                          ahi.doc.info
  1338.                            ahi.guide                        ahi.guide.info
  1339.                            ahi_sub.doc                      ahi_sub.doc.info
  1340.                            ahi_sub.guide                    ahi_sub.guide.info
  1341.                            programming guidelines.ascii     specifikation.ascii
  1342.                            specifikation.ascii.info         
  1343.                          drivers (dir)
  1344.                               filesave (dir)
  1345.                                 asmfuncs.a                       filesave.c
  1346.                                 filesave.h                       filesave.i
  1347.                                 prefsfile.a                      smakefile
  1348.                               paula (dir)
  1349.                                 paula_audio.a                    prefsfile.a
  1350.                                 prefsfile.aura.a                 smakefile
  1351.                               toccata (dir)
  1352.                                 asmfuncs.a                       prefsfile.a
  1353.                                 smakefile                        toccata.c
  1354.                                 toccata.h                        toccata.i
  1355.                               wavetools (dir)
  1356.                                 dad_audio.i                      prefsfile.s
  1357.                                 wavetools_audio.s                
  1358.                          examples (dir)
  1359.                               3rd party (dir)
  1360.                                 gai101.lha                       
  1361.                               doublebuffer (dir)
  1362.                                 doublebuffer.c                   scoptions
  1363.                                 smakefile                        
  1364.                               harddiskrecord (dir)
  1365.                                 gui.c                            gui.des
  1366.                                 gui.extras.h                     gui.h
  1367.                                 harddiskrecord.c                 harddiskrecord.cd
  1368.                                 harddiskrecord.ct                harddiskrecord.h
  1369.                                 recordfunc.a                     smakefile
  1370.                               pt-ahiplay (dir)
  1371.                                 pt-ahiplay.h                     pt-ahiplay.i
  1372.                                 pt-ahiplay.o                     pt-ahiplay.s
  1373.                               ptdatatype (dir)
  1374.                                 class.c                          data.h
  1375.                                 dt_code.a                        dt_ident
  1376.                                 libcode.c                        protracker.datatype_rev.h
  1377.                                 protracker.datatype_rev.i        protracker.datatype_rev.rev
  1378.                                 protracker_rev.i                 protracker_rev.rev
  1379.                                 romtag.a                         smakefile
  1380.                               req-test (dir)
  1381.                                 req-test.c                       scoptions
  1382.                                 smakefile                        
  1383.                            bestaudioid_test.c               recordtestq&d.s
  1384.                          include (dir)
  1385.                               clib (dir)
  1386.                                 ahi_protos.h                     ahi_sub_protos.h
  1387.                               devices (dir)
  1388.                                 ahi.h                            ahi.i
  1389.                               fd (dir)
  1390.                                 ahi_lib.fd                       ahi_sub_lib.fd
  1391.                               libraries (dir)
  1392.                                 ahi_sub.h                        ahi_sub.i
  1393.                               lvo (dir)
  1394.                                 ahi_lib.i                        
  1395.                               pragmas (dir)
  1396.                                 ahi_pragmas.h                    ahi_sub_pragmas.h
  1397.                               proto (dir)
  1398.                                 ahi.h                            ahi_sub.h
  1399.                            macros.i                         readme.txt
  1400.                          lib (dir)
  1401.                            ahi_lib.c                        
  1402.                          support (dir)
  1403.                               source (dir)
  1404.                                    scanaudiomodes (dir)
  1405.                                      scanaudiomodes.c                 scoptions
  1406.                                      smakefile                        
  1407.                                    sift (dir)
  1408.                                      sift.c                           
  1409.                            readme.txt                       scanaudiomodes
  1410.                            sift                             
  1411.                       docs.info                        drivers.info
  1412.                       examples.info                    include.info
  1413.                       lib.info                         support.info
  1414.                     user (dir)
  1415.                          c (dir)
  1416.                            addaudiomodes                    
  1417.                          devs (dir)
  1418.                               ahi (dir)
  1419.                                 delfina.audio                    filesave.audio
  1420.                                 filesave.audio.000               paula.audio
  1421.                                 paula.audio.000                  toccata.audio
  1422.                                 toccata.audio.000                wavetools.audio
  1423.                               audiomodes (dir)
  1424.                                 delfina                          filesave
  1425.                                 paula                            paula.aura
  1426.                                 toccata                          wavetools
  1427.                            ahi.device                       ahi.device.000
  1428.                          examples (dir)
  1429.                               harddiskrecord (dir)
  1430.                                 harddiskrecord                   harddiskrecord.info
  1431.                               protrackerdatatype (dir)
  1432.                                    classes (dir)
  1433.                                         datatypes (dir)
  1434.                                           protracker.datatype              
  1435.                                    devs (dir)
  1436.                                         datatypes (dir)
  1437.                                           protracker                       protracker.info
  1438.                                    env (dir)
  1439.                                         datatypes (dir)
  1440.                                           protracker                       
  1441.                                 install.txt                      install.txt.info
  1442.                            harddiskrecord.info              protrackerdatatype.info
  1443.                       examples.info                    readme-paula.ascii
  1444.                       readme-toccata.ascii             readme.txt
  1445.                       readme.txt.info                  toccata.library
  1446.                  ahi.readme                       copyright
  1447.                  copyright.info                   credits
  1448.                  credits.info                     developer.info
  1449.                  history                          history.info
  1450.                  readme1st!                       readme1st!.info
  1451.                  user.info                        version
  1452.                alienf1 (dir)
  1453.                  aformulaone                      aformulaone.info
  1454.                  alienf1.readme                   car01.3do
  1455.                  car02.3do                        car03.3do
  1456.                  car04.3do                        car05.3do
  1457.                  car06.3do                        car07.3do
  1458.                  car08.3do                        car09.3do
  1459.                  car10.3do                        ctrl1.ctp
  1460.                  disk.info                        horbrush.data
  1461.                  obj01.3do                        obj02.3do
  1462.                  obj03.3do                        obj04.3do
  1463.                  obj05.3do                        obj06.3do
  1464.                  obj07.3do                        obj08.3do
  1465.                  obj09.3do                        readmenow!!!
  1466.                  readmenow!!!.info                realbrush.data
  1467.                  schermobrush.data                trashcan.info
  1468.                  verbrush.data                    
  1469.                battlecraft (dir)
  1470.                     bc_editor (dir)
  1471.                          graphics (dir)
  1472.                            building.10.shapes               building.20.shapes
  1473.                            building.30.shapes               building.40.shapes
  1474.                            building.50.shapes               building.60.shapes
  1475.                            building.70.shapes               building.80.shapes
  1476.                            editor.shapes                    editorscreen.bm
  1477.                            editorscreen.pal                 extra.shapes
  1478.                            landscape.shapes                 man.e10.shapes
  1479.                            man.e20.shapes                   man.e30.shapes
  1480.                            man.e40.shapes                   man.e50.shapes
  1481.                            man.e60.shapes                   man.e70.shapes
  1482.                            man.e80.shapes                   
  1483.                          maps (dir)
  1484.                            landscape.bcm                    
  1485.                          puds (dir)
  1486.                            g_o_war2.pud                     kanthar.pud
  1487.                            spiral3.pud                      tandalos.pud
  1488.                          sound (dir)
  1489.                            button.snd                       error.snd
  1490.                       battlecraft-ed                   readme.1st
  1491.                       readme.1st.info                  
  1492.                     docs (dir)
  1493.                       battlecraft.guide                battlecraft.guide.info
  1494.                       registration.txt                 registration.txt.info
  1495.                     graphics (dir)
  1496.                       2.pal                            3.pal
  1497.                       4.pal                            5.pal
  1498.                       6.pal                            az09.shapes
  1499.                       bclogo.bm                        bcmenu.shapes
  1500.                       building.10.shapes               building.20.shapes
  1501.                       building.30.shapes               building.40.shapes
  1502.                       building.50.shapes               building.60.shapes
  1503.                       building.70.shapes               building.80.shapes
  1504.                       bw.pal                           color.pal
  1505.                       extra.shapes                     fog.shapes
  1506.                       gamescreen.bm                    gamescreen.shapes
  1507.                       intro.bm                         landscape.shapes
  1508.                       man.g10.shapes                   man.g20.shapes
  1509.                       man.g30.shapes                   man.g40.shapes
  1510.                       man.g50.shapes                   man.g60.shapes
  1511.                       man.g70.shapes                   man.g80.shapes
  1512.                       sel_button.10.shapes             sel_button.20.shapes
  1513.                       sel_button.30.shapes             sel_button.40.shapes
  1514.                       sel_button.50.shapes             sel_button.60.shapes
  1515.                       sel_button.70.shapes             sel_button.80.shapes
  1516.                       units.shapes                     
  1517.                     maps (dir)
  1518.                       ogrerule.bcm                     us.bcm
  1519.                       whatkey.bcm                      
  1520.                     sound (dir)
  1521.                       mod.menu                         
  1522.                  battlecraft                      battlecraft.info
  1523.                  bc_editor.info                   docs.info
  1524.                  ptreplay.library                 
  1525.                battleduel (dir)
  1526.                     deutsch (dir)
  1527.                       battleduel.guide                 battleduel.guide.info
  1528.                       battleduel.order                 battleduel.order.info
  1529.                     english (dir)
  1530.                       battleduel.guide                 battleduel.guide.info
  1531.                       battleduel.order                 battleduel.order.info
  1532.                     gfx (dir)
  1533.                          aga (dir)
  1534.                            ball.iff                         balloon.iff
  1535.                            balloon_explode.iff              base.iff
  1536.                            bomber.iff                       camel.iff
  1537.                            cannon.iff                       cm_items.iff
  1538.                            display_cannon.iff               energy_flash.iff
  1539.                            explode.iff                      flag.iff
  1540.                            ground_explode.iff               highscores.iff
  1541.                            medium_explode.iff               parachute.iff
  1542.                            rabbit.iff                       rocket.iff
  1543.                            small_explode.iff                soldier.iff
  1544.                            stars.iff                        title.iff
  1545.                            trees.iff                        walking_soldiers.iff
  1546.                          ecs (dir)
  1547.                            ball.iff                         balloon.iff
  1548.                            balloon_explode.iff              base.iff
  1549.                            bomber.iff                       camel.iff
  1550.                            cannon.iff                       cm_items.iff
  1551.                            display_cannon.iff               energy_flash.iff
  1552.                            explode.iff                      flag.iff
  1553.                            ground_explode.iff               highscores.iff
  1554.                            medium_explode.iff               parachute.iff
  1555.                            rabbit.iff                       rocket.iff
  1556.                            small_explode.iff                soldier.iff
  1557.                            stars.iff                        title.iff
  1558.                            trees.iff                        walking_soldiers.iff
  1559.                     icons (dir)
  1560.                       battleduel.guide.info            battleduel.info
  1561.                       battleduel.order.info            
  1562.                     landscapes (dir)
  1563.                          aga (dir)
  1564.                            landscaped-01.iff                landscapen-01.iff
  1565.                            landscapes-01.iff                landscapew-01.iff
  1566.                          ecs (dir)
  1567.                            landscaped-01.iff                landscapen-01.iff
  1568.                            landscapes-01.iff                landscapew-01.iff
  1569.                     mods (dir)
  1570.                       mod.battleduel                   
  1571.                     mwb_icons (dir)
  1572.                       battleduel.brush                 battleduel.guide.info
  1573.                       battleduel.info                  battleduel.order.info
  1574.                     settings (dir)
  1575.                       default.set                      
  1576.                  battleduel                       battleduel.info
  1577.                  battleduel_install               deutsch.info
  1578.                  english.info                     installer
  1579.                  install_battleduel.info          
  1580.                fh_preview (dir)
  1581.                     anims (dir)
  1582.                       part1.ani                        part2.ani
  1583.                       part3.ani                        shop.ani
  1584.                     audio (dir)
  1585.                       mod.goingthrough                 mod.smoooothfunk
  1586.                     catalogs (dir)
  1587.                          deutsch (dir)
  1588.                            flyinhigh.catalog                
  1589.                     fonts (dir)
  1590.                          flyin' (dir)
  1591.                            7                                
  1592.                       flyin'.font                      
  1593.                     gfx (dir)
  1594.                          city (dir)
  1595.                               barrier (dir)
  1596.                                 plak1a.c                         plak1b.c
  1597.                                 plak2a.c                         plak2b.c
  1598.                                 plak3a.c                         plak3b.c
  1599.                                 plak4a.c                         plak4b.c
  1600.                                 plak5a.c                         plak5b.c
  1601.                                 roadr1.c                         
  1602.                               buildings (dir)
  1603.                                 house1.c                         house2.c
  1604.                                 house3.c                         
  1605.                               entrance (dir)
  1606.                                 baum.c                           h1entrm.c
  1607.                                 h1entrr.c                        h2entrm.c
  1608.                                 h2entrr.c                        h3entrm.c
  1609.                                 h3entrr.c                        startm.c
  1610.                                 startr.c                         
  1611.                               roads (dir)
  1612.                                 road.c                           roadstart.c
  1613.                               tunnel (dir)
  1614.                                 tun2.c                           tuo.c
  1615.                                 tuol.c                           turoad.c
  1616.                                 turoadl.c                        tuside.c
  1617.                                 tusidel.c                        
  1618.                            city.palette                     cityback.c
  1619.                       actionchars.c                    distributor.iff
  1620.                       enemy.c                          fontmask.iff
  1621.                       gamefont.iff                     gameobjects.iff
  1622.                       gameobjectsmask.iff              menu1.iff
  1623.                       menu2.iff                        menufont.iff
  1624.                       p.u.r.e.3.iff                    player.c
  1625.                       rockets.c                        tacho.c
  1626.                       title1.iff                       title2.iff
  1627.                       trafficlight.c                   
  1628.                     level (dir)
  1629.                       teststrecke.dat                  
  1630.                  flyinhigh.prefs                  highscores
  1631.                  latest_information.txt           latest_information.txt.info
  1632.                  letzte_information.txt           letzte_information.txt.info
  1633.                  liesmich.txt                     liesmich.txt.info
  1634.                  preview                          preview.info
  1635.                  readme.txt                       readme.txt.info
  1636.                nemac_4_v1.100 (dir)
  1637.                  .config                          deutsch-bestellformular
  1638.                  deutsch-bestellformular.info     deutsch-liesmich.guide
  1639.                  deutsch-liesmich.guide.info      english-orderform
  1640.                  english-orderform.info           english-readme.guide
  1641.                  english-readme.guide.info        maze.cld
  1642.                  nemac_4                          nemac_4.info
  1643.                  readme                           readme.first!
  1644.                  readme.first!.info               v1.0_to_v1.1.guide
  1645.                  v1.0_to_v1.1.guide.info          
  1646.                scionspreview2 (dir)
  1647.                     ahi (dir)
  1648.                          ahi (dir)
  1649.                            filesave.audio                   paula.audio
  1650.                          audiomodes (dir)
  1651.                            filesave                         paula
  1652.                       ahi.device                       
  1653.                     houses (dir)
  1654.                       boxes.gfx                        farm.animdata
  1655.                       farm.gfx                         farm.skeleton
  1656.                       farm.small                       goldmine.animdata
  1657.                       goldmine.gfx                     goldmine.skeleton
  1658.                       goldmine.small                   housebuild.gfx
  1659.                       inn.animdata                     inn.gfx
  1660.                       inn.skeleton                     inn.small
  1661.                       smith.animdata                   smith.gfx
  1662.                       smith.skeleton                   smith.small
  1663.                       undefined22.animdata             undefined22.gfx
  1664.                       undefined22.skeleton             undefined22.small
  1665.                       undefined23.animdata             undefined23.gfx
  1666.                       undefined23.skeleton             undefined23.small
  1667.                       undefined32.animdata             undefined32.gfx
  1668.                       undefined32.skeleton             undefined32.small
  1669.                       undefined33.animdata             undefined33.gfx
  1670.                       undefined33.skeleton             undefined33.small
  1671.                       well.animdata                    well.gfx
  1672.                       well.skeleton                    well.small
  1673.                     intro (dir)
  1674.                       dsp.col                          dsp.gfx
  1675.                       presents.col                     presents.gfx
  1676.                       scions.col                       scions.gfx
  1677.                     levels (dir)
  1678.                       disc.mask                        grass.ccdata
  1679.                       grass.col                        grass.gfx
  1680.                       grass.tdesc                      number1.map
  1681.                       number2.map                      number3.map
  1682.                       number4.map                      number5.map
  1683.                     libs (dir)
  1684.                       tracker.library                  
  1685.                     misc (dir)
  1686.                       describe.font                    mainmenu.dat
  1687.                       mainmenu.gfx                     message.font
  1688.                       name.font                        resource.font
  1689.                       sound.dat                        sound.gfx
  1690.                     missiles (dir)
  1691.                       arrow.animdata                   arrow.gfx
  1692.                       arrow.skeleton                   fireball.animdata
  1693.                       fireball.gfx                     fireball.skeleton
  1694.                       spear.animdata                   spear.gfx
  1695.                       spear.skeleton                   
  1696.                     music (dir)
  1697.                       mod.city_lights                  
  1698.                     panels (dir)
  1699.                       humanorders.gfx                  marble.brush
  1700.                       marble.swap                      newpanel.swap
  1701.                       overview.gfx                     resourceicons.gfx
  1702.                     sfx (dir)
  1703.                       arrow1.sound                     die1.sound
  1704.                       explosion1.sound                 fight1.sound
  1705.                       impact1.sound                    select_troop1.sound
  1706.                     troops (dir)
  1707.                       archer.animdata                  archer.gfx
  1708.                       archer.skeleton                  archer.small
  1709.                       archer_e.gfx                     boxes.gfx
  1710.                       boxes2x2.gfx                     farmer.animdata
  1711.                       farmer.gfx                       farmer.skeleton
  1712.                       farmer.small                     farmer_e.gfx
  1713.                       militia.animdata                 militia.gfx
  1714.                       militia.skeleton                 militia.small
  1715.                       militia_e.gfx                    scout.animdata
  1716.                       scout.gfx                        scout.skeleton
  1717.                       scout.small                      scout_e.gfx
  1718.                       ship.animdata                    ship.gfx
  1719.                       ship.skeleton                    ship.small
  1720.                       testship.animdata                testship.gfx
  1721.                       testship.skeleton                testship.small
  1722.                       testtroop.animdata               testtroop.gfx
  1723.                       testtroop.skeleton               testtroop.small
  1724.                  demo.guide                       demo.guide.info
  1725.                  install_scions                   install_scions.info
  1726.                  recent_changes                   recent_changes.info
  1727.                  scions                           scions.info
  1728.                  scionspreview2.readme            scionspreview2.readme.info
  1729.                  setup                            setup.info
  1730.                  troubleguide                     troubleguide.info
  1731.                trappedpre (dir)
  1732.                     data (dir)
  1733.                       backgr01.064                     backgr01.256
  1734.                       backgr03.064                     backgr03.256
  1735.                       backpic.064                      backpic.256
  1736.                       collog.064                       collog.256
  1737.                       itempic.064                      itempic.256
  1738.                       kompass.064                      kompass.256
  1739.                     pictures (dir)
  1740.                       ngs.032                          oxysoft.032
  1741.                       preview.032                      trapped2.032
  1742.                       trapped2.032.info                
  1743.                     save (dir)
  1744.                       save09.dat                       save09.dat2
  1745.                     sounds (dir)
  1746.                       background5.raw                  breakwall.raw
  1747.                       brunnen.raw                      cursor.raw
  1748.                       dolchhit.raw                     door.raw
  1749.                       door3.raw                        doorshut.raw
  1750.                       enemy17att.raw                   enemy17die.raw
  1751.                       enemy17hit.raw                   enemy17move.raw
  1752.                       enemy17spot.raw                  enemy4att.raw
  1753.                       enemy4die.raw                    enemy4hit.raw
  1754.                       enemy4move.raw                   enemy4spot.raw
  1755.                       extdolchhit.raw                  exteule1.raw
  1756.                       extfballhit.raw                  extfballstart.raw
  1757.                       extfootstep1.raw                 extfrog1.raw
  1758.                       extitemget.raw                   extnight1.raw
  1759.                       extplayerhit.raw                 extspeer.raw
  1760.                       extvogel1.raw                    fireballhit.raw
  1761.                       fireballstart.raw                firepass.raw
  1762.                       floor.raw                        footsteps1.raw
  1763.                       hitwall.raw                      itemget.raw
  1764.                       jump.raw                         kugel.raw
  1765.                       leveldone.raw                    levelgain.raw
  1766.                       playerdie.raw                    playerhit.raw
  1767.                       potion.raw                       speer.raw
  1768.                       switch.raw                       teleport.raw
  1769.                       thundersmall.raw                 waterdrop.raw
  1770.                       wusch.raw                        
  1771.                     textures (dir)
  1772.                          anims (dir)
  1773.                            bball10anim.dat                  fball10anim.dat
  1774.                            gball10anim.dat                  stern6anim.dat
  1775.                          enemys (dir)
  1776.                            e1-1.dat                         e1-2.dat
  1777.                            e2-1.dat                         e4-1.dat
  1778.                          fills (dir)
  1779.                            becken.dat                       drone.dat
  1780.                            dropblue.dat                     eimer.dat
  1781.                            fass.dat                         flamme.dat
  1782.                            flare1.dat                       flare2.dat
  1783.                            flare3.dat                       flare4.dat
  1784.                            flare5.dat                       gitter1.dat
  1785.                            gitter2.dat                      hecke.dat
  1786.                            holz1.dat                        holz2.dat
  1787.                            holzaxt.dat                      holzbrett.dat
  1788.                            holzbrettq.dat                   holzscheit.dat
  1789.                            lampe.dat                        lampe2.dat
  1790.                            plant2.dat                       plant3.dat
  1791.                            plant4.dat                       plant5.dat
  1792.                            plant6.dat                       plant7.dat
  1793.                            rad.dat                          saeulen01.dat
  1794.                            sockelskull.dat                  stein.dat
  1795.                            sterne1.dat                      zaun1.dat
  1796.                            zaun2.dat                        
  1797.                          floors (dir)
  1798.                            orna3.dat                        
  1799.                          items (dir)
  1800.                            bottleblu.dat                    bottlegrn.dat
  1801.                            bottlered.dat                    bottleyel.dat
  1802.                            fireball2.dat                    gemgreen.dat
  1803.                            pfeil1.dat                       scroll.dat
  1804.                            speer2.dat                       spellblue.dat
  1805.                            spellgreen.dat                   weapon1.dat
  1806.                            weapon2.dat                      weapon3.dat
  1807.                            weapon4.dat                      weapon5.dat
  1808.                            weapon6.dat                      
  1809.                          switches (dir)
  1810.                            schgemgroff.dat                  schgemgron.dat
  1811.                            skulloff.dat                     skullon.dat
  1812.                          wallsown (dir)
  1813.                            asphalt.dat                      boden2.dat
  1814.                            bodenplatte1.dat                 bodenplatte2.dat
  1815.                            bricks6.dat                      duke0238.dat
  1816.                            duke0243.dat                     duke0880.dat
  1817.                            haus1door.dat                    haus1wall.dat
  1818.                            haus1win.dat                     haus2door.dat
  1819.                            haus2wall.dat                    haus2win.dat
  1820.                            haus3door.dat                    haus3wall.dat
  1821.                            haus3win.dat                     holzstoneyel.dat
  1822.                            holzverz.dat                     holzverzasph.dat
  1823.                            mauerkante.dat                   mirrorframe.dat
  1824.                            orna3holzverz.dat                palastfenster.dat
  1825.                            palasttuerl.dat                  palasttuerr.dat
  1826.                            palastwand.dat                   palastwand2.dat
  1827.                            pepples2.dat                     quer1.dat
  1828.                            rasen.dat                        schild.dat
  1829.                            stoneyel.dat                     stoneyelasph.dat
  1830.                            water.dat                        
  1831.                  mod.trappedtitle                 pathrequest.exe
  1832.                  prefs.exe                        readme.txt
  1833.                  readme.txt.info                  trapped.exe
  1834.                  trappedl16.exe                   trappedl17.exe
  1835.                  trappedstart                     trappedstart.info
  1836.             ahi.info                         alienf1.info
  1837.             battlecraft.info                 battleduel.info
  1838.             fh_preview.info                  nemac_4_v1.100.info
  1839.             scionspreview2.info              trappedpre.info
  1840.           html_tutorial (dir)
  1841.                pic (dir)
  1842.                  backgrd.jpg                      dot.gif
  1843.                  index.gif                        r_arr.gif
  1844.                  sbar.gif                         sdot.gif
  1845.                  try_it.gif                       under.gif
  1846.             backup.bat                       cgi_pars.ada
  1847.             cgi_qs.ada                       convert.sh
  1848.             fr-ex1.htm                       fr-ex10.htm
  1849.             fr-ex2.htm                       fr-ex3.htm
  1850.             fr-ex4.htm                       fr-txt1.htm
  1851.             fr-txt11.htm                     fr-txt12.htm
  1852.             fr-txt2.htm                      fr-txt21.htm
  1853.             fr-txt22.htm                     fr-txt23.htm
  1854.             fr-txt3.htm                      fstream.h
  1855.             h1_ban.htm                       h1_img.htm
  1856.             h1_in.htm                        h2_in.htm
  1857.             h3_in.htm                        h4_in.htm
  1858.             h5_in.htm                        html.htm
  1859.             html.old                         html1.htm
  1860.             html2.htm                        html3.htm
  1861.             html4.htm                        html5.htm
  1862.             html5a.htm                       html_fr.htm
  1863.             html_sp.htm                      iomanip.h
  1864.             iostream.h                       make.sh
  1865.             make2.sh                         makefile
  1866.             mas_cgi.cpp                      mas_cgi1
  1867.             mas_cvo.cpp                      mas_env.cpp
  1868.             mas_form.cpp                     mas_rec.cpp
  1869.             mas_rec2.cpp                     mas_run.cpp
  1870.             mas_try.cpp                      mas_try9.cpp
  1871.             mas_view.cpp                     mas_who.sh
  1872.             o_parse.cpp                      o_parse.h
  1873.             parse.cpp                        parse.h
  1874.             pr.cpp                           read.me
  1875.             s00_cgi1.cpp                     t99_type.h
  1876.             tab_ul.htm                       try_anc.htm
  1877.             try_bd.htm                       try_but.htm
  1878.             try_col0.htm                     try_col1.htm
  1879.             try_col2.htm                     try_dl.htm
  1880.             try_ex.htm                       try_for1.htm
  1881.             try_for2.htm                     try_for3.htm
  1882.             try_for4.htm                     try_for5.htm
  1883.             try_for6.htm                     try_for7.htm
  1884.             try_for8.htm                     try_for9.htm
  1885.             try_fr01.htm                     try_fr02.htm
  1886.             try_fr03.htm                     try_fr10.htm
  1887.             try_h6.htm                       try_hr.htm
  1888.             try_img.htm                      try_log.htm
  1889.             try_m1.htm                       try_m2.htm
  1890.             try_mas.htm                      try_ol.htm
  1891.             try_pg.htm                       try_pgt.htm
  1892.             try_pl.htm                       try_pre.htm
  1893.             try_run.htm                      try_tab1.htm
  1894.             try_tab2.htm                     try_tab3.htm
  1895.             try_tab4.htm                     try_ul.htm
  1896.        arexx.info                       emulation.info
  1897.        game_on!.info                    
  1898.      -look_here_1st!- (dir)
  1899.           af_on_the_web (dir)
  1900.                aweb21demo (dir)
  1901.                     2mbsettings (dir)
  1902.                       browser                          network
  1903.                       program                          
  1904.                     c (dir)
  1905.                       checkassign                      
  1906.                     cache (dir)
  1907.                          awcd00 (dir)
  1908.                            awcr                             
  1909.                          awcd01 (dir)
  1910.                            00000001                         
  1911.                          awcd02 (dir)
  1912.                            00000002.gif                     
  1913.                          awcd03 (dir)
  1914.                            00000003.gif                     
  1915.                          awcd04 (dir)
  1916.                            00000004.gif                     
  1917.                          awcd05 (dir)
  1918.                            00000005.gif                     
  1919.                          awcd06 (dir)
  1920.                            00000006.gif                     
  1921.                          awcd07 (dir)
  1922.                            00000007.gif                     
  1923.                          awcd08 (dir)
  1924.                            00000008.gif                     
  1925.                          awcd09 (dir)
  1926.                            00000009.gif                     
  1927.                          awcd0a (dir)
  1928.                            0000000a.gif                     
  1929.                          awcd0b (dir)
  1930.                            0000000b.gif                     
  1931.                          awcd0c (dir)
  1932.                            0000000c.gif                     
  1933.                          awcd0d (dir)
  1934.                            0000000d                         
  1935.                          awcd0e (dir)
  1936.                            0000000e.gif                     
  1937.                          awcd0f (dir)
  1938.                            0000000f.gif                     
  1939.                          awcd10 (dir)
  1940.                            00000010.gif                     
  1941.                          awcd11 (dir)
  1942.                            00000011.gif                     
  1943.                          awcd12 (dir)
  1944.                            00000012.gif                     
  1945.                          awcd13 (dir)
  1946.                            00000013.gif                     
  1947.                          awcd14 (dir)
  1948.                            00000014.gif                     
  1949.                          awcd15 (dir)
  1950.                            00000015.gif                     
  1951.                          awcd16 (dir)
  1952.                            00000016.gif                     
  1953.                          awcd17 (dir)
  1954.                            00000017.gif                     
  1955.                          awcd18 (dir)
  1956.                            00000018.gif                     
  1957.                          awcd19 (dir)
  1958.                            00000019.gif                     
  1959.                          awcd1a (dir)
  1960.                            0000001a.gif                     
  1961.                          awcd1b (dir)
  1962.                            0000001b.gif                     
  1963.                          awcd1c (dir)
  1964.                            0000001c.gif                     
  1965.                          awcd1d (dir)
  1966.                            0000001d.gif                     
  1967.                          awcd1e (dir)
  1968.                            0000001e.gif                     
  1969.                          awcd1f (dir)
  1970.                            0000001f.gif                     
  1971.                          awcd20 (dir)
  1972.                            00000020.gif                     
  1973.                          awcd21 (dir)
  1974.                            00000021.gif                     
  1975.                          awcd22 (dir)
  1976.                          awcd23 (dir)
  1977.                          awcd24 (dir)
  1978.                          awcd25 (dir)
  1979.                          awcd26 (dir)
  1980.                          awcd27 (dir)
  1981.                          awcd28 (dir)
  1982.                          awcd29 (dir)
  1983.                          awcd2a (dir)
  1984.                          awcd2b (dir)
  1985.                          awcd2c (dir)
  1986.                          awcd2d (dir)
  1987.                          awcd2e (dir)
  1988.                          awcd2f (dir)
  1989.                          awcd30 (dir)
  1990.                          awcd31 (dir)
  1991.                          awcd32 (dir)
  1992.                          awcd33 (dir)
  1993.                          awcd34 (dir)
  1994.                          awcd35 (dir)
  1995.                          awcd36 (dir)
  1996.                          awcd37 (dir)
  1997.                          awcd38 (dir)
  1998.                          awcd39 (dir)
  1999.                          awcd3a (dir)
  2000.                          awcd3b (dir)
  2001.                          awcd3c (dir)
  2002.                          awcd3d (dir)
  2003.                          awcd3e (dir)
  2004.                          awcd3f (dir)
  2005.                       awcr                             
  2006.                     classes (dir)
  2007.                          gadgets (dir)
  2008.                            button.gadget                    checkbox.gadget
  2009.                            chooser.gadget                   clicktab.gadget
  2010.                            fuelgauge.gadget                 getfile.gadget
  2011.                            getfont.gadget                   getscreenmode.gadget
  2012.                            integer.gadget                   layout.gadget
  2013.                            layout.gadget.020                listbrowser.gadget
  2014.                            palette.gadget                   radiobutton.gadget
  2015.                            scroller.gadget                  space.gadget
  2016.                            speedbar.gadget                  string.gadget
  2017.                            textfield.gadget                 
  2018.                          images (dir)
  2019.                            bevel.image                      bitmap.image
  2020.                            drawlist.image                   glyph.image
  2021.                            label.image                      penmap.image
  2022.                       arexx.class                      window.class
  2023.                     docs (dir)
  2024.                          arexx (dir)
  2025.                            arexx.html                       
  2026.                          settings (dir)
  2027.                            broptions.html                   nwcache.html
  2028.                            nwoptions.html                   nwproxy.html
  2029.                            proptions.html                   prprograms.html
  2030.                            prscreen.html                    settings.html
  2031.                       2mbtips.html                     animation.html
  2032.                       authorize.html                   aweb.html
  2033.                       aweb.html.info                   aweb.iff
  2034.                       awebbg.iff                       back.gif
  2035.                       browser.html                     bugs.html
  2036.                       buttons.html                     cache.html
  2037.                       cachebrowser.html                classact.html
  2038.                       contact.html                     dropdown.iff
  2039.                       editgad.iff                      full.html
  2040.                       gui.html                         hotlist.html
  2041.                       html.html                        htmlmode.html
  2042.                       images.html                      install.html
  2043.                       intro.html                       legal.html
  2044.                       menus.html                       next.gif
  2045.                       nws.html                         overview.html
  2046.                       popdrawer.iff                    popfile.iff
  2047.                       popfont.iff                      popscreen.iff
  2048.                       popup.html                       print.html
  2049.                       problems.html                    regform.html
  2050.                       requirements.html                search.html
  2051.                       shellcmd.html                    starttcp.html
  2052.                       startup.html                     thanks.html
  2053.                       todo.html                        up.gif
  2054.                       whismain.iff                     window.gif
  2055.                       winhis.html                      
  2056.                     extras (dir)
  2057.                       aweb.gif                         back.gif
  2058.                       search.html                      search.html.info
  2059.                     fonts (dir)
  2060.                          courier (dir)
  2061.                            30                               36
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  2063.                            30                               36
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  2065.                       aweb.info                        aweb_magicwb.info
  2066.                       aweb_newicon.info                
  2067.                     images (dir)
  2068.                       archive                          audio
  2069.                       binary.document                  binhex.document
  2070.                       calculator                       caution
  2071.                       cd.i                             cd.rom
  2072.                       clock                            compressed.document
  2073.                       def_errimage                     def_image
  2074.                       def_imagemap                     disk.drive
  2075.                       diskette                         display
  2076.                       document                         fax
  2077.                       filing.cabinet                   film
  2078.                       fixed.disk                       folder
  2079.                       form                             ftp
  2080.                       glossary                         gopher
  2081.                       home                             html
  2082.                       image                            index
  2083.                       keyboard                         mail
  2084.                       mail.in                          mail.out
  2085.                       map                              mouse
  2086.                       network                          new
  2087.                       next                             notebook
  2088.                       parent                           play.fast.forward
  2089.                       play.fast.reverse                play.pause
  2090.                       play.start                       play.stop
  2091.                       previous                         printer
  2092.                       sadsmiley                        smiley
  2093.                       stop                             summary
  2094.                       telephone                        telnet
  2095.                       text.document                    tn3270
  2096.                       toc                              trash
  2097.                       unknown.document                 uuencoded.document
  2098.                       work                             www
  2099.                     prefs (dir)
  2100.                       caprefs                          caprefs.doc
  2101.                       classact                         classact.history
  2102.                       classact.history.info            classact.info
  2103.                  aweb                             aweb.info
  2104.                  awebcfg                          awebcfg.info
  2105.                  cache.info                       docs.info
  2106.                  extras.info                      fonts.info
  2107.                  icons.info                       images.info
  2108.                  install                          install.info
  2109.                  makeassign                       makeassign.info
  2110.                  readme                           readme.info
  2111.                ibrowsedemo (dir)
  2112.                     cache (dir)
  2113.                       globalcache                      
  2114.                     catalogs (dir)
  2115.                          català (dir)
  2116.                            ibrowse.catalog                  
  2117.                          dansk (dir)
  2118.                            ibrowse.catalog                  
  2119.                          deutsch (dir)
  2120.                            ibrowse.catalog                  
  2121.                          español (dir)
  2122.                            ibrowse.catalog                  
  2123.                          français (dir)
  2124.                            ibrowse.catalog                  
  2125.                          italiano (dir)
  2126.                            ibrowse.catalog                  
  2127.                          norsk (dir)
  2128.                            ibrowse.catalog                  
  2129.                          polski (dir)
  2130.                            ibrowse.catalog                  
  2131.                          português (dir)
  2132.                            ibrowse.catalog                  
  2133.                          svenska (dir)
  2134.                            ibrowse.catalog                  
  2135.                     images (dir)
  2136.                       def_bulletcircle                 def_bulletdisc
  2137.                       def_bulletsquare                 def_navigation
  2138.                       def_picture                      def_transferanimation
  2139.                       def_transferanimation.info       def_transferanimationnm
  2140.                       def_transferanimationnm.info     
  2141.                     info (dir)
  2142.                       cybergraphx-logo.gif             ibrowse-logo.gif
  2143.                       mui-logo.gif                     
  2144.                     mui (dir)
  2145.                       ibcachebrowser.mcc               ibgeneralprefs.mcc
  2146.                       ibnetworkprefs.mcc               ibtexteditfield.mcc
  2147.                  globalhistory                    ibimagedecode.library
  2148.                  ibrowse                          ibrowse-hotlist.html
  2149.                  ibrowse.info                     ibrowse.prefs
  2150.                  ibsupport.library                readme.html
  2151.                voyager10 (dir)
  2152.                     cache (dir)
  2153.                       url-history.1                    
  2154.                     mui (dir)
  2155.                       bookmarks.mcc                    listtree.mcc
  2156.                       textfield.mcc                    textfield.mcp
  2157.                       toolbar.mcc                      toolbutton.mcc
  2158.                     rexx (dir)
  2159.                       mailsmtppost                     mailto-thor.vrx
  2160.                       mailto-yam.vrx                   
  2161.                     tools (dir)
  2162.                       clearcachedir                    clearcachedir.info
  2163.                       uninstall                        uninstall.info
  2164.                     voyager_home (dir)
  2165.                          vpics (dir)
  2166.                            bookmarks.gif                    buttonback.gif
  2167.                            buttonfind.gif                   buttonforward.gif
  2168.                            buttonhome.gif                   buttonimages.gif
  2169.                            buttonlogo.gif                   buttonprint.gif
  2170.                            buttonreload.gif                 buttonstop.gif
  2171.                            cache.gif                        colors.gif
  2172.                            fastlinks.gif                    fonts.gif
  2173.                            layout.gif                       links.gif
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  2175.                            other.gif                        proxies.gif
  2176.                            source.gif                       voyager.gif
  2177.                       home.html                        
  2178.                  bookmarks.html                   cachebrowser
  2179.                  cachebrowser.info                installer
  2180.                  installer.info                   mui.info
  2181.                  rexx.info                        tools.info
  2182.                  v                                v.info
  2183.                  v.readme                         v.readme.info
  2184.                  v020                             v020.info
  2185.                  voyager.prefs                    voyager_home.info
  2186.                voyager_ng (dir)
  2187.                     cache (dir)
  2188.                       url-history.1                    
  2189.                     plugins (dir)
  2190.                       search.vplug                     
  2191.                     register-voyager (dir)
  2192.                       registrationutility              registrationutility.info
  2193.                       reg_english.doc                  reg_english.doc.info
  2194.                       reg_english.guide                reg_english.guide.info
  2195.                     rexx (dir)
  2196.                       rexx.info                        
  2197.                     submissions (dir)
  2198.                       submissions.info                 
  2199.                     voyager_home (dir)
  2200.                          images (dir)
  2201.                            barmui.gif                       bookmarks.gif
  2202.                            buttonback.gif                   buttonfind.gif
  2203.                            buttonforward.gif                buttonhome.gif
  2204.                            buttonimages.gif                 buttonlogo.gif
  2205.                            buttonprint.gif                  buttonreload.gif
  2206.                            buttons.gif                      buttonstop.gif
  2207.                            cache.gif                        colors.gif
  2208.                            fast.gif                         fastlinks.gif
  2209.                            fonts.gif                        general.gif
  2210.                            logo_mui.gif                     mailnews.gif
  2211.                            menuprefs.gif                    muiopt.gif
  2212.                            muipens.gif                      muiwind.gif
  2213.                            net.gif                          p2_2.gif
  2214.                            p4_1.gif                         psiedit.gif
  2215.                            psimain.gif                      rmbmenu1.gif
  2216.                            rmbmenu2.gif                     rmbmenu3.gif
  2217.                            rmbmenu4.gif                     vanim.gif
  2218.                            vaportx.gif                      vauth.gif
  2219.                            vbhome.gif                       vbimages.gif
  2220.                            vbleft.gif                       vbload.gif
  2221.                            vbookmk.gif                      vbprint.gif
  2222.                            vbright.gif                      vbsearch.gif
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  2225.                            vfastlnk.gif                     vftp1.gif
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  2240.                            vprefs3.gif                      vprefs4.gif
  2241.                            vprefs5.gif                      vprefs6.gif
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  5586.                       cycletomenu.info                 
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  5591.                       veranderingen.info               
  5592.                  cycletomenu                      cycletomenu.info
  5593.                  deutsch.info                     english.info
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  5602.                  diskmaster.guide                 diskmaster.guide.info
  5603.                  diskmaster21c.readme             dm2
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  5617.                     8coloricons (dir)
  5618.                          magicmenu (dir)
  5619.                            magicmenu.info                   
  5620.                       clickmeforcolors                 clickmeforcolors.info
  5621.                       magicmenu.info                   
  5622.                     deutsch (dir)
  5623.                       benchmark                        benchmark.info
  5624.                       history                          history.info
  5625.                       magicmenu.guide                  magicmenu.guide.info
  5626.                     english (dir)
  5627.                       benchmark                        benchmark.info
  5628.                       history                          history.info
  5629.                       magicmenu.guide                  magicmenu.guide.info
  5630.                     forcenewlook (dir)
  5631.                       forcenewlook                     readme
  5632.                       readme.info                      
  5633.                  8coloricons.info                 deutsch.info
  5634.                  english.info                     forcenewlook.info
  5635.                  magicmenu                        magicmenu.info
  5636.                mcxp326 (dir)
  5637.                     cat (dir)
  5638.                       mcxp.cd                          mcxp.ct_deutsch
  5639.                       mcxp.ct_español                  
  5640.                     l (dir)
  5641.                       wbstart-handler                  
  5642.                     libs (dir)
  5643.                       dospath.library                  wbstart.library
  5644.                     locale (dir)
  5645.                       deutsch.catalog                  español.catalog
  5646.                  file_id.diz                      install_mui_mcx_prefs
  5647.                  install_mui_mcx_prefs.info       mcxp.guide
  5648.                  mcxp.guide.info                  mcxp325.readme
  5649.                  mcxp_deutsch.guide               mcxp_deutsch.guide.info
  5650.                  mcxp_español.guide               mcxp_español.guide.info
  5651.                  mui_mcx_prefs                    mui_mcx_prefs.info
  5652.                  readme.mui                       readme.mui.info
  5653.                multicx2 (dir)
  5654.                  file_id.diz                      handlecx
  5655.                  mcx263.readme                    mcx_install
  5656.                  multicx                          multicx.guide
  5657.                  multicx.guide.info               multicx.info
  5658.                  multicx_deutsch.guide            multicx_deutsch.guide.info
  5659.                  multicx_os3                      multicx_os3.info
  5660.                  rebootoff                        
  5661.                powersnap (dir)
  5662.                     catalogs (dir)
  5663.                          dansk (dir)
  5664.                            powersnap.catalog                
  5665.                          deutsch (dir)
  5666.                            powersnap.catalog                
  5667.                          français (dir)
  5668.                            powersnap.catalog                
  5669.                          nederlands (dir)
  5670.                            powersnap.catalog                
  5671.                          svenska (dir)
  5672.                            powersnap.catalog                
  5673.                       dansk.ct                         deutsch.ct
  5674.                       français.ct                      nederlands.ct
  5675.                       powersnap.cd                     svenska.ct
  5676.                  install                          install.info
  5677.                  powersnap                        powersnap-handler
  5678.                  powersnap.doc                    powersnap.doc.info
  5679.                  powersnap.info                   
  5680.                rekeyit (dir)
  5681.                     catalogs (dir)
  5682.                          deutsch (dir)
  5683.                            deutsch.ct                       rekeyit.catalog
  5684.                          español (dir)
  5685.                            español.ct                       rekeyit.catalog
  5686.                          français (dir)
  5687.                            français.ct                      rekeyit.catalog
  5688.                          suomi (dir)
  5689.                            rekeyit.catalog                  suomi.ct
  5690.                          svenska (dir)
  5691.                            rekeyit.catalog                  svenska.ct
  5692.                       rekeyit.cd                       rekeyit.ct
  5693.                     libs (dir)
  5694.                       gtlayout.library                 
  5695.                  bgui_menuprefs                   bgui_menuprefs.info
  5696.                  catalogs.info                    install_rekeyit
  5697.                  install_rekeyit.info             lt_menuprefs
  5698.                  lt_menuprefs.info                mui_menuprefs
  5699.                  mui_menuprefs.info               readme
  5700.                  readme.info                      rekeyit
  5701.                  rekeyit.guide                    rekeyit.guide.info
  5702.                  rekeyit.info                     
  5703.                snoopdos (dir)
  5704.                     snoopdos_source (dir)
  5705.                       buffer.c                         gui.h
  5706.                       hotkey.c                         icon.h
  5707.                       language.c                       mainwin.c
  5708.                       makefile                         miscwin.c
  5709.                       patchcode.s                      patches.c
  5710.                       patches.h                        scoptions
  5711.                       settings.c                       snoopdos.c
  5712.                       snoopdos.h                       snoopdos.roadmap
  5713.                       snooptext.cd                     snooptext.ct
  5714.                       snooptext.h                      subwin.c
  5715.                       system.c                         system.h
  5716.                       testcalls.c                      
  5717.                  readme.first                     readme.first.info
  5718.                  readme.source                    snoopdos
  5719.                  snoopdos.guide                   snoopdos.guide.info
  5720.                  snoopdos.info                    
  5721.                swazinfo (dir)
  5722.                     docs (dir)
  5723.                       swazinfo.guide                   swazinfo.guide.info
  5724.                     locale (dir)
  5725.                       dansk.catalog                    deutsch.catalog
  5726.                       français.catalog                 
  5727.                     magicicons (dir)
  5728.                       swazinfoapp.info                 swazinfox.info
  5729.                       swazinfoy.info                   
  5730.                  docs.info                        install
  5731.                  install.info                     matrix.library
  5732.                  swazinfo                         swazinfo.cd
  5733.                  swazinfo.info                    
  5734.                tinymeter (dir)
  5735.                     artwork (dir)
  5736.                          fonts (dir)
  5737.                               tinymeter_digital (dir)
  5738.                                 11                               17
  5739.                               tinymeter_digital_med (dir)
  5740.                                 11                               7
  5741.                               xhelvetica (dir)
  5742.                                 11                               13
  5743.                                 9                                
  5744.                            tinymeter_digital.font           tinymeter_digital_med.font
  5745.                            xhelvetica.font                  
  5746.                          newicons (dir)
  5747.                            tinymeter.info                   tinymeterprefs.info
  5748.                          patterns (dir)
  5749.                            blue_leather                     leather
  5750.                            sand                             
  5751.                          pictogram (dir)
  5752.                            3d.small                         addicon.small
  5753.                            all.small                        amosaic.small
  5754.                            askdel.small                     askget.small
  5755.                            askrename.small                  assign.small
  5756.                            balls.small                      brush.small
  5757.                            c.small                          cache.small
  5758.                            calculator.small                 car.small
  5759.                            catalog.small                    cd.small
  5760.                            cli.small                        clip.small
  5761.                            clipboard.small                  clock.small
  5762.                            clone.small                      comment.small
  5763.                            compare.small                    computer.small
  5764.                            copy.small                       copyas.small
  5765.                            copywin.small                    cut.small
  5766.                            daemon.small                     datestamp.small
  5767.                            delete.small                     device.small
  5768.                            diavlo.small                     dice.small
  5769.                            digital.small                    dir.small
  5770.                            dir2dest.small                   disk.small
  5771.                            diskcopy.small                   diskcopy2.small
  5772.                            docs.small                       dopus.small
  5773.                            draw.small                       drawer.small
  5774.                            driver.small                     duck.small
  5775.                            edit.small                       edit2.small
  5776.                            editnew.small                    editss.small
  5777.                            envelope.small                   exclaimation.small
  5778.                            eyes.small                       feather.small
  5779.                            feather2.small                   feet.small
  5780.                            female.small                     filecopy.small
  5781.                            filesdir.small                   film.small
  5782.                            firstaid.small                   fonts.small
  5783.                            fonts2.small                     ftp.small
  5784.                            ftpget.small                     ftpput.small
  5785.                            function.small                   fx.small
  5786.                            gadget.small                     game.small
  5787.                            garbage.small                    gears.small
  5788.                            getsizes.small                   globe.small
  5789.                            grapevine.small                  gun.small
  5790.                            gunship.small                    ham.small
  5791.                            hammer.small                     hardcopy.small
  5792.                            hd.small                         help.small
  5793.                            hippo.small                      hunt.small
  5794.                            hunt2.small                      hunt3.small
  5795.                            ibm.small                        info.small
  5796.                            ink.small                        jessica.small
  5797.                            jet.small                        joystick.small
  5798.                            lemming.small                    lhaadd.small
  5799.                            lhaext.small                     library.small
  5800.                            love.small                       lzxadd.small
  5801.                            lzxext.small                     mail.small
  5802.                            makedir.small                    male.small
  5803.                            mandelbrot.small                 map.small
  5804.                            menu.small                       mines.small
  5805.                            mk.small                         modem.small
  5806.                            monalisa.small                   monitor.small
  5807.                            mosaic.small                     mouse.small
  5808.                            move.small                       moveas.small
  5809.                            movie.small                      mui.small
  5810.                            multiview.small                  music.small
  5811.                            news.small                       none.small
  5812.                            none2.small                      none3.small
  5813.                            optdisk.small                    opthd.small
  5814.                            opus.small                       outlet.small
  5815.                            pack.small                       parent.small
  5816.                            parent2.small                    parent2dest.small
  5817.                            pattern.small                    pc.small
  5818.                            pen&ink.small                    penguin.small
  5819.                            people.small                     piggy.small
  5820.                            pinkpanther.small                print.small
  5821.                            private.small                    protect.small
  5822.                            protect2.small                   puppy.small
  5823.                            purge.small                      puzzle.small
  5824.                            question.small                   ram.small
  5825.                            ramdir.small                     relabel.small
  5826.                            removesizes.small                rename.small
  5827.                            render.small                     roach.small
  5828.                            root.small                       root2.small
  5829.                            run.small                        sample.small
  5830.                            scales.small                     scan.small
  5831.                            search.small                     select.small
  5832.                            select2.small                    sheep.small
  5833.                            show.small                       snoopy.small
  5834.                            sparks.small                     speakers.small
  5835.                            star.small                       stats.small
  5836.                            stopftp.small                    swapwin.small
  5837.                            system.small                     test.small
  5838.                            toggle.small                     tut.small
  5839.                            unpack.small                     uuadd.small
  5840.                            uuext.small                      version.small
  5841.                            version2.small                   view.small
  5842.                            view2.small                      wand.small
  5843.                            yield.small                      zzz.small
  5844.                       pictogram.readme                 
  5845.                     catalogs (dir)
  5846.                          deutsch (dir)
  5847.                            tinymeterprefs.catalog           
  5848.                          français (dir)
  5849.                            tinymeterprefs.catalog           
  5850.                          italiano (dir)
  5851.                            tinymeterprefs.catalog           
  5852.                          polski (dir)
  5853.                            tinymeterprefs.catalog           
  5854.                       simplecat                        tinymeterprefs.cs
  5855.                     examples (dir)
  5856.                       magicwb.tm                       magicwb.tmgauge
  5857.                       magicwb_cpu.tmgauge              mwb_mem&date.tm
  5858.                       preview_amiwb.tm                 
  5859.                     libs (dir)
  5860.                       screennotify.library             wbstart.library
  5861.                     nostalgic (dir)
  5862.                       tinymeter 1.0                    tinymeter 1.0.doc
  5863.                       tinymeter 1.0.doc.info           tinymeter 1.0.info
  5864.                     prefs (dir)
  5865.                       tinymeter                        tinymeter.info
  5866.                     source (dir)
  5867.                          tinymeter_main (dir)
  5868.                            display.c                        gaugeclass.c
  5869.                            gaugeclass.h                     handler.c
  5870.                            idle.c                           initclean.c
  5871.                            launchclass.c                    launchclass.h
  5872.                            main.c                           misc.c
  5873.                            smakefile                        tinymeter.h
  5874.                            volumes.c                        
  5875.                          tinymeter_prefs (dir)
  5876.                            about.c                          dmakefile
  5877.                            header_logo.c                    logo.c
  5878.                            main.c                           question.c
  5879.                            tinymeter.h                      tinymeterprefs.cs
  5880.                            tinymeterprefs.lh                
  5881.                  artwork.info                     examples.info
  5882.                  install                          install_deutsch.info
  5883.                  install_english.info             install_français.info
  5884.                  nostalgic.info                   prefs.info
  5885.                  preview                          preview.info
  5886.                  readme_translations              source.info
  5887.                  tinymeter                        tinymeter.020
  5888.                  tinymeter.guide                  tinymeter.guide.info
  5889.                  tinymeter.info                   tinymeter_logo.png24
  5890.                toolalias (dir)
  5891.                     source (dir)
  5892.                       file.c                           file.h
  5893.                       icon.c                           icon.h
  5894.                       list.c                           list.h
  5895.                       lmkfile                          talias.c
  5896.                       toolalias.g                      toolalias.g.info
  5897.                       toolalias_gfx.c                  toolalias_gfx.h
  5898.                       window.c                         window.h
  5899.                  toolalias                        toolalias.doc
  5900.                  toolalias.doc.info               toolalias.info
  5901.                toolsdaemon (dir)
  5902.                     catalogs (dir)
  5903.                          dansk (dir)
  5904.                            toolsdaemon.catalog              toolsprefs.catalog
  5905.                          deutsch (dir)
  5906.                            toolsdaemon.catalog              toolsprefs.catalog
  5907.                          français (dir)
  5908.                            toolsdaemon.catalog              toolsprefs.catalog
  5909.                          italiano (dir)
  5910.                            toolsdaemon.catalog              toolsprefs.catalog
  5911.                          nederlands (dir)
  5912.                            toolsdaemon.catalog              toolsprefs.catalog
  5913.                          svenska (dir)
  5914.                            toolsdaemon.catalog              toolsprefs.catalog
  5915.                       dansk.ct                         deutsch.ct
  5916.                       français.ct                      italiano.ct
  5917.                       nederlands.ct                    svenska.ct
  5918.                       tddansk.ct                       tddeutsch.ct
  5919.                       tdfrançais.ct                    tditaliano.ct
  5920.                       tdnederlands.ct                  tdsvenska.ct
  5921.                       toolsdaemon.cd                   toolsprefs.cd
  5922.                     libs (dir)
  5923.                       reqtools.library                 
  5924.                  convert                          convert.info
  5925.                  install                          install.info
  5926.                  toolsdaemon                      toolsdaemon-handler
  5927.                  toolsdaemon.doc                  toolsdaemon.doc.info
  5928.                  toolsdaemon.info                 toolsprefs
  5929.                  toolsprefs.info                  
  5930.                xtruder (dir)
  5931.                     catalogs (dir)
  5932.                          dansk (dir)
  5933.                            xtruder.catalog                  
  5934.                          svenska (dir)
  5935.                            xtruder.catalog                  
  5936.                       dansk.ct                         empty.ct
  5937.                       readme                           readme.info
  5938.                       svenska.ct                       xtruder.cd
  5939.                     documentation (dir)
  5940.                       xtruder.guide                    xtruder.guide.info
  5941.                       xtruder.guide.sig                
  5942.                     l (dir)
  5943.                       bootblock.brainfile              bootblock.brainfile.sig
  5944.                     libs (dir)
  5945.                          xfd (dir)
  5946.                            .readme.first                    1am
  5947.                            4vx                              89a8
  5948.                            =sb=                             ace?
  5949.                            alc0                             amos
  5950.                            arcd                             arcr
  5951.                            atom                             axis
  5952.                            bond                             chryseis
  5953.                            cmp1                             cp
  5954.                            crnd                             crun
  5955.                            decloner                         dhp2
  5956.                            dpra                             dtpk
  5957.                            fire                             fuck
  5958.                            gp                               graftgold
  5959.                            huf                              huff
  5960.                            ice_tsm                          ift?
  5961.                            jr                               kdub
  5962.                            lob                              lzwh
  5963.                            magneticfields                   masm
  5964.                            mass                             pack
  5965.                            pak0                             propackexe
  5966.                            rle                              sf
  5967.                            spv3                             ssur
  5968.                            tpwm                             tsm
  5969.                            vdco                             vic2
  5970.                            vol1                             xp10
  5971.                            xpac                             xvdg
  5972.                       bootblock.library                bootblock.library.sig
  5973.                       fileid.library                   fileid.library.sig
  5974.                       filevirus.library                filevirus.library.sig
  5975.                       reqtools.library                 reqtools.library.sig
  5976.                       unpack.library                   unpack.library.sig
  5977.                       xfdmaster.library                xfdmaster.library.sig
  5978.                       xtruder.library                  xtruder.library.sig
  5979.                     registration (dir)
  5980.                       xtruder.regform                  xtruder.regform.info
  5981.                       xtruder.regform.sig              
  5982.                     rexx (dir)
  5983.                          dlg (dir)
  5984.                            xtrudercheck.rexx                
  5985.                          e!xi (dir)
  5986.                            e!xi-fv                          e!xi-fv.sig
  5987.                            e!xi.doc                         e!xi.doc.sig
  5988.                            e!xi.rexx                        
  5989.                          examples (dir)
  5990.                            xtrudercheckall.rexx             xtruderlistall.rexx
  5991.                            xtruder_checkfiles.rexx          xtruder_getfile.rexx
  5992.                            xtruder_getpath.rexx             xtruder_requestuser.rexx
  5993.                          transamiga (dir)
  5994.                            checkfiles.rexx                  
  5995.                          zeus (dir)
  5996.                            viruscheck.zeus                  
  5997.                  catalogs.info                    documentation.info
  5998.                  install                          install.info
  5999.                  install.sig                      registration.info
  6000.                  rexx.info                        xtruder
  6001.                  xtruder.info                     xtruder.sig
  6002.                  xtruder32.readme                 
  6003.             amicdfs2.info                    arq.info
  6004.             artm.info                        cycletomenu-2.1.info
  6005.             diskmasterii.info                docs
  6006.             docs.info                        kingcon1.3.info
  6007.             magicmenu.info                   mcxp326.info
  6008.             multicx2.info                    powersnap.info
  6009.             rekeyit.info                     snoopdos.info
  6010.             swazinfo.info                    tinymeter.info
  6011.             tm.config                        toolalias.info
  6012.             toolmanager                      toolmanager.info
  6013.             toolsdaemon.info                 xtruder.info
  6014.           indices (dir)
  6015.             afcd1.list                       afcd1.list.info
  6016.             afcd10.list                      afcd10.list.info
  6017.             afcd11.list                      afcd11.list.info
  6018.             afcd12.list                      afcd12.list.info
  6019.             afcd13.list                      afcd13.list.info
  6020.             afcd14.list                      afcd14.list.info
  6021.             afcd2.list                       afcd2.list.info
  6022.             afcd3.list                       afcd3.list.info
  6023.             afcd4.list                       afcd4.list.info
  6024.             afcd5.list                       afcd5.list.info
  6025.             afcd6.list                       afcd6.list.info
  6026.             afcd7.list                       afcd7.list.info
  6027.             afcd8.list                       afcd8.list.info
  6028.             afcd9.list                       afcd9.list.info
  6029.             amigaangels                      amigaangels.info
  6030.             games                            games.info
  6031.             indices.readme                   indices.readme.info
  6032.             serious                          serious.info
  6033.           nick's_anim (dir)
  6034.             nick                             nick.info
  6035.             rmn.ham8                         rmn.ham8.info
  6036.        +afcd_setup+                     +afcd_setup+.info
  6037.        afcd_survey                      afcd_survey.info
  6038.        af_on_the_web.info               clickforcolours
  6039.        clickforcolours.info             handy_tools.info
  6040.        indices.info                     magiccolors
  6041.        magiccolors.info                 nick's_anim.info
  6042.        reader_warrant                   reader_warrant.info
  6043.        readme_template                  readme_template.info
  6044.        submission_advice                submission_advice.info
  6045.      -pd_select- (dir)
  6046.           blackhair (dir)
  6047.                data (dir)
  6048.                  bgrsphere.stc                    bgrsphere2.stc
  6049.                  bladecode.raw                    bladegfx.raw
  6050.                  bladegfx2.raw                    blademusic.raw
  6051.                  blobbgr.cnk                      endlogo.blit
  6052.                  endwardlogo.blit                 env256³17.cnk
  6053.                  env256³17.shd                    himap.cnk
  6054.                  newlight.cnk                     newpracttxt.blit
  6055.                  newpresetxt.blit                 newtxtbgr.blit
  6056.                  newwardtxt.blit                  pattern5.cnk
  6057.                  precalced.dat                    syt1.blit
  6058.                  syt2.blit                        tabell.dat
  6059.                  table_insphere.stc               table_sphere.stc
  6060.                  table_tunnel                     tex_stone.chunky.stc
  6061.                  tex_tunnel.chunky                tex_tunnel.chunky.stc
  6062.                  titel.raw                        ts.tp3
  6063.                  tunnel.anim2                     wanim.blit
  6064.                  wavedpic.cnk                     
  6065.             black.exe                        black.exe.info
  6066.             data.info                        file_id.diz
  6067.             file_id.diz.info                 
  6068.           deusexmachina (dir)
  6069.             deusexmachina.exe                deusexmachina.exe.info
  6070.             deusexmachina.txt                deusexmachina.txt.info
  6071.             file_id.diz                      
  6072.           dust (dir)
  6073.             dsti.dat                         dust.dat
  6074.             dust.txt                         dust.txt.info
  6075.             dust_runme                       file_id.diz
  6076.             gurke                            tomate
  6077.           eclipse! (dir)
  6078.             bug.trm                          cuique.cmo
  6079.             deflate.library                  destruct.trm
  6080.             eclipse                          eclipse.info
  6081.             eclipse.readme                   eclipse.readme.info
  6082.             file_id.diz                      gear.trm
  6083.             intro1.trm                       intro2.trm
  6084.             intro3.trm                       replayer.library
  6085.             robot.trm                        robot.trm2
  6086.             spiff.trm                        synaptic.cmo
  6087.             takeoff.trm                      
  6088.           ephidrena (dir)
  6089.                compressors (dir)
  6090.                  xpknuke.library                  
  6091.             abiotic.exe                      file_id.diz
  6092.             how2install.txt                  how2install.txt.info
  6093.             info.txt                         info.txt.info
  6094.             xpkmaster.library                __abiotic1pal
  6095.             __abiotic2pal                    __abioticchk
  6096.             __abioticpal                     __bigtunnelmotiondat
  6097.             __blackpal                       __cosmopal
  6098.             __cosmoraw                       __crazydat
  6099.             __cred1chk                       __cred2chk
  6100.             __cred3chk                       __emptypal
  6101.             __epcot3d                        __epcotchk
  6102.             __epcotpal                       __ephpal
  6103.             __ephraw                         __flowerpal
  6104.             __flowerraw                      __fontpal
  6105.             __gigatunneldat                  __morph13d
  6106.             __morph23d                       __morphbgchk
  6107.             __morphpal                       __motiondat
  6108.             __p61trancelatermx               __plasmadat
  6109.             __plasmatxt2chk                  __plasmatxt2pal
  6110.             __plasmatxt3pal                  __plasmatxtchk
  6111.             __plasmatxtpal                   __quitdat
  6112.             __spacefieldspal                 __spacefieldsraw
  6113.             __sundat                         __suntxt2pal
  6114.             __suntxtchk                      __suntxtpal
  6115.             __tabelldat                      __tunneldat
  6116.             __tunnelmotiondat                __tunneltxtchk
  6117.             __tunneltxtpal                   __voxel2bumpchk
  6118.             __voxel2logsindat                __voxel2pal
  6119.             __voxel2ydat                     __voxelbumpchk
  6120.             __voxelpal                       __voxelsxdat
  6121.             __voxelsydat                     __voxeltextchk
  6122.             __whitepal                       
  6123.           ims-k64 (dir)
  6124.                read_this! (dir)
  6125.                  ..guitar_lord!                   ..lord!.small
  6126.                  .notb.78*18                      .notb.bbs.78*20
  6127.                  news                             
  6128.             file_id.diz                      ims-k64
  6129.             ims-k64.info                     ims-k64.lha
  6130.             readme                           readme.info
  6131.             release.nfo!                     
  6132.           tbl-cd (dir)
  6133.             file_id.diz                      tbl-cd.e01
  6134.             tbl-cd.e02                       tbl-cd.e03
  6135.             tbl-cd.e04                       tbl-cd.exe
  6136.             tbl-cd.exe.info                  tbl-cd.i01
  6137.             tbl-cd.i02                       tbl-cd.m01
  6138.             tbl-cd.m02                       tbl-cd.readme
  6139.             tbl-cd.readme.info               
  6140.        afdocs                           afdocs.info
  6141.        blackhair.info                   deusexmachina.info
  6142.        dust.info                        eclipse!.info
  6143.        ephidrena.info                   ims-k64.info
  6144.        tbl-cd.info                      
  6145.      -readerstuff- (dir)
  6146.           -gallery- (dir)
  6147.                andy_watkinson (dir)
  6148.                  readme.iff                       readme.iff.info
  6149.                  woman_from_scythia.24iff         woman_from_scythia.24iff.info
  6150.                chris_boyle (dir)
  6151.                  choppa!.iff8                     choppa!.iff8.info
  6152.                  choppa.ham8                      choppa.ham8.info
  6153.                  mask.ham8                        mask.ham8.info
  6154.                  neville.iff24                    neville.iff24.info
  6155.                  neville.iff8                     neville.iff8.info
  6156.                  norotor2.ham8                    norotor2.ham8.info
  6157.                  readme                           readme.info
  6158.                  yeuch!iff24                      yeuch!iff24.info
  6159.                  yeuch!iff8                       yeuch!iff8.info
  6160.                chris_haynes (dir)
  6161.                  lemmingonlandscape               lemmingonlandscape.info
  6162.                  readme                           readme.info
  6163.                  reservoir.greyscale.jpeg         reservoir.greyscale.jpeg.info
  6164.                  reservoir.jpeg                   reservoir.jpeg.info
  6165.                  shadow.jpeg                      shadow.jpeg.info
  6166.                c_a_shaw (dir)
  6167.                  carp.jpg                         carp.jpg.info
  6168.                  carp2.iff                        carp2.iff.info
  6169.                  clock.jpg                        clock.jpg.info
  6170.                  deepstrike.iff                   deepstrike.iff.info
  6171.                  genesis.jpg                      genesis.jpg.info
  6172.                  invasion.iff                     invasion.iff.info
  6173.                  noodle.jpg                       noodle.jpg.info
  6174.                  readme                           readme.info
  6175.                  stc.jpg                          stc.jpg.info
  6176.                darren_bentley (dir)
  6177.                  head                             head.info
  6178.                  mecha1                           mecha1.info
  6179.                  mecha2                           mecha2.info
  6180.                  readme                           readme.info
  6181.                  wireframe.pic                    wireframe.pic.info
  6182.                dave_james (dir)
  6183.                  starwars.iff                     starwars.iff.info
  6184.                  starwars.readme                  starwars.readme.info
  6185.                douglas_bayley (dir)
  6186.                  heaven'sabove                    heaven'sabove.info
  6187.                  readme                           readme.info
  6188.                fred_mackinnon (dir)
  6189.                  buglyspider.jpeg                 buglyspider.jpeg.info
  6190.                  fishbg.jpeg                      fishbg.jpeg.info
  6191.                  grotesque.jpeg                   grotesque.jpeg.info
  6192.                  ideal.jpeg                       ideal.jpeg.info
  6193.                  multihead.jpeg                   multihead.jpeg.info
  6194.                  phoenixbubble.jpeg               phoenixbubble.jpeg.info
  6195.                  readme                           readme.info
  6196.                  ricerocket.jpeg                  ricerocket.jpeg.info
  6197.                  swift&deadly.jpeg                swift&deadly.jpeg.info
  6198.                  toasterball.jpeg                 toasterball.jpeg.info
  6199.                  x-files.jpeg                     x-files.jpeg.info
  6200.                kelly_samel (dir)
  6201.                  alienofthesky10.anim5            alienofthesky10.anim5.info
  6202.                  alienofthesky10.readme           alienofthesky10.readme.info
  6203.                  flight.anim                      flight.anim.info
  6204.                  flight.readme                    flight.readme.info
  6205.                  mysticisland.anim                mysticisland.anim.info
  6206.                  mysticisland.readme              mysticisland.readme.info
  6207.                lee_martin (dir)
  6208.                  guschase.readme                  guschase.readme.info
  6209.                  guschasec4d3.anim                guschasec4d3.anim.info
  6210.                  trike.readme                     trike.readme.info
  6211.                  trike256.anim                    trike256.anim.info
  6212.                mark_rowles (dir)
  6213.                  alien.jpg                        alien.jpg.info
  6214.                  bassguitar.jpg                   bassguitar.jpg.info
  6215.                  cubism.jpg                       cubism.jpg.info
  6216.                  d10-synth.jpg                    d10-synth.jpg.info
  6217.                  floatinghead.jpg                 floatinghead.jpg.info
  6218.                  maproom.jpg                      maproom.jpg.info
  6219.                  pillars.jpg                      pillars.jpg.info
  6220.                  racingbike.jpg                   racingbike.jpg.info
  6221.                  read.me                          read.me.info
  6222.                  shark.jpg                        shark.jpg.info
  6223.                  stratocaster.jpg                 stratocaster.jpg.info
  6224.                  toytrains.jpg                    toytrains.jpg.info
  6225.                  videomixer.jpg                   videomixer.jpg.info
  6226.                s_c_norton (dir)
  6227.                  flea.txt                         flea.txt.info
  6228.                  fleainear                        fleainear.info
  6229.                  stteve1                          stteve1.info
  6230.                theo_kostas (dir)
  6231.                     flags (dir)
  6232.                       afdocs                           afdocs.info
  6233.                       greecemap                        greecemap.info
  6234.                       greekflag                        greekflag.info
  6235.                  bghorizon.iff                    bghorizon.iff.info
  6236.                  flags.info                       inthesummertime.jpeg
  6237.                  inthesummertime.jpeg.info        maui.ham8.iff
  6238.                  maui.ham8.iff.info               mauibeach.ham8.iff
  6239.                  mauibeach.ham8.iff.info          mountain.lores.iff
  6240.                  mountain.lores.iff.info          psyhedelia
  6241.                  psyhedelia.info                  readme
  6242.                  readme.info                      sealifetraced.jpg
  6243.                  sealifetraced.jpg.info           spacedof.ham8
  6244.                  spacedof.ham8.info               spacefight.jpeg
  6245.                  spacefight.jpeg.info             spacefire.jpeg
  6246.                  spacefire.jpeg.info              spacekamikazi.jpeg
  6247.                  spacekamikazi.jpeg.info          tolkin
  6248.                  tolkin.info                      
  6249.                thomas_cogley (dir)
  6250.                  cruise-close-up                  cruise-close-up.info
  6251.                  cruise3                          cruise3.info
  6252.                  cruise4                          cruise4.info
  6253.                  cruise5                          cruise5.info
  6254.                  cruise_missile2                  cruise_missile2.info
  6255.                  dogfighta                        dogfighta.info
  6256.                  dogfightb                        dogfightb.info
  6257.                  dogfightc                        dogfightc.info
  6258.                  dogfightd                        dogfightd.info
  6259.                  dogfighte                        dogfighte.info
  6260.                  dogfightf                        dogfightf.info
  6261.                  dogfightg                        dogfightg.info
  6262.                  dogfighth                        dogfighth.info
  6263.                  dogfighti                        dogfighti.info
  6264.                  dogfightj                        dogfightj.info
  6265.                  f-104a                           f-104a.info
  6266.                  mig-15                           mig-15.info
  6267.                  mig-21a                          mig-21a.info
  6268.                  readme                           readme.info
  6269.             andy_watkinson.info              chris_boyle.info
  6270.             chris_haynes.info                c_a_shaw.info
  6271.             darren_bentley.info              dave_james.info
  6272.             douglas_bayley.info              fred_mackinnon.info
  6273.             kelly_samel.info                 lee_martin.info
  6274.             mark_rowles.info                 s_c_norton.info
  6275.             theo_kostas.info                 thomas_cogley.info
  6276.           a_vermeule (dir)
  6277.                matrials (dir)
  6278.                  eagle.mat                        eagle.mat.info
  6279.                object (dir)
  6280.                  eagle.obj                        eagle.obj.info
  6281.                textures (dir)
  6282.                  alpha-moonbase                   beplating-hor
  6283.                  blok-b                           boven-28-28
  6284.                  boven-32-28                      dwarsl-achter
  6285.                  dwarsl-voor                      langsl-boven
  6286.                  rillen-module                    rode-streep
  6287.                  rondom-front                     window
  6288.                  zykant-stuur                     
  6289.             eagle.jpg                        eagle.jpg.info
  6290.             matrials.info                    object.info
  6291.             read_me                          read_me.info
  6292.             textures.info                    
  6293.           chris_haynes (dir)
  6294.             flister.guide                    flister.guide.info
  6295.             flister_v1.1                     flister_v1.1.info
  6296.             readme                           readme.info
  6297.           dave_higton (dir)
  6298.             bog.3312.wrm                     bog.3312.wrm.info
  6299.             cogs.3331.wrm                    cogs.3331.wrm.info
  6300.             complex.2372.wrm                 complex.2372.wrm.info
  6301.             cybercity.3431.wrm               cybercity.3431.wrm.info
  6302.             halloween.3357.wrm               halloween.3357.wrm.info
  6303.             hangin.3379.wrm                  hangin.3379.wrm.info
  6304.             ice.3123.wrm                     ice.3123.wrm.info
  6305.             idwrm.3319.wrm                   idwrm.3319.wrm.info
  6306.             platform.2332.wrm                platform.2332.wrm.info
  6307.             telecom.2353.wrm                 telecom.2353.wrm.info
  6308.             towers.3356.wrm                  towers.3356.wrm.info
  6309.             ufos.2359.wrm                    ufos.2359.wrm.info
  6310.             wormslevels.guide                wormslevels.guide.info
  6311.           joe_zarb (dir)
  6312.                searchguide (dir)
  6313.                     catalogs (dir)
  6314.                          deutsch (dir)
  6315.                            searchguide.catalog              
  6316.                          español (dir)
  6317.                            searchguide.catalog              
  6318.                          français (dir)
  6319.                            searchguide.catalog              
  6320.                          italiano (dir)
  6321.                            searchguide.catalog              
  6322.                          nederlands (dir)
  6323.                            searchguide.catalog              
  6324.                          norsk (dir)
  6325.                            searchguide.catalog              
  6326.                          polski (dir)
  6327.                            searchguide.catalog              
  6328.                          svenska (dir)
  6329.                            searchguide.catalog              
  6330.                     install (dir)
  6331.                       english.info                     français.info
  6332.                       install_searchguide              
  6333.                  install.info                     searchguide
  6334.                  searchguide.cd                   searchguide.ct
  6335.                  searchguide.guide                searchguide.guide.info
  6336.             cdindex.ascii                    cdindex.ascii.info
  6337.             cdindex.guide                    cdindex.guide.info
  6338.             readme                           readme.info
  6339.             reqtools.library                 searchguide.info
  6340.           martin_bell (dir)
  6341.                brushes (dir)
  6342.                  cockpit names                    cockpit names.info
  6343.                  danger intakeleft                danger intakeleft.info
  6344.                  danger intakeright               danger intakeright.info
  6345.                  darkstrip                        darkstrip.info
  6346.                  darkstripthick                   darkstripthick.info
  6347.                  eject.brush3                     eject.brush3.info
  6348.                  engboxleft.brush                 engboxleft.brush.info
  6349.                  engboxright.brush                engboxright.brush.info
  6350.                  front pod warning.brush          front pod warning.brush.info
  6351.                  frontleft pod .brush             frontleft pod .brush.info
  6352.                  frontleftred box.brush           frontleftred box.brush.info
  6353.                  frontright pod .brush            frontright pod .brush.info
  6354.                  frontrightred box.brush          frontrightred box.brush.info
  6355.                  left rescue.brush                left rescue.brush.info
  6356.                  left01.brush                     left01.brush.info
  6357.                  missle 1.brush                   missle 1.brush.info
  6358.                  missle 2.brush                   missle 2.brush.info
  6359.                  missle3.brush                    missle3.brush.info
  6360.                  rear pod warning.brush           rear pod warning.brush.info
  6361.                  rearjetblastleft                 rearjetblastleft.info
  6362.                  rearjetblastright                rearjetblastright.info
  6363.                  rearleft pod .brush              rearleft pod .brush.info
  6364.                  rearright pod .brush             rearright pod .brush.info
  6365.                  reartop                          reartop.info
  6366.                  right rescue.brush               right rescue.brush.info
  6367.                  right01.brush                    right01.brush.info
  6368.                  small01l.brush                   small01l.brush.info
  6369.                  smallfront aft.brush             smallfront aft.brush.info
  6370.                  smallfront fore.brush            smallfront fore.brush.info
  6371.                  smallrear.brush                  smallrear.brush.info
  6372.                  smallrearmid.brush               smallrearmid.brush.info
  6373.                  tophatch.brush                   tophatch.brush.info
  6374.                  topred box.brush                 topred box.brush.info
  6375.             brushes.info                     dropship.iob
  6376.             readme                           readme.info
  6377.           mauro_lourenco (dir)
  6378.                c (dir)
  6379.                  assign                           endcli
  6380.                data (dir)
  6381.                  data1                            data10
  6382.                  data11                           data12
  6383.                  data2                            data3
  6384.                  data4                            data5
  6385.                  data6                            data7
  6386.                  data8                            data9
  6387.                  fase1                            fase10
  6388.                  fase2                            fase3
  6389.                  fase4                            fase5
  6390.                  fase6                            fase7
  6391.                  fase8                            
  6392.                devs (dir)
  6393.                  system-configuration             
  6394.                fonts (dir)
  6395.                     diamond (dir)
  6396.                       12                               
  6397.                     helvetica (dir)
  6398.                       118                              
  6399.                  diamond.font                     helvetica.font
  6400.                l (dir)
  6401.                  disk-validator                   ram-handler
  6402.                libs (dir)
  6403.                  diskfont.library                 icon.library
  6404.                  mathieeedoubbas.library          mathtrans.library
  6405.                s (dir)
  6406.                  startup-sequence                 
  6407.             afdocs                           afdocs.info
  6408.             barravento                       barravento.dms
  6409.             barravento.guide                 barravento.guide.info
  6410.             barravento.info                  blows.iff
  6411.             extract_barravento               extract_barravento.info
  6412.             intro                            
  6413.           paolo_cattani (dir)
  6414.             aformulaone                      aformulaone.info
  6415.             car01.3do                        car02.3do
  6416.             car03.3do                        car04.3do
  6417.             car05.3do                        car06.3do
  6418.             car07.3do                        car08.3do
  6419.             car09.3do                        car10.3do
  6420.             ctrl1.ctp                        horbrush.data
  6421.             multi_aformulaone                multi_aformulaone.info
  6422.             obj01.3do                        obj02.3do
  6423.             obj03.3do                        obj04.3do
  6424.             obj05.3do                        obj06.3do
  6425.             obj07.3do                        obj08.3do
  6426.             readmenow!!!                     readmenow!!!.info
  6427.             realbrush.data                   schermobrush.data
  6428.             verbrush.data                    
  6429.           p_tompkins (dir)
  6430.             playstation.ascii                playstation.ascii.info
  6431.             playstation.finaldata            playstation.finaldata.info
  6432.             readme                           readme.info
  6433.           stu_mackie (dir)
  6434.                docs (dir)
  6435.                  example-prefs                    example-prefs.info
  6436.                  millenium.doc                    millenium.doc.info
  6437.                  millenium.guide                  millenium.guide.info
  6438.                sounds (dir)
  6439.                  bells                            bells2
  6440.                  bong                             chime
  6441.             docs.info                        millenium
  6442.             millenium.info                   millenium.prefs
  6443.             millenium.readme                 millenium.readme.info
  6444.             sounds.info                      
  6445.           theo_kostas (dir)
  6446.                animations (dir)
  6447.                  amigamorph.anim5                 amigamorph.anim5.info
  6448.                  earth.anim5                      earth.anim5.info
  6449.                  elena.anim5                      elena.anim5.info
  6450.                  fighter.anim5                    fighter.anim5.info
  6451.                  kostaslogo.ham8.8_16             kostaslogo.ham8.8_16.info
  6452.                  news.anim5                       news.anim5.info
  6453.                  tunel.anim5                      tunel.anim5.info
  6454.                brushmaps (dir)
  6455.                  clockmap                         clockmap.info
  6456.                  cloudsbgqs.24bit                 cloudsbgqs.24bit.info
  6457.                  cloudssummer.24bit               cloudssummer.24bit.info
  6458.                  clouds_half.24bit                clouds_half.24bit.info
  6459.                  ombrella.color                   ombrella.color.info
  6460.                  sky.color                        sky.color.info
  6461.                  sky.filter                       sky.filter.info
  6462.                  space.color                      space.color.info
  6463.                  spacenebula.24bit                spacenebula.24bit.info
  6464.                  spacesmall.color                 spacesmall.color.info
  6465.                  tennisball.color                 tennisball.color.info
  6466.                  tenniscourt.color                tenniscourt.color.info
  6467.                  tvscreen.color                   tvscreen.color.info
  6468.                  world.altitude                   world.altitude.info
  6469.                  world.color                      world.color.info
  6470.                imagineobjects (dir)
  6471.                     dollparts (dir)
  6472.                       foot                             hand
  6473.                       limb                             
  6474.                  ball                             beach
  6475.                  clock                            clockpointer
  6476.                  doll.cobj                        earth
  6477.                  electionsbox                     island
  6478.                  lt                               ltlight
  6479.                  moon                             ombrella
  6480.                  racket                           rock.form
  6481.                  sea                              sky
  6482.                  tenniscourt                      tv
  6483.                  volcano                          
  6484.                originalfiles (dir)
  6485.                  afsubmission.000                 afsubmission.001
  6486.                  afsubmission.002                 afsubmission.003
  6487.                  afsubmission.004                 afsubmission.005
  6488.                  afsubmission.006                 afsubmission.007
  6489.                  afsubmission.008                 afsubmission.009
  6490.                  afsubmission.010                 afsubmission.011
  6491.                  afsubmission.012                 afsubmission.013
  6492.                  afsubmission.014                 afsubmission.015
  6493.                  afsubmission.016                 af_readme
  6494.                  af_readme.info                   
  6495.                otherstuff (dir)
  6496.                     forthegreekwbonly (dir)
  6497.                       greekkeyb                        greekkeyb.info
  6498.                       greekwb                          greekwb.info
  6499.                     prefs (dir)
  6500.                          presets (dir)
  6501.                            gr.font                          gr.font.info
  6502.                            gr.locale                        gr.locale.info
  6503.                            maxmemvga.screenmode             maxmemvga.screenmode.info
  6504.                            pal.screenmode                   pal.screenmode.info
  6505.                            vga.screenmode                   vga.screenmode.info
  6506.                       presets.info                     
  6507.                     s (dir)
  6508.                       startup-sequence                 startup-sequence.pal
  6509.                  forthegreekwbonly.info           prefs.info
  6510.                  s.info                           
  6511.             animations.info                  brushmaps.info
  6512.             imagineobjects.info              originalfiles.info
  6513.             otherstuff.info                  readme
  6514.             readme.info                      
  6515.           timm_rutland (dir)
  6516.                afcd10 (dir)
  6517.                     afcd10 (dir)
  6518.                       afcd10 main menu                 games
  6519.                       pd select                        serious
  6520.                     scripts (dir)
  6521.                          games (dir)
  6522.                            apexgolf                         galactic
  6523.                            jp-1                             tommy-gun
  6524.                            youngdefender                    
  6525.                          misc (dir)
  6526.                            ben.start                        end
  6527.                          pd (dir)
  6528.                            animatrek1                       animatrek2
  6529.                            cartheft                         
  6530.                          serious (dir)
  6531.                            fontmachine                      webview
  6532.                     sfx (dir)
  6533.                       3.snd                            click
  6534.                       data.iff                         nexttime.snd
  6535.                       startrek.iff                     thanks.snd
  6536.                  afcd10.mme                       afcd10_menu_system
  6537.                  afcd10_menu_system.info          loading.pic
  6538.                  mmeplayer                        
  6539.                afcd11 (dir)
  6540.                     afcd11 (dir)
  6541.                       afcd11 main menu                 games
  6542.                       games2                           pd select
  6543.                       serious                          
  6544.                     fonts (dir)
  6545.                          baselcb (dir)
  6546.                            16                               
  6547.                          helvetica (dir)
  6548.                            13                               15
  6549.                       baselcb.font                     helvetica.font
  6550.                     scripts (dir)
  6551.                          games (dir)
  6552.                            asokoban                         atoms3.1
  6553.                            bloodbath                        bor
  6554.                            burnoutdemo                      cyberdrone
  6555.                            flightcontrol                    miniarcanoid
  6556.                            pacman96                         poing4
  6557.                            roboball                         snakebyte
  6558.                            strangersaga                     tankkk
  6559.                            vermone2                         
  6560.                          misc (dir)
  6561.                            ben.start                        end
  6562.                          pdselect (dir)
  6563.                            once_upon_a_view                 twinpeaks
  6564.                          serious (dir)
  6565.                            drawstudio                       ppaint
  6566.                            turbocalc                        
  6567.                       serious.info                     
  6568.                     sfx (dir)
  6569.                       click                            digtest.iff
  6570.                       emc.newstyle.vox                 talktome
  6571.                       thanks.snd                       yoda.snd
  6572.                     text (dir)
  6573.                       games                            
  6574.                  afcd11.mme                       afcd11_menu_system
  6575.                  afcd11_menu_system.info          loading.pic
  6576.                  mmeplayer                        
  6577.                afcd12 (dir)
  6578.                     afcd12 (dir)
  6579.                       afcd12 main menu                 games menu
  6580.                       pd select                        serious
  6581.                     scripts (dir)
  6582.                       ben.start                        demo_atlantica
  6583.                       demo_everywhere                  demo_makaveli
  6584.                       demo_mimosa                      demo_puppets
  6585.                       demo_soprano                     demo_subzero
  6586.                       demo_sustain                     end
  6587.                       game_battleships                 game_frontal_assault
  6588.                       game_jumpman                     game_monopoly
  6589.                       game_soliton                     game_splatt
  6590.                       game_timewarrior                 game_youngdefender
  6591.                       game_ytz                         serious_cinema4d2
  6592.                       serious_ppaint                   
  6593.                     sfx (dir)
  6594.                       another_time.iff                 click
  6595.                       i__protest.iff                   toboldlygo.iff
  6596.                       torpedoesaway.iff                your_dead.iff
  6597.                  afcd12.mme                       afcd12_menu_system
  6598.                  afcd12_menu_system.info          loading.pic
  6599.                  mmeplayer                        
  6600.             afcd10.info                      afcd11.info
  6601.             afcd12.info                      read_me
  6602.             read_me.info                     
  6603.           tony_p_parr (dir)
  6604.                animsdrawer (dir)
  6605.                  animsdrawer2.info                anim_1.info
  6606.                  anim_1a.info                     anim_2.info
  6607.                  anim_2a.info                     anim_3.info
  6608.                  anim_3a.info                     anim_4.info
  6609.                  anim_4a.info                     anim_5.info
  6610.                  anim_5a.info                     
  6611.                demosdrawer (dir)
  6612.                  demosdrawer2.info                demo_1.info
  6613.                  demo_1a.info                     demo_2.info
  6614.                  demo_2a.info                     demo_3.info
  6615.                  demo_3a.info                     demo_4.info
  6616.                  demo_4a.info                     demo_5.info
  6617.                  demo_5a.info                     
  6618.                disk_icons (dir)
  6619.                  aformat_cd.info                  aformat_cd2.info
  6620.                  aformat_disk.info                
  6621.                musicdrawer (dir)
  6622.                  musicdrawer2.info                music_1.info
  6623.                  music_1a.info                    music_2.info
  6624.                  music_2a.info                    music_3.info
  6625.                  music_3a.info                    music_4.info
  6626.                  music_4a.info                    music_5.info
  6627.                  music_5a.info                    
  6628.                picturedrawer (dir)
  6629.                  picturedrawer2.info              picture_1a.info
  6630.                  picture_2.info                   picture_2a.info
  6631.                  picture_3.info                   picture_3a.info
  6632.                  picture_4.info                   picture_4a.info
  6633.                  picture_5.info                   picture_5a.info
  6634.                progsdrawer (dir)
  6635.                  progsdrawer2.info                progs_1.info
  6636.                  progs_1a.info                    progs_2.info
  6637.                  progs_2a.info                    progs_3.info
  6638.                  progs_3a.info                    progs_4.info
  6639.                  progs_4a.info                    progs_5.info
  6640.                  progs_5a.info                    
  6641.                templates (dir)
  6642.                     af_brushes (dir)
  6643.                         .info                          af.bsh
  6644.                       aformattext.bsh                  brush.bsh
  6645.                       disks.bsh                        drawercorners.bsh
  6646.                       face.bsh                         futpubtxt.bsh
  6647.                       hammer.bsh                       handles.bsh
  6648.                       music.bsh                        publishing.bsh
  6649.                       speakers.bsh                     wrench&hammer.bsh
  6650.                  af_brushes.info                  drawerblank.info
  6651.                  drawerlogo.info                  drawer_1.info
  6652.                  drawer_2.info                    drawer_3.info
  6653.                  drawer_4.info                    drawer_5.info
  6654.             animsdrawer.info                 demosdrawer.info
  6655.             disk_icons.info                  musicdrawer.info
  6656.             picturedrawer.info               preview
  6657.             preview.info                     progsdrawer.info
  6658.             readme                           readme.info
  6659.             templates.info                   
  6660.           william_harvey (dir)
  6661.             a1200upgrade.guide               a1200upgrade.guide.info
  6662.             a1200upgrade.text.asc            a1200upgrade.text.asc.info
  6663.             bill.iff                         bill.iff.info
  6664.             readmefirst                      readmefirst.info
  6665.        -gallery-.info                   a_vermeule.info
  6666.        chris_haynes.info                dave_higton.info
  6667.        joe_zarb.info                    martin_bell.info
  6668.        mauro_lourenco.info              paolo_cattani.info
  6669.        p_tompkins.info                  reader_warrant
  6670.        reader_warrant.info              readme_template
  6671.        readme_template.info             stu_mackie.info
  6672.        subad.html                       submission_advice
  6673.        submission_advice.info           theo_kostas.info
  6674.        timm_rutland.info                tony_p_parr.info
  6675.        william_harvey.info              
  6676.      -screenplay- (dir)
  6677.           commercial (dir)
  6678.                charliechimp97 (dir)
  6679.                     c (dir)
  6680.                     devs (dir)
  6681.                     l (dir)
  6682.                       disk-validator                   
  6683.                     levels (dir)
  6684.                       lev1.datsq                       lev1.picsq
  6685.                       lev10.datsq                      lev10.picsq
  6686.                       lev11.datsq                      lev11.picsq
  6687.                       lev12.datsq                      lev12.picsq
  6688.                       lev13.datsq                      lev13.picsq
  6689.                       lev14.datsq                      lev14.picsq
  6690.                       lev15.datsq                      lev15.picsq
  6691.                       lev16.datsq                      lev16.picsq
  6692.                       lev17.datsq                      lev17.picsq
  6693.                       lev18.datsq                      lev18.picsq
  6694.                       lev19.datsq                      lev19.picsq
  6695.                       lev2.datsq                       lev2.picsq
  6696.                       lev20.datsq                      lev20.picsq
  6697.                       lev21.datsq                      lev21.picsq
  6698.                       lev22.datsq                      lev22.picsq
  6699.                       lev23.datsq                      lev23.picsq
  6700.                       lev24.datsq                      lev24.picsq
  6701.                       lev25.datsq                      lev25.picsq
  6702.                       lev26.datsq                      lev26.picsq
  6703.                       lev27.datsq                      lev27.picsq
  6704.                       lev28.datsq                      lev28.picsq
  6705.                       lev29.datsq                      lev29.picsq
  6706.                       lev3.datsq                       lev3.picsq
  6707.                       lev30.datsq                      lev30.picsq
  6708.                       lev4.datsq                       lev4.picsq
  6709.                       lev5.datsq                       lev5.picsq
  6710.                       lev6.datsq                       lev6.picsq
  6711.                       lev7.datsq                       lev7.picsq
  6712.                       lev8.datsq                       lev8.picsq
  6713.                       lev9.datsq                       lev9.picsq
  6714.                     libs (dir)
  6715.                     main graphics (dir)
  6716.                       amoslogo.abk                     bigicons.abk
  6717.                       bonusanims.abk                   bonuspack.abk
  6718.                       charliegover.abk                 charlieintropic.abk
  6719.                       cu.pic                           endofgame.pac
  6720.                       extraman.pac                     goldmessages.abk
  6721.                       highscorecharlie.abk             highscorepack.abk
  6722.                       junglebits.abk                   loading1.pac
  6723.                       loading2.pac                     loading3.pac
  6724.                       loadlevelfont.abk                location1_squeezed.abk
  6725.                       location2_squeezed.abk           location3_squeezed.abk
  6726.                       nuclearbits.abk                  part1.abk
  6727.                       part2.abk                        texticons2.abk
  6728.                       underwaterbits.abk               
  6729.                     monsters (dir)
  6730.                       bear.abk                         crab.abk
  6731.                       dalek1.abk                       dalek2.abk
  6732.                       eel.abk                          gorilla.abk
  6733.                       lemur.abk                        nuclearman.abk
  6734.                       parrot.abk                       penguin.abk
  6735.                       redbird.abk                      robot.abk
  6736.                       shark.abk                        snake.abk
  6737.                       toucan.abk                       turtle.abk
  6738.                       walker1.abk                      walker2.abk
  6739.                     odds (dir)
  6740.                       bonusrainbow.abk                 chimp1tune.abk
  6741.                       data.abk                         goldrainbownumbers.abk
  6742.                       rainbownumbers.abk               
  6743.                     s (dir)
  6744.                       startup-sequence                 
  6745.                     slides (dir)
  6746.                       ccii_pac_1.pac                   ccii_pac_2.pac
  6747.                       ccii_pac_3.pac                   ccii_pac_4.pac
  6748.                       dizzy2_pac_1.pac                 dizzy2_pac_2.abk
  6749.                       poker_pac_1.pac                  rally.pac
  6750.                       robin1.pac                       robin2.pac
  6751.                       sens1.pac                        sens2.pac
  6752.                       spacefighter.pac                 
  6753.                  .info                            afdocs
  6754.                  afdocs.info                      charliechimp
  6755.                  charliechimp.dms                 charliechimp.info
  6756.                  extract_charliechimp             extract_charliechimp.info
  6757.                  slides.info                      
  6758.                great_escape (dir)
  6759.                     devs (dir)
  6760.                       system-configuration             
  6761.                     main_files (dir)
  6762.                       bobs.dat                         cu.pic
  6763.                       end_of_game.squashed             game_map.map
  6764.                       game_map.val                     game_music.mus
  6765.                       intro.mus                        intro_picture.pic
  6766.                       locations.squashed               messages.dat
  6767.                       objects.dat                      object_names.dat
  6768.                       palette.dat                      rainbow.ccf
  6769.                       room_names.dat                   score_energy.pic
  6770.                       sprites.squashed                 statistics.dat
  6771.                       tiles.squashed                   zones.dat
  6772.                     s (dir)
  6773.                       startup-sequence                 
  6774.                     slides (dir)
  6775.                       blood_pac_1.abk                  blood_pac_2.pac
  6776.                       blood_pac_3.pac                  ccii_pac_1.pac
  6777.                       ccii_pac_2.pac                   ccii_pac_3.pac
  6778.                       ccii_pac_4.pac                   cc_pac_1.pac
  6779.                       cc_pac_2.abk                     cc_pac_3.abk
  6780.                       cc_pac_4.abk                     dizzy1_pac_1.pac
  6781.                       dizzy1_pac_2.pac                 dizzy2_pac_1.pac
  6782.                       dizzy2_pac_2.pac                 poker_pac_1.pac
  6783.                       rally.pac                        robin1.pac
  6784.                       robin2.pac                       sens1.pac
  6785.                       sens2.pac                        spacefighter.pac
  6786.                       toy_pic1.pic                     toy_pic2.pic
  6787.                       toy_pic3.pic                     underwater.pac
  6788.                       underwater_pic.pic               
  6789.                  afdocs                           afdocs.info
  6790.                  extract_greatescape              extract_greatescape.info
  6791.                  greatescape                      greatescape.dms
  6792.                  greatescape.info                 main_file
  6793.                vulcan (dir)
  6794.                     5asidefootbal (dir)
  6795.                       0-grass.iff                      0-grass.iff.info
  6796.                     genepics (dir)
  6797.                       dead_scientist.256               dead_scientist.256.info
  6798.                       grabiff.001                      grabiff.001.info
  6799.                       grabiff.003                      grabiff.003.info
  6800.                       grabnottobeinstalled1.iff        grabnottobeinstalled1.iff.info
  6801.                       grabnottobeinstalled2.iff        grabnottobeinstalled2.iff.info
  6802.                       testwalk.anim                    testwalk.anim.info
  6803.                     genetic-demo (dir)
  6804.                          libs (dir)
  6805.                               rtg (dir)
  6806.                                 rtgami.library                   rtgcgx.library
  6807.                                 rtgegs.library                   rtgpica.library
  6808.                            rtgmaster.library                
  6809.                       geneticdemo.data                 geneticdemo.exe
  6810.                       geneticspecies                   geneticspecies.exe
  6811.                       geneticspecies.info              level01.alpha
  6812.                       level01.explode                  level01.floors
  6813.                       level01.map                      level01.objects
  6814.                       level01.samples                  level01.walls
  6815.                       readme                           readme.info
  6816.                       stage00                          winsiz128
  6817.                       winsiz160                        winsiz192
  6818.                       winsiz224                        winsiz256
  6819.                       winsiz288                        winsiz320
  6820.                     hellpigs (dir)
  6821.                       shot02.iff                       shot02.iff.info
  6822.                       shot03.iff                       shot03.iff.info
  6823.                       shot04.iff                       shot04.iff.info
  6824.                       shot05.iff                       shot05.iff.info
  6825.                       shot06.iff                       shot06.iff.info
  6826.                       shot07.iff                       shot07.iff.info
  6827.                       shot08.iff                       shot08.iff.info
  6828.                       shot09.iff                       shot09.iff.info
  6829.                       shot10.iff                       shot10.iff.info
  6830.                       shot11.iff                       shot11.iff.info
  6831.                       shot12.iff                       shot12.iff.info
  6832.                       shot13.iff                       shot13.iff.info
  6833.                       shot14.iff                       shot14.iff.info
  6834.                       shot15.iff                       shot15.iff.info
  6835.                       shot16.iff                       shot16.iff.info
  6836.                       shot17.iff                       shot17.iff.info
  6837.                       shot18.iff                       shot18.iff.info
  6838.                       shot19.iff                       shot19.iff.info
  6839.                       shot20.iff                       shot20.iff.info
  6840.                       shot21.iff                       shot21.iff.info
  6841.                       shot22.iff                       shot22.iff.info
  6842.                       shot23.iff                       shot23.iff.info
  6843.                       shot24.iff                       shot24.iff.info
  6844.                       shot25.iff                       shot25.iff.info
  6845.                       shot26.iff                       shot26.iff.info
  6846.                     odyssey (dir)
  6847.                       bigmaze.iff                      bigmaze.iff.info
  6848.                       eye-hir.iff                      eye-hir.iff.info
  6849.                       features.txt                     features.txt.info
  6850.                       instruct.txt                     instruct.txt.info
  6851.                       l1-pic2.iff                      l1-pic2.iff.info
  6852.                       l2-pic3.iff                      l2-pic3.iff.info
  6853.                       l3-pic3.iff                      l3-pic3.iff.info
  6854.                       plot.txt                         plot.txt.info
  6855.                       using1.iff                       using1.iff.info
  6856.                       using2.iff                       using2.iff.info
  6857.                       using3.iff                       using3.iff.info
  6858.                       using4.iff                       using4.iff.info
  6859.                       using5.iff                       using5.iff.info
  6860.                       using6.iff                       using6.iff.info
  6861.                     pinball (dir)
  6862.                       countryrlay.iff                  countryrlay.iff.info
  6863.                       intropic.iff                     intropic.iff.info
  6864.                     strangers (dir)
  6865.                       -level02.ham8                    -level02.ham8.info
  6866.                       -level04.ham8                    -level04.ham8.info
  6867.                       -level05.ham8                    -level05.ham8.info
  6868.                       -level06.ham8                    -level06.ham8.info
  6869.                       -level07.ham8                    -level07.ham8.info
  6870.                     uropa2 (dir)
  6871.                       afoggyday.iff                    afoggyday.iff.info
  6872.                       aliens.iff                       aliens.iff.info
  6873.                       allisquiet.iff                   allisquiet.iff.info
  6874.                       alongdrop.iff                    alongdrop.iff.info
  6875.                       deadlytrap.iff                   deadlytrap.iff.info
  6876.                       gotem.iff                        gotem.iff.info
  6877.                       hovarattack.iff                  hovarattack.iff.info
  6878.                       hovardeath.iff                   hovardeath.iff.info
  6879.                       miningarea.iff                   miningarea.iff.info
  6880.                       popupguns.iff                    popupguns.iff.info
  6881.                       reactorcore.iff                  reactorcore.iff.info
  6882.                       reactorvent.iff                  reactorvent.iff.info
  6883.                       recreationroom.iff               recreationroom.iff.info
  6884.                       squadron.iff                     squadron.iff.info
  6885.                       stealthsurprise.iff              stealthsurprise.iff.info
  6886.                       supplydepot.iff                  supplydepot.iff.info
  6887.                       surfaceweapons.iff               surfaceweapons.iff.info
  6888.                       tanks.iff                        tanks.iff.info
  6889.                       transporter.iff                  transporter.iff.info
  6890.                       upinflames.iff                   upinflames.iff.info
  6891.                     vulcan (dir)
  6892.                       big-min-hir(256).iff             big-min-hir(256).iff.info
  6893.                       big-vul-hir(256).iff             big-vul-hir(256).iff.info
  6894.                       lisa&paul.iff                    lisa&paul.iff.info
  6895.                     wasteddreams (dir)
  6896.                       01.iff                           01.iff.info
  6897.                       02.iff                           02.iff.info
  6898.                       03.iff                           03.iff.info
  6899.                       04.iff                           04.iff.info
  6900.                       05.iff                           05.iff.info
  6901.                       06.iff                           06.iff.info
  6902.                       07.iff                           07.iff.info
  6903.                       08.iff                           08.iff.info
  6904.                       09.iff                           09.iff.info
  6905.                       10.iff                           10.iff.info
  6906.                       11.iff                           11.iff.info
  6907.                       12.iff                           12.iff.info
  6908.                       13.iff                           13.iff.info
  6909.                       14.iff                           14.iff.info
  6910.                       15.iff                           15.iff.info
  6911.                       16.iff                           16.iff.info
  6912.                       17.iff                           17.iff.info
  6913.                       18.iff                           18.iff.info
  6914.                       19.iff                           19.iff.info
  6915.                       20.iff                           20.iff.info
  6916.                       21.iff                           21.iff.info
  6917.                       22.iff                           22.iff.info
  6918.                       23.iff                           23.iff.info
  6919.                       24.iff                           24.iff.info
  6920.                       25.iff                           25.iff.info
  6921.                       26.iff                           26.iff.info
  6922.                       27.iff                           27.iff.info
  6923.                       28.iff                           28.iff.info
  6924.                       29.iff                           29.iff.info
  6925.                       30.iff                           30.iff.info
  6926.                       31.iff                           31.iff.info
  6927.                       32.iff                           32.iff.info
  6928.                       wasteddreams                     wasteddreams.info
  6929.                  5asidefootbal.info               genepics.info
  6930.                  genetic-demo.info                hellanim.anim
  6931.                  hellanim.anim.info               hellpigs.info
  6932.                  odyssey.info                     pinball.info
  6933.                  strangers.info                   uropa2.info
  6934.                  vulcan.info                      wasteddreams.info
  6935.                wrath_of_gwendor (dir)
  6936.                     abk (dir)
  6937.                       axebit.abk                       axeman.squashed
  6938.                       bank16.abk                       bank5.abk
  6939.                       clubbit.abk                      clubman.squashed
  6940.                       coiney.abk                       cpit.abk
  6941.                       crawler.squashed                 cu.pic
  6942.                       default2.squashed                endpal.abk
  6943.                       end_of_game.abk                  enerybarbits.abk
  6944.                       gameover.abk                     gameover2.abk
  6945.                       gravepal.abk                     hammerbit.abk
  6946.                       hammerman.squashed               heart.abk
  6947.                       intro_picture.pic                ld1.squashed
  6948.                       ld2.squashed                     ld3.squashed
  6949.                       ld4.squashed                     ld5.squashed
  6950.                       ld6.squashed                     ld7.squashed
  6951.                       ld8.squashed                     pic1.abk
  6952.                       pic3.abk                         sag.squashed
  6953.                       scorebob.abk                     scoreicons.abk
  6954.                       shop.squashed                    shoppic.abk
  6955.                       snakey.squashed                  swordbit.abk
  6956.                       swordman.squashed                tune.abk
  6957.                       volpal.abk                       
  6958.                     c (dir)
  6959.                     devs (dir)
  6960.                     fi (dir)
  6961.                       crawlerdat                       mondat1
  6962.                       mondat2                          mondat3
  6963.                       mondat4                          mondat5
  6964.                       mondat6                          mondat7
  6965.                       mondat8                          sag1
  6966.                       sag2                             snakedat
  6967.                     l (dir)
  6968.                       disk-validator                   
  6969.                     libs (dir)
  6970.                     s (dir)
  6971.                       startup-sequence                 
  6972.                     sc (dir)
  6973.                       screenslev1                      screenslev2
  6974.                       screenslev3                      screenslev4
  6975.                       screenslev5                      screenslev6
  6976.                       screenslev7                      screenslev8
  6977.                     slides (dir)
  6978.                       ccii_pac_1.pac                   ccii_pac_2.pac
  6979.                       ccii_pac_3.pac                   ccii_pac_4.pac
  6980.                       cc_pac_1.pac                     cc_pac_2.abk
  6981.                       cc_pac_3.abk                     cc_pac_4.abk
  6982.                       dizzy1_pac_1.pac                 dizzy1_pac_2.pac
  6983.                       dizzy2_pac_1.pac                 dizzy2_pac_2.pac
  6984.                       poker_pac_1.pac                  rally.pac
  6985.                       robin1.pac                       robin2.pac
  6986.                       sens1.pac                        sens2.pac
  6987.                       spacefighter.pac                 toy_pic1.pic
  6988.                       toy_pic2.pic                     toy_pic3.pic
  6989.                       underwater.pac                   underwater_pic.pic
  6990.                  .info                            afdocs
  6991.                  afdocs.info                      extract_wrath_of_gwendor
  6992.                  extract_wrath_of_gwendor.info    main_file
  6993.                  slides.info                      wrath_of_gwendor
  6994.                  wrath_of_gwendor.dms             wrath_of_gwendor.info
  6995.             charliechimp97.info              great_escape.info
  6996.             vulcan.info                      wrath_of_gwendor.info
  6997.           shareware (dir)
  6998.                aerialracers (dir)
  6999.                     aerialcars (dir)
  7000.                       camaro.sfx                       camaro.sprites
  7001.                       car.shadows                      car.skids
  7002.                       monsterbeetle.sfx                monsterbeetle.sprites
  7003.                       monsterpickup.sfx                monsterpickup.sprites
  7004.                     aerialdata (dir)
  7005.                       baap.mod                         background.iff
  7006.                       game.shapes                      insanelogo.iff
  7007.                       intro.anim                       intro.sfx
  7008.                       letters.shapes                   menu.shapes
  7009.                       setup.shapes                     titlescreen.iff
  7010.                     backgrounds (dir)
  7011.                       scenery.5                        scenery.6
  7012.                       scenery.7                        
  7013.                     palettes (dir)
  7014.                       editor.palette                   menu0.palette
  7015.                       menu1.palette                    menu2.palette
  7016.                       menu3.palette                    menu4.palette
  7017.                       menucar0.palette                 menucar1.palette
  7018.                       menucar2.palette                 menucar3.palette
  7019.                       menucar4.palette                 menucar5.palette
  7020.                       menucar6.palette                 menucar7.palette
  7021.                       menucar8.palette                 racers.palette1
  7022.                       racers.palette2                  readout.palette
  7023.                     sounds (dir)
  7024.                       cheer1.sfx                       cheer2.sfx
  7025.                       crash.sfx                        impact.sfx
  7026.                       lapfinish.sfx                    screech.sfx
  7027.                     tracks (dir)
  7028.                       5.aardvark                       5.date bait
  7029.                       5.inner loop                     5.knife and fork
  7030.                       6.shoe box                       6.siberia
  7031.                       6.spiral spin                    7.cross roads
  7032.                       7.switch back                    
  7033.                  aerialracers                     aerialracers.guide
  7034.                  aerialracers.guide.info          aerialracers.info
  7035.                  aerialracersa.lha                aerialracersa.readme
  7036.                  aerialracersb.lha                aerialracersb.readme
  7037.                  disk1                            disk2
  7038.                  trackeditor                      trackeditor.info
  7039.                alienf1 (dir)
  7040.                  aformulaone                      aformulaone.info
  7041.                  alienf1.readme                   car01.3do
  7042.                  car02.3do                        car03.3do
  7043.                  car04.3do                        car05.3do
  7044.                  car06.3do                        car07.3do
  7045.                  car08.3do                        car09.3do
  7046.                  car10.3do                        ctrl1.ctp
  7047.                  disk.info                        horbrush.data
  7048.                  obj01.3do                        obj02.3do
  7049.                  obj03.3do                        obj04.3do
  7050.                  obj05.3do                        obj06.3do
  7051.                  obj07.3do                        obj08.3do
  7052.                  obj09.3do                        readmenow!!!
  7053.                  readmenow!!!.info                realbrush.data
  7054.                  schermobrush.data                trashcan.info
  7055.                  verbrush.data                    
  7056.                archery (dir)
  7057.                  archery                          archery.doc
  7058.                  archery.doc.info                 archery.info
  7059.                  archery.readme                   
  7060.                boum (dir)
  7061.                  boum                             boum.doc
  7062.                  boum.doc.info                    boum.info
  7063.                  boum.readme                      
  7064.                cadaverdemo (dir)
  7065.                  cadaverdemo                      cadaverdemo.readme
  7066.                  cadaverdemo.readme.info          
  7067.                canedemo (dir)
  7068.                     gfx (dir)
  7069.                       alien.col                        blue.col
  7070.                       continue.pic                     font.shp
  7071.                       green.col                        item.shp
  7072.                       item.spr                         logo.pic
  7073.                       mars.col                         red.col
  7074.                       scoreline.pic                    select.bsh
  7075.                       ship.shp                         title.pic
  7076.                       titletext.bsh                    
  7077.                     lvl (dir)
  7078.                       1.lvl                            1.pic
  7079.                       2.lvl                            2.pic
  7080.                     sfx (dir)
  7081.                       explo1                           flupp
  7082.                       grabb                            hou
  7083.                       mod.powderhyphenpuff             mod.title
  7084.                       ouch                             teleport
  7085.                       tick                             wall
  7086.                       water                            
  7087.                  canedemo                         canedemo.lha
  7088.                  canedemo.readme                  canedemo.readme.info
  7089.                  gfx.info                         lvl.info
  7090.                  read-me-first.txt                read-me-first.txt.info
  7091.                  sfx.info                         
  7092.                crazy.eights (dir)
  7093.                     data (dir)
  7094.                          mods (dir)
  7095.                            med.moonshine                    
  7096.                       8prefs                           c8.help
  7097.                       c8.playscreen                    c8.title
  7098.                       card.shapes                      gad.shapes
  7099.                       s.aarrgghh!                      s.awwww
  7100.                       s.bell                           s.blaat
  7101.                       s.boom                           s.bowarrow
  7102.                       s.break.time                     s.buzzer
  7103.                       s.clap                           s.clink
  7104.                       s.cuckoo                         s.cut.it.out
  7105.                       s.dameaning                      s.drip1
  7106.                       s.drum                           s.gameover
  7107.                       s.girl.sigh                      s.glepuughn
  7108.                       s.hey1                           s.huh-ha
  7109.                       s.laugh                          s.oooh
  7110.                       s.scream                         s.shuffle
  7111.                       s.snare                          s.spit
  7112.                       s.spoit                          s.sproing
  7113.                       s.tankoo                         s.tick
  7114.                       s.uh-oh                          s.whatdo
  7115.                       s.whoosh                         s.yeah
  7116.                  crazy.doc                        crazy.doc.info
  7117.                  crazy8.2.2                       crazy8.2.2.info
  7118.                  crazy8.512k                      crazy8.512k.info
  7119.                  crazy8.lha                       crazy8.readme
  7120.                  e.z.doc                          e.z.doc.info
  7121.                  easy.guide                       easy.guide.info
  7122.                  music.select                     music.select.info
  7123.                detris20 (dir)
  7124.                  detris2.0                        detris2.0.info
  7125.                  detris2.0.readme                 detris2.0.readme.info
  7126.                  detris20.lha                     
  7127.                divumex_demo (dir)
  7128.                  divumex                          divumex.info
  7129.                  divumex_eng.doc                  divumex_eng.doc.info
  7130.                  divumex_es.doc                   divumex_es.doc.info
  7131.                  divumex_ita.doc                  divumex_ita.doc.info
  7132.                  dvmxdem2.readme                  
  7133.                invisible (dir)
  7134.                     devs (dir)
  7135.                       system-configuration             
  7136.                     fonts (dir)
  7137.                          invisible (dir)
  7138.                            8                                
  7139.                       invisible.font                   
  7140.                     s (dir)
  7141.                       startup-sequence                 
  7142.                  invis.readme                     invisible
  7143.                  invisible.dat                    invisible.doc
  7144.                  invisible.doc.info               invisible.info
  7145.                  invisible.txt                    
  7146.                jackman (dir)
  7147.                  bak.abk                          bonus1.lvl
  7148.                  bonussong.abk                    dp1.rbw
  7149.                  dp2.rbw                          dp3.rbw
  7150.                  dpbak1.abk                       dpbak2.abk
  7151.                  dpbak3.abk                       dpbak4.abk
  7152.                  dpoutline.abk                    hallojheaven.abk
  7153.                  hiscore.seq                      item.abk
  7154.                  jackman                          jackman.doc
  7155.                  jackman.doc.info                 jackman.info
  7156.                  jackman.lha                      jackman.readme
  7157.                  level1.lvl                       level2.lvl
  7158.                  level3.lvl                       level4.lvl
  7159.                  level5.lvl                       level6.lvl
  7160.                  level7.lvl                       level8.lvl
  7161.                  level9.lvl                       music1.abk
  7162.                  music2.abk                       nbpw.seq
  7163.                  text1.seq                        text2.seq
  7164.                  text3.seq                        text4.seq
  7165.                  text5.seq                        text6.seq
  7166.                  text7.seq                        text8.seq
  7167.                  text9.seq                        title.abk
  7168.                marryampic (dir)
  7169.                     cards (dir)
  7170.                          animals (dir)
  7171.                            cardinfo.txt                     cardinfo.txt.info
  7172.                            cardpic.iff                      cardpic.iff.info
  7173.                            cardpic_aga.iff                  cardpic_aga.iff.info
  7174.                            cardsample-1.iff                 cardsample-1.iff.info
  7175.                            cardsample-10.iff                cardsample-10.iff.info
  7176.                            cardsample-2.iff                 cardsample-2.iff.info
  7177.                            cardsample-3.iff                 cardsample-3.iff.info
  7178.                            cardsample-4.iff                 cardsample-4.iff.info
  7179.                            cardsample-5.iff                 cardsample-5.iff.info
  7180.                            cardsample-6.iff                 cardsample-6.iff.info
  7181.                            cardsample-7.iff                 cardsample-7.iff.info
  7182.                            cardsample-8.iff                 cardsample-8.iff.info
  7183.                            cardsample-9.iff                 cardsample-9.iff.info
  7184.                            samplefinished.iff               samplefinished.iff.info
  7185.                            samplefound.iff                  samplefound.iff.info
  7186.                       animals.info                     
  7187.                     catalogs (dir)
  7188.                          deutsch (dir)
  7189.                            marryampic.catalog               
  7190.                          dev (dir)
  7191.                            deutsch.ct                       deutsch.ct.info
  7192.                            français.ct                      français.ct.info
  7193.                            marryampic.cd                    marryampic.cd.info
  7194.                            marryampic.lha                   
  7195.                          français (dir)
  7196.                            marryampic.catalog               
  7197.                     docs (dir)
  7198.                       history.doc                      history.doc.info
  7199.                       marryampic_e.doc                 marryampic_e.doc.info
  7200.                       marryampic_f.doc                 marryampic_f.doc.info
  7201.                  cards.info                       docs.info
  7202.                  install                          install.info
  7203.                  marryampic                       marryampic.info
  7204.                  marryampic.prefs_unused          marryampic.prefs_unused.info
  7205.                  marryampic.readme                
  7206.                mastermind (dir)
  7207.                  mastermind                       mastermind.doc
  7208.                  mastermind.doc.info              mastermind.info
  7209.                  mastermind.readme                
  7210.                piv101aga (dir)
  7211.                     data (dir)
  7212.                       hiscore.seq                      lev1.seq
  7213.                       lev10.seq                        lev11.seq
  7214.                       lev12.seq                        lev13.seq
  7215.                       lev14.seq                        lev15.seq
  7216.                       lev16.seq                        lev17.seq
  7217.                       lev18.seq                        lev19.seq
  7218.                       lev2.seq                         lev20.seq
  7219.                       lev21.seq                        lev22.seq
  7220.                       lev23.seq                        lev24.seq
  7221.                       lev25.seq                        lev3.seq
  7222.                       lev4.seq                         lev5.seq
  7223.                       lev6.seq                         lev7.seq
  7224.                       lev8.seq                         lev9.seq
  7225.                     fonts (dir)
  7226.                          polataa (dir)
  7227.                            8                                
  7228.                       polataa.font                     
  7229.                     graphics (dir)
  7230.                       bak.pic                          block.shp
  7231.                       buzz.bsh                         gameover.pic
  7232.                       item.spr                         scoreline.pic
  7233.                       title.pic                        
  7234.                     sound (dir)
  7235.                       appear.sfx                       bounce.sfx
  7236.                       burr.sfx                         crepp.sfx
  7237.                       doh.sfx                          knock.sfx
  7238.                       mod.believe in what?             mod.game#1
  7239.                       plupp.sfx                        slibb.sfx
  7240.                  ncg.displayme                    piv
  7241.                  piv.info                         piv101.lha
  7242.                  piv101.readme                    polataa.doc
  7243.                  polataa.doc.info                 
  7244.                playpac (dir)
  7245.                     fonts (dir)
  7246.                          playpac (dir)
  7247.                            8                                
  7248.                       playpac.font                     
  7249.                     playpacdata (dir)
  7250.                       banana.brush                     blackout.8svx
  7251.                       bonus.8svx                       bonus10.brush
  7252.                       bonus25.brush                    bonus5.brush
  7253.                       bonus50.brush                    eatghost.8svx
  7254.                       emerald1.brush                   emerald2.brush
  7255.                       emerald3.brush                   emerald4.brush
  7256.                       emerald5.brush                   emerald6.brush
  7257.                       emerald7.brush                   empty.brush
  7258.                       extralife.8svx                   extralife.brush
  7259.                       fruit.8svx                       ghostdown.animbrush
  7260.                       ghostleft.animbrush              ghostpanic.animbrush
  7261.                       ghostright.animbrush             ghostup.animbrush
  7262.                       hamburger.8svx                   hamburger.brush
  7263.                       icecream.8svx                    icecream.brush
  7264.                       lamp.8svx                        lamp.brush
  7265.                       mod.pacingame_1                  mod.pacingame_2
  7266.                       mod.pacingame_3                  mod.pacingame_4
  7267.                       mod.pacingame_5                  mod.pactheme
  7268.                       multi.8svx                       multi.brush
  7269.                       newbonus.8svx                    orange.brush
  7270.                       pacmandown.animbrush             pacmanleft.animbrush
  7271.                       pacmanright.animbrush            pacmanup.animbrush
  7272.                       pear.brush                       pill.8svx
  7273.                       pill.brush                       playpac.lha
  7274.                       power.8svx                       power.brush
  7275.                       promote.8svx                     promote.brush
  7276.                       reload.8svx                      reload.brush
  7277.                       scorebonus.8svx                  scorebonus.brush
  7278.                       titlescreen_ntsc.iff             titlescreen_pal.iff
  7279.                       wall00.brush                     wall01.brush
  7280.                       wall02.brush                     wall03.brush
  7281.                       wall04.brush                     wall05.brush
  7282.                       wall06.brush                     wall07.brush
  7283.                       wall08.brush                     wall09.brush
  7284.                       wall10.brush                     wall11.brush
  7285.                       wall12.brush                     wall13.brush
  7286.                       wall14.brush                     wall15.brush
  7287.                  playpac                          playpac.guide
  7288.                  playpac.guide.info               playpac.info
  7289.                  playpac.install                  playpac.install.info
  7290.                  playpac.readme                   preview.iff
  7291.                  test                             test.info
  7292.                powder (dir)
  7293.                     city (dir)
  7294.                          boss (dir)
  7295.                            blocksbespe                      bobdatas
  7296.                            bobs                             fgsprs
  7297.                            frametab                         map
  7298.                            mapenemy                         mod.music.jmd
  7299.                            offset                           optblocks
  7300.                            patterns                         rdvett
  7301.                            ripfile                          spreads
  7302.                            sprshots                         
  7303.                       blocksbespe                      bobdatas
  7304.                       bobs                             fgsprs
  7305.                       filefx                           frametab
  7306.                       map                              mapenemy
  7307.                       mod.music.jmd                    offset
  7308.                       optblocks                        patterns
  7309.                       powder                           rdvett
  7310.                       ripfile                          spreads
  7311.                       sprshots                         
  7312.                     docs (dir)
  7313.                       danko.doc                        danko.doc.info
  7314.                       fxc.doc                          fxc.doc.info
  7315.                       instructions.doc                 instructions.doc.info
  7316.                       nike.doc                         nike.doc.info
  7317.                       powder.doc                       powder.doc.info
  7318.                       tbc.doc                          tbc.doc.info
  7319.                       tech.doc                         tech.doc.info
  7320.                       the_story.doc                    the_story.doc.info
  7321.                       the_team.doc                     the_team.doc.info
  7322.                     gestore (dir)
  7323.                       endgamepic.32.pp                 gmovpic.32.pp
  7324.                       gmovtxt.pp                       mod.powdermaintitle.jmd.pp
  7325.                       nasa16.font.pp                   pl_h92.pp
  7326.                  docs.info                        powder
  7327.                  powder.info                      powder.readme
  7328.                  powder.readme.info               
  7329.                scionspreview2 (dir)
  7330.                     ahi (dir)
  7331.                          ahi (dir)
  7332.                            filesave.audio                   paula.audio
  7333.                          audiomodes (dir)
  7334.                            filesave                         paula
  7335.                       ahi.device                       
  7336.                     houses (dir)
  7337.                       boxes.gfx                        farm.animdata
  7338.                       farm.gfx                         farm.skeleton
  7339.                       farm.small                       goldmine.animdata
  7340.                       goldmine.gfx                     goldmine.skeleton
  7341.                       goldmine.small                   housebuild.gfx
  7342.                       inn.animdata                     inn.gfx
  7343.                       inn.skeleton                     inn.small
  7344.                       smith.animdata                   smith.gfx
  7345.                       smith.skeleton                   smith.small
  7346.                       undefined22.animdata             undefined22.gfx
  7347.                       undefined22.skeleton             undefined22.small
  7348.                       undefined23.animdata             undefined23.gfx
  7349.                       undefined23.skeleton             undefined23.small
  7350.                       undefined32.animdata             undefined32.gfx
  7351.                       undefined32.skeleton             undefined32.small
  7352.                       undefined33.animdata             undefined33.gfx
  7353.                       undefined33.skeleton             undefined33.small
  7354.                       well.animdata                    well.gfx
  7355.                       well.skeleton                    well.small
  7356.                     intro (dir)
  7357.                       dsp.col                          dsp.gfx
  7358.                       presents.col                     presents.gfx
  7359.                       scions.col                       scions.gfx
  7360.                     levels (dir)
  7361.                       disc.mask                        grass.ccdata
  7362.                       grass.col                        grass.gfx
  7363.                       grass.tdesc                      number1.map
  7364.                       number2.map                      number3.map
  7365.                       number4.map                      number5.map
  7366.                     libs (dir)
  7367.                       tracker.library                  
  7368.                     misc (dir)
  7369.                       describe.font                    mainmenu.dat
  7370.                       mainmenu.gfx                     message.font
  7371.                       name.font                        resource.font
  7372.                       sound.dat                        sound.gfx
  7373.                     missiles (dir)
  7374.                       arrow.animdata                   arrow.gfx
  7375.                       arrow.skeleton                   fireball.animdata
  7376.                       fireball.gfx                     fireball.skeleton
  7377.                       spear.animdata                   spear.gfx
  7378.                       spear.skeleton                   
  7379.                     music (dir)
  7380.                       mod.city_lights                  
  7381.                     panels (dir)
  7382.                       humanorders.gfx                  marble.brush
  7383.                       marble.swap                      newpanel.swap
  7384.                       overview.gfx                     resourceicons.gfx
  7385.                     sfx (dir)
  7386.                       arrow1.sound                     die1.sound
  7387.                       explosion1.sound                 fight1.sound
  7388.                       impact1.sound                    select_troop1.sound
  7389.                     troops (dir)
  7390.                       archer.animdata                  archer.gfx
  7391.                       archer.skeleton                  archer.small
  7392.                       archer_e.gfx                     boxes.gfx
  7393.                       boxes2x2.gfx                     farmer.animdata
  7394.                       farmer.gfx                       farmer.skeleton
  7395.                       farmer.small                     farmer_e.gfx
  7396.                       militia.animdata                 militia.gfx
  7397.                       militia.skeleton                 militia.small
  7398.                       militia_e.gfx                    scout.animdata
  7399.                       scout.gfx                        scout.skeleton
  7400.                       scout.small                      scout_e.gfx
  7401.                       ship.animdata                    ship.gfx
  7402.                       ship.skeleton                    ship.small
  7403.                       testship.animdata                testship.gfx
  7404.                       testship.skeleton                testship.small
  7405.                       testtroop.animdata               testtroop.gfx
  7406.                       testtroop.skeleton               testtroop.small
  7407.                  demo.guide                       demo.guide.info
  7408.                  install_scions                   install_scions.info
  7409.                  recent_changes                   recent_changes.info
  7410.                  scions                           scions.info
  7411.                  scionspreview2.readme            scionspreview2.readme.info
  7412.                  setup                            setup.info
  7413.                  troubleguide                     troubleguide.info
  7414.                shapez (dir)
  7415.                     data (dir)
  7416.                       1.sba                            10.sba
  7417.                       2.sba                            3.sba
  7418.                       4.sba                            5.sba
  7419.                       6.sba                            7.sba
  7420.                       8.sba                            9.sba
  7421.                       flash.raw                        item.abk
  7422.                       piano.abk                        screen.abk
  7423.                       set1.abk                         set2.abk
  7424.                       set3.abk                         set4.abk
  7425.                       sound.abk                        titem.abk
  7426.                       title.abk                        
  7427.                  shapez                           shapez.doc
  7428.                  shapez.doc.info                  shapez.info
  7429.                soliton (dir)
  7430.                     catalogs (dir)
  7431.                          deutsch (dir)
  7432.                            soliton.catalog                  soliton.ct
  7433.                          français (dir)
  7434.                            soliton.catalog                  soliton.ct
  7435.                          italiano (dir)
  7436.                            soliton.catalog                  soliton.ct
  7437.                          norsk (dir)
  7438.                            soliton.catalog                  soliton.ct
  7439.                          svenska (dir)
  7440.                            soliton.catalog                  soliton.ct
  7441.                       deutsch.info                     français.info
  7442.                       italiano.info                    norsk.info
  7443.                       soliton.cd                       soliton.cd.bak
  7444.                       soliton.cd.bak.info              soliton.cd.info
  7445.                       svenska.info                     
  7446.                     docs (dir)
  7447.                          deutsch (dir)
  7448.                            soliton.guide                    soliton.guide.info
  7449.                          english (dir)
  7450.                            soliton.guide                    soliton.guide.info
  7451.                          français (dir)
  7452.                            soliton.guide                    soliton.guide.info
  7453.                          italiano (dir)
  7454.                            soliton.guide                    soliton.guide.info
  7455.                          norsk (dir)
  7456.                            soliton.guide                    soliton.guide.info
  7457.                       deutsch.info                     english.info
  7458.                       français.info                    italiano.info
  7459.                       norsk.info                       
  7460.                     extras (dir)
  7461.                       cyber2soliton.ifx                reco2soliton.ifx
  7462.                       xxx2soliton.readme               
  7463.                     graphics (dir)
  7464.                       cards_default.iff                cards_default.readme
  7465.                       pattern_default.iff              
  7466.                     mwbicons (dir)
  7467.                       catalogs.info                    clickforcolors
  7468.                       clickforcolors.info              drawer.info
  7469.                       extras.info                      graphics.info
  7470.                       soliton.guide.info               soliton.info
  7471.                     soliton-fractasm (dir)
  7472.                       cards_fractasm.png               cards_fractasm.png.info
  7473.                       file_id.diz                      fractasm.guide
  7474.                       fractasm.guide.info              pattern_soliton.png
  7475.                       pattern_soliton.png.info         sol-fractasm.readme
  7476.                     soliton_cards (dir)
  7477.                       cards_icongfx.iff                cards_icongfx.readme
  7478.                       cards_icongfx.readme.info        pattern_icongfx.iff
  7479.                       soliton_cards.readme             soliton_cards.readme.info
  7480.                  catalogs.info                    docs.info
  7481.                  extras.info                      graphics.info
  7482.                  mwbicons.info                    readme.1st
  7483.                  readme.1st.info                  soliton
  7484.                  soliton-fractasm.info            soliton-install
  7485.                  soliton-install.info             soliton.info
  7486.                  soliton_cards.info               
  7487.                starstrike2000 (dir)
  7488.                     ingamestuff (dir)
  7489.                       newtrench.iff                    ss2000gameanim3.abk
  7490.                       ss2000samples.abk                statuspanel.iff
  7491.                     titlestuff (dir)
  7492.                       prepareforsector.iff             sectors.abk
  7493.                       ss2000title.iff                  ss2000titleanim.abk
  7494.                       ss2000titletune                  ss2000victorytune
  7495.                       victoryheader.iff                victoryscroller.iff
  7496.                  ingamestuff.info                 launchssgame!!
  7497.                  launchssgame!!.info              ss2000.doc
  7498.                  ss2000.doc.info                  ss2000.lzx
  7499.                  titlestuff.info                  
  7500.                superballz (dir)
  7501.                  6x7.iff6                         6x7.iff6.info
  7502.                  ar1.sfx                          ar2.sfx
  7503.                  ar3.sfx                          ar4.sfx
  7504.                  ball.iff4                        ball.iff4.info
  7505.                  blip.iff                         collect.sfx
  7506.                  disk.info                        exit.sfx
  7507.                  explode.sfx                      info.iff4
  7508.                  info.iff4.info                   level editor.exe
  7509.                  level editor.exe.info            level0.map
  7510.                  level1.map                       level10.map
  7511.                  level2.map                       level3.map
  7512.                  level4.map                       level5.map
  7513.                  level6.map                       level7.map
  7514.                  loading.iff4                     loading.iff4.info
  7515.                  mapblocks1.iff4                  mapblocks1.iff4.info
  7516.                  panel.iff6                       panel.iff6.info
  7517.                  panel2.iff6                      panel2.iff6.info
  7518.                  pointer.iff4                     pointer.iff4.info
  7519.                  readme.please                    readme.please.info
  7520.                  select.sfx                       superballz.bak
  7521.                  superballz.exe                   superballz.exe.info
  7522.                  superballz.iff4                  superballz.iff4.info
  7523.                  superballz.xtra                  switch.sfx
  7524.                  title.iff3                       title.iff3.info
  7525.                  title.mod                        title.mod.info
  7526.                targetus (dir)
  7527.                  targetus                         targetus.c
  7528.                  targetus.doc                     targetus.doc.info
  7529.                  targetus.info                    targetus.readme
  7530.                theplubz (dir)
  7531.                     gfx (dir)
  7532.                       bak.pic                          default.pic
  7533.                       logo.pic                         objects.shp
  7534.                       rbow1.col                        rbow2.col
  7535.                       rbow3.col                        rbow4.col
  7536.                       rbow5.col                        rbow6.col
  7537.                       rbow7.col                        rbow8.col
  7538.                       rbow9.col                        stoneplate.pic
  7539.                       title.pic                        titleobjects.shp
  7540.                       titlerbow.col                    
  7541.                     snd (dir)
  7542.                       crepp                            crispy
  7543.                       knappa                           mod.adrenalin flowing
  7544.                       mod.game#1                       mod.game#2
  7545.                       ohnoo                            plupp1
  7546.                       plupp2                           prutt
  7547.                       rap                              wo'oh2
  7548.                       wo'oh3                           woopz!
  7549.                  copyrightnotice.txt              english.doc
  7550.                  english.doc.info                 hiscore.scr
  7551.                  ncg.displayme                    plubz
  7552.                  plubz.info                       plubz.readme
  7553.                  svenska.dok                      
  7554.                tilefall (dir)
  7555.                     libs (dir)
  7556.                       config.library                   iff.library
  7557.                       reqtools.library                 
  7558.                     magicwb (dir)
  7559.                          tilefall (dir)
  7560.                            tilefall.info                    
  7561.                       tilefall.info                    
  7562.                     sounds (dir)
  7563.                       click.snd                        drop.snd
  7564.                       highscore.snd                    score.snd
  7565.                       slide.snd                        undo.snd
  7566.                     tilesets (dir)
  7567.                       abstracttiles.iff                amigatiles.iff
  7568.                       blobtiles.iff                    boulderdashtiles.iff
  7569.                       bubblebobbletiles.iff            bulbtiles.iff
  7570.                       colourblocktiles.iff             confusiontiles.iff
  7571.                       connections1tiles.iff            connections2tiles.iff
  7572.                       connections3tiles.iff            defaulttiles.iff
  7573.                       dicetiles.iff                    disktiles.iff
  7574.                       dithertiles.iff                  foodtiles.iff
  7575.                       gadgettiles.iff                  hiddentiles.iff
  7576.                       icontiles.iff                    invisibletiles.iff
  7577.                       monochrometiles.iff              musictiles.iff
  7578.                       pasteltiles.iff                  roadtiles.iff
  7579.                       shapetiles.iff                   simpsonstiles.iff
  7580.                       smileytiles.iff                  solidtiles.iff
  7581.                       spacetiles.iff                   suittiles.iff
  7582.                  magicwb.info                     tilefall
  7583.                  tilefall.guide                   tilefall.guide.info
  7584.                  tilefall.info                    tilefall15.readme
  7585.                trappedpre (dir)
  7586.                     data (dir)
  7587.                       backgr01.064                     backgr01.256
  7588.                       backgr03.064                     backgr03.256
  7589.                       backpic.064                      backpic.256
  7590.                       collog.064                       collog.256
  7591.                       itempic.064                      itempic.256
  7592.                       kompass.064                      kompass.256
  7593.                     pictures (dir)
  7594.                       ngs.032                          oxysoft.032
  7595.                       preview.032                      trapped2.032
  7596.                       trapped2.032.info                
  7597.                     save (dir)
  7598.                       save09.dat                       save09.dat2
  7599.                     sounds (dir)
  7600.                       background5.raw                  breakwall.raw
  7601.                       brunnen.raw                      cursor.raw
  7602.                       dolchhit.raw                     door.raw
  7603.                       door3.raw                        doorshut.raw
  7604.                       enemy17att.raw                   enemy17die.raw
  7605.                       enemy17hit.raw                   enemy17move.raw
  7606.                       enemy17spot.raw                  enemy4att.raw
  7607.                       enemy4die.raw                    enemy4hit.raw
  7608.                       enemy4move.raw                   enemy4spot.raw
  7609.                       extdolchhit.raw                  exteule1.raw
  7610.                       extfballhit.raw                  extfballstart.raw
  7611.                       extfootstep1.raw                 extfrog1.raw
  7612.                       extitemget.raw                   extnight1.raw
  7613.                       extplayerhit.raw                 extspeer.raw
  7614.                       extvogel1.raw                    fireballhit.raw
  7615.                       fireballstart.raw                firepass.raw
  7616.                       floor.raw                        footsteps1.raw
  7617.                       hitwall.raw                      itemget.raw
  7618.                       jump.raw                         kugel.raw
  7619.                       leveldone.raw                    levelgain.raw
  7620.                       playerdie.raw                    playerhit.raw
  7621.                       potion.raw                       speer.raw
  7622.                       switch.raw                       teleport.raw
  7623.                       thundersmall.raw                 waterdrop.raw
  7624.                       wusch.raw                        
  7625.                     textures (dir)
  7626.                          anims (dir)
  7627.                            bball10anim.dat                  fball10anim.dat
  7628.                            gball10anim.dat                  stern6anim.dat
  7629.                          enemys (dir)
  7630.                            e1-1.dat                         e1-2.dat
  7631.                            e2-1.dat                         e4-1.dat
  7632.                          fills (dir)
  7633.                            becken.dat                       drone.dat
  7634.                            dropblue.dat                     eimer.dat
  7635.                            fass.dat                         flamme.dat
  7636.                            flare1.dat                       flare2.dat
  7637.                            flare3.dat                       flare4.dat
  7638.                            flare5.dat                       gitter1.dat
  7639.                            gitter2.dat                      hecke.dat
  7640.                            holz1.dat                        holz2.dat
  7641.                            holzaxt.dat                      holzbrett.dat
  7642.                            holzbrettq.dat                   holzscheit.dat
  7643.                            lampe.dat                        lampe2.dat
  7644.                            plant2.dat                       plant3.dat
  7645.                            plant4.dat                       plant5.dat
  7646.                            plant6.dat                       plant7.dat
  7647.                            rad.dat                          saeulen01.dat
  7648.                            sockelskull.dat                  stein.dat
  7649.                            sterne1.dat                      zaun1.dat
  7650.                            zaun2.dat                        
  7651.                          floors (dir)
  7652.                            orna3.dat                        
  7653.                          items (dir)
  7654.                            bottleblu.dat                    bottlegrn.dat
  7655.                            bottlered.dat                    bottleyel.dat
  7656.                            fireball2.dat                    gemgreen.dat
  7657.                            pfeil1.dat                       scroll.dat
  7658.                            speer2.dat                       spellblue.dat
  7659.                            spellgreen.dat                   weapon1.dat
  7660.                            weapon2.dat                      weapon3.dat
  7661.                            weapon4.dat                      weapon5.dat
  7662.                            weapon6.dat                      
  7663.                          switches (dir)
  7664.                            schgemgroff.dat                  schgemgron.dat
  7665.                            skulloff.dat                     skullon.dat
  7666.                          wallsown (dir)
  7667.                            asphalt.dat                      boden2.dat
  7668.                            bodenplatte1.dat                 bodenplatte2.dat
  7669.                            bricks6.dat                      duke0238.dat
  7670.                            duke0243.dat                     duke0880.dat
  7671.                            haus1door.dat                    haus1wall.dat
  7672.                            haus1win.dat                     haus2door.dat
  7673.                            haus2wall.dat                    haus2win.dat
  7674.                            haus3door.dat                    haus3wall.dat
  7675.                            haus3win.dat                     holzstoneyel.dat
  7676.                            holzverz.dat                     holzverzasph.dat
  7677.                            mauerkante.dat                   mirrorframe.dat
  7678.                            orna3holzverz.dat                palastfenster.dat
  7679.                            palasttuerl.dat                  palasttuerr.dat
  7680.                            palastwand.dat                   palastwand2.dat
  7681.                            pepples2.dat                     quer1.dat
  7682.                            rasen.dat                        schild.dat
  7683.                            stoneyel.dat                     stoneyelasph.dat
  7684.                            water.dat                        
  7685.                  mod.trappedtitle                 pathrequest.exe
  7686.                  prefs.exe                        readme.txt
  7687.                  readme.txt.info                  trapped-2new.lha
  7688.                  trapped.exe                      trappedl16.exe
  7689.                  trappedl17.exe                   trappedstart
  7690.                  trappedstart.info                
  7691.                waponez (dir)
  7692.                  block1.abk                       block2.abk
  7693.                  bonus.abk                        end.abk
  7694.                  enemy1.abk                       enemy2.abk
  7695.                  font.abk                         hiscore
  7696.                  item.abk                         level1.abk
  7697.                  level2.abk                       mod.depending
  7698.                  mod.jingle#2                     mod.walking through
  7699.                  readme.txt                       readme.txt.info
  7700.                  select.abk                       titem.abk
  7701.                  title.abk                        waponez.lha
  7702.                  waponez.readme                   waponez1.3
  7703.                  waponez1.3.info                  waves1.abk
  7704.                  waves2.abk                       
  7705.                wb-pairs (dir)
  7706.                  wb-pairs                         wb-pairs.guide
  7707.                  wb-pairs.guide.info              wb-pairs.highscore
  7708.                  wb-pairs.info                    wb-pairs.readme
  7709.                  wb-pairs.speedscore              
  7710.             aerialracers.info                alienf1.info
  7711.             archery.info                     boum.info
  7712.             cadaverdemo.info                 canedemo.info
  7713.             crazy.eights.info                detris20.info
  7714.             divumex_demo.info                invisible.info
  7715.             jackman.info                     marryampic.info
  7716.             mastermind.info                  piv101aga.info
  7717.             playpac.info                     powder.info
  7718.             scionspreview2.info              shapez.info
  7719.             soliton.info                     starstrike2000.info
  7720.             superballz.info                  targetus.info
  7721.             theplubz.info                    tilefall.info
  7722.             trappedpre.info                  waponez.info
  7723.             wb-pairs.info                    
  7724.           utilities (dir)
  7725.                boards (dir)
  7726.                  dj.duel.bds                      dj.hit.bds
  7727.                  dj.jake's.bds                    dj.mean.bds
  7728.                  dj.rotten.bds                    dj.ruff.bds
  7729.                  dj.tuff.bds                      jakes_bds.readme
  7730.                  readme.file                      readme.file.info
  7731.                galshipdesigner (dir)
  7732.                  galshipdesigne.lha               galshipdesigne.readme
  7733.                  reqtools.library                 shipdesigner
  7734.                  shipdesigner.doc                 shipdesigner.doc.info
  7735.                  shipdesigner.info                
  7736.                gloomtrainer (dir)
  7737.                  cgtboot                          gloomtrainer
  7738.                  gloomtrainer.doc                 gloomtrainer.doc.info
  7739.                  gloomtrainer.lha                 gloomtrainer.readme
  7740.                  gloomtrainer_icon                install_gloomtrainer
  7741.                  install_gloomtrainer.info        
  7742.                hd_installers (dir)
  7743.                     ab3dtrainer (dir)
  7744.                       ab3dtboot                        ab3dtrainer
  7745.                       ab3dtrainer.doc                  ab3dtrainer.doc.info
  7746.                       ab3dtrainer.readme               ab3dtrainer_icon
  7747.                       install_ab3dtrainer              install_ab3dtrainer.info
  7748.                     alfredchickenhd (dir)
  7749.                          c (dir)
  7750.                            assign                           copy
  7751.                            delete                           iconx
  7752.                            makedir                          muchmore
  7753.                          i (dir)
  7754.                            alfredchicken                    alfredchicken.info
  7755.                       alfred.readme                    c.info
  7756.                       i.info                           install
  7757.                       install.info                     read.me
  7758.                       read.me.info                     
  7759.                     bodyblows (dir)
  7760.                       bbhd.readme                      bbhd.readme.info
  7761.                       bodyblows.cheat                  bodyblowshd
  7762.                       bodyblowshd.info                 install-bodyblows
  7763.                       install-bodyblows.info           rob2file
  7764.                     bodyblowsgalacticaga (dir)
  7765.                       bbgalactic                       bbgalactic.info
  7766.                       bbghd.readme                     bbghd.readme.info
  7767.                       install-bbgalactic               install-bbgalactic.info
  7768.                       rob2file                         
  7769.                     cannonfodder (dir)
  7770.                       cannonfodder                     cannonfodder.icon
  7771.                       cannonhd.readme                  cannonhd.readme.info
  7772.                       cfrip                            cfsdisk
  7773.                       fodder                           install_cannon
  7774.                       install_cannon.info              
  7775.                     cannonfodder2 (dir)
  7776.                       cannon2                          cannon2.info
  7777.                       cannon2hd.readme                 cannon2hd.readme.info
  7778.                       cannonfodder.hints               cannonfodderii.cheat
  7779.                       cfsdisk                          install_cannon2
  7780.                       install_cannon2.info             makesavedisk
  7781.                       makesavedisk.info                mapm1.spt
  7782.                       mapm37.map                       
  7783.                     chaosengineecs (dir)
  7784.                          hints (dir)
  7785.                            chaosengine.cheat                chaosengine.cheat.info
  7786.                            chworld1.txt                     chworld1.txt.info
  7787.                            chworld2.txt                     chworld2.txt.info
  7788.                            chworld3.txt                     chworld3.txt.info
  7789.                            chworld4.txt                     chworld4.txt.info
  7790.                       chaosenginehd                    chaosenginehd.info
  7791.                       chaoshd.readme                   chaoshd.readme.info
  7792.                       disk2file                        hints.info
  7793.                       install-chaosengine              install-chaosengine.info
  7794.                     civvie (dir)
  7795.                          src (dir)
  7796.                            civmanager.c                     makefile
  7797.                            map.c                            proto.h
  7798.                            public_port.c                    public_port.h
  7799.                            smakefile                        subtask.c
  7800.                            version.c                        watcher.c
  7801.                       civvie.ixemul                    civvie.readme
  7802.                       civvie.sasc                      readme
  7803.                       readme.info                      
  7804.                     gods (dir)
  7805.                       disk2file                        godshd
  7806.                       godshd.info                      godshd.readme
  7807.                       godshd.readme.info               install-gods
  7808.                       install-gods.info                ripscores
  7809.                       ripscores.info                   
  7810.                     jamespond3cd32 (dir)
  7811.                       install_jamespond3               install_jamespond3.info
  7812.                       jamespond3hd                     jamespond3hd.info
  7813.                       jp3cd32_hd.readme                jp3cd32_hd.readme.info
  7814.                     junglestrike (dir)
  7815.                       install_junglestrike             install_junglestrike.info
  7816.                       jsaga_hd.readme                  jsaga_hd.readme.info
  7817.                       junglehd                         junglehd.info
  7818.                     overdrive (dir)
  7819.                       install-overdrive                install-overdrive.info
  7820.                       overdrivehd                      overdrivehd.info
  7821.                       overhd.readme                    overhd.readme.info
  7822.                       rob2file                         
  7823.                     projectx (dir)
  7824.                       disk2file                        install-projectx
  7825.                       install-projectx.info            projectxhd
  7826.                       projectxhd.info                  pxhd.readme
  7827.                       pxhd.readme.info                 
  7828.                     projectx-se (dir)
  7829.                       install-projectx_se              install-projectx_se.info
  7830.                       projectxhd                       projectxhd.info
  7831.                       pxse_hd.readme                   pxse_hd.readme.info
  7832.                       rob2file                         
  7833.                     roadrash (dir)
  7834.                       install_roadrash                 install_roadrash.info
  7835.                       roadrashhd                       roadrashhd.info
  7836.                       roadrashhd.readme                roadrashhd.readme.info
  7837.                     ruffntumble (dir)
  7838.                       disk2file                        install-ruffntumble
  7839.                       install-ruffntumble.info         ruffhd.readme
  7840.                       ruffhd.readme.info               ruffntumblehd
  7841.                       ruffntumblehd.info               
  7842.                     sensiblegolf (dir)
  7843.                       golfhd                           golfhd.info
  7844.                       golfhd.readme                    golfhd.readme.info
  7845.                       install_sensiblegolf             install_sensiblegolf.info
  7846.                       makesavedisk                     makesavedisk.info
  7847.                       _golf.dku                        
  7848.                     speedball2 (dir)
  7849.                       disk2file                        install-speedball2
  7850.                       install-speedball2.info          install_speedball2cd32
  7851.                       install_speedball2cd32.info      makehdsaves
  7852.                       makehdsaves.info                 patchsb2
  7853.                       sb2.hints                        sb2.hints.info
  7854.                       sb2hd.readme                     sb2hd.readme.info
  7855.                       speedball2cd32                   speedball2cd32.icon
  7856.                       speedball2cd32.info              speedball2hd
  7857.                       speedball2hd.info                
  7858.                     superfrog (dir)
  7859.                       install-superfrog                install-superfrog.info
  7860.                       introhd                          introhd.info
  7861.                       rob2file                         sfroghd.readme
  7862.                       sfroghd.readme.info              superfrog
  7863.                       superfrog.info                   
  7864.                     testdriveii (dir)
  7865.                       duelhd                           install_testdriveii
  7866.                       install_testdriveii.info         patchtd2
  7867.                       select.dat0                      td2
  7868.                       td2.icon                         td2hd.readme
  7869.                       td2hd.readme.info                
  7870.                     warzone (dir)
  7871.                       disk2file                        install-warzone
  7872.                       install-warzone.info             warhd.readme
  7873.                       warhd.readme.info                warzonehd
  7874.                       warzonehd.info                   
  7875.                     wonderdog (dir)
  7876.                       disk2file                        install-wonderdog
  7877.                       install-wonderdog.info           wdoghd.readme
  7878.                       wdoghd.readme.info               wonderdoghd
  7879.                       wonderdoghd.info                 
  7880.                     zinstall (dir)
  7881.                       install_zeewolf                  install_zeewolf.info
  7882.                       zboot1                           zboot2
  7883.                       zboot3                           zeewolf_hd
  7884.                       zeewolf_hd_icon                  zeewolf_icon
  7885.                       zinstall.doc                     zinstall.doc.info
  7886.                       zinstall.lha                     zinstall.readme
  7887.                       zinstall.readme.info             zmakedat
  7888.                     zoolecs (dir)
  7889.                       installzool                      installzool.info
  7890.                       zoolhd                           zoolhd.info
  7891.                       zoolhd.readme                    zoolhd.readme.info
  7892.                       zooli.cheat                      
  7893.                  ab3dtrainer.info                 alfredchickenhd.info
  7894.                  bodyblows.info                   bodyblowsgalacticaga.info
  7895.                  cannonfodder.info                cannonfodder2.info
  7896.                  chaosengineecs.info              civvie.info
  7897.                  gods.info                        jamespond3cd32.info
  7898.                  junglestrike.info                overdrive.info
  7899.                  projectx-se.info                 projectx.info
  7900.                  roadrash.info                    ruffntumble.info
  7901.                  sensiblegolf.info                speedball2.info
  7902.                  superfrog.info                   testdriveii.info
  7903.                  warzone.info                     wonderdog.info
  7904.                  zinstall.info                    zoolecs.info
  7905.                joinslamtilt (dir)
  7906.                     myscores (dir)
  7907.                       demon.dat                        mean.dat
  7908.                       pirate.dat                       space.dat
  7909.                  alternative.info                 install
  7910.                  install.info                     joinslamtilt
  7911.                  joinslamtilt.exe                 joinslamtilt.info
  7912.                  joinslamtilt.readme              joinslamtilt.readme.info
  7913.                magic (dir)
  7914.                  alliance.guide                   alliance.guide.info
  7915.                  killerdecks.guide                killerdecks.guide.info
  7916.                  master.guide                     master.guide.info
  7917.                  menu4.guide                      menu4.guide.info
  7918.                  menu5.guide                      menu5.guide.info
  7919.                  mirage.guide                     mirage.guide.info
  7920.                  mtgpg.guide                      mtgpg.guide.info
  7921.                  myths.guide                      myths.guide.info
  7922.                  rules.guide                      rules.guide.info
  7923.                racer_update (dir)
  7924.                  hdinstall_racer_v1.1             hdinstall_racer_v1.1.info
  7925.                  important.readme                 important.readme.info
  7926.                  racerhires                       racerlores
  7927.                  racer_up.readme                  
  7928.             boards.info                      galshipdesigner.info
  7929.             gloomtrainer.info                hd_installers.info
  7930.             joinslamtilt.info                magic.info
  7931.             racer_update.info                
  7932.        commercial.info                  shareware.info
  7933.        utilities.info                   
  7934.      -seriously_amiga- (dir)
  7935.           commercial (dir)
  7936.                arteffect (dir)
  7937.                     arteffect.demo (dir)
  7938.                          brushes (dir)
  7939.                            dbb_00000002                     dbb_00000003
  7940.                            dbb_00000005                     dbb_00000006
  7941.                            dbb_00000007                     dbb_00000008
  7942.                            dbb_00000009                     dbb_0000000b
  7943.                            dbb_0000000d                     
  7944.                          catalogs (dir)
  7945.                               deutsch (dir)
  7946.                                 arteffect.catalog                
  7947.                          convolution (dir)
  7948.                            blur                             blur5x5
  7949.                            colorart                         crosshatch
  7950.                            deeppress                        drawn
  7951.                            east                             gaussian
  7952.                            horizedge1                       horizedge2
  7953.                            horizedge4                       horizontal
  7954.                            jigglevert                       laplace
  7955.                            lightwax                         l_to_r_diagonal
  7956.                            median                           north
  7957.                            northeast                        northwest
  7958.                            photofilter                      prewitt
  7959.                            r_to_l_diagonal                  sharpen
  7960.                            sharpen1_3x3                     sharpen2_3x3
  7961.                            sharpen_3x3                      sobel
  7962.                            south                            southeast
  7963.                            southwest                        speckle
  7964.                            vertical                         vertiedge1
  7965.                            vertiedge2                       vertiedge4
  7966.                            wax                              west
  7967.                            woodcut                          
  7968.                          libs (dir)
  7969.                            bgui.library                     
  7970.                          paper (dir)
  7971.                            crushed                          
  7972.                          pictures (dir)
  7973.                            apfel.jpg                        gemüse.jpg
  7974.                            skater.jpg                       strand_k.jpg
  7975.                          plugins (dir)
  7976.                            antique.pss                      blur.pss
  7977.                            bumpmap.pss                      caricature.pss
  7978.                            colorproc.pss                    colorspace.pss
  7979.                            convolve.pss                     curl.pss
  7980.                            displace.pss                     dynamicrange.pss
  7981.                            edgefind.pss                     equalize.pss
  7982.                            gaussian.pss                     jpeg.pss
  7983.                            laplace.pss                      median.pss
  7984.                            mirror.pss                       mosaic.pss
  7985.                            negative.pss                     offset.pss
  7986.                            oilpaint.pss                     polarmosaic.pss
  7987.                            posterize.pss                    relief.pss
  7988.                            rgb8.pss                         segmentate.pss
  7989.                            sharpen.pss                      smooth.pss
  7990.                            solarize.pss                     threshold.pss
  7991.                            twirl.pss                        waxpaint.pss
  7992.                          settings (dir)
  7993.                            program.cfg                      window.cfg
  7994.                       aeicongfx.iff                    aeplugin.library
  7995.                       arteffect                        arteffect install-script
  7996.                       arteffect.info                   install arteffect deutsch.info
  7997.                       install arteffect english.info   liesmich
  7998.                       liesmich.info                    makeassign
  7999.                       makeassign.info                  readme
  8000.                       readme.info                      welcome.iff
  8001.                     patch1 (dir)
  8002.                       ae1.5-1.patch.bat                ae1.5-1.patch.bat.info
  8003.                       ae1107to0801.patch               ae_patch_1.bitte_lesen
  8004.                       ae_patch_1.bitte_lesen.info      ae_patch_1.readme
  8005.                       ae_patch_1.readme.info           
  8006.                     patch2 (dir)
  8007.                       ae1.5-2.patch.bat                ae1.5-2.patch.bat.info
  8008.                       ae2208to0801.patch               ae_patch_2.bitte_lesen
  8009.                       ae_patch_2.bitte_lesen.info      ae_patch_2.readme
  8010.                       ae_patch_2.readme.info           
  8011.                     patch3 (dir)
  8012.                       ae1.5-3.patch.bat                ae1.5-3.patch.bat.info
  8013.                       ae2908to0801.patch               ae_patch_3.bitte_lesen
  8014.                       ae_patch_3.bitte_lesen.info      ae_patch_3.readme
  8015.                       ae_patch_3.readme.info           
  8016.                     patch4 (dir)
  8017.                       ae1.5-4.patch.bat                ae1.5-4.patch.bat.info
  8018.                       ae2509to0801.patch               ae_patch_4.bitte_lesen
  8019.                       ae_patch_4.bitte_lesen.info      ae_patch_4.readme
  8020.                       ae_patch_4.readme.info           
  8021.                     patch5 (dir)
  8022.                       ae1.5-5.patch.bat                ae1.5-5.patch.bat.info
  8023.                       ae2711to0801.patch               ae_patch_5.bitte_lesen
  8024.                       ae_patch_5.bitte_lesen.info      ae_patch_5.readme
  8025.                       ae_patch_5.readme.info           
  8026.                     plug_ins (dir)
  8027.                          catalogs (dir)
  8028.                            scanquix_pss.catalog             
  8029.                          plugins (dir)
  8030.                            maketile.pss                     motionblur.pss
  8031.                            scanquix.pss                     tiles.pss
  8032.                       ae_plugin1.readme                ae_plugin1.readme.info
  8033.                       catalogs.info                    plugins.info
  8034.                     scanquix (dir)
  8035.                       ae_scanquix.readme               ae_scanquix.readme.info
  8036.                       scanquix.pss                     scanquix_pss.catalog
  8037.                     toolboxset2 (dir)
  8038.                       aeicongfx_newicon.iff            ae_toolboxset2.readme
  8039.                       ae_toolboxset2.readme.info       
  8040.                     toolboxsets (dir)
  8041.                       aeicongfx_color.iff              aeicongfx_grey.iff
  8042.                       aeicongfx_mono.iff               aeicongfx_neg.iff
  8043.                       aeicongfx_no1.iff                aeicongfx_no2.iff
  8044.                       ae_toolboxsets.readme            ae_toolboxsets.readme.info
  8045.                  arteffect.demo.info              patch1.info
  8046.                  patch2.info                      patch3.info
  8047.                  patch4.info                      patch5.info
  8048.                  plug_ins.info                    scanquix.info
  8049.                  toolboxset2.info                 toolboxsets.info
  8050.                bgsunlimited (dir)
  8051.                     blends (dir)
  8052.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8053.                       blends01.256                     blends01.256.info
  8054.                     boxpanel (dir)
  8055.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8056.                       boxpanel07.256                   boxpanel07.256.info
  8057.                     circles (dir)
  8058.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8059.                       circles04.256                    circles04.256.info
  8060.                     clouds (dir)
  8061.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8062.                       clouds01.256                     clouds01.256.info
  8063.                     col_ball (dir)
  8064.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8065.                       colball09.256                    colball09.256.info
  8066.                     cutout (dir)
  8067.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8068.                       cutout19.256                     cutout19.256.info
  8069.                     emc_phase4 (dir)
  8070.                          backgrounds (dir)
  8071.                               custom (dir)
  8072.                                 -index.1.256                     -index.1.256.info
  8073.                                 -index.2.256                     -index.2.256.info
  8074.                                 -index.3.256                     -index.3.256.info
  8075.                                 -index.4.256                     -index.4.256.info
  8076.                                 -index.5.256                     -index.5.256.info
  8077.                                 -index.6.256                     -index.6.256.info
  8078.                                 -index.7.256                     -index.7.256.info
  8079.                                 -index.8.256                     -index.8.256.info
  8080.                                 backdrop17.256                   backdrop17.256.info
  8081.                                 backdrop62.256                   backdrop62.256.info
  8082.                               scenic (dir)
  8083.                                 -index.1.256                     -index.1.256.info
  8084.                                 -index.2.256                     -index.2.256.info
  8085.                                 -index.3.256                     -index.3.256.info
  8086.                                 -index.4.256                     -index.4.256.info
  8087.                                 trees3.256                       trees3.256.info
  8088.                                 water06.256                      water06.256.info
  8089.                               textures (dir)
  8090.                                 -index.1.256                     -index.1.256.info
  8091.                                 -index.2.256                     -index.2.256.info
  8092.                                 -index.3.256                     -index.3.256.info
  8093.                                 -index.4.256                     -index.4.256.info
  8094.                                 bark2.256                        bark2.256.info
  8095.                                 stone15.256                      stone15.256.info
  8096.                            custom.info                      readme!
  8097.                            readme!.info                     scenic.info
  8098.                            textures.info                    
  8099.                          fonts (dir)
  8100.                               bitmap (dir)
  8101.                                    silicon (dir)
  8102.                                      108                              120
  8103.                                      132                              144
  8104.                                      156                              168
  8105.                                      18                               24
  8106.                                      30                               36
  8107.                                      42                               48
  8108.                                      54                               60
  8109.                                      66                               72
  8110.                                      78                               84
  8111.                                      90                               96
  8112.                                 silicon.font                     
  8113.                               intellifont (dir)
  8114.                                    silicon (dir)
  8115.                                      iconx                            installfont
  8116.                                      installfont.info                 silicon.font
  8117.                                      silicon.otag                     silicon.type
  8118.                                 silicon.info                     
  8119.                               previews (dir)
  8120.                                 silicon.iff                      silicon.iff.info
  8121.                               type1 (dir)
  8122.                                 silicon.afm                      silicon.pfb
  8123.                            bitmap.info                      intellifont.info
  8124.                            previews.info                    readme1st
  8125.                            readme1st.info                   type1.info
  8126.                          useful (dir)
  8127.                               anims (dir)
  8128.                                 counter7.anim                    counter7.anim.info
  8129.                                 vt                               
  8130.                               buttons (dir)
  8131.                                 low-purple.16                    low-purple.16.info
  8132.                                 norm-purple.16                   norm-purple.16.info
  8133.                                 raised-grey.16                   raised-grey.16.info
  8134.                                 readme!                          readme!.info
  8135.                            anims.info                       buttons.info
  8136.                       backgrounds.info                 emc_phase4.guide
  8137.                       emc_phase4.guide.info            fonts.info
  8138.                       useful.info                      
  8139.                     gradient (dir)
  8140.                       -index_1.256                     -index_1.256.info
  8141.                       -index_2.256                     -index_2.256.info
  8142.                       purple04.256                     purple04.256.info
  8143.                     haze (dir)
  8144.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8145.                       haze04.256                       haze04.256.info
  8146.                     metrock (dir)
  8147.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8148.                       metrock13.256                    metrock13.256.info
  8149.                     raised (dir)
  8150.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8151.                       raised20.256                     raised20.256.info
  8152.                     sand (dir)
  8153.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8154.                       sand01.256                       sand01.256.info
  8155.                     shapes (dir)
  8156.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8157.                       shapes11.256                     shapes11.256.info
  8158.                     spheres (dir)
  8159.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8160.                       sphere06.256                     sphere06.256.info
  8161.                     swirls (dir)
  8162.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8163.                       swirls14.256                     swirls14.256.info
  8164.                     tech (dir)
  8165.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8166.                       tech01.256                       tech01.256.info
  8167.                     textint (dir)
  8168.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8169.                       textint08.256                    textint08.256.info
  8170.                     tx_beige (dir)
  8171.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8172.                       beige06.256                      beige06.256.info
  8173.                     tx_blue (dir)
  8174.                       -index_1.256                     -index_1.256.info
  8175.                       -index_2.256                     -index_2.256.info
  8176.                       blue05.256                       blue05.256.info
  8177.                     tx_brown (dir)
  8178.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8179.                       brown04.256                      brown04.256.info
  8180.                     tx_green (dir)
  8181.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8182.                       green07.256                      green07.256.info
  8183.                     tx_grey (dir)
  8184.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8185.                       grey09.256                       grey09.256.info
  8186.                     tx_orange (dir)
  8187.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8188.                       orange06.256                     orange06.256.info
  8189.                     tx_purple (dir)
  8190.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8191.                       purple09.256                     purple09.256.info
  8192.                     tx_red (dir)
  8193.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  8194.                       red08.256                        red08.256.info
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  8196.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
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  8198.                  bgsunlimited.guide               bgsunlimited.guide.info
  8199.                  blends.info                      boxpanel.info
  8200.                  circles.info                     clouds.info
  8201.                  col_ball.info                    cutout.info
  8202.                  emc_phase4.info                  gradient.info
  8203.                  haze.info                        metrock.info
  8204.                  raised.info                      sand.info
  8205.                  shapes.info                      spheres.info
  8206.                  swirls.info                      tech.info
  8207.                  textint.info                     tx_beige.info
  8208.                  tx_blue.info                     tx_brown.info
  8209.                  tx_green.info                    tx_grey.info
  8210.                  tx_orange.info                   tx_purple.info
  8211.                  tx_red.info                      tx_tellow.info
  8212.                lightrom4 (dir)
  8213.                     images (dir)
  8214.                          space (dir)
  8215.                               corus (dir)
  8216.                                 basebmp.iff                      basebmp.iff.info
  8217.                                 basecol.iff                      basecol.iff.info
  8218.                                 blcase.iff                       blcase.iff.info
  8219.                                 blkwrpmn.iff                     blkwrpmn.iff.info
  8220.                                 fracref.iff                      fracref.iff.info
  8221.                                 grgrid.iff                       grgrid.iff.info
  8222.                                 hghlght.iff                      hghlght.iff.info
  8223.                                 hghlght2.iff                     hghlght2.iff.info
  8224.                                 lb2btdif.iff                     lb2btdif.iff.info
  8225.                                 lb2bttrn.iff                     lb2bttrn.iff.info
  8226.                                 lbfbtbmp.iff                     lbfbtbmp.iff.info
  8227.                                 lbfbtdif.iff                     lbfbtdif.iff.info
  8228.                                 lbfbtlum.iff                     lbfbtlum.iff.info
  8229.                                 lbfrtbmp.iff                     lbfrtbmp.iff.info
  8230.                                 lbfrttrn.iff                     lbfrttrn.iff.info
  8231.                                 lbltbmp.iff                      lbltbmp.iff.info
  8232.                                 lbltlum.iff                      lbltlum.iff.info
  8233.                                 ltcirctr.iff                     ltcirctr.iff.info
  8234.                                 refblobs.iff                     refblobs.iff.info
  8235.                                 textur23.iff                     textur23.iff.info
  8236.                                 trbtwnbt.iff                     trbtwnbt.iff.info
  8237.                                 trbtwntp.iff                     trbtwntp.iff.info
  8238.                                 vertlns.iff                      vertlns.iff.info
  8239.                                 whitrock.iff                     whitrock.iff.info
  8240.                               deathstr (dir)
  8241.                                 drddet1.iff                      drddet1.iff.info
  8242.                                 drddet2.iff                      drddet2.iff.info
  8243.                                 drdhull.iff                      drdhull.iff.info
  8244.                                 dthprspc.iff                     dthprspc.iff.info
  8245.                                 fracref.iff                      fracref.iff.info
  8246.                                 gnricpnl.iff                     gnricpnl.iff.info
  8247.                                 grdan.iff                        grdan.iff.info
  8248.                                 grdandrk.iff                     grdandrk.iff.info
  8249.                                 lftpanbp.iff                     lftpanbp.iff.info
  8250.                                 r2hedmap.iff                     r2hedmap.iff.info
  8251.                                 rolltitl.iff                     rolltitl.iff.info
  8252.                                 satspec2.iff                     satspec2.iff.info
  8253.                                 xdet10.iff                       xdet10.iff.info
  8254.                                 xdet11.iff                       xdet11.iff.info
  8255.                                 xdet2.iff                        xdet2.iff.info
  8256.                                 xdet3.iff                        xdet3.iff.info
  8257.                                 xdet3bmp.iff                     xdet3bmp.iff.info
  8258.                                 xdet4.iff                        xdet4.iff.info
  8259.                                 xdet5.iff                        xdet5.iff.info
  8260.                                 xdet6.iff                        xdet6.iff.info
  8261.                                 xdet8b.iff                       xdet8b.iff.info
  8262.                                 xdet8bmt.iff                     xdet8bmt.iff.info
  8263.                                 xdet9.iff                        xdet9.iff.info
  8264.                                 ydet.iff                         ydet.iff.info
  8265.                                 ydet2.iff                        ydet2.iff.info
  8266.                                 ydet3.iff                        ydet3.iff.info
  8267.                                 ydet4.iff                        ydet4.iff.info
  8268.                                 ydet5cl2.iff                     ydet5cl2.iff.info
  8269.                                 ydet5col.iff                     ydet5col.iff.info
  8270.                               drydock2 (dir)
  8271.                                 drydock2.jpg                     drydock2.jpg.info
  8272.                               f121e (dir)
  8273.                                 aim4gd2.iff                      aim4gd2.iff.info
  8274.                                 head.iff                         head.iff.info
  8275.                                 thruster.iff                     thruster.iff.info
  8276.                               freightr (dir)
  8277.                                 cp_lum.iff                       cp_lum.iff.info
  8278.                                 cyl_diff.iff                     cyl_diff.iff.info
  8279.                                 c_panel.iff                      c_panel.iff.info
  8280.                                 doorbump.iff                     doorbump.iff.info
  8281.                                 doordiff.iff                     doordiff.iff.info
  8282.                                 doorfram.iff                     doorfram.iff.info
  8283.                                 doorspec.iff                     doorspec.iff.info
  8284.                                 engcdiff.iff                     engcdiff.iff.info
  8285.                                 engcspec.iff                     engcspec.iff.info
  8286.                                 engcyl_d.iff                     engcyl_d.iff.info
  8287.                                 engcyl_s.iff                     engcyl_s.iff.info
  8288.                                 engwdiff.iff                     engwdiff.iff.info
  8289.                                 engwspec.iff                     engwspec.iff.info
  8290.                                 fracrefl.iff                     fracrefl.iff.info
  8291.                                 generic.iff                      generic.iff.info
  8292.                                 gen_spec.iff                     gen_spec.iff.info
  8293.                                 pod_bump.iff                     pod_bump.iff.info
  8294.                                 pod_col.iff                      pod_col.iff.info
  8295.                                 pod_diff.iff                     pod_diff.iff.info
  8296.                                 solar_sd.iff                     solar_sd.iff.info
  8297.                                 tank_col.iff                     tank_col.iff.info
  8298.                                 thrubump.iff                     thrubump.iff.info
  8299.                                 wingxdif.iff                     wingxdif.iff.info
  8300.                                 wingxspe.iff                     wingxspe.iff.info
  8301.                               jupiter2 (dir)
  8302.                                 botdoor.iff                      botdoor.iff.info
  8303.                                 eceiling.iff                     eceiling.iff.info
  8304.                                 etopdoor.iff                     etopdoor.iff.info
  8305.                                 exterior.iff                     exterior.iff.info
  8306.                                 interior.iff                     interior.iff.info
  8307.                                 legbase.iff                      legbase.iff.info
  8308.                                 lsbase.iff                       lsbase.iff.info
  8309.                                 lsbase24.iff                     lsbase24.iff.info
  8310.                                 t_base.iff                       t_base.iff.info
  8311.                                 walkway.iff                      walkway.iff.info
  8312.                                 walkwayy.iff                     walkwayy.iff.info
  8313.                               lrsi (dir)
  8314.                                 lrsi.iff                         lrsi.iff.info
  8315.                               narn (dir)
  8316.                                 aftdiff.iff                      aftdiff.iff.info
  8317.                                 aftspec.iff                      aftspec.iff.info
  8318.                                 aft_col.iff                      aft_col.iff.info
  8319.                                 aft_col1.iff                     aft_col1.iff.info
  8320.                                 aft_dif1.iff                     aft_dif1.iff.info
  8321.                                 aft_diff.iff                     aft_diff.iff.info
  8322.                                 aft_spec.iff                     aft_spec.iff.info
  8323.                                 eng_diff.iff                     eng_diff.iff.info
  8324.                                 eng_spec.iff                     eng_spec.iff.info
  8325.                                 fin_col.iff                      fin_col.iff.info
  8326.                                 fin_diff.iff                     fin_diff.iff.info
  8327.                                 fin_spec.iff                     fin_spec.iff.info
  8328.                                 fwddiff.iff                      fwddiff.iff.info
  8329.                                 fwdhul16.iff                     fwdhul16.iff.info
  8330.                                 fwdmdiff.iff                     fwdmdiff.iff.info
  8331.                                 fwdmspec.iff                     fwdmspec.iff.info
  8332.                                 fwdspec.iff                      fwdspec.iff.info
  8333.                                 pandiff.iff                      pandiff.iff.info
  8334.                                 panspec.iff                      panspec.iff.info
  8335.                                 sidelite.iff                     sidelite.iff.info
  8336.                                 sl_refl.iff                      sl_refl.iff.info
  8337.                               ncc1701a (dir)
  8338.                                 deflectr.iff                     deflectr.iff.info
  8339.                               omega (dir)
  8340.                                 diff16.iff                       diff16.iff.info
  8341.                                 diff8.iff                        diff8.iff.info
  8342.                                 eflogo.iff                       eflogo.iff.info
  8343.                                 gp_diff.iff                      gp_diff.iff.info
  8344.                                 gp_spec.iff                      gp_spec.iff.info
  8345.                                 hanger.iff                       hanger.iff.info
  8346.                                 nameplat.iff                     nameplat.iff.info
  8347.                                 sidelowa.iff                     sidelowa.iff.info
  8348.                                 side_p.iff                       side_p.iff.info
  8349.                                 side_top.iff                     side_top.iff.info
  8350.                                 spec16.iff                       spec16.iff.info
  8351.                                 spec8.iff                        spec8.iff.info
  8352.                               props (dir)
  8353.                                 barcode.iff                      barcode.iff.info
  8354.                               satelite (dir)
  8355.                                 smallusa.iff                     smallusa.iff.info
  8356.                                 solrpanl.iff                     solrpanl.iff.info
  8357.                               sequence (dir)
  8358.                                 sprk001.tga                      sprk002.tga
  8359.                                 sprk003.tga                      sprk004.tga
  8360.                                 sprk005.tga                      sprk006.tga
  8361.                                 sprk007.tga                      sprk008.tga
  8362.                                 sprk009.tga                      sprk010.tga
  8363.                                 sprk011.tga                      sprk012.tga
  8364.                                 sprk013.tga                      sprk014.tga
  8365.                                 sprk015.tga                      sprk016.tga
  8366.                                 sprk017.tga                      sprk018.tga
  8367.                                 sprk019.tga                      sprk020.tga
  8368.                                 sprk021.tga                      sprk022.tga
  8369.                                 sprk023.tga                      sprk024.tga
  8370.                                 sprk025.tga                      sprk026.tga
  8371.                                 sprk027.tga                      sprk028.tga
  8372.                                 sprk029.tga                      sprk030.tga
  8373.                               tbird3 (dir)
  8374.                                 3eng.iff                         3eng.iff.info
  8375.                                 3eng2.iff                        3eng2.iff.info
  8376.                                 base.iff                         base.iff.info
  8377.                                 birdbody.iff                     birdbody.iff.info
  8378.                                 body3.iff                        body3.iff.info
  8379.                                 engine.iff                       engine.iff.info
  8380.                                 engwhite.iff                     engwhite.iff.info
  8381.                                 mainbody.iff                     mainbody.iff.info
  8382.                                 nose.iff                         nose.iff.info
  8383.                                 revtrust.iff                     revtrust.iff.info
  8384.                                 ringbump.iff                     ringbump.iff.info
  8385.                                 trusbump.iff                     trusbump.iff.info
  8386.                               tbird5 (dir)
  8387.                                 5.iff                            5.iff.info
  8388.                                 5.map                            bay.iff
  8389.                                 bay.iff.info                     bsh_pers.iff
  8390.                                 bsh_pers.iff.info                coolring.iff
  8391.                                 coolring.iff.info                hull.iff
  8392.                                 hull.iff.info                    intrescu.iff
  8393.                                 intrescu.iff.info                lattice.iff
  8394.                                 lattice.iff.info                 thunder5.iff
  8395.                                 thunder5.iff.info                
  8396.                               thornton (dir)
  8397.                                 botwngcl.iff                     botwngcl.iff.info
  8398.                                 botwngdi.iff                     botwngdi.iff.info
  8399.                                 botwngsp.iff                     botwngsp.iff.info
  8400.                                 ctrfincl.iff                     ctrfincl.iff.info
  8401.                                 ctrfindi.iff                     ctrfindi.iff.info
  8402.                                 ctrfinsp.iff                     ctrfinsp.iff.info
  8403.                                 cylndclr.iff                     cylndclr.iff.info
  8404.                                 cylnddif.iff                     cylnddif.iff.info
  8405.                                 cylndspc.iff                     cylndspc.iff.info
  8406.                                 frntclr.iff                      frntclr.iff.info
  8407.                                 frntdif.iff                      frntdif.iff.info
  8408.                                 frntspc.iff                      frntspc.iff.info
  8409.                                 midclr.iff                       midclr.iff.info
  8410.                                 middif.iff                       middif.iff.info
  8411.                                 midspc.iff                       midspc.iff.info
  8412.                                 tipfincl.iff                     tipfincl.iff.info
  8413.                                 tipfindi.iff                     tipfindi.iff.info
  8414.                                 tipfinsp.iff                     tipfinsp.iff.info
  8415.                                 tpwngclr.iff                     tpwngclr.iff.info
  8416.                                 tpwngdif.iff                     tpwngdif.iff.info
  8417.                                 tpwngspc.iff                     tpwngspc.iff.info
  8418.                               tvorlon (dir)
  8419.                                    zaps (dir)
  8420.                                      zapsc000.iff                     zapsc000.iff.info
  8421.                                      zapsc001.iff                     zapsc001.iff.info
  8422.                                      zapsc002.iff                     zapsc002.iff.info
  8423.                                      zapsc003.iff                     zapsc003.iff.info
  8424.                                      zapsc004.iff                     zapsc004.iff.info
  8425.                                      zapsc005.iff                     zapsc005.iff.info
  8426.                                      zapsc006.iff                     zapsc006.iff.info
  8427.                                      zapsc007.iff                     zapsc007.iff.info
  8428.                                      zapsc008.iff                     zapsc008.iff.info
  8429.                                      zapsc009.iff                     zapsc009.iff.info
  8430.                                      zapsc010.iff                     zapsc010.iff.info
  8431.                                      zapsc011.iff                     zapsc011.iff.info
  8432.                                      zapsc012.iff                     zapsc012.iff.info
  8433.                                      zapsc013.iff                     zapsc013.iff.info
  8434.                                      zapsc014.iff                     zapsc014.iff.info
  8435.                                      zapsc015.iff                     zapsc015.iff.info
  8436.                                      zapsr000.iff                     zapsr000.iff.info
  8437.                                      zapsr001.iff                     zapsr001.iff.info
  8438.                                      zapsr002.iff                     zapsr002.iff.info
  8439.                                      zapsr003.iff                     zapsr003.iff.info
  8440.                                      zapsr004.iff                     zapsr004.iff.info
  8441.                                      zapsr005.iff                     zapsr005.iff.info
  8442.                                      zapsr006.iff                     zapsr006.iff.info
  8443.                                      zapsr007.iff                     zapsr007.iff.info
  8444.                                      zapsr008.iff                     zapsr008.iff.info
  8445.                                      zapsr009.iff                     zapsr009.iff.info
  8446.                                      zapsr010.iff                     zapsr010.iff.info
  8447.                                      zapsr011.iff                     zapsr011.iff.info
  8448.                                      zapsr012.iff                     zapsr012.iff.info
  8449.                                      zapsr013.iff                     zapsr013.iff.info
  8450.                                      zapsr014.iff                     zapsr014.iff.info
  8451.                                      zapsr015.iff                     zapsr015.iff.info
  8452.                                 zaps.info                        
  8453.                               ufo (dir)
  8454.                                 3lights.iff                      3lights.iff.info
  8455.                                 3lights.jpg                      3lights.jpg.info
  8456.                                 fieldiff.iff                     fieldiff.iff.info
  8457.                                 fieldiff.jpg                     fieldiff.jpg.info
  8458.                                 leaves.iff                       leaves.iff.info
  8459.                                 leaves.jpg                       leaves.jpg.info
  8460.                               whitstar (dir)
  8461.                                 cockpit.iff                      cockpit.iff.info
  8462.                                 leather.iff                      leather.iff.info
  8463.                                 lowrnose.iff                     lowrnose.iff.info
  8464.                                 l_l_wing.iff                     l_l_wing.iff.info
  8465.                                 l_u_wing.iff                     l_u_wing.iff.info
  8466.                                 rearfins.iff                     rearfins.iff.info
  8467.                                 r_l_wing.iff                     r_l_wing.iff.info
  8468.                                 r_u_wing.iff                     r_u_wing.iff.info
  8469.                                 upprhull.iff                     upprhull.iff.info
  8470.                                 z_ha_dum.iff                     z_ha_dum.iff.info
  8471.                               yt1800 (dir)
  8472.                                 beginnin.iff                     beginnin.iff.info
  8473.                                 cargobay.iff                     cargobay.iff.info
  8474.                                 dark.iff                         dark.iff.info
  8475.                                 level1b.iff                      level1b.iff.info
  8476.                                 level1c.iff                      level1c.iff.info
  8477.                                 lowerb.iff                       lowerb.iff.info
  8478.                                 lowerc.iff                       lowerc.iff.info
  8479.                                 mid.iff                          mid.iff.info
  8480.                                 upper.iff                        upper.iff.info
  8481.                                 upperc.iff                       upperc.iff.info
  8482.                               yt2200 (dir)
  8483.                                 first.iff                        first.iff.info
  8484.                                 level1b.iff                      level1b.iff.info
  8485.                                 level1c.iff                      level1c.iff.info
  8486.                                 level2b.iff                      level2b.iff.info
  8487.                                 level2c.iff                      level2c.iff.info
  8488.                            corus.info                       deathstr.info
  8489.                            drydock2.info                    f121e.info
  8490.                            freightr.info                    jupiter2.info
  8491.                            lrsi.info                        narn.info
  8492.                            ncc1701a.info                    omega.info
  8493.                            props.info                       satelite.info
  8494.                            tbird3.info                      tbird5.info
  8495.                            thornton.info                    tvorlon.info
  8496.                            ufo.info                         whitstar.info
  8497.                            yt1800.info                      yt2200.info
  8498.                       space.info                       
  8499.                     indexes (dir)
  8500.                          showcase (dir)
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  8503.                            f_maturi.jpg                     f_maturi.jpg.info
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  8506.                            joeangel.jpg                     joeangel.jpg.info
  8507.                            k_darby.jpg                      k_darby.jpg.info
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  8516.                            t_healey.jpg                     t_healey.jpg.info
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  8539.                       vehicles.jpg.info                
  8540.                     objects (dir)
  8541.                          space (dir)
  8542.                               1701a_2 (dir)
  8543.                                 ncc1701a.lwo                     
  8544.                               bop (dir)
  8545.                                 bop.lwo                          
  8546.                               calypso (dir)
  8547.                                 calypso.lwo                      
  8548.                               corus (dir)
  8549.                                 backblbg.lwo                     backblbt.lwo
  8550.                                 backcne1.lwo                     backcne2.lwo
  8551.                                 backcne3.lwo                     bb_build.lwo
  8552.                                 bhind1.lwo                       bkgrnd.lwo
  8553.                                 bkrbld1.lwo                      cntrball.hrc
  8554.                                 cntrball.lwo                     conebse1.lwo
  8555.                                 conetot.lwo                      conetot2.lwo
  8556.                                 conetwr1.lwo                     flamblb1.lwo
  8557.                                 flamblb2.lwo                     glsball1.lwo
  8558.                                 ground.lwo                       leftbld1.lwo
  8559.                                 leftbld2.lwo                     lftbldis.lwo
  8560.                                 road.lwo                         r_bgbhnd.lwo
  8561.                                 smbld1.lwo                       smbld2.lwo
  8562.                                 smbld3.lwo                       spikey1.lwo
  8563.                                 spikey2.lwo                      supprt.lwo
  8564.                                 toplftbl.lwo                     trumpet.lwo
  8565.                                 twrsup1.lwo                      
  8566.                               deathstr (dir)
  8567.                                 actlstar.lwo                     cloud.lwo
  8568.                                 dethball.lwo                     dethsrf1.lwo
  8569.                                 dethsrfb.lwo                     dethstr1.lwo
  8570.                                 dethtube.lwo                     expl1.lwo
  8571.                                 expl2.lwo                        expldeth.lwo
  8572.                                 grnlsr.lwo                       laserobj.lwo
  8573.                                 newcloud.lwo                     prspplne.lwo
  8574.                                 rndmstrs.lwo                     rolltitl.lwo
  8575.                                 tie.lwo                          xwing.lwo
  8576.                                 xwingcls.lwo                     
  8577.                               drazi (dir)
  8578.                                 drazi.lwo                        
  8579.                               drydock2 (dir)
  8580.                                 ddtop.lwo                        ddtop_1.lwo
  8581.                                 ddtop_10.lwo                     ddtop_11.lwo
  8582.                                 ddtop_12.lwo                     ddtop_13.lwo
  8583.                                 ddtop_2.lwo                      ddtop_3.lwo
  8584.                                 ddtop_4.lwo                      ddtop_5.lwo
  8585.                                 ddtop_6.lwo                      ddtop_7.lwo
  8586.                                 ddtop_8.lwo                      ddtop_9.lwo
  8587.                                 dp.lwo                           dp1.lwo
  8588.                                 dp10.lwo                         dp11.lwo
  8589.                                 dp12.lwo                         dp13.lwo
  8590.                                 dp2.lwo                          dp2_1.lwo
  8591.                                 dp2_10.lwo                       dp2_11.lwo
  8592.                                 dp2_12.lwo                       dp2_13.lwo
  8593.                                 dp2_2.lwo                        dp2_3.lwo
  8594.                                 dp2_4.lwo                        dp2_5.lwo
  8595.                                 dp2_6.lwo                        dp2_7.lwo
  8596.                                 dp2_8.lwo                        dp2_9.lwo
  8597.                                 dp3.lwo                          dp3_1.lwo
  8598.                                 dp3_10.lwo                       dp3_11.lwo
  8599.                                 dp3_12.lwo                       dp3_13.lwo
  8600.                                 dp3_2.lwo                        dp3_3.lwo
  8601.                                 dp3_4.lwo                        dp3_5.lwo
  8602.                                 dp3_6.lwo                        dp3_7.lwo
  8603.                                 dp3_8.lwo                        dp3_9.lwo
  8604.                                 dp4.lwo                          dp5.lwo
  8605.                                 dp6.lwo                          dp7.lwo
  8606.                                 dp8.lwo                          dp9.lwo
  8607.                                 dp_2.lwo                         dp_3.lwo
  8608.                                 gangway.lwo                      gantry.lwo
  8609.                                 gantryex.lwo                     gantrywi.lwo
  8610.                                 lhw_a1.lwo                       lhw_arm.lwo
  8611.                                 lightbas.lwo                     lpedestl.lwo
  8612.                                 lpfore.lwo                       obwindow.lwo
  8613.                                 porthole.lwo                     portholw.lwo
  8614.                                 pseal.lwo                        redstrip.lwo
  8615.                                 sbdoor.lwo                       sbdoor2.lwo
  8616.                                 sg.lwo                           sg2.lwo
  8617.                                 sg2_1.lwo                        sg2_10.lwo
  8618.                                 sg2_11.lwo                       sg2_12.lwo
  8619.                                 sg2_13.lwo                       sg2_14.lwo
  8620.                                 sg2_15.lwo                       sg2_16.lwo
  8621.                                 sg2_17.lwo                       sg2_18.lwo
  8622.                                 sg2_19.lwo                       sg2_2.lwo
  8623.                                 sg2_20.lwo                       sg2_3.lwo
  8624.                                 sg2_4.lwo                        sg2_5.lwo
  8625.                                 sg2_6.lwo                        sg2_7.lwo
  8626.                                 sg2_8.lwo                        sg2_9.lwo
  8627.                                 sg3.lwo                          sg3_1.lwo
  8628.                                 sg3_10.lwo                       sg3_11.lwo
  8629.                                 sg3_12.lwo                       sg3_13.lwo
  8630.                                 sg3_2.lwo                        sg3_3.lwo
  8631.                                 sg3_4.lwo                        sg3_5.lwo
  8632.                                 sg3_6.lwo                        sg3_7.lwo
  8633.                                 sg3_8.lwo                        sg3_9.lwo
  8634.                                 sg_1.lwo                         sg_10.lwo
  8635.                                 sg_11.lwo                        sg_12.lwo
  8636.                                 sg_13.lwo                        sg_2.lwo
  8637.                                 sg_3.lwo                         sg_4.lwo
  8638.                                 sg_5.lwo                         sg_6.lwo
  8639.                                 sg_7.lwo                         sg_8.lwo
  8640.                                 sg_9.lwo                         shutleby.lwo
  8641.                                 spotlit2.lwo                     spotlite.lwo
  8642.                               f121e (dir)
  8643.                                 aim4d.lwo                        aim4g.lwo
  8644.                                 chaingun.lwo                     f121e.lwo
  8645.                               freightr (dir)
  8646.                                 cargopod.lwo                     freightr.lwo
  8647.                                 f_vol_li.lwo                     liv_ring.lwo
  8648.                                 solar_p.lwo                      thrust.lwo
  8649.                               impshutl (dir)
  8650.                                 body.lwo                         centwing.lwo
  8651.                                 engine.lwo                       gunport.lwo
  8652.                                 guns.lwo                         head.lwo
  8653.                                 leftwing.lwo                     neck.lwo
  8654.                                 ritewing.lwo                     turret.lwo
  8655.                               jumpgate (dir)
  8656.                                 bluemorp.lwo                     inactive.lwo
  8657.                                 vortexbl.lwo                     vortexmo.lwo
  8658.                                 vortexye.lwo                     yellowmo.lwo
  8659.                               jupiter2 (dir)
  8660.                                 alpha.lwo                        compart.lwo
  8661.                                 crewcomp.lwo                     edoorbot.lwo
  8662.                                 edoortop.lwo                     elevator.lwo
  8663.                                 elevbase.lwo                     etrtship.lwo
  8664.                                 etrtshp2.lwo                     etwall1.lwo
  8665.                                 etwall2.lwo                      etwall3.lwo
  8666.                                 etwalls3.lwo                     etwrbase.lwo
  8667.                                 etwrroof.lwo                     jbubble.lwo
  8668.                                 jefin.lwo                        jengine.lwo
  8669.                                 jenginen.lwo                     jgbraces.lwo
  8670.                                 jglass.lwo                       jhnsidor.lwo
  8671.                                 jhull.lwo                        jhullnew.lwo
  8672.                                 jhulnewa.lwo                     jinteror.lwo
  8673.                                 jshipfin.lwo                     legstand.lwo
  8674.                                 legstndb.lwo                     litebeam.lwo
  8675.                                 lwbottom.lwo                     lwtop.lwo
  8676.                                 moon.lwo                         prtwindw.lwo
  8677.                                 railwalk.lwo                     shipleg2.lwo
  8678.                                 shipleg3.lwo                     shiplegs.lwo
  8679.                                 spltfrm.lwo                      sptfrml1.lwo
  8680.                                 sptfrml2.lwo                     sptfrml3.lwo
  8681.                                 sptfrml4.lwo                     sptfrml5.lwo
  8682.                                 sptfrml6.lwo                     sptlite.lwo
  8683.                                 sptlite1.lwo                     sptlite2.lwo
  8684.                                 sptlite3.lwo                     sptrail1.lwo
  8685.                                 sptrail2.lwo                     sptrail3.lwo
  8686.                                 terrain.lwo                      tractbas.lwo
  8687.                                 tread.lwo                        treadfin.lwo
  8688.                                 treadnew.lwo                     treadwhl.lwo
  8689.                                 treadwls.lwo                     twrbrac.lwo
  8690.                                 twrbrac1.lwo                     twrbrac2.lwo
  8691.                                 twrlitpl.lwo                     twrwhbas.lwo
  8692.                                 ultlites.lwo                     
  8693.                               lrsi (dir)
  8694.                                 lrsi.lwo                         
  8695.                               narn (dir)
  8696.                                 narn.lwo                         
  8697.                               ncc1701a (dir)
  8698.                                 ncc1701a.lwo                     phaser.lwo
  8699.                                 phaser2.lwo                      
  8700.                               needle (dir)
  8701.                                 needlesh.lwo                     
  8702.                               omega (dir)
  8703.                                 ocd_aft_.lwo                     ocd_f.lwo
  8704.                                 ocd_fwd_.lwo                     ocd_lase.lwo
  8705.                                 ocd_midd.lwo                     ocd_rear.lwo
  8706.                                 ocd_rot.lwo                      
  8707.                               props (dir)
  8708.                                 notepad.lwo                      passport.lwo
  8709.                               satelite (dir)
  8710.                                 satelite.lwo                     
  8711.                               shuttle (dir)
  8712.                                 shuttle.lwo                      
  8713.                               tbird3 (dir)
  8714.                                 tb3_body.lwo                     wing_eng.lwo
  8715.                               tbird5 (dir)
  8716.                                 tbird5.lwo                       
  8717.                               thornton (dir)
  8718.                                 thornton.lwo                     
  8719.                               tvorlon (dir)
  8720.                                 closdpdl.lwo                     main.lwo
  8721.                                 opnpedal.lwo                     zapper.lwo
  8722.                               ufo (dir)
  8723.                                 field.lwo                        hatch.lwo
  8724.                                 hills.lwo                        leg_ext.lwo
  8725.                                 leg_ret.lwo                      ufo.lwo
  8726.                               whitstar (dir)
  8727.                                 kierstar.lwo                     nebula_3.lwo
  8728.                                 whitstar.lwo                     ws_laser.lwo
  8729.                                 z_ha_dum.lwo                     
  8730.                               yt1800 (dir)
  8731.                                 cargobay.lwo                     cockpit.lwo
  8732.                                 guns.lwo                         leg.lwo
  8733.                                 old.lwo                          turret.lwo
  8734.                                 yt1800.lwo                       
  8735.                               yt2200 (dir)
  8736.                                 cockpit.lwo                      guns.lwo
  8737.                                 intakes.lwo                      turret.lwo
  8738.                                 yt2200.lwo                       
  8739.                            1701a_2.info                     bop.info
  8740.                            calypso.info                     corus.info
  8741.                            deathstr.info                    drazi.info
  8742.                            drydock2.info                    f121e.info
  8743.                            freightr.info                    impshutl.info
  8744.                            jumpgate.info                    jupiter2.info
  8745.                            lrsi.info                        narn.info
  8746.                            ncc1701a.info                    needle.info
  8747.                            omega.info                       props.info
  8748.                            satelite.info                    shuttle.info
  8749.                            tbird3.info                      tbird5.info
  8750.                            thornton.info                    tvorlon.info
  8751.                            ufo.info                         whitstar.info
  8752.                            yt1800.info                      yt2200.info
  8753.                       space.info                       
  8754.                     scenes (dir)
  8755.                          space (dir)
  8756.                               1701a_2 (dir)
  8757.                                 1701a_2.lws                      readme.doc
  8758.                                 readme.doc.info                  
  8759.                               bop (dir)
  8760.                                 bop.lws                          
  8761.                               calypso (dir)
  8762.                                 calypso.lws                      readme.txt
  8763.                                 readme.txt.info                  
  8764.                               corus (dir)
  8765.                                 corus.lws                        readme.txt
  8766.                                 readme.txt.info                  
  8767.                               deathstr (dir)
  8768.                                 readme.txt                       readme.txt.info
  8769.                                 redlaser.lws                     shot1.lws
  8770.                                 shot10.lws                       shot11.lws
  8771.                                 shot12.lws                       shot13.lws
  8772.                                 shot14.lws                       shot15.lws
  8773.                                 shot16.lws                       shot17.lws
  8774.                                 shot2.lws                        shot3.lws
  8775.                                 shot4.lws                        shot5.lws
  8776.                                 shot6.lws                        shot7.lws
  8777.                                 shot8.lws                        shot9.lws
  8778.                                 xwinglgt.lws                     
  8779.                               drazi (dir)
  8780.                                 drazi.lws                        drazi.txt
  8781.                                 drazi.txt.info                   tdrazi1.jpg
  8782.                                 tdrazi2.jpg                      tdrazi3.jpg
  8783.                                 tdrazi4.jpg                      
  8784.                               drydock2 (dir)
  8785.                                 drydock2.lws                     readme.txt
  8786.                                 readme.txt.info                  
  8787.                               f121e (dir)
  8788.                                 f121e.jpg                        f121e.jpg.info
  8789.                                 f121e.lws                        f121e.txt
  8790.                                 f121e.txt.info                   
  8791.                               freightr (dir)
  8792.                                 freightr.txt                     freightr.txt.info
  8793.                                 setup.lws                        
  8794.                               impshutl (dir)
  8795.                                 readme.txt                       readme.txt.info
  8796.                                 shuttle.lws                      
  8797.                               jumpgate (dir)
  8798.                                 blue.lws                         bluesf.jpg
  8799.                                 bluesf.jpg.info                  bluesf.lws
  8800.                                 jumpgate.txt                     jumpgate.txt.info
  8801.                                 yellow.lws                       yellow1.jpg
  8802.                                 yellow1.jpg.info                 yellow2.jpg
  8803.                                 yellow2.jpg.info                 yellowsf.lws
  8804.                               jupiter2 (dir)
  8805.                                 shipani2.lws                     shipani3.lws
  8806.                                 shipani4.lws                     shipani5.lws
  8807.                                 shipani6.lws                     
  8808.                               lrsi (dir)
  8809.                                 lrsi.jpg                         lrsi.jpg.info
  8810.                                 lrsi.lws                         lrsi.txt
  8811.                                 lrsi.txt.info                    
  8812.                               narn (dir)
  8813.                                 narn.doc                         narn.doc.info
  8814.                                 narn.lws                         
  8815.                               ncc1701a (dir)
  8816.                                 phaser3.lws                      readme.txt
  8817.                                 readme.txt.info                  
  8818.                               needle (dir)
  8819.                                 needle.jpg                       needle.jpg.info
  8820.                                 needle.lws                       needle.txt
  8821.                                 needle.txt.info                  
  8822.                               omega (dir)
  8823.                                 omega.doc                        omega.doc.info
  8824.                                 setup.lws                        
  8825.                               props (dir)
  8826.                                 notepad.lws                      passport.lws
  8827.                                 readme.txt                       readme.txt.info
  8828.                               satelite (dir)
  8829.                                 satelite.lws                     
  8830.                               shuttle (dir)
  8831.                                 shuttle.lws                      
  8832.                               tbird3 (dir)
  8833.                                 tbird3.lws                       tbird3.txt
  8834.                                 tbird3.txt.info                  
  8835.                               tbird5 (dir)
  8836.                                 tbird5.lws                       tbird5.txt
  8837.                                 tbird5.txt.info                  
  8838.                               thornton (dir)
  8839.                                 readme.txt                       readme.txt.info
  8840.                                 thornton.jpg                     thornton.jpg.info
  8841.                                 thornton.lws                     
  8842.                               tvorlon (dir)
  8843.                                 tvorlon.lws                      tvorlon.txt
  8844.                                 tvorlon.txt.info                 
  8845.                               ufo (dir)
  8846.                                 readme.txt                       readme.txt.info
  8847.                                 ufo.lws                          
  8848.                               whitstar (dir)
  8849.                                 whitstar.txt                     whitstar.txt.info
  8850.                                 ws_anim.lws                      ws_fires.jpg
  8851.                                 ws_fires.jpg.info                ws_setup.lws
  8852.                                 ws_shado.jpg                     ws_shado.jpg.info
  8853.                                 ws_under.jpg                     ws_under.jpg.info
  8854.                                 xy.jpg                           xy.jpg.info
  8855.                                 xz.jpg                           xz.jpg.info
  8856.                                 zy.jpg                           zy.jpg.info
  8857.                                 z_ha_dum.jpg                     z_ha_dum.jpg.info
  8858.                               yt1800 (dir)
  8859.                                 readme.txt                       readme.txt.info
  8860.                                 yt1800.lws                       
  8861.                               yt2200 (dir)
  8862.                                 readme.txt                       readme.txt.info
  8863.                                 yt2200.lws                       
  8864.                            1701a_2.info                     bop.info
  8865.                            calypso.info                     corus.info
  8866.                            deathstr.info                    drazi.info
  8867.                            drydock2.info                    f121e.info
  8868.                            freightr.info                    impshutl.info
  8869.                            jumpgate.info                    jupiter2.info
  8870.                            lrsi.info                        narn.info
  8871.                            ncc1701a.info                    needle.info
  8872.                            omega.info                       props.info
  8873.                            satelite.info                    shuttle.info
  8874.                            tbird3.info                      tbird5.info
  8875.                            thornton.info                    tvorlon.info
  8876.                            ufo.info                         whitstar.info
  8877.                            yt1800.info                      yt2200.info
  8878.                       space.info                       
  8879.                  images.info                      indexes.info
  8880.                  objects.info                     ppmore
  8881.                  read_me                          read_me.info
  8882.                  scenes.info                      
  8883.                makecd_2.2 (dir)
  8884.                     catalogs (dir)
  8885.                          deutsch (dir)
  8886.                            makecd.catalog                   
  8887.                       deutsch.info                     
  8888.                     doc (dir)
  8889.                          deutsch (dir)
  8890.                            faq                              faq.info
  8891.                            makecd                           makecd.info
  8892.                            registrierformular               registrierformular.info
  8893.                          development (dir)
  8894.                            ieee_p1281.ps                    ieee_p1281.ps.info
  8895.                            ieee_p1282.ps                    ieee_p1282.ps.info
  8896.                            rock_ridge_amiga_specific        rock_ridge_amiga_specific.info
  8897.                            rr_amiga_specific.readme         rr_amiga_specific.readme.info
  8898.                          english (dir)
  8899.                            faq                              faq.info
  8900.                            makecd                           makecd.info
  8901.                            registerform                     registerform.info
  8902.                       compatibility                    compatibility.info
  8903.                       deutsch.info                     development.info
  8904.                       english.info                     history
  8905.                       history.info                     triton.readme
  8906.                       triton.readme.info               
  8907.                     goodies (dir)
  8908.                          amicdfs2 (dir)
  8909.                               c (dir)
  8910.                                 mount                            mount.info
  8911.                                 setcdfs                          setcdfs.info
  8912.                                 setpatch                         setpatch.info
  8913.                                 setpatchmc702                    setpatchmc702.info
  8914.                                 setpatchmc702.txt                setpatchmc702.txt.info
  8915.                               icons (dir)
  8916.                                 def_cddadisk.info                
  8917.                               l (dir)
  8918.                                 amicdfs                          amicdfs.030
  8919.                                 amicdfs.030.info                 amicdfs.info
  8920.                                 wbstart-handler                  wbstart-handler.info
  8921.                               libs (dir)
  8922.                                 dospath.library                  dospath.library.info
  8923.                                 wbstart.library                  wbstart.library.info
  8924.                               newicons (dir)
  8925.                                 def_cd0disk.info                 def_cddadisk.info
  8926.                               sound (dir)
  8927.                                    disks (dir)
  8928.                                      id02034074034074                 id0302b57f03258f
  8929.                                      id040292d203419b                 id0501f4b7036f74
  8930.                                      id0502c29503c172                 id05038aae0454f2
  8931.                                      id0600b64e02f7ec                 id0701cc26034f44
  8932.                                      id080096ed02d6e7                 id0800c5050296b2
  8933.                                      id0900f34302bcc8                 id1400b6da04074a
  8934.                                      id18009ebe045abd                 
  8935.                                    fonts (dir)
  8936.                                         mcdp_dot (dir)
  8937.                                           10                               
  8938.                                         mcdp_lcd (dir)
  8939.                                           10                               
  8940.                                         mcdp_std (dir)
  8941.                                           10                               
  8942.                                      mcdp_dot.font                    mcdp_dot.font.info
  8943.                                      mcdp_dot.info                    mcdp_lcd.font
  8944.                                      mcdp_lcd.font.info               mcdp_lcd.info
  8945.                                      mcdp_std.font                    mcdp_std.font.info
  8946.                                      mcdp_std.info                    
  8947.                                 disks.info                       fonts.info
  8948.                                 mcdplayer                        mcdplayer.info
  8949.                                 mcdplayer.txt                    mcdplayer.txt.info
  8950.                            amicdfs.guide                    amicdfs.guide.info
  8951.                            amicdrom.guide                   c.info
  8952.                            cd0                              cd0.info
  8953.                            icons.info                       l.info
  8954.                            libs.info                        mac0
  8955.                            mac0.info                        newicons.info
  8956.                            sound.info                       
  8957.                          cdromemu (dir)
  8958.                            cdromemu                         cdromemu.c
  8959.                            cdromemu.device                  cdromemu.doc
  8960.                            cdromemu.fd                      cdromemu.h
  8961.                            main.c                           smakefile
  8962.                          hwgctrlscsi (dir)
  8963.                            ctrlscsi                         readme
  8964.                          nsdpatch (dir)
  8965.                            install                          install.info
  8966.                            nsdpatch                         nsdpatch.cfg
  8967.                            nsdpatchinstall.rexx             nsdquery
  8968.                            readme.first                     readme.first.info
  8969.                          triton (dir)
  8970.                               catalogs (dir)
  8971.                                    deutsch (dir)
  8972.                                      triton.catalog                   tritonprefs.catalog
  8973.                                    français (dir)
  8974.                                      triton.catalog                   tritonprefs.catalog
  8975.                                    nederlands (dir)
  8976.                                      triton.catalog                   tritonprefs.catalog
  8977.                                    svenska (dir)
  8978.                                      triton.catalog                   tritonprefs.catalog
  8979.                               demos (dir)
  8980.                                 demo                             demo.info
  8981.                                 envprint                         envprint.info
  8982.                                 progind                          progind.info
  8983.                                 readme                           readme.info
  8984.                                 toolmanager1                     toolmanager1.info
  8985.                                 toolmanager2                     toolmanager2.info
  8986.                                 toolmanager3                     toolmanager3.info
  8987.                                 trlogo                           trlogo.info
  8988.                               docs (dir)
  8989.                                 history                          history.info
  8990.                                 triton.dvi                       triton.dvi.info
  8991.                                 triton.guide                     triton.guide.info
  8992.                               icons (dir)
  8993.                                 dvi.info                         guide.info
  8994.                                 install.info                     installer.info
  8995.                                 manual.info                      prefs.info
  8996.                                 readme                           readme.info
  8997.                                 tex.info                         triton-demo.info
  8998.                                 triton-demos.info                triton-prefs.info
  8999.                               install (dir)
  9000.                                    workbench_2.1+ (dir)
  9001.                                      dansk.info                       deutsch.info
  9002.                                      english.info                     español.info
  9003.                                      français.info                    install triton
  9004.                                      italiano.info                    nederlands.info
  9005.                                      norsk.info                       português.info
  9006.                                      svenska.info                     
  9007.                                 install triton                   workbench_2.0.info
  9008.                                 workbench_2.1+.info              
  9009.                               libs37 (dir)
  9010.                                 triton.library                   
  9011.                               libs39 (dir)
  9012.                                 triton.library                   
  9013.                               prefs (dir)
  9014.                                 triton                           triton.info
  9015.                            demo                             demo.info
  9016.                            demos.info                       docs.info
  9017.                            icons.info                       install.info
  9018.                            prefs.info                       readme
  9019.                            readme.info                      trprefsupdate
  9020.                       amicdfs2.info                    cdromemu.info
  9021.                       hwgctrlscsi.info                 nsdpatch.info
  9022.                       readme                           readme.info
  9023.                       triton.info                      
  9024.                     modules (dir)
  9025.                          scsidrivers (dir)
  9026.                            atapicd.driver                   cdrom.driver
  9027.                            neccd.driver                     philipscdd2000.driver
  9028.                            philipscdd2600.driver            plextor.driver
  9029.                            plextorcd.driver                 sony.driver
  9030.                            sonycd.driver                    toshibacd.driver
  9031.                            yamaha.driver                    
  9032.                       makecdromfs.module               readwrite.module
  9033.                       scsidrivers.info                 scsisupport.module
  9034.                  catalogs.info                    doc.info
  9035.                  goodies.info                     install
  9036.                  install.info                     installer
  9037.                  makecd                           makecd.info
  9038.                  makecd.noinfo                    modules.info
  9039.                  readme                           readme.info
  9040.                  registerscript                   tracks.noinfo
  9041.                  triton.library                   
  9042.                stormc (dir)
  9043.                     cdfiles (dir)
  9044.                          locale-files (dir)
  9045.                            storm.cd                         stormedgui.cd
  9046.                            stormlibrariangui.cd             stormrungui.cd
  9047.                            stormshellgui.cd                 
  9048.                       locale-files.info                stormc_cdfiles.readme
  9049.                       stormc_cdfiles.readme.info       
  9050.                     englishguide (dir)
  9051.                       stormc-english.guide             stormc-english.guide.info
  9052.                       stormc_engguid.readme            stormc_engguid.readme.info
  9053.                     fd2prag (dir)
  9054.                       fd2pragma                        readme.txt
  9055.                       stormc_fd2prag.readme            stormc_fd2prag.readme.info
  9056.                     mui-class-lib (dir)
  9057.                          demos (dir)
  9058.                               busy (dir)
  9059.                                 busy.cpp                         busy.h
  9060.                               demo1 (dir)
  9061.                                 class.cpp                        class.h
  9062.                                 class.o                          demo.¶
  9063.                                 demo.¶.info                      hp
  9064.                                 hp.cpp                           hp.o
  9065.                               demo2 (dir)
  9066.                                 class.cpp                        class.h
  9067.                                 class.o                          demo.¶
  9068.                                 demo.¶.info                      hp
  9069.                                 hp.cpp                           hp.o
  9070.                               demo3 (dir)
  9071.                                 class.cpp                        class.h
  9072.                                 class.o                          class.s
  9073.                                 demo.¶                           demo.¶.info
  9074.                                 hp                               hp.cpp
  9075.                                 hp.o                             hp.s
  9076.                            busy.info                        demo1.info
  9077.                            demo2.info                       demo3.info
  9078.                          docs (dir)
  9079.                               deutsch (dir)
  9080.                                 twimui.guide                     twimui.guide.info
  9081.                               english (dir)
  9082.                                 twimui.guide                     twimui.guide.info
  9083.                          include (dir)
  9084.                               classes (dir)
  9085.                                    datastructures (dir)
  9086.                                      array.h                          buffer.h
  9087.                                      format.h                         string.h
  9088.                                    exceptions (dir)
  9089.                                      exceptions.h                     
  9090.                                    exec (dir)
  9091.                                      share.h                          
  9092.                                    twimui (dir)
  9093.                                      aboutmui.h                       application.h
  9094.                                      area.h                           balance.h
  9095.                                      bitmap.h                         bodychunk.h
  9096.                                      boopsi.h                         button.h
  9097.                                      checkmark.h                      coloradjust.h
  9098.                                      colorfield.h                     cycle.h
  9099.                                      dataspace.h                      dirlist.h
  9100.                                      family.h                         floattext.h
  9101.                                      gadget.h                         gauge.h
  9102.                                      group.h                          image.h
  9103.                                      knob.h                           label.h
  9104.                                      levelmeter.h                     list.h
  9105.                                      listview.h                       menu.h
  9106.                                      misc.h                           notify.h
  9107.                                      numeric.h                        numericbutton.h
  9108.                                      palette.h                        pendisplay.h
  9109.                                      popasl.h                         popbutton.h
  9110.                                      poplist.h                        popobject.h
  9111.                                      poppen.h                         popstring.h
  9112.                                      prop.h                           radio.h
  9113.                                      rectangle.h                      register.h
  9114.                                      request.h                        scale.h
  9115.                                      scrollbar.h                      scrollgroup.h
  9116.                                      semaphore.h                      slider.h
  9117.                                      string.h                         text.h
  9118.                                      virtgroup.h                      volumelist.h
  9119.                                      window.h                         
  9120.                                    utility (dir)
  9121.                                      tag.h                            
  9122.                               twiclasses (dir)
  9123.                                    datastructures (dir)
  9124.                                      array.h                          buffer.h
  9125.                                      format.h                         string.h
  9126.                                    exceptions (dir)
  9127.                                      exceptions.h                     
  9128.                                    exec (dir)
  9129.                                      share.h                          
  9130.                                    twimui (dir)
  9131.                                      aboutmui.h                       application.h
  9132.                                      area.h                           balance.h
  9133.                                      bitmap.h                         bodychunk.h
  9134.                                      boopsi.h                         button.h
  9135.                                      checkmark.h                      coloradjust.h
  9136.                                      colorfield.h                     cycle.h
  9137.                                      dataspace.h                      dirlist.h
  9138.                                      family.h                         floattext.h
  9139.                                      gadget.h                         gauge.h
  9140.                                      group.h                          image.h
  9141.                                      knob.h                           label.h
  9142.                                      levelmeter.h                     list.h
  9143.                                      listview.h                       menu.h
  9144.                                      notify.h                         numeric.h
  9145.                                      numericbutton.h                  palette.h
  9146.                                      pendisplay.h                     popasl.h
  9147.                                      popbutton.h                      poplist.h
  9148.                                      popobject.h                      poppen.h
  9149.                                      popstring.h                      prop.h
  9150.                                      radio.h                          rectangle.h
  9151.                                      register.h                       request.h
  9152.                                      scale.h                          scrollbar.h
  9153.                                      scrollgroup.h                    semaphore.h
  9154.                                      slider.h                         string.h
  9155.                                      text.h                           virtgroup.h
  9156.                                      volumelist.h                     window.h
  9157.                                    utility (dir)
  9158.                                      tag.h                            
  9159.                          lib (dir)
  9160.                            twimui_far.lib                   twimui_near.lib
  9161.                            twimui_near_a6.lib               
  9162.                       demos.info                       history.txt
  9163.                       history.txt.info                 install
  9164.                       install_deutsch.info             install_english.info
  9165.                       liesmich                         liesmich.info
  9166.                       readme                           readme.info
  9167.                       stormc_twimuil.readme            
  9168.                     patch1 (dir)
  9169.                          04.03.96 (dir)
  9170.                            readme                           readme.info
  9171.                            stormc-patch1                    stormc-patch1.bat
  9172.                            stormc-patch1.bat.info           stormlink-patch1
  9173.                       04.03.96.info                    stormc_patch1.readme
  9174.                       stormc_patch1.readme.info        
  9175.                     patch2 (dir)
  9176.                          24.03.96 (dir)
  9177.                            readme                           readme.info
  9178.                            storm.lib                        stormc-patch2
  9179.                            stormc-patch2.bat                stormc-patch2.bat.info
  9180.                       24.03.96.info                    stormc_patch2.readme
  9181.                       stormc_patch2.readme.info        
  9182.                     patch3 (dir)
  9183.                       readme                           readme.info
  9184.                       stormc-patch3                    stormc-patch3.bat
  9185.                       stormc-patch3.bat.info           stormc_patch3.readme
  9186.                       stormc_patch3.readme.info        stormlib.lha
  9187.                       stormlink-patch2                 
  9188.                     patch4 (dir)
  9189.                          include (dir)
  9190.                            string.h                         
  9191.                          lib (dir)
  9192.                            einzel.lha                       storm.lib
  9193.                       disk.info                        liesmich
  9194.                       liesmich.info                    readme
  9195.                       readme.info                      stc-history
  9196.                       stc-history-engl                 stc-history-engl.info
  9197.                       stc-history.info                 stormc1.1-patch.bat
  9198.                       stormc1.1-patch.bat.info         stormc1.1-patch1
  9199.                       stormc_patch4.readme             
  9200.                     patch5 (dir)
  9201.                          patch_global (dir)
  9202.                               lib (dir)
  9203.                                 storm.lib                        storm020.lib
  9204.                                 storm020_far.lib                 storm020_near.lib
  9205.                                 storm020_near_a6.lib             storm_far.lib
  9206.                                 storm_near.lib                   storm_near_a6.lib
  9207.                               mathlib (dir)
  9208.                                 math000.lib                      math020.lib
  9209.                                 math040.lib                      math060.lib
  9210.                                 math881.lib                      
  9211.                               stormsys (dir)
  9212.                                 appmanager.library               stormshellgui.wizard
  9213.                            lib.info                         mathlib.info
  9214.                            stc_patch_global.lesen           stc_patch_global.lesen.info
  9215.                            stc_patch_global.readme          stc_patch_global.readme.info
  9216.                            stormsys.info                    
  9217.                       patch_global.info                stormc_patch5.readme
  9218.                       stormc_patch5.readme.info        
  9219.                     patch6 (dir)
  9220.                          patch (dir)
  9221.                            stc1211to0712.patch              stc_patch_1.bitte_lesen
  9222.                            stc_patch_1.bitte_lesen.info     stc_patch_1.readme
  9223.                            stc_patch_1.readme.info          stormc2.0-1.patch.bat
  9224.                            stormc2.0-1.patch.bat.info       
  9225.                       patch.info                       stormc_patch6.readme
  9226.                       stormc_patch6.readme.info        
  9227.                     patch7 (dir)
  9228.                          patch (dir)
  9229.                            stc2411to0712.patch              stc_patch_2.bitte_lesen
  9230.                            stc_patch_2.bitte_lesen.info     stc_patch_2.readme
  9231.                            stc_patch_2.readme.info          stormc2.0-2.patch.bat
  9232.                            stormc2.0-2.patch.bat.info       
  9233.                       patch.info                       stormc_patch7.readme
  9234.                       stormc_patch7.readme.info        
  9235.                     patch8 (dir)
  9236.                          patch (dir)
  9237.                            stc0712to2801.patch              stc2_patch_3.bitte_lesen
  9238.                            stc2_patch_3.bitte_lesen.info    stc2_patch_3.readme
  9239.                            stc2_patch_3.readme.info         stormc2.0-3.patch.bat
  9240.                            stormc2.0-3.patch.bat.info       
  9241.                       patch.info                       stormc_patch8.readme
  9242.                       stormc_patch8.readme.info        
  9243.                     stormamiga-lib (dir)
  9244.                          examples (dir)
  9245.                               spezialbeispiele (dir)
  9246.                                    dhrystone (dir)
  9247.                                      dhry.h                           dhry21_stormamiga-2.¶
  9248.                                      dhry21_stormamiga-2.¶.info       dhry_2.c
  9249.                                      dhry_stormamiga_1.c              
  9250.                                    hello_world (dir)
  9251.                                      hello_world-stormamiga-2.¶       hello_world-stormamiga.c
  9252.                                    pi (dir)
  9253.                                      drops-stormamiga-2.¶             drops-stormamiga-2.¶.info
  9254.                                      pi-stormamiga.c                  
  9255.                                    speedtest (dir)
  9256.                                      speedtest-stormamiga-2-040.¶     speedtest-stormamiga-2-060.¶
  9257.                                      speedtest-stormamiga-2-881.¶     speedtest-stormamiga-2.¶
  9258.                                      speedtest-stormamiga-2.¶.info    speedtest-stormamiga.c
  9259.                                 dhrystone.info                   hello_world.info
  9260.                                 pi.info                          speedtest.info
  9261.                               standardbeispiele (dir)
  9262.                                    dhrystone (dir)
  9263.                                      dhry.h                           dhry21_storm.¶
  9264.                                      dhry21_storm.¶.info              dhry21_stormamiga.¶
  9265.                                      dhry21_stormamiga.¶.info         dhry_1.c
  9266.                                      dhry_2.c                         dhry_storm.h
  9267.                                      dhry_storm_1.c                   dhry_storm_2.c
  9268.                                    hello_world (dir)
  9269.                                      hello_world-storm.¶              hello_world-storm.¶.info
  9270.                                      hello_world-stormamiga.¶         hello_world-stormamiga.¶.info
  9271.                                      hello_world.c                    
  9272.                                    pi (dir)
  9273.                                      drops-storm.¶                    drops-storm.¶.info
  9274.                                      drops-stormamiga.¶               drops-stormamiga.¶.info
  9275.                                      pi.c                             
  9276.                                    speedtest (dir)
  9277.                                      speedtest-storm-040.¶            speedtest-storm-040.¶.info
  9278.                                      speedtest-storm-060.¶            speedtest-storm-060.¶.info
  9279.                                      speedtest-storm-881.¶            speedtest-storm-881.¶.info
  9280.                                      speedtest-storm.¶                speedtest-storm.¶.info
  9281.                                      speedtest-stormamiga-040.¶       speedtest-stormamiga-060.¶
  9282.                                      speedtest-stormamiga-881.¶       speedtest-stormamiga.c
  9283.                                      speedtest-stormamiga.¶           speedtest-stormamiga.¶.info
  9284.                                      speedtest.c                      
  9285.                                 dhrystone.info                   hello_world.info
  9286.                                 pi.info                          speedtest.info
  9287.                            spezialbeispiele.info            standardbeispiele.info
  9288.                          include (dir)
  9289.                            stormamiga.h                     stormamigainline.h
  9290.                          lib (dir)
  9291.                            stormamiga.lib                   stormamiga_040.lib
  9292.                            stormamiga_060.lib               stormamiga_881.lib
  9293.                            stormamiga_nc.lib                stormamiga_nc_040.lib
  9294.                            stormamiga_nc_060.lib            stormamiga_nc_881.lib
  9295.                          stormsys (dir)
  9296.                               dictionary (dir)
  9297.                                 user 1.dic                       user 2.dic
  9298.                                 user 3.dic                       
  9299.                            stormamiga_c++_startups.o        stormamiga_nc_c++_startups.o
  9300.                            stormamiga_nc_startups.o         stormamiga_startups.o
  9301.                       examples.info                    stormamiga.lib hd-install
  9302.                       stormamiga.lib hd-install.info   stormamiga_lib.guide
  9303.                       stormamiga_lib.guide.info        stormc_fastlib.readme
  9304.                       stormc_fastlib.readme.info       
  9305.                     stormwizard-demo2.0 (dir)
  9306.                          catalogs (dir)
  9307.                               deutsch (dir)
  9308.                                 stormwizard.catalog              
  9309.                          example-source (dir)
  9310.                               c (dir)
  9311.                                    externtest (dir)
  9312.                                      buttonclass_lib.fd               buttonclass_lib.fd.info
  9313.                                      externtest.¶                     externtest.¶.info
  9314.                                      library.c                        library.c.info
  9315.                                    manager (dir)
  9316.                                      manager                          manager.c
  9317.                                      manager.c.info                   manager.info
  9318.                                      manager.wizard                   manager.wizard.info
  9319.                                      manager.¶                        manager.¶.info
  9320.                                      picture.iff                      picture2.iff
  9321.                                    palette (dir)
  9322.                                         pics (dir)
  9323.                                           menu                             menu.info
  9324.                                      palette                          palette.c
  9325.                                      palette.c.info                   palette.wizard
  9326.                                      palette.¶                        palette.¶.info
  9327.                                    simple (dir)
  9328.                                         basis (dir)
  9329.                                           basis                            basis.c
  9330.                                           basis.c.info                     basis.cd
  9331.                                           basis.h                          basis.info
  9332.                                           basis.wizard                     basis.¶
  9333.                                           basis.¶.info                     
  9334.                                         config (dir)
  9335.                                           config                           config.c
  9336.                                           config.c.info                    config.cd
  9337.                                           config.h                         config.info
  9338.                                           config.wizard                    config.¶
  9339.                                           config.¶.info                    
  9340.                                         gadgethelp (dir)
  9341.                                           gadgethelp                       gadgethelp.c
  9342.                                           gadgethelp.c.info                gadgethelp.cd
  9343.                                           gadgethelp.h                     gadgethelp.info
  9344.                                           gadgethelp.wizard                gadgethelp.¶
  9345.                                           gadgethelp.¶.info                
  9346.                                         locale (dir)
  9347.                                           locale                           locale.c
  9348.                                           locale.c.info                    locale.cd
  9349.                                           locale.h                         locale.info
  9350.                                           locale.wizard                    locale.¶
  9351.                                           locale.¶.info                    
  9352.                                         lock (dir)
  9353.                                           lock                             lock.c
  9354.                                           lock.c.info                      lock.cd
  9355.                                           lock.h                           lock.info
  9356.                                           lock.wizard                      lock.¶
  9357.                                           lock.¶.info                      
  9358.                                         menuhelp (dir)
  9359.                                           menuhelp                         menuhelp.c
  9360.                                           menuhelp.c.info                  menuhelp.cd
  9361.                                           menuhelp.h                       menuhelp.info
  9362.                                           menuhelp.wizard                  menuhelp.¶
  9363.                                           menuhelp.¶.info                  
  9364.                                         reaction (dir)
  9365.                                           reaction                         reaction.c
  9366.                                           reaction.c.info                  reaction.cd
  9367.                                           reaction.h                       reaction.info
  9368.                                           reaction.wizard                  reaction.¶
  9369.                                           reaction.¶.info                  
  9370.                                         snapshot (dir)
  9371.                                           snapshot                         snapshot.c
  9372.                                           snapshot.c.info                  snapshot.cd
  9373.                                           snapshot.h                       snapshot.info
  9374.                                           snapshot.wizard                  snapshot.¶
  9375.                                           snapshot.¶.info                  
  9376.                                      basis.info                       config.info
  9377.                                      gadgethelp.info                  locale.info
  9378.                                      lock.info                        menuhelp.info
  9379.                                      reaction.info                    snapshot.info
  9380.                                    test (dir)
  9381.                                      test                             test.c
  9382.                                      test.c.info                      test.h
  9383.                                      test.info                        test.wizard
  9384.                                      test.wizard.info                 test.¶
  9385.                                      test.¶.info                      test2.h
  9386.                                      test2.wizard                     testclass.library
  9387.                                    tree (dir)
  9388.                                      tree                             tree.c
  9389.                                      tree.c.info                      tree.wizard
  9390.                                      tree.¶                           tree.¶.info
  9391.                                 externtest.info                  manager.info
  9392.                                 palette.info                     simple.info
  9393.                                 test.info                        tree.info
  9394.                               e (dir)
  9395.                                 test                             test.e
  9396.                                 test.wizard                      wizard.i
  9397.                               pascal-source (dir)
  9398.                                    simple (dir)
  9399.                                         catalogs (dir)
  9400.                                              deutsch (dir)
  9401.                                                locale.catalog                   locale.cd
  9402.                                                locale.ct                        
  9403.                                      basis                            basis.info
  9404.                                      basis.p                          basis.p.info
  9405.                                      basis.wizard                     config
  9406.                                      config.info                      config.p
  9407.                                      config.p.info                    config.wizard
  9408.                                      gadgethelp                       gadgethelp.info
  9409.                                      gadgethelp.p                     gadgethelp.p.info
  9410.                                      gadgethelp.wizard                liesmich!!!
  9411.                                      liesmich!!!.info                 locale
  9412.                                      locale.info                      locale.p
  9413.                                      locale.p.info                    locale.wizard
  9414.                                      lock                             lock.info
  9415.                                      lock.p                           lock.p.info
  9416.                                      lock.wizard                      menuhelp
  9417.                                      menuhelp.info                    menuhelp.p
  9418.                                      menuhelp.p.info                  menuhelp.wizard
  9419.                                      reaction                         reaction.info
  9420.                                      reaction.p                       reaction.p.info
  9421.                                      reaction.wizard                  snapshot
  9422.                                      snapshot.info                    snapshot.p
  9423.                                      snapshot.p.info                  snapshot.wizard
  9424.                                 simple.info                      test
  9425.                                 test.info                        test.p
  9426.                                 test.p.info                      test.wizard
  9427.                                 test.wizard.info                 
  9428.                            c.info                           e.info
  9429.                            pascal-source.info               
  9430.                          examples (dir)
  9431.                            amiga-dock.wizard                amiga-dock.wizard.info
  9432.                            bubblehelpdemo.wizard            bubblehelpdemo.wizard.info
  9433.                            cinema-dock.wizard               cinema-dock.wizard.info
  9434.                            cinema-einstellungen.wizard      dateipfade.wizard
  9435.                            dateipfade.wizard.info           devpac.wizard
  9436.                            devpac.wizard.info               diavolo.wizard
  9437.                            diavolo.wizard.info              disksalve.wizard
  9438.                            disksavle.wizard.info            font.wizard
  9439.                            font.wizard.info                 manager.wizard
  9440.                            manager.wizard.info              notifydemo.wizard
  9441.                            notifydemo.wizard.info           paginghoriz.wizard
  9442.                            paginghoriz.wizard.info          picture-astro.wizard
  9443.                            picture-astro.wizard.info        picture-storm.wizard
  9444.                            picture-storm.wizard.info        statusinformationen.wizard
  9445.                            superduper.wizard                superduper.wizard.info
  9446.                            toolmanager.wizard               toolmanager.wizard.info
  9447.                            zeichensatzeinsteller.wizard     zeitvoreinsteller.wizard
  9448.                            zeitvoreinsteller.wizard.info    
  9449.                          include (dir)
  9450.                               asm (dir)
  9451.                                 wizard.i                         wizard_lib.i
  9452.                               basic (dir)
  9453.                                    blitzbasic (dir)
  9454.                                      const.bb2                        const.bb2.info
  9455.                                      const.bb2.xtra                   const.res
  9456.                                      newtypes.bb2                     newtypes.bb2.info
  9457.                                      newtypes.bb2.xtra                wizard.library1
  9458.                                      wizardtest.asc                   wizardtest.bb2
  9459.                                      wizardtest.bb2.info              wizardtest.bb2.xtra
  9460.                                    maxonbasic (dir)
  9461.                                      wizard.bc                        wizard.bh
  9462.                                      wizard.bmap                      
  9463.                               c (dir)
  9464.                                    clib (dir)
  9465.                                      wizard_protos.h                  
  9466.                                    libraries (dir)
  9467.                                      wizard.h                         wizardextern.h
  9468.                                      wizardhooks.h                    wizardstring.h
  9469.                                      wizardview.h                     
  9470.                                    pragma (dir)
  9471.                                      wizard_lib.h                     
  9472.                                    stubs (dir)
  9473.                                      wizard_subs.h                    
  9474.                               e (dir)
  9475.                                    modules (dir)
  9476.                                         libraries (dir)
  9477.                                           wizard.m                         
  9478.                                      wizard.m                         
  9479.                               pascal (dir)
  9480.                                    include (dir)
  9481.                                         libraries (dir)
  9482.                                           wizard.h                         wizard.h.info
  9483.                                      libraries.info                   wizard.lib
  9484.                                      wizard.lib.info                  
  9485.                                    unit-source (dir)
  9486.                                      wizard-unit.p                    wizard-unit.p.info
  9487.                                 include.info                     liesmich!!!
  9488.                                 liesmich!!!.info                 unit-source.info
  9489.                            wizard_lib.fd                    
  9490.                          libs (dir)
  9491.                            wizard.library                   
  9492.                          manuals (dir)
  9493.                            stormwizard-english.guide        stormwizard-english.guide.info
  9494.                            stormwizard.guide                stormwizard.guide.info
  9495.                            wizard_eng_auto.doc              wizard_eng_auto.doc.info
  9496.                            wizard_ger_auto.doc              wizard_ger_auto.doc.info
  9497.                          settings (dir)
  9498.                            acceptmsg                        args
  9499.                            arrow                            autouse
  9500.                            button                           checkbox
  9501.                            colorfield                       cycle
  9502.                            date                             extern
  9503.                            gauge                            hgroup
  9504.                            hierarchy                        hscroller
  9505.                            hslider                          image
  9506.                            imagebutton                      imagepopup
  9507.                            imagetoggle                      integer
  9508.                            label                            line
  9509.                            listview                         multilistview
  9510.                            mutualexclude                    palette
  9511.                            space                            string
  9512.                            stringfield                      textpopup
  9513.                            toggle                           vectorbutton
  9514.                            vectorpopup                      vgroup
  9515.                            vscroller                        vslider
  9516.                            window                           
  9517.                       example-source.info              examples.info
  9518.                       include.info                     manuals.info
  9519.                       stormwizard                      stormwizard.info
  9520.                       stormwizard.wizard               stormwizard2_0.readme
  9521.                       stormwizard2_0.readme.info       
  9522.                     tools (dir)
  9523.                          magicmenupatch (dir)
  9524.                            magicmenupatch                   magicmenupatch.guide
  9525.                            magicmenupatch.guide.info        magicmenupatch.info
  9526.                          stormscreenmanager (dir)
  9527.                            stormscreenmanager               stormscreenmanager.info
  9528.                       magicmenupatch.info              stormc_tools.readme
  9529.                       stormc_tools.readme.info         stormscreenmanager.info
  9530.                     wizard-library (dir)
  9531.                          autodocs (dir)
  9532.                            wizard_eng_auto.doc              wizard_eng_auto.doc.info
  9533.                            wizard_ger_auto.doc              wizard_ger_auto.doc.info
  9534.                          clib (dir)
  9535.                            wizard_protos.h                  
  9536.                          libraries (dir)
  9537.                            wizard.h                         wizardextern.h
  9538.                            wizardhooks.h                    wizardstring.h
  9539.                            wizardview.h                     
  9540.                          libs (dir)
  9541.                            wizard.library                   
  9542.                          pragma (dir)
  9543.                            wizard_lib.h                     
  9544.                          stubs (dir)
  9545.                            wizard_subs.h                    wizard_subs.h.info
  9546.                       stormc_wizlib.readme             stormc_wizlib.readme.info
  9547.                       wizard_lib.fd                    wizard_lib.fd.info
  9548.                     wizardlibrary (dir)
  9549.                       wizard.library                   wizardlibrary.readme
  9550.                       wizardlibrary.readme.info        
  9551.                  cdfiles.info                     englishguide.info
  9552.                  fd2prag.info                     mui-class-lib.info
  9553.                  patch1.info                      patch2.info
  9554.                  patch3.info                      patch4.info
  9555.                  patch5.info                      patch6.info
  9556.                  patch7.info                      patch8.info
  9557.                  stormamiga-lib.info              stormwizard-demo2.0.info
  9558.                  tools.info                       wizard-library.info
  9559.                  wizardlibrary.info               
  9560.             arteffect.info                   bgsunlimited.info
  9561.             lightrom4.info                   makecd_2.2.info
  9562.             stormc.info                      
  9563.           shareware (dir)
  9564.                archivers (dir)
  9565.                     disksqueeze (dir)
  9566.                          37.x (dir)
  9567.                            requestfile                      
  9568.                          devs (dir)
  9569.                            dms.device                       
  9570.                          docs (dir)
  9571.                            disksqueeze.guide                disksqueeze.guide.info
  9572.                          preview (dir)
  9573.                            note.txt                         preview1.iff
  9574.                            preview2.iff                     
  9575.                          programs (dir)
  9576.                            chdir                            dirii
  9577.                            disktype                         getchars
  9578.                            packdev                          pathname
  9579.                       check                            check.info
  9580.                       devs.info                        disksqueeze
  9581.                       disksqueeze.info                 disksqueeze.readme
  9582.                       docs.info                        install
  9583.                       install.info                     programs.info
  9584.                       short.readme                     short.readme.info
  9585.                     dza (dir)
  9586.                       dza                              dza.displayme
  9587.                       dza.info                         dza.readme
  9588.                       dza.readme.info                  dza.text
  9589.                     pics (dir)
  9590.                       a_png.lha                        pics
  9591.                       pics.displayme                   pics.info
  9592.                       pics.lha                         pics.rdm
  9593.                       pics.readme                      pics.readme.info
  9594.                     pplib020 (dir)
  9595.                       powerpacker.library              pplib020.readme
  9596.                       pplib020.readme.info             
  9597.                     unpackutility_1.1 (dir)
  9598.                          docs (dir)
  9599.                            afd-copyright                    afd-copyright.pl
  9600.                            instruction.guide                instruction.guide.info
  9601.                          triton (dir)
  9602.                            install                          install.info
  9603.                            readme                           readme.info
  9604.                            triton.library                   
  9605.                       2b_unpacku11.readme              2b_unpacku11.readme.info
  9606.                       docs.info                        readme.aminet
  9607.                       triton.info                      unpackutility
  9608.                       unpackutility.e                  unpackutility.info
  9609.                     xfd_pwf (dir)
  9610.                          chr (dir)
  9611.                            all.chr                          chars&numbers.chr
  9612.                            numbers.chr                      smallchars&numbers.chr
  9613.                            smallchars.chr                   
  9614.                          dics (dir)
  9615.                            test.dic                         
  9616.                       benchmark.txt                    benchmark.txt.info
  9617.                       history.txt                      history.txt.info
  9618.                       readme.txt                       readme.txt.info
  9619.                       xfd_pwf                          xfd_pwf.c
  9620.                       xfd_pwf.c.info                   xfd_pwf.info
  9621.                       xfd_pwf.lha                      xfd_pwf.readme
  9622.                  disksqueeze.info                 dza.info
  9623.                  pics.info                        pplib020.info
  9624.                  unpackutility_1.1.info           xfd_pwf.info
  9625.                cd-rom (dir)
  9626.                     megacd_v1.2 (dir)
  9627.                          filez (dir)
  9628.                               max (dir)
  9629.                                 megacdtree                       
  9630.                               med (dir)
  9631.                                 megacd                           megacdtree
  9632.                               min (dir)
  9633.                                 megacd                           megacdtree
  9634.                            megacd.info                      megacdgui
  9635.                            megacdgui.info                   megacdprefs
  9636.                            megacdprefs.info                 megacdtree.info
  9637.                       install_megacd                   install_megacd.info
  9638.                       megacd.guide                     megacd.guide.info
  9639.                       megacd.readme                    
  9640.                     neccdtool_1.2 (dir)
  9641.                       neccdtool                        neccdtool.guide
  9642.                       neccdtool.guide.info             neccdtool_1.2.readme
  9643.                  megacd_v1.2.info                 neccdtool_1.2.info
  9644.                comms (dir)
  9645.                     adpro_tam (dir)
  9646.                       adpro_tam                        adpro_tam.info
  9647.                       adpro_tam.readme                 tam.guide
  9648.                       tam.guide.info                   
  9649.                     ag-menuconfig (dir)
  9650.                       ag-menuconfig.readme             ag-menuconfig.readme.info
  9651.                       amigaguide.menuconfig            
  9652.                     airmail42 (dir)
  9653.                          libs (dir)
  9654.                            address.iff                      airmail.data
  9655.                            airmail1.data                    airmail2.data
  9656.                            amigasurvivor.form               attach.iff
  9657.                            bartman.form                     calvinevil.form
  9658.                            calvinyelling.form               checkmail.iff
  9659.                            decode.iff                       delete.iff
  9660.                            deutsch.catalog                  distress.form
  9661.                            english.catalog                  file.iff
  9662.                            find.iff                         folder.iff
  9663.                            forward.iff                      french.catalog
  9664.                            hatemonday.form                  homer.form
  9665.                            import.iff                       inbox.iff
  9666.                            italian.catalog                  itsfriday.form
  9667.                            iwanttobelieve.form              new.iff
  9668.                            newmail.iff                      nono.form
  9669.                            outbox.iff                       prefs.iff
  9670.                            print.iff                        print1.iff
  9671.                            queue.iff                        rcptoff.iff
  9672.                            rcpton.iff                       read.iff
  9673.                            renstimpy.form                   reply.iff
  9674.                            save.iff                         saveaddr.iff
  9675.                            saveaddr1.iff                    send.iff
  9676.                            sendall.iff                      signature.iff
  9677.                            sigoff.iff                       sigon.iff
  9678.                            standard.form                    svenska.catalog
  9679.                            textfield.gadget                 thanks.form
  9680.                            thesimpsons.form                 toysoft.form
  9681.                            toysoft.sig                      toysoftheadoffice.form
  9682.                            windowsucks.form                 youwantwhat.form
  9683.                          sounds (dir)
  9684.                            newmail.iff                      nonewmail.iff
  9685.                            youvegotmail.iff                 
  9686.                       airmail.ct                       airmail.ct.info
  9687.                       airmail.guide                    airmail.guide.info
  9688.                       airmail42                        airmail42.info
  9689.                       airmail_reg.doc                  airmail_reg.doc.info
  9690.                       install                          install.info
  9691.                       libs.info                        sounds.info
  9692.                     airmailplugin (dir)
  9693.                       airmailplugin                    airmailplugin.doc
  9694.                       airmailplugin.doc.info           airmailplugin.info
  9695.                     amarquee (dir)
  9696.                          examples (dir)
  9697.                            amarqueedebug                    amarqueedebug.c
  9698.                            amarqueehost                     amarqueehost.c
  9699.                            amarqueeserver                   amarqueeserver.c
  9700.                            bouncecount                      bouncecount.c
  9701.                            dmakefile                        miniirc
  9702.                            miniirc.c                        removetest
  9703.                            removetest.c                     sillygame
  9704.                            sillygame.c                      streamcheck
  9705.                            streamcheck.c                    streamgen
  9706.                            streamgen.c                      synctest
  9707.                            synctest.c                       
  9708.                          include (dir)
  9709.                               amiga (dir)
  9710.                                    clib (dir)
  9711.                                      amarquee_protos.h                
  9712.                                    fd (dir)
  9713.                                      amarquee.fd                      
  9714.                                    libraries (dir)
  9715.                                      amarquee.h                       
  9716.                                    pragmas (dir)
  9717.                                      amarquee_pragmas.h               
  9718.                       amarquee.guide                   amarquee.guide.info
  9719.                       amarquee.library                 amarquee.readme
  9720.                       amarquee.readme.info             amarquee1.40.lha
  9721.                       amarqueed                        edittextfile.rexx
  9722.                       install_amarquee                 install_amarquee.info
  9723.                     am_html (dir)
  9724.                          pics (dir)
  9725.                            about.gif                        address.gif
  9726.                            amiga.gif                        cscr1.gif
  9727.                            cscr2.gif                        cscr3.gif
  9728.                            editor.gif                       file.gif
  9729.                            filters.gif                      folders.gif
  9730.                            form1.gif                        form2.gif
  9731.                            form3.gif                        form4.gif
  9732.                            forward.gif                      hotkeys.gif
  9733.                            icons.gif                        inbox1.gif
  9734.                            inbox_wb2.gif                    inbox_wb3.gif
  9735.                            install.gif                      main1.gif
  9736.                            mainmenu.gif                     menu1.gif
  9737.                            menu2.gif                        menu3.gif
  9738.                            miscpref.gif                     newmail.gif
  9739.                            newmail1.gif                     newuser.gif
  9740.                            options.gif                      outbox.gif
  9741.                            outbox_wb2.gif                   outbox_wb3.gif
  9742.                            pathpref.gif                     pform.gif
  9743.                            readmail.gif                     receipt.gif
  9744.                            sfolder.gif                      sform.gif
  9745.                            sig.gif                          smtppop.gif
  9746.                            tags.gif                         toysbk.gif
  9747.                            toysoft.jpg                      ufolder.gif
  9748.                            ufolder2.gif                     
  9749.                       address.html                     airmail.html
  9750.                       airmail42html.readme             airmail42html.readme.info
  9751.                       attach.html                      aweb.html.info
  9752.                       checkmail.html                   credits.html
  9753.                       cscreen.html                     editor.html
  9754.                       filters.html                     folders.html
  9755.                       forms.html                       hotkeys.html
  9756.                       ibrowse.html.info                inbox.html
  9757.                       install.html                     intro.html
  9758.                       locale.html                      mainmenu.html
  9759.                       memail.html                      misc.html
  9760.                       newmail.html                     newmailx.html
  9761.                       options.html                     outbox.html
  9762.                       paths.html                       pform.html
  9763.                       prefs.html                       problems.html
  9764.                       queue.html                       readme
  9765.                       readmefirst                      readmefirst.info
  9766.                       receipt.html                     sig.html
  9767.                       tags.html                        template.html
  9768.                       textgadget.html                  tips.html
  9769.                       voyager.html.info                
  9770.                     apx-iban (dir)
  9771.                       def_transferanimation            def_transferanimation.info
  9772.                       xtro's_ibanim.readme             xtro's_ibanim.readme.info
  9773.                     awebpack (dir)
  9774.                       aweb.iff                         aweb2
  9775.                       aweb2.info                       aweb3
  9776.                       aweb3.info                       awebbg.iff
  9777.                       awebgrab.iff                     awebpack.readme
  9778.                       awebpack.readme.info             liquidjupiter
  9779.                       liquidjupiter.info               liquidjupitersmall
  9780.                       liquidjupitersmall.info          plasmaball2
  9781.                       plasmaball2.info                 plasmaball3
  9782.                       plasmaball3.info                 radarglobe2
  9783.                       radarglobe2.info                 vu-meter2
  9784.                       vu-meter2.info                   
  9785.                     awebtapack (dir)
  9786.                       awebtapack.readme                awebtapack.readme.info
  9787.                       interferia36                     interferia36.info
  9788.                       interferia48                     interferia48.info
  9789.                       tunnel36                         tunnel36.info
  9790.                       tunnel48                         tunnel48.info
  9791.                     ffnews (dir)
  9792.                          docs (dir)
  9793.                            ffnews.guide                     ffnews.guide.info
  9794.                            important!                       important!.info
  9795.                          gadgets (dir)
  9796.                            textfield.gadget                 
  9797.                          images (dir)
  9798.                            attachment.iff                   button_addtobook.iff
  9799.                            button_delete.iff                button_emailreply.iff
  9800.                            button_export.iff                button_next.iff
  9801.                            button_nextnew.iff               button_postnew.iff
  9802.                            button_prev.iff                  button_prevnew.iff
  9803.                            button_print.iff                 button_reply.iff
  9804.                            button_rot13.iff                 button_showansi.iff
  9805.                            mail_nocache.iff                 mail_read.iff
  9806.                            mail_unread.iff                  waiting.iff
  9807.                          mui (dir)
  9808.                            htmltext.mcc                     htmltext.mcp
  9809.                            mailtext.mcc                     mailtext.mcp
  9810.                            nlist.mcc                        nlistview.mcc
  9811.                            nlistviews.mcp                   term.mcc
  9812.                          newsgroups (dir)
  9813.                               click_here! (dir)
  9814.                                 1.body                           1.head
  9815.                                 1.index                          
  9816.                          settings (dir)
  9817.                            offlinereader.settings           onlinereader.settings
  9818.                       docs.info                        ffnews
  9819.                       ffnews.info                      ffnews156.readme
  9820.                       file_id.diz                      install
  9821.                       install.info                     installer
  9822.                       newsgroups.subscribed            sendbrowser.rexx
  9823.                     ffnews_update (dir)
  9824.                       ffnews                           ffnews_update.readme
  9825.                       ffnews_update.readme.info        
  9826.                     guideml (dir)
  9827.                       file_id.diz                      guideml
  9828.                       guideml.guide                    guideml.guide.info
  9829.                       guideml.readme                   guideml.readme.info
  9830.                     hlhandler110 (dir)
  9831.                          extras (dir)
  9832.                            cleanuphotlist.rexx              hotlisthandler.info
  9833.                       hotlisthandler                   hotlisthandler.guide
  9834.                       hotlisthandler.guide.info        hotlisthandler.info
  9835.                       hotlisthandler.readme            hotlisthandler.readme.info
  9836.                       installer                        installer.info
  9837.                     hotlist (dir)
  9838.                          catalogs (dir)
  9839.                               norsk (dir)
  9840.                                 hotlist.catalog                  
  9841.                       hotlist                          hotlist.doc
  9842.                       hotlist.doc.info                 hotlist.readme
  9843.                       hotlist.readme.info              
  9844.                     htmldate (dir)
  9845.                       htmldate.ged                     htmldate.readme
  9846.                       htmldate.readme.info             
  9847.                     htmlfix (dir)
  9848.                       htmlfix                          htmlfix.doc
  9849.                       htmlfix.doc.info                 htmlfix.info
  9850.                       htmlfix.readme                   
  9851.                     ibfindurl (dir)
  9852.                          deu (dir)
  9853.                            checkurl.ibrx                    findurl.ibrx
  9854.                          eng (dir)
  9855.                            checkurl.ibrx                    findurl.ibrx
  9856.                       ibfindurl.readme                 ibfindurl.readme.info
  9857.                     ibrowseanims (dir)
  9858.                       def_transferanimation256         def_transferanimation256.info
  9859.                       def_transferanimation_32         def_transferanimation_32.info
  9860.                       ibrowseanim.readme               installation
  9861.                       installation.info                
  9862.                     imagefx_tam (dir)
  9863.                       imagefx_tam                      imagefx_tam.info
  9864.                       imagefx_tam.readme               tam.guide
  9865.                       tam.guide.info                   
  9866.                     mwm (dir)
  9867.                          docs (dir)
  9868.                            doc_logo.iff                     mwm_eng.doc
  9869.                            mwm_eng.doc.info                 mwm_eng.guide
  9870.                            mwm_eng.guide.info               mwm_eng.html
  9871.                            mwm_eng.html.info                mwm_eng_html.project
  9872.                            mwm_ger.doc                      mwm_ger.doc.info
  9873.                            mwm_history.txt                  mwm_history.txt.info
  9874.                            mwm_ita.doc                      mwm_ita.doc.info
  9875.                            mwm_ita.guide                    mwm_ita.guide.info
  9876.                       docs.info                        mwm
  9877.                       mwm.info                         mwm.sites
  9878.                       mwm311.lha                       mwm311.readme
  9879.                       mwmlogo.iff                      mwmlogo.iff.info
  9880.                       read.me                          read.me.info
  9881.                     online_check27 (dir)
  9882.                          bin (dir)
  9883.                            online_check                     online_check.info
  9884.                          docs (dir)
  9885.                               deutsch (dir)
  9886.                                 online_check.guide               online_check.guide.info
  9887.                                 online_check.register            online_check.register.info
  9888.                               english (dir)
  9889.                                 online_check.guide               online_check.guide.info
  9890.                                 online_check.register            online_check.register.info
  9891.                            oc_pic1                          oc_pic2
  9892.                            oc_pic3                          
  9893.                          libs (dir)
  9894.                            rexxapp.library                  rexxreqtools.library
  9895.                            rexxsyslib.library               
  9896.                          locale (dir)
  9897.                               deutsch (dir)
  9898.                                 online_check.catalog             
  9899.                               english (dir)
  9900.                                 online_check.catalog             
  9901.                          prefs (dir)
  9902.                               deutsch (dir)
  9903.                                 online_check.prefs               online_check.prefs.info
  9904.                               english (dir)
  9905.                                 online_check.prefs               online_check.prefs.info
  9906.                       file_id.diz                      install
  9907.                       install_deutsch.info             install_english.info
  9908.                       oc.readme                        was_ist_online_check
  9909.                       was_ist_online_check.info        what_is_online_check
  9910.                       what_is_online_check.info        
  9911.                     phonecost (dir)
  9912.                          bin (dir)
  9913.                            phonecost                        showcost
  9914.                          config (dir)
  9915.                            phonecost.areacodes              phonecost.cfg
  9916.                          dok (dir)
  9917.                            bestellformular                  bestellformular.info
  9918.                            phonecost.guide                  phonecost.guide.info
  9919.                          log (dir)
  9920.                            ncomm.log                        
  9921.                          scripts (dir)
  9922.                            savecost                         
  9923.                       phonecost1_3.readme              phonecost1_3.readme.info
  9924.                     registerurl (dir)
  9925.                       registerurl.ibrx                 registerurl.readme
  9926.                       registerurl.readme.info          
  9927.                     savetime (dir)
  9928.                       savetime.miami                   savetime.readme
  9929.                       savetime.readme.info             
  9930.                     stopper (dir)
  9931.                          bonus (dir)
  9932.                            appendixnews.txt                 cerber.jpg
  9933.                          fonts (dir)
  9934.                               xenpl (dir)
  9935.                                 11                               13
  9936.                                 8                                9
  9937.                            xenpl.font                       
  9938.                          libs (dir)
  9939.                            reqtools.library                 
  9940.                          poland (dir)
  9941.                            instaluj                         instaluj.info
  9942.                            stoper.guide                     stoper.guide.info
  9943.                            stopper                          stopper.info
  9944.                       install                          install.info
  9945.                       poland.info                      stopper
  9946.                       stopper.guide                    stopper.guide.info
  9947.                       stopper.info                     stopper.readme
  9948.                       stopper0_9.lha                   
  9949.                     trnsanms (dir)
  9950.                       transferanim.boing               transferanim.boing.info
  9951.                       transferanim.frog                transferanim.frog.info
  9952.                       transferanim.ring                transferanim.ring.info
  9953.                       transferanim.shimmy              transferanim.shimmy.info
  9954.                       transferanims.readme             transferanims.readme.info
  9955.                     webdesign14 (dir)
  9956.                       vt                               vt.info
  9957.                       web design1.4                    web design1.4.info
  9958.                       webdesign.guide                  webdesign.guide.info
  9959.                       webdesign14.lha                  webdesign14.readme
  9960.                       webdesign14.readme.info          
  9961.                     xdve270upd (dir)
  9962.                       lhex                             readme
  9963.                       readme.info                      x-dve.lha
  9964.                       x-dve2.70_install                x-dve2.70_install.info
  9965.                       xdve270upd.lha                   xdve270upd.readme
  9966.                  adpro_tam.info                   ag-menuconfig.info
  9967.                  airmail42.info                   airmailplugin.info
  9968.                  amarquee.info                    am_html.info
  9969.                  apx-iban.info                    awebpack.info
  9970.                  awebtapack.info                  ffnews.info
  9971.                  ffnews_update.info               guideml.info
  9972.                  hlhandler110.info                hotlist.info
  9973.                  htmldate.info                    htmlfix.info
  9974.                  ibfindurl.info                   ibrowseanims.info
  9975.                  imagefx_tam.info                 mwm.info
  9976.                  online_check27.info              phonecost.info
  9977.                  registerurl.info                 savetime.info
  9978.                  stopper.info                     trnsanms.info
  9979.                  webdesign14.info                 xdve270upd.info
  9980.                gfxcard (dir)
  9981.                     cgxmpeg41_5usr (dir)
  9982.                          isis (dir)
  9983.                            changes.txt                      isis.020
  9984.                            isis.040                         isis.060
  9985.                            isis.info                        isis_d.guide
  9986.                            isis_d.guide.info                isis_e.guide
  9987.                            isis_e.guide.info                
  9988.                          libs (dir)
  9989.                            cgxmpeg.library.020              cgxmpeg.library.040
  9990.                            cgxmpeg.library.060              changes.txt
  9991.                       isis.info                        
  9992.                     cyberavi (dir)
  9993.                       asyncio.library                  cyberavi
  9994.                       cyberavi gui                     cyberavi gui.info
  9995.                       cyberavi.guide                   cyberavi.guide.info
  9996.                       cyberavi.info                    cyberavi.readme
  9997.                       cyberavi.readme.info             cyberavi_d.guide
  9998.                       cyberavi_d.guide.info            install
  9999.                       install.info                     
  10000.                     cyberqt (dir)
  10001.                       asyncio.library                  cyberqt
  10002.                       cyberqt gui                      cyberqt gui.info
  10003.                       cyberqt.guide                    cyberqt.guide.info
  10004.                       cyberqt.info                     cyberqt.readme
  10005.                       cyberqt.readme.info              cyberqt_d.guide
  10006.                       cyberqt_d.guide.info             install
  10007.                       install.info                     
  10008.                     cyberupdate2.24 (dir)
  10009.                          docs (dir)
  10010.                            cgraphx224u.readme               cgraphx224u.readme.info
  10011.                            changes.txt                      changes.txt.info
  10012.                          libs (dir)
  10013.                            cybergraphics.library            cyberintuition.library
  10014.                            cyberlayers.library              gtlayout.library
  10015.                            vilintuisup.library              
  10016.                          monitors (dir)
  10017.                            hold.txt                         
  10018.                          tools (dir)
  10019.                            cyberbackup-uninstall            cyberbackup-uninstall.info
  10020.                            cyberprefsx                      cyberprefsx.info
  10021.                          updaters (dir)
  10022.                            hold.txt                         
  10023.                       cgraphx224u.readme               cgraphx224u.readme.info
  10024.                       cybergraphx_update               cybergraphx_update.info
  10025.                       docs.info                        tools.info
  10026.                     graffiti (dir)
  10027.                          src (dir)
  10028.                            graffiti.c                       graffiti_buffer.c
  10029.                            graffiti_buffer.h                graffiti_color.c
  10030.                            graffiti_color.h                 graffiti_ellipse.c
  10031.                            graffiti_ellipse.h               graffiti_font.c
  10032.                            graffiti_font.h                  graffiti_intern.h
  10033.                            graffiti_rect.c                  graffiti_rect.h
  10034.                            graffiti_render.c                graffiti_render.h
  10035.                            scoptions                        sincos.c
  10036.                            sintab.h                         smakefile
  10037.                       g3d                              g3d.c
  10038.                       g3d.info                         ganim
  10039.                       ganim.c                          ganim.info
  10040.                       gdemo                            gdemo.c
  10041.                       gdemo.info                       graffiti.h
  10042.                       graffiti.lib                     graffiti_lib.lha
  10043.                       graffiti_lib.readme              graffiti_lib.readme.info
  10044.                       scoptions                        smakefile
  10045.                       topaz.gfont                      
  10046.                     mui-cyberprefs (dir)
  10047.                       cyberprefs.gif                   cyberprefs.readme
  10048.                       cyberprefs.readme.info           mui-cyberprefs
  10049.                       mui-cyberprefs.info              
  10050.                     p96emu (dir)
  10051.                       p96emu.readme                    picasso96api.library
  10052.                       readme                           readme.info
  10053.                     picasso96 (dir)
  10054.                          classes (dir)
  10055.                               datatypes (dir)
  10056.                                 picture.datatype                 
  10057.                          devs (dir)
  10058.                               monitors (dir)
  10059.                                 picasso96                        picasso96.info
  10060.                            picasso96settings.15             picasso96settings.31
  10061.                            picasso96settings.35.5           picasso96settings.38
  10062.                            picasso96settings.48             picasso96settings.57
  10063.                            picasso96settings.64             
  10064.                          drivers (dir)
  10065.                               adpro (dir)
  10066.                                    savers2 (dir)
  10067.                                      picasso96                        
  10068.                                 installadpro                     install_deutsch.info
  10069.                                 install_english.info             savers2.info
  10070.                               photogenics (dir)
  10071.                                    data (dir)
  10072.                                         gio (dir)
  10073.                                           picasso96.gio                    
  10074.                                      gio.info                         
  10075.                                 data.info                        installphotogenics
  10076.                                 install_deutsch.info             install_english.info
  10077.                               shapeshifter (dir)
  10078.                                    video drivers (dir)
  10079.                                      picasso96                        picasso96.info
  10080.                                 installshapeshifter              install_deutsch.info
  10081.                                 install_english.info             video drivers.info
  10082.                               xipaint (dir)
  10083.                                    libs (dir)
  10084.                                      xout_g.library                   
  10085.                                 installxipaint                   install_deutsch.info
  10086.                                 install_english.info             libs.info
  10087.                            adpro.info                       photogenics.info
  10088.                            shapeshifter.info                xipaint.info
  10089.                          libs (dir)
  10090.                               picasso96 (dir)
  10091.                                 cirrusgd542x.chip                cirrusgd5434.chip
  10092.                                 cirrusgd5446.chip                cybervision.card
  10093.                                 domino.card                      emulation.library
  10094.                                 fastlayers.library               graffity.card
  10095.                                 merlin.card                      omnibus.card
  10096.                                 picassoii.card                   picassoiv.card
  10097.                                 piccolo.card                     piccolosd64.card
  10098.                                 rtg.library                      s3trio64.chip
  10099.                                 spectrum.card                    tsenget4000.chip
  10100.                                 tsenget4000w32.chip              
  10101.                            picasso96api.library             
  10102.                          picasso96 (dir)
  10103.                               debug (dir)
  10104.                                 checkboards                      checkboards.info
  10105.                            debug.info                       flip96
  10106.                            flip96.info                      picasso96_deutsch.guide
  10107.                            picasso96_deutsch.guide.info     picasso96_english.guide
  10108.                            picasso96_english.guide.info     picasso96_italiano.guide
  10109.                            picasso96_italiano.guide.info    
  10110.                          prefs (dir)
  10111.                            picasso96mode                    picasso96mode.info
  10112.                       disk.info                        drivers.info
  10113.                       findboard                        installer
  10114.                       installpicasso96                 install_deutsch.info
  10115.                       install_english.info             install_italiano.info
  10116.                       picasso96.info                   picasso96.readme
  10117.                       reboot                           version
  10118.                     ppm-modules (dir)
  10119.                          loaders (dir)
  10120.                            ppm.loader                       
  10121.                          savers (dir)
  10122.                            ppm.saver                        
  10123.                       install.script                   install_ppm
  10124.                       install_ppm.info                 loaders.info
  10125.                       ppm.guide                        ppm.guide.info
  10126.                       savers.info                      
  10127.                     qrt-modules (dir)
  10128.                          loaders (dir)
  10129.                            qrt.loader                       
  10130.                          savers (dir)
  10131.                            qrt.saver                        
  10132.                       install.script                   install_qrt
  10133.                       install_qrt.info                 loaders.info
  10134.                       qrt.guide                        qrt.guide.info
  10135.                       savers.info                      
  10136.                     rtg_master (dir)
  10137.                          rtg_master.dev (dir)
  10138.                               demos (dir)
  10139.                                    flame (dir)
  10140.                                      flame                            flame.c
  10141.                                      flame.c.info                     flame.info
  10142.                                      flameasm.a                       flameasm.a.info
  10143.                                      timer.c                          timer.c.info
  10144.                                      timer.h                          timer.h.info
  10145.                                    flamme (dir)
  10146.                                      flamme                           flamme.asm
  10147.                                      flamme.info                      
  10148.                                    mandel (dir)
  10149.                                      mandel                           mandel.c
  10150.                                      mandelasm.a                      timer.c
  10151.                                      timer.c.info                     timer.h
  10152.                                      timer.h.info                     
  10153.                                    moon (dir)
  10154.                                      moon                             moon.info
  10155.                                    mywolf (dir)
  10156.                                         dat (dir)
  10157.                                           tables.dat                       world.map
  10158.                                         pcx (dir)
  10159.                                           a.pal                            a.pal.info
  10160.                                           a0.pcx                           a0.pcx.info
  10161.                                           a1.pcx                           a10.pcx
  10162.                                           a2.pcx                           a3.pcx
  10163.                                           a4.pcx                           a5.pcx
  10164.                                           a6.pcx                           a7.pcx
  10165.                                           a8.pcx                           a9.pcx
  10166.                                           gfx.lis                          statback.pcx
  10167.                                      dat.info                         mywolf
  10168.                                      pcx.info                         
  10169.                                    network (dir)
  10170.                                      p2pclient                        p2pclient.c
  10171.                                      p2pclient.info                   p2pserv
  10172.                                      p2pserv.c                        p2pserv.info
  10173.                                      tcpclient                        tcpclient.c
  10174.                                      tcpclient.info                   tcpserv
  10175.                                      tcpserv.c                        tcpserv.info
  10176.                                    ping (dir)
  10177.                                      kugel.raw                        ping
  10178.                                      ping.c                           
  10179.                                 flame.info                       flamme.info
  10180.                                 mandel.info                      moon.info
  10181.                                 mywolf.info                      network.info
  10182.                                 ping.info                        
  10183.                               devdocs (dir)
  10184.                                 c2p.ad                           rtgmaster.ad
  10185.                                 skeleton.asm                     
  10186.                               goodies (dir)
  10187.                                    asmconv (dir)
  10188.                                      asmconv                          asmconv.doc
  10189.                                      example.asm                      
  10190.                                    rtggadtools (dir)
  10191.                                         autodocs (dir)
  10192.                                           rtggadtools.doc                  
  10193.                                         fd (dir)
  10194.                                           rtggadtools.fd                   
  10195.                                         include (dir)
  10196.                                           rtggadtools.h                    rtggadtools_pragmas.h
  10197.                                           rtggadtools_protos.h             
  10198.                                         libs (dir)
  10199.                                           rtggadtools.library              
  10200.                                      autodocs.info                    example
  10201.                                      example.c                        example.c.info
  10202.                                      example.info                     fd.info
  10203.                                      include.info                     install
  10204.                                      install.info                     libs.info
  10205.                                      readme                           readme.info
  10206.                                 asmconv.info                     rtggadtools.info
  10207.                               includes (dir)
  10208.                                    asm (dir)
  10209.                                         rtgmaster (dir)
  10210.                                           rtgami.i                         rtgami.i.info
  10211.                                           rtgc2p.i                         rtgcgx.i
  10212.                                           rtgcgx.i.info                    rtgegs.i
  10213.                                           rtgegs.i.info                    rtgmaster.i
  10214.                                           rtgmaster.i.info                 rtgmaster_lib.i
  10215.                                           rtgpica.i                        rtgpica.i.info
  10216.                                           rtgsublibs.i                     rtgsublibs.i.info
  10217.                                           rtgtcpip.i                       
  10218.                                      rtgmaster.info                   
  10219.                                    c (dir)
  10220.                                         clib (dir)
  10221.                                           rtgmaster_protos.h               rtgmaster_protos.h.info
  10222.                                         fd (dir)
  10223.                                           rtgmaster.fd                     
  10224.                                         pragmas (dir)
  10225.                                           rtgmaster_pragmas.h              rtgmaster_pragmas.h.info
  10226.                                         proto (dir)
  10227.                                           rtgmaster.h                      rtgmaster.h.info
  10228.                                         rtgmaster (dir)
  10229.                                           rtgami.h                         rtgami.h.info
  10230.                                           rtgc2p.h                         rtgc2p.i
  10231.                                           rtgcgx.h                         rtgcgx.h.info
  10232.                                           rtgegs.h                         rtgegs.h.info
  10233.                                           rtgmaster.h                      rtgmaster.h.info
  10234.                                           rtgmaster_protos.h               rtgmaster_protos.h.info
  10235.                                           rtgpica.h                        rtgpica.h.info
  10236.                                           rtgsublibs.h                     rtgsublibs.h.info
  10237.                                           rtgtcpip.h                       
  10238.                                         stormc (dir)
  10239.                                              pragma (dir)
  10240.                                                rtgmaster_lib.h                  
  10241.                                              pragmas (dir)
  10242.                                                rtgmaster_pragmas.h              
  10243.                                           pragma.info                      pragmas.info
  10244.                                           readme                           
  10245.                                      clib.info                        fd.info
  10246.                                      pragmas.info                     proto.info
  10247.                                      readme                           rtgmaster.info
  10248.                                      stormc.info                      
  10249.                                    e (dir)
  10250.                                      readme                           
  10251.                                    oberon (dir)
  10252.                                      readme                           
  10253.                                 asm.info                         c.info
  10254.                                 e.info                           oberon.info
  10255.                               libs (dir)
  10256.                                    rtg (dir)
  10257.                                      rtgami.library                   rtgcgx.library
  10258.                                      rtgegs.library                   rtgpica.library
  10259.                                    rtgc2p (dir)
  10260.                                      040                              chunky4
  10261.                                      gd                               
  10262.                                 rtg.info                         rtgc2p.info
  10263.                                 rtggadtools.library              rtgmaster.library
  10264.                               pics (dir)
  10265.                                 flame.iff                        flamme.iff
  10266.                                 mandel.iff                       moon.iff
  10267.                                 mywolf.iff                       
  10268.                            demos.info                       devdocs.info
  10269.                            goodies.info                     includes.info
  10270.                            install_rtgmaster                install_rtgmaster.info
  10271.                            libs.info                        pics.info
  10272.                            rtgmaster_dev.guide              rtgmaster_dev.lha
  10273.                          rtg_master.driv (dir)
  10274.                               driver (dir)
  10275.                                 copy.o                           copy.s
  10276.                                 example1                         example1.c
  10277.                                 example2.s                       startexample
  10278.                                 startexample.c                   vid_rtgm.c
  10279.                                 vid_rtgm.h                       vid_rtgm.i
  10280.                                 vid_rtgm.o                       
  10281.                               libs (dir)
  10282.                                    rtg (dir)
  10283.                                      rtgami.library                   rtgcgx.library
  10284.                                      rtgegs.library                   rtgpica.library
  10285.                                    rtgc2p (dir)
  10286.                                      040                              chunky4
  10287.                                      gd                               
  10288.                                 rtg.info                         rtgc2p.info
  10289.                                 rtggadtools.library              rtgmaster.library
  10290.                            driver.info                      install_rtgmaster
  10291.                            install_rtgmaster.info           libs.info
  10292.                            rtgmaster_driv.lha               rtgmaster_driver.guide
  10293.                          rtg_master.user (dir)
  10294.                               demos (dir)
  10295.                                    dat (dir)
  10296.                                      tables.dat                       world.map
  10297.                                    pcx (dir)
  10298.                                      a.pal                            a.pal.info
  10299.                                      a0.pcx                           a0.pcx.info
  10300.                                      a1.pcx                           a10.pcx
  10301.                                      a2.pcx                           a3.pcx
  10302.                                      a4.pcx                           a5.pcx
  10303.                                      a6.pcx                           a7.pcx
  10304.                                      a8.pcx                           a9.pcx
  10305.                                      gfx.lis                          statback.pcx
  10306.                                 dat.info                         flame
  10307.                                 flamme                           mandel
  10308.                                 moon                             mywolf
  10309.                                 pcx.info                         
  10310.                               libs (dir)
  10311.                                    rtg (dir)
  10312.                                      rtgami.library                   rtgcgx.library
  10313.                                      rtgegs.library                   rtgpica.library
  10314.                                    rtgc2p (dir)
  10315.                                      040                              chunky4
  10316.                                      gd                               
  10317.                                 rtg.info                         rtgc2p.info
  10318.                                 rtggadtools.library              rtgmaster.library
  10319.                               pics (dir)
  10320.                                 flame.iff                        flamme.iff
  10321.                                 mandel.iff                       moon.iff
  10322.                                 mywolf.iff                       
  10323.                            demos.info                       install_rtgmaster
  10324.                            install_rtgmaster.info           libs.info
  10325.                            pics.info                        rtgmaster_user.guide
  10326.                            rtgmaster_user.lha               
  10327.                       rtgmaster_dev.readme             rtgmaster_dev.readme.info
  10328.                       rtgmaster_driv.readme            rtgmaster_driv.readme.info
  10329.                       rtgmaster_user.readme            rtgmaster_user.readme.info
  10330.                       rtg_master.dev.info              rtg_master.driv.info
  10331.                       rtg_master.user.info             
  10332.                  cgxmpeg41_5usr.info              cyberavi.info
  10333.                  cyberqt.info                     cyberupdate2.24.info
  10334.                  graffiti.info                    mui-cyberprefs.info
  10335.                  p96emu.info                      picasso96.info
  10336.                  ppm-modules.info                 qrt-modules.info
  10337.                  rtg_master.info                  
  10338.                graphics (dir)
  10339.                     3d_objects (dir)
  10340.                          a4000dt-lw (dir)
  10341.                               images (dir)
  10342.                                 commodorelabel.iff               fractalreflections.iff
  10343.                                 lightslabels-bmp.iff             locklabel-bmp.iff
  10344.                                 locktip-bmp.iff                  onoff-bmp.iff
  10345.                                 powerlabel-bmp.iff               
  10346.                               objects (dir)
  10347.                                    computer (dir)
  10348.                                      a4000_cover.lwo                  a4000_front.lwo
  10349.                               scenes (dir)
  10350.                                 amiga4000.lws                    
  10351.                            a4000dt-lw.readme                a4000dt-lw.readme.info
  10352.                            images.info                      objects.info
  10353.                            scenes.info                      
  10354.                          buoysa (dir)
  10355.                            apb.ibj                          apb.ibj.info
  10356.                            buoysa.guide                     buoysa.guide.info
  10357.                            buoysa.jpg                       buoysa.jpg.info
  10358.                            cb.ibj                           cb.ibj.info
  10359.                            cly.ibj                          cly.ibj.info
  10360.                            com.ibj                          com.ibj.info
  10361.                            grd.ibj                          grd.ibj.info
  10362.                            hz.ibj                           hz.ibj.info
  10363.                            iso.ibj                          iso.ibj.info
  10364.                            qt_buoysa.readme                 srv.ibj
  10365.                            srv.ibj.info                     
  10366.                          dino (dir)
  10367.                            dino.iob                         dino.readme
  10368.                            dino.readme.info                 preview320x200.lbmham
  10369.                            preview320x200.lbmham.info       
  10370.                          glasses2 (dir)
  10371.                            glasses2.iob                     glasses2.readme
  10372.                            glasses2.readme.info             
  10373.                          kaukes (dir)
  10374.                            kaukes.iobj                      kaukes.readme
  10375.                            kaukes.readme.info               preview320x200.lbmham
  10376.                            preview320x200.lbmham.info       
  10377.                          newsat (dir)
  10378.                            danewsat.readme                  danewsat.readme.info
  10379.                            newsat.iob                       newsat_pocisk.iob
  10380.                            newsat_prowadn.iob               newsat_ramie.iob
  10381.                            pocisk.iff                       pocisk.lwo
  10382.                            prow.iob                         prow.lwo
  10383.                            ramie.iob                        ramie.lwo
  10384.                            sat.iob                          sat.lwo
  10385.                            sparks_1.lwo                     sparks_2.lwo
  10386.                            sparks_3.lwo                     sparks_4.lwo
  10387.                            sparks_5.lwo                     
  10388.                          nmsobjects (dir)
  10389.                               astonmartin (dir)
  10390.                                 aston2                           nplate
  10391.                               dart (dir)
  10392.                                 dart.bru                         dart.bru2
  10393.                                 dart.landgear                    
  10394.                               landrover (dir)
  10395.                                 badge                            landrover
  10396.                               robowoman (dir)
  10397.                                 robowoman                        
  10398.                               skull (dir)
  10399.                                 skull2.hair                      
  10400.                               specs (dir)
  10401.                                 roundspecs                       
  10402.                               sportscar (dir)
  10403.                                 n1ck                             sportscar
  10404.                               streetlite (dir)
  10405.                                 streetlite                       
  10406.                               vintcar (dir)
  10407.                                 fuel                             revs
  10408.                                 speedo                           vintagecar
  10409.                            astonmartin.info                 dart.info
  10410.                            landrover.info                   nmb.readme
  10411.                            nmb.readme.info                  robowoman.info
  10412.                            skull.info                       specs.info
  10413.                            sportscar.info                   streetlite.info
  10414.                            vintcar.info                     
  10415.                          trolley (dir)
  10416.                            trolley.iob                      trolley.readme
  10417.                            trolley.readme.info              
  10418.                       a4000dt-lw.info                  buoysa.info
  10419.                       dino.info                        glasses2.info
  10420.                       kaukes.info                      newsat.info
  10421.                       nmsobjects.info                  trolley.info
  10422.                     aga-morph-v1.3 (dir)
  10423.                          aga-morph (dir)
  10424.                               aga-morph-4 (dir)
  10425.                                    bilder (dir)
  10426.                                      bilder.info                      
  10427.                                    pictures (dir)
  10428.                                      pictures.info                    
  10429.                                    quellen (dir)
  10430.                                      quellen.info                     
  10431.                                    source (dir)
  10432.                                      source.info                      
  10433.                                 aga-morph.guide.info             aga-morph.info
  10434.                               aga-morph-8 (dir)
  10435.                                    bilder (dir)
  10436.                                      bilder.info                      
  10437.                                    pictures (dir)
  10438.                                      pictures.info                    
  10439.                                    quellen (dir)
  10440.                                      quellen.info                     
  10441.                                    source (dir)
  10442.                                      source.info                      
  10443.                                 aga-morph.guide.info             aga-morph.info
  10444.                            aga-morph-4.info                 aga-morph-8.info
  10445.                          bin (dir)
  10446.                               d (dir)
  10447.                                 aga-morph-020-d                  aga-morph-020-fpu-d
  10448.                                 aga-morph-040-fpu-d              
  10449.                               e (dir)
  10450.                                 aga-morph-020                    aga-morph-020-fpu
  10451.                                 aga-morph-040-fpu                
  10452.                          fonts (dir)
  10453.                               stg (dir)
  10454.                                 8                                
  10455.                            stg.font                         
  10456.                          pictures (dir)
  10457.                            clown.128                        lawyer->clown.points
  10458.                            lawyer.128                       stefan.iff
  10459.                          source (dir)
  10460.                            aga-morph-deutsch.h              aga-morph-disk.c
  10461.                            aga-morph-english.h              aga-morph-gadget.c
  10462.                            aga-morph-gfx.c                  aga-morph-language.c
  10463.                            aga-morph-language.h             aga-morph-main.c
  10464.                            aga-morph-manage.c               aga-morph-render.c
  10465.                            aga-morph-struct.h               aga-morph-vari.c
  10466.                       aga-morph-1.3b.lha               aga-morph-1.3b.readme
  10467.                       aga-morph-d.guide                aga-morph-d.guide.info
  10468.                       aga-morph.guide                  aga-morph.guide.info
  10469.                       aga-morph.info                   bin.info
  10470.                       fonts.info                       install
  10471.                       install-d                        install-d.info
  10472.                       install.info                     pictures.info
  10473.                       source.info                      
  10474.                     archispritedisplay (dir)
  10475.                       arcsprdisp.readme                asd
  10476.                       asd.doc                          asd.doc.info
  10477.                       asd.guide                        asd.guide.info
  10478.                       asd.info                         
  10479.                     artpro_install (dir)
  10480.                          aloaders (dir)
  10481.                            bmp                              chunky
  10482.                            gif                              pcx
  10483.                            rgbchunky                        tiff
  10484.                          asavers (dir)
  10485.                            bmp                              gif
  10486.                            gifanim                          pcx
  10487.                            tiff                             
  10488.                          docs (dir)
  10489.                               english (dir)
  10490.                                 artpro.guide                     artpro.guide.info
  10491.                            english.info                     
  10492.                          icons (dir)
  10493.                            appicon.info                     artpro.info
  10494.                            artprolace.info                  artpromagicwb.info
  10495.                            artpronolace.info                hires.info
  10496.                            medres.info                      
  10497.                          installdata (dir)
  10498.                            appicon.info                     artpro.guide.info
  10499.                            artpro.info                      icons.info
  10500.                          libs (dir)
  10501.                            reqtools.library                 
  10502.                          renderlib (dir)
  10503.                               doc (dir)
  10504.                                    autodoc (dir)
  10505.                                      render                           render.doc
  10506.                                      render.doc.info                  render.info
  10507.                                 author                           author.info
  10508.                                 autodoc.info                     cpu
  10509.                                 cpu.info                         history
  10510.                                 history.info                     legal
  10511.                                 legal.info                       memory
  10512.                                 memory.info                      todo
  10513.                                 todo.info                        
  10514.                               e-modules (dir)
  10515.                                    render (dir)
  10516.                                      render.m                         renderhooks.m
  10517.                                 render.m                         
  10518.                               fd (dir)
  10519.                                 render_lib.fd                    
  10520.                               include (dir)
  10521.                                    clib (dir)
  10522.                                      render_protos.h                  
  10523.                                    lvo (dir)
  10524.                                      render_lib.i                     
  10525.                                    pragmas (dir)
  10526.                                      render_pragmas.h                 
  10527.                                    proto (dir)
  10528.                                      render.h                         
  10529.                                    render (dir)
  10530.                                      render.h                         render.i
  10531.                                      renderhooks.h                    renderhooks.i
  10532.                                 artpro1.03.lha                   
  10533.                               libs (dir)
  10534.                                 render.library_68020             render.library_68040
  10535.                                 render.library_68060             
  10536.                            doc.info                         e-modules.info
  10537.                            fd.info                          include.info
  10538.                            libs.info                        readme
  10539.                            readme.info                      
  10540.                       artpro                           artpro.info
  10541.                       artpro1.03.readme                docs.info
  10542.                       icons.info                       install
  10543.                       install.info                     installer
  10544.                       orderform.doc                    orderform.dok
  10545.                       renderlib.info                   
  10546.                     asciiartprov4 (dir)
  10547.                       !readme_1st!                     !readme_1st!.info
  10548.                       asciiart-2colshape.iff           asciiart-example.asc
  10549.                       asciiart-tutor.iff               asciiartp4i.lha
  10550.                       asciiartp4i.readme               asciiartpro4
  10551.                       asciiartpro4.info                history
  10552.                       history.info                     iff-tutorial
  10553.                       iff-tutorial.info                readme
  10554.                       readme.info                      
  10555.                     chimicadinstall (dir)
  10556.                          access (dir)
  10557.                               banchi (dir)
  10558.                                 benzodiazepine.frn               benzodiazepine.shp
  10559.                                 nucleinotevoli.frn               nucleinotevoli.shp
  10560.                                 sesquiterpeni.frn                sesquiterpeni.shp
  10561.                                 stimolanti.frn                   stimolanti.shp
  10562.                               fonts (dir)
  10563.                                    symbol (dir)
  10564.                                      10                               11
  10565.                                      12                               13
  10566.                                      14                               15
  10567.                                      18                               20
  10568.                                      24                               25
  10569.                                      9                                
  10570.                                 symbol.font                      
  10571.                               libs (dir)
  10572.                                 asl.library                      reqtools.library
  10573.                               rotazioni (dir)
  10574.                                 a10rot.shp                       a11rot.shp
  10575.                                 a12rot.shp                       a13rot.shp
  10576.                                 a14rot.shp                       a15rot.shp
  10577.                                 a16rot.shp                       a17rot.shp
  10578.                                 a18rot.shp                       a19rot.shp
  10579.                                 a1rot.shp                        a20rot.shp
  10580.                                 a21rot.shp                       a22rot.shp
  10581.                                 a23rot.shp                       a24rot.shp
  10582.                                 a25rot.shp                       a26rot.shp
  10583.                                 a2rot.shp                        a3rot.shp
  10584.                                 a4rot.shp                        a5rot.shp
  10585.                                 a6rot.shp                        a7rot.shp
  10586.                                 a8rot.shp                        a9rot.shp
  10587.                            chimicad.settings                interfaccia
  10588.                            shapes.shp                       
  10589.                          doc (dir)
  10590.                               english (dir)
  10591.                                 chimicad.doc                     chimicad.doc.info
  10592.                               italiano (dir)
  10593.                                 chimicad.doc                     chimicad.doc.info
  10594.                            english.info                     italiano.info
  10595.                          progr (dir)
  10596.                               english (dir)
  10597.                                 chimicad1_14                     chimicad1_14.info
  10598.                               italiano (dir)
  10599.                                 chimicad1_14                     chimicad1_14.info
  10600.                       installa_it                      installa_it.doc
  10601.                       installa_it.doc.info             installa_it.info
  10602.                       install_eng                      install_eng.doc
  10603.                       install_eng.doc.info             install_eng.info
  10604.                       leggimi                          leggimi.info
  10605.                     collector25 (dir)
  10606.                          collector2.5 (dir)
  10607.                               catalogs (dir)
  10608.                                    deutsch (dir)
  10609.                                      collector.catalog                
  10610.                                    español (dir)
  10611.                                      collector.catalog                
  10612.                                    français (dir)
  10613.                                      collector.catalog                
  10614.                                    italiano (dir)
  10615.                                      collector.catalog                
  10616.                                 collector.cd                     collector.ct
  10617.                               docs (dir)
  10618.                                 collector_english.guide          collector_english.guide.info
  10619.                                 collector_français.guide         collector_français.guide.info
  10620.                               examples (dir)
  10621.                                 sceneries.idx                    
  10622.                               icons (dir)
  10623.                                 default_icon.info                
  10624.                               palettes (dir)
  10625.                                 16grey.palette                   256col.palette
  10626.                                 256grey.palette                  
  10627.                            collector                        collector.info
  10628.                            collector000                     collector000.info
  10629.                            docs.info                        indexconv
  10630.                            indexconv.info                   
  10631.                          libs (dir)
  10632.                            mpimage.library                  reqtools.library
  10633.                       collector2.5.info                collector25.lha
  10634.                       collector25.readme               collector25.readme.info
  10635.                       install-collector                install-english.info
  10636.                       installer-français.info          
  10637.                     dbufdtanim (dir)
  10638.                       dbufdtanim                       dbufdtanim.c
  10639.                       dbufdtanim.c.info                dbufdtanim.guide
  10640.                       dbufdtanim.guide.info            dbufdtanim.lnk
  10641.                       dbufdtanim.o                     dbufdtanim013.readme
  10642.                       scoptions                        smakefile
  10643.                       smakefile.info                   
  10644.                     easy_print (dir)
  10645.                          easyprint (dir)
  10646.                               catalogs (dir)
  10647.                                    italiano (dir)
  10648.                                      easyprint.catalog                
  10649.                               dithers (dir)
  10650.                                 halftone                         horizontal
  10651.                                 ordered                          rectangular
  10652.                                 rhomboidal                       
  10653.                            easyprint                        easyprint.guide.info
  10654.                            easyprint.info                   easyprint_ita.guide.info
  10655.                          easyprint_pch (dir)
  10656.                               ep_docs (dir)
  10657.                                 easyprint.guide                  easyprint_ita.guide
  10658.                               ep_files (dir)
  10659.                                    catalogs (dir)
  10660.                                         italiano (dir)
  10661.                                           easyprint.catalog                
  10662.                                    loaders (dir)
  10663.                                      datatypes                        iff24
  10664.                                      jpeg                             
  10665.                                    matrix (dir)
  10666.                                      basrelief                        blur
  10667.                                      blurhuge                         cross
  10668.                                      deep                             diagonal
  10669.                                      east                             edgedetect
  10670.                                      edgedetecthuge                   gaussian
  10671.                                      horizontal                       jiggle
  10672.                                      north                            severegaussian
  10673.                                      sharpen                          sharpenhuge
  10674.                                      south                            spackle
  10675.                                      vertical                         wax
  10676.                                      west                             wood
  10677.                                    modules (dir)
  10678.                                      antique                          color2grey
  10679.                                      convolve                         flipx
  10680.                                      flipy                            grey2color
  10681.                                      negative                         reliefmap
  10682.                                      rotate90                         solarize
  10683.                               ep_patch (dir)
  10684.                                 from_26_to_27.pch                
  10685.                            install                          install.info
  10686.                            spatch                           
  10687.                          libs (dir)
  10688.                            reqtools.library                 
  10689.                       easyprint.guide                  easyprint.guide.info
  10690.                       easyprint_ita.guide              easyprint_ita.guide.info
  10691.                       easyprint_pch.info               install
  10692.                       install.info                     
  10693.                     ecchi (dir)
  10694.                       ecchi                            ecchi.doc
  10695.                       ecchi.doc.info                   file_id.diz
  10696.                     fli_master (dir)
  10697.                          flis (dir)
  10698.                            bball.fli                        
  10699.                          makeanim (dir)
  10700.                            makeanim                         makeanim.doc
  10701.                            makeanim.doc.info                makeanim.info
  10702.                       awe_information                  awe_information.info
  10703.                       fli_manual                       fli_manual.info
  10704.                       fli_master                       fli_master.info
  10705.                       ppmore                           
  10706.                     iffanimgifanim (dir)
  10707.                       iffanim2gifanim.ifx              iffanim2gifanim.txt
  10708.                       iffanim2gifanim.txt.info         iffanimgifanim.readme
  10709.                       iffanimgifanim.readme.info       
  10710.                     mastergrabber (dir)
  10711.                       installation.txt                 installation.txt.info
  10712.                       mastergrabber                    mastergrabber.cd
  10713.                       mastergrabber.info               mastergrabber_d.catalog
  10714.                       mastergrabber_d.ct               mastergrabber_d.guide
  10715.                       mastergrabber_d.guide.info       mastergrabber_e.guide
  10716.                       mastergrabber_e.guide.info       mastergrabber_i.catalog
  10717.                       mastergrabber_i.ct               mastergrabber_i.guide
  10718.                       mastergrabber_i.guide.info       
  10719.                     mpimage7x (dir)
  10720.                          docs (dir)
  10721.                            mpimage.doc                      
  10722.                          gui (dir)
  10723.                            mpimage.gui                      
  10724.                          include (dir)
  10725.                               clib (dir)
  10726.                                 mpimage_protos.h                 
  10727.                               libraries (dir)
  10728.                                 mpimage.h                        
  10729.                               pragmas (dir)
  10730.                                 mpimage_pragmas.h                
  10731.                          libs (dir)
  10732.                            mpgui.library                    mpimage.library.000
  10733.                            mpimage.library.020              mpimage.library.040
  10734.                            mpimage.library.060              mpimage.library.881
  10735.                          si (dir)
  10736.                            convertmpimage.c                 convertmpimage.cd
  10737.                          source (dir)
  10738.                               docs (dir)
  10739.                                 emptyfile                        
  10740.                               gui (dir)
  10741.                                 mpimage.gui                      
  10742.                               include (dir)
  10743.                                    clib (dir)
  10744.                                      emptyfile                        
  10745.                                    libraries (dir)
  10746.                                      emptyfile                        
  10747.                                    pragmas (dir)
  10748.                                      emptyfile                        
  10749.                               lha (dir)
  10750.                                 emptyfile                        
  10751.                               libs (dir)
  10752.                                 emptyfile                        
  10753.                               sc (dir)
  10754.                                 sprintf.c                        
  10755.                               sd (dir)
  10756.                                 mpimage.texi                     
  10757.                               si (dir)
  10758.                                    clib (dir)
  10759.                                      mpimage_protos.h                 
  10760.                                    iffp (dir)
  10761.                                      compiler.h                       debug.h
  10762.                                      iff.h                            ilbm.h
  10763.                                      ilbmapp.h                        packer.h
  10764.                                    libraries (dir)
  10765.                                      mpimage.h                        
  10766.                                    pragmas (dir)
  10767.                                      emptyfile                        
  10768.                                 apack.asm                        c2p.asm
  10769.                                 convertmpimage.c                 convertmpimage.cd
  10770.                                 getbitmap.c                      iffpstrings.c
  10771.                                 ilbmr.c                          ilbmw.c
  10772.                                 loadilbm.c                       loadmpi.c
  10773.                                 medham6.c                        median.c
  10774.                                 miscmpi.c                        mpimage.c
  10775.                                 mpimage.cd                       mpimage.fd
  10776.                                 mpimage.h                        p2c.asm
  10777.                                 parse.c                          pragmas.edit
  10778.                                 progress.c                       progress.h
  10779.                                 saveilbm.c                       savempi.c
  10780.                                 scalempi.c                       unpacker.c
  10781.                                 waitmpi.c                        
  10782.                            copying                          install-mpimage
  10783.                            install-mpimage.info             mpimage
  10784.                            mpimage.info                     mpimage7xs.readme
  10785.                            mpimage7xs.readme.info           smakefile
  10786.                       convertmpimage                   copying
  10787.                       install-mpimage                  install-mpimage.info
  10788.                       mpimage                          mpimage.guide
  10789.                       mpimage.guide.info               mpimage.info
  10790.                       mpimage7x.lha                    runmpgui
  10791.                     mpmorph4x (dir)
  10792.                          brush (dir)
  10793.                            1st                              add
  10794.                            del                              goto
  10795.                            last                             link
  10796.                            next                             none
  10797.                            one                              prev
  10798.                            rel                              two
  10799.                            unlink                           
  10800.                          cursor (dir)
  10801.                            xadd                             xdel
  10802.                            xl1                              xl2
  10803.                            xmov                             xone
  10804.                            xrel                             xtwo
  10805.                            xu1                              xu2
  10806.                          docs (dir)
  10807.                            mpgui.doc                        mpimage.doc
  10808.                          env (dir)
  10809.                               mpmorph (dir)
  10810.                                 def_pic.info                     def_points.info
  10811.                                 def_prefs.info                   
  10812.                          gui (dir)
  10813.                            addgrid.gui                      edgepoints.gui
  10814.                            frameno.gui                      getpubscreen.gui
  10815.                            morph-prefs.def                  morph-prefs.gui
  10816.                            mpimage.gui                      preview.gui
  10817.                            render-prefs.def                 render-prefs.gui
  10818.                            scale.gui                        setsize.gui
  10819.                          html (dir)
  10820.                               edgepoints (dir)
  10821.                                 distribution.html                from1.html
  10822.                                 from2.html                       grid.html
  10823.                                 index.html                       main.html
  10824.                                 maxp.html                        mindiff.html
  10825.                                 minp.html                        mode.html
  10826.                                 perc1.html                       perc2.html
  10827.                                 pubscreen.html                   to.html
  10828.                                 x.html                           y.html
  10829.                               editprefs (dir)
  10830.                                 bugs.html                        default.html
  10831.                                 dir.html                         distribution.html
  10832.                                 file.html                        gui.html
  10833.                                 help.html                        history.html
  10834.                                 index.html                       main.html
  10835.                                 men-e-lasts.html                 men-e-resetd.html
  10836.                                 men-e-restore.html               men-edit.html
  10837.                                 men-p-open.html                  men-p-quit.html
  10838.                                 men-p-saveas.html                men-project.html
  10839.                                 men-s-icons.html                 men-settings.html
  10840.                                 men.html                         overview.html
  10841.                                 par.html                         portname.html
  10842.                                 requirements.html                savedir.html
  10843.                               eprexx (dir)
  10844.                                 --background--.html              defaults.html
  10845.                                 lastsaved.html                   main.html
  10846.                                 open.html                        quit.html
  10847.                                 restore.html                     save.html
  10848.                                 saveas.html                      setattr.html
  10849.                                 use.html                         
  10850.                               images (dir)
  10851.                                 up                               
  10852.                               makempindex (dir)
  10853.                                 algorithms.html                  bugs.html
  10854.                                 distribution.html                file.html
  10855.                                 from.html                        history.html
  10856.                                 ignore.html                      ignoreto.html
  10857.                                 index.html                       main.html
  10858.                                 maxnode.html                     merge.html
  10859.                                 node.html                        node2.html
  10860.                                 overview.html                    parameters.html
  10861.                                 title.html                       to.html
  10862.                               mmrexx (dir)
  10863.                                 --background--.html              addgrid.html
  10864.                                 addpoint.html                    clear.html
  10865.                                 deletepoint.html                 editpoints.html
  10866.                                 exitpoints.html                  getattr.html
  10867.                                 help.html                        linkpoints.html
  10868.                                 lockgui.html                     main.html
  10869.                                 movepoint.html                   newpoints.html
  10870.                                 open.html                        openpoints.html
  10871.                                 quit.html                        save.html
  10872.                                 saveas.html                      scale.html
  10873.                                 setattr.html                     setcurr.html
  10874.                                 setmax.html                      setmessage.html
  10875.                                 setsize.html                     triangulate.html
  10876.                                 unlinkpoints.html                unlockgui.html
  10877.                               mpgui (dir)
  10878.                                 index.html                       main.html
  10879.                               mpguidoc (dir)
  10880.                                 --background--.html              --runmpgui--.html
  10881.                                 allocmpguihandlea.html           freempguihandle.html
  10882.                                 main.html                        mpguicurrentattrs.html
  10883.                                 mpguierror.html                  mpguiresponse.html
  10884.                                 mpguiwindow.html                 readmpgui.html
  10885.                                 refreshmpgui.html                setmpguigadgetvalue.html
  10886.                                 syncmpguirequest.html            writempgui.html
  10887.                               mpimage (dir)
  10888.                                 bugs.html                        distribution.html
  10889.                                 history.html                     index.html
  10890.                                 installation.html                main.html
  10891.                                 overview.html                    par-12bit.html
  10892.                                 par-clone.html                   par-colours.html
  10893.                                 par-egs.html                     par-forcegrey.html
  10894.                                 par-format.html                  par-from.html
  10895.                                 par-gui.html                     par-linear.html
  10896.                                 par-maxx.html                    par-maxy.html
  10897.                                 par-minx.html                    par-miny.html
  10898.                                 par-modename.html                par-noprogress.html
  10899.                                 par-noremap.html                 par-palette.html
  10900.                                 par-pubscreen.html               par-to.html
  10901.                                 par-white0.html                  par-x.html
  10902.                                 par-y.html                       par.html
  10903.                                 requirements.html                specify-restrict.html
  10904.                                 view-convert.html                
  10905.                               mpimagedoc (dir)
  10906.                                 --background--.html              freempimage.html
  10907.                                 loadmpimage.html                 main.html
  10908.                                 mpchunkytoplanar.html            mpgreytopal.html
  10909.                                 mpimageerrormessage.html         mppaltogrey.html
  10910.                                 mppaltopal.html                  mppaltorgb.html
  10911.                                 mpplanartochunky.html            mpprogresshook.html
  10912.                                 mprgbtogrey.html                 mprgbtopal.html
  10913.                                 mpscalegrey.html                 mpscalergb.html
  10914.                                 rescalempimage.html              savempimagea.html
  10915.                                 setmpimagescreen.html            
  10916.                               mpmorph (dir)
  10917.                                    rexx (dir)
  10918.                                      edgepoints.mpm.html              fadetoblack.mpm.html
  10919.                                      fadetowhite.mpm.html             indexhelp.mpm.html
  10920.                                      pixelmorph.mpm.html              pixelwarp.mpm.html
  10921.                                      postanim.mpm.html                preall.mpm.html
  10922.                                      preview.mpm.html                 rtpreview.mpm.html
  10923.                                      toham.mpm.html                   
  10924.                                 ar.html                          bugs.html
  10925.                                 ci-men-e-emode.html              ci-men-e-frame-first.html
  10926.                                 ci-men-e-frame-goto.html         ci-men-e-frame-last.html
  10927.                                 ci-men-e-frame-next.html         ci-men-e-frame-previous.html
  10928.                                 ci-men-e-frame.html              ci-men-e-grid.html
  10929.                                 ci-men-e-triangulate.html        ci-men-e.html
  10930.                                 ci-men-p-about.html              ci-men-p-exit_points.html
  10931.                                 ci-men-p-new.html                ci-men-p-open.html
  10932.                                 ci-men-p-quit.html               ci-men-p-save.html
  10933.                                 ci-men-p-save_as.html            ci-men-p.html
  10934.                                 ci-men.html                      con-gad-close.html
  10935.                                 con-gad-depth.html               con-gad-drag.html
  10936.                                 con-gad-first.html               con-gad-goto.html
  10937.                                 con-gad-last.html                con-gad-next.html
  10938.                                 con-gad-previous.html            con-gad.html
  10939.                                 con-key.html                     con.html
  10940.                                 distribution.html                e-gad-close.html
  10941.                                 e-gad-depth.html                 e-gad-down.html
  10942.                                 e-gad-drag.html                  e-gad-horiz.html
  10943.                                 e-gad-left.html                  e-gad-right.html
  10944.                                 e-gad-size.html                  e-gad-up.html
  10945.                                 e-gad-vert.html                  e-gad-zoom.html
  10946.                                 e-gad.html                       e-key.html
  10947.                                 edit.html                        emode-add.html
  10948.                                 emode-delete.html                emode-link.html
  10949.                                 emode-move.html                  emode-one.html
  10950.                                 emode-relative.html              emode-two.html
  10951.                                 emode-unlink.html                emodes.html
  10952.                                 err-4points.html                 err-allocgadget.html
  10953.                                 err-allocimage.html              err-aport.html
  10954.                                 err-closefile.html               err-cscreen.html
  10955.                                 err-drawi.html                   err-fileformat.html
  10956.                                 err-filereq.html                 err-gent.html
  10957.                                 err-getdri.html                  err-grid0.html
  10958.                                 err-idevice.html                 err-invalidlink.html
  10959.                                 err-library.html                 err-loadimage.html
  10960.                                 err-loads.html                   err-lockscreen.html
  10961.                                 err-lockw.html                   err-memfile.html
  10962.                                 err-memnewpoint.html             err-memorypoints.html
  10963.                                 err-mempoints.html               err-menu.html
  10964.                                 err-mpguilib.html                err-mploadimage.html
  10965.                                 err-mpscaleimage.html            err-oldformat.html
  10966.                                 err-oneframe.html                err-openfile.html
  10967.                                 err-openmpmorph.html             err-openwindow.html
  10968.                                 err-oscreen.html                 err-saves.html
  10969.                                 err-setupscreen.html             err-smode.html
  10970.                                 err-wport.html                   err-writefile.html
  10971.                                 err-zraster.html                 errors.html
  10972.                                 file_format.html                 file_names.html
  10973.                                 hard-software.html               hints.html
  10974.                                 history.html                     i-gad-24_file_1.html
  10975.                                 i-gad-24_file_2.html             i-gad-close.html
  10976.                                 i-gad-depth.html                 i-gad-drag.html
  10977.                                 i-gad-edit_points.html           i-gad-file_one.html
  10978.                                 i-gad-file_two.html              i-gad-frames.html
  10979.                                 i-gad-get_24_file_1.html         i-gad-get_24_file_2.html
  10980.                                 i-gad-get_file_one.html          i-gad-get_file_two.html
  10981.                                 i-gad-get_name.html              i-gad-height.html
  10982.                                 i-gad-help.html                  i-gad-name.html
  10983.                                 i-gad-scale.html                 i-gad-setsize.html
  10984.                                 i-gad-single.html                i-gad-start.html
  10985.                                 i-gad-width.html                 i-gad-zoom.html
  10986.                                 i-gad.html                       i-key.html
  10987.                                 i-men-p-about.html               i-men-p-delete.html
  10988.                                 i-men-p-edit_points.html         i-men-p-new.html
  10989.                                 i-men-p-open.html                i-men-p-quit.html
  10990.                                 i-men-p-recent.html              i-men-p-recent1.html
  10991.                                 i-men-p-recent2.html             i-men-p-recent3.html
  10992.                                 i-men-p-recent4.html             i-men-p-recent5.html
  10993.                                 i-men-p-save.html                i-men-p-save_as.html
  10994.                                 i-men-p.html                     i-men-u-macro.html
  10995.                                 i-men-u-preview.html             i-men-u-start.html
  10996.                                 i-men-u-stop.html                i-men-u-user2.html
  10997.                                 i-men-u-user3.html               i-men-u-user4.html
  10998.                                 i-men-u-user5.html               i-men-u-user6.html
  10999.                                 i-men-u-user7.html               i-men-u-user8.html
  11000.                                 i-men-u-user9.html               i-men-u.html
  11001.                                 i-men.html                       index.html
  11002.                                 info.html                        installation.html
  11003.                                 interface.html                   main.html
  11004.                                 men-s-lasts.html                 men-s-loads.html
  11005.                                 men-s-resetd.html                men-s-restore.html
  11006.                                 men-s-saves.html                 men-s-savesas.html
  11007.                                 men-settings.html                overview.html
  11008.                                 p-createicons.html               p-createiconsp.html
  11009.                                 p-customdepth.html               p-custommode.html
  11010.                                 p-egs.html                       p-files.html
  11011.                                 p-help.html                      p-keepsettings.html
  11012.                                 p-portname.html                  p-preview.html
  11013.                                 p-pubscreen.html                 p-recent1.html
  11014.                                 p-recent2.html                   p-recent3.html
  11015.                                 p-recent4.html                   p-recent5.html
  11016.                                 p-reqtools.html                  p-settings.html
  11017.                                 p-user2.html                     p-user3.html
  11018.                                 p-user4.html                     p-user5.html
  11019.                                 p-user6.html                     p-user7.html
  11020.                                 p-user8.html                     p-user9.html
  11021.                                 p-zoom.html                      par.html
  11022.                                 req-about.html                   req-add_grid-gad-cancel.html
  11023.                                 req-add_grid-gad-close.html      req-add_grid-gad-depth.html
  11024.                                 req-add_grid-gad-ok.html         req-add_grid-gad-x_cells.html
  11025.                                 req-add_grid-gad-y_cells.html    req-add_grid.html
  11026.                                 req-error.html                   req-framenumber.html
  11027.                                 req-scale-gad-x.html             req-scale-gad-y.html
  11028.                                 req-scale.html                   req-setsize-gad-x.html
  11029.                                 req-setsize-gad-y.html           req-setsize.html
  11030.                                 req-unsaved.html                 req.html
  11031.                                 requirements.html                todo.html
  11032.                               mprender (dir)
  11033.                                    rexx (dir)
  11034.                                      loadscript.mpm.html              postscript.mpm.html
  11035.                                      prescript.mpm.html               
  11036.                                 algorithms.html                  ar-loadscript.html
  11037.                                 ar-postscript.html               ar-prescript.html
  11038.                                 arexx.html                       err-3points.html
  11039.                                 err-allocvec.html                err-arexx.html
  11040.                                 err-closefile.html               err-fileformat.html
  11041.                                 err-libraryr.html                err-mempointsr.html
  11042.                                 err-mprender.html                err-oldformat.html
  11043.                                 err-openfile.html                err-openpoints.html
  11044.                                 err-progress.html                err-range.html
  11045.                                 err-rloadimage.html              err-rsaveimage.html
  11046.                                 err-rscaleimage.html             index.html
  11047.                                 main.html                        p-12bit.html
  11048.                                 p-antialias.html                 p-colours.html
  11049.                                 p-createicons.html               p-depth.html
  11050.                                 p-dx.html                        p-dy.html
  11051.                                 p-egs.html                       p-files.html
  11052.                                 p-forcegrey.html                 p-integer.html
  11053.                                 p-loadscript.html                p-mode.html
  11054.                                 p-modename.html                  p-noprogress.html
  11055.                                 p-palette.html                   p-portname.html
  11056.                                 p-postscript.html                p-prescript.html
  11057.                                 p-progresshook.html              p-pubscreen.html
  11058.                                 p-quickgrey.html                 p-saveformat.html
  11059.                                 p-toolpri.html                   par-mprender.html
  11060.                                 req-mprender.html                req-progress.html
  11061.                                 req-really_quit.html             
  11062.                               mrrexx (dir)
  11063.                                 --background--.html              getattr.html
  11064.                                 main.html                        setattr.html
  11065.                               preview (dir)
  11066.                                 dx.html                          dy.html
  11067.                                 frame.html                       frames.html
  11068.                                 index.html                       main.html
  11069.                                 mode.html                        x.html
  11070.                                 y.html                           
  11071.                               runmpindex (dir)
  11072.                                 bugs.html                        command.html
  11073.                                 distribution.html                from.html
  11074.                                 g-all.html                       g-cancel.html
  11075.                                 g-close.html                     g-depth.html
  11076.                                 g-drag.html                      g-files.html
  11077.                                 g-help.html                      g-nodecount.html
  11078.                                 g-nodes.html                     g-none.html
  11079.                                 g-search.html                    g-show.html
  11080.                                 g-subset.html                    g-wordcount.html
  11081.                                 g-words.html                     g-zoom.html
  11082.                                 gadgets.html                     history.html
  11083.                                 index.html                       installation.html
  11084.                                 main.html                        overview.html
  11085.                                 parameters.html                  pubscreen.html
  11086.                                 requirements.html                
  11087.                               tutorial (dir)
  11088.                                 main.html                        
  11089.                            readme.unix.html                 
  11090.                          include (dir)
  11091.                               clib (dir)
  11092.                                 mpgui_protos.h                   mpimage_protos.h
  11093.                               libraries (dir)
  11094.                                 mpgui.h                          mpimage.h
  11095.                               pragmas (dir)
  11096.                                 mpgui_pragmas.h                  mpimage_pragmas.h
  11097.                          libs (dir)
  11098.                            mpgui.library                    mpimage.library.000
  11099.                            mpimage.library.020.pch          mpimage.library.040.pch
  11100.                            mpimage.library.060.pch          mpimage.library.881
  11101.                          rexx (dir)
  11102.                            edgepoints.mpm                   fadetoblack.mpm
  11103.                            fadetowhite.mpm                  indexhelp.mpm
  11104.                            loadscript.mpm                   pixelmorph.mpm
  11105.                            pixelwarp.mpm                    postanim.mpm
  11106.                            postscript.mpm                   preall.mpm
  11107.                            prescript.mpm                    preview.mpm
  11108.                            previewpre.mpm                   rtpreview.mpm
  11109.                            toham.mpm                        
  11110.                          source (dir)
  11111.                               ag2txt (dir)
  11112.                                 ag2txt.c                         
  11113.                               brush (dir)
  11114.                                 1st                              add
  11115.                                 del                              goto
  11116.                                 last                             link
  11117.                                 next                             none
  11118.                                 one                              prev
  11119.                                 rel                              two
  11120.                                 unlink                           
  11121.                               cursor (dir)
  11122.                                 xadd                             xdel
  11123.                                 xl1                              xl2
  11124.                                 xmov                             xone
  11125.                                 xrel                             xtwo
  11126.                                 xu1                              xu2
  11127.                               docs (dir)
  11128.                                 emptyfile                        
  11129.                               env (dir)
  11130.                                    mpmorph (dir)
  11131.                                      def_pic.info                     def_points.info
  11132.                                      def_prefs.info                   
  11133.                               gb (dir)
  11134.                                 mpmorph.gui                      progress.gui
  11135.                               gui (dir)
  11136.                                 addgrid.gui                      edgepoints.gui
  11137.                                 frameno.gui                      getpubscreen.gui
  11138.                                 morph-prefs.def                  morph-prefs.gui
  11139.                                 preview.gui                      render-prefs.def
  11140.                                 render-prefs.gui                 scale.gui
  11141.                                 setsize.gui                      
  11142.                               html (dir)
  11143.                                    images (dir)
  11144.                                      up                               
  11145.                               include (dir)
  11146.                                    clib (dir)
  11147.                                      emptyfile                        
  11148.                                    libraries (dir)
  11149.                                      emptyfile                        
  11150.                                    pragmas (dir)
  11151.                                      emptyfile                        
  11152.                               lha (dir)
  11153.                                 emptyfile                        
  11154.                               libs (dir)
  11155.                                 emptyfile                        
  11156.                               rexx (dir)
  11157.                                 edgepoints.mpm                   fadetoblack.mpm
  11158.                                 fadetowhite.mpm                  indexhelp.mpm
  11159.                                 loadscript.mpm                   pixelmorph.mpm
  11160.                                 pixelwarp.mpm                    postanim.mpm
  11161.                                 postscript.mpm                   preall.mpm
  11162.                                 prescript.mpm                    preview.mpm
  11163.                                 previewpre.mpm                   rtpreview.mpm
  11164.                                 toham.mpm                        
  11165.                               sc (dir)
  11166.                                 args.c                           sprintf.c
  11167.                               sd (dir)
  11168.                                 adoc2html.rexx                   agdoc2html.rexx
  11169.                                 edgepoints.texi                  ignoreword
  11170.                                 links                            mpmorph.texi
  11171.                                 mprender.texi                    preview.texi
  11172.                                 readme.unix                      texi2html.rexx
  11173.                                 text2html.rexx                   tutorial.texi
  11174.                               sm (dir)
  11175.                                    a (dir)
  11176.                                      mpmorph.arb                      mpmorph.c
  11177.                                      mpmorph.h                        mpmorph_rxcl.c
  11178.                                      mpmorph_rxif.c                   
  11179.                                    br (dir)
  11180.                                      1st.c                            add.c
  11181.                                      del.c                            goto.c
  11182.                                      last.c                           link.c
  11183.                                      next.c                           none.c
  11184.                                      one.c                            prev.c
  11185.                                      rel.c                            two.c
  11186.                                      unlink.c                         
  11187.                                    cu (dir)
  11188.                                      xadd.c                           xdel.c
  11189.                                      xl1.c                            xl2.c
  11190.                                      xmov.c                           xone.c
  11191.                                      xrel.c                           xtwo.c
  11192.                                      xu1.c                            xu2.c
  11193.                                 controlwindow.c                  egsstuff.c
  11194.                                 egsstuff.h                       frames.c
  11195.                                 gui.c                            gui.h
  11196.                                 handlesettings.c                 help.c
  11197.                                 loadbrushes.c                    messages.c
  11198.                                 mpmorph-amiga.h                  mpmorph-headers.c
  11199.                                 mpmorph.c                        mpmorph.h
  11200.                                 mpmorphcat.cd                    subroutines.c
  11201.                               sr (dir)
  11202.                                    a (dir)
  11203.                                      render.arb                       render.c
  11204.                                      render.h                         render_rxcl.c
  11205.                                      render_rxif.c                    
  11206.                                    g (dir)
  11207.                                      image.c                          list.c
  11208.                                      output.c                         params.c
  11209.                                      unix.h                           
  11210.                                 findpoint.c                      mpmorph-render.c
  11211.                                 progress.c                       progress.h
  11212.                                 render.h                         rendersub.c
  11213.                                 subs.c                           trap0.asm
  11214.                               st (dir)
  11215.                                 edgepoints.c                     
  11216.                               tutorial (dir)
  11217.                                 cat.pic                          girl.pic
  11218.                                 tutorial.rexx                    
  11219.                            copying                          install
  11220.                            install.info                     makefile
  11221.                            mpimage                          mpimage.info
  11222.                            mpm48s.lha                       mpmorph-prefs
  11223.                            mpmorph-prefs.info               mpmorph.guide.info
  11224.                            mpmorph.html                     mpmorph.info
  11225.                            mpmorph4xs.readme                mpmorph4xs.readme.info
  11226.                            mprender-prefs                   mprender-prefs.info
  11227.                            mprender.000.info                mprender.020.info
  11228.                            mprender.040.info                mprender.060.info
  11229.                            mprender.881.info                read.me
  11230.                            read.me.info                     runmpindex.info
  11231.                            smakefile                        source.readme
  11232.                            source.readme.info               tutorial.guide.info
  11233.                            view_html.info                   
  11234.                          tutorial (dir)
  11235.                            cat.pic                          girl.pic
  11236.                            tutorial.rexx                    
  11237.                       convertmpimage                   copying
  11238.                       docs.index                       edgepoints
  11239.                       edgepoints.guide                 edgepoints.guide.info
  11240.                       editprefs                        editprefs-rexx
  11241.                       editprefs.guide                  editprefs.guide.info
  11242.                       install                          install.info
  11243.                       mpgui.guide                      mpgui.guide.info
  11244.                       mpimage                          mpimage.guide
  11245.                       mpimage.guide.info               mpimage.info
  11246.                       mpmorph                          mpmorph-prefs
  11247.                       mpmorph-prefs.info               mpmorph-rexx
  11248.                       mpmorph.guide                    mpmorph.guide.info
  11249.                       mpmorph.html                     mpmorph.info
  11250.                       mpmorph4x.lha                    mpmorph4x.readme
  11251.                       mprender-prefs                   mprender-prefs.info
  11252.                       mprender-rexx                    mprender.000
  11253.                       mprender.000.inf                 mprender.020.inf
  11254.                       mprender.020.pch                 mprender.040.inf
  11255.                       mprender.040.pch                 mprender.060.inf
  11256.                       mprender.060.pch                 mprender.881
  11257.                       mprender.881.inf                 mprender.guide
  11258.                       mprender.guide.info              preview.guide
  11259.                       preview.guide.info               read.me
  11260.                       read.me.info                     readme.unix
  11261.                       runmpgui                         runmpindex
  11262.                       runmpindex.guide                 runmpindex.guide.info
  11263.                       runmpindex.info                  spatch
  11264.                       tutorial.guide                   tutorial.guide.info
  11265.                       view_html.info                   
  11266.                     pgs_pnggio (dir)
  11267.                       pgs_pnggio.readme                pgs_pnggio.readme.info
  11268.                       png.gio                          
  11269.                     pgs_targagio (dir)
  11270.                       pgs_targagio.readme              pgs_targagio.readme.info
  11271.                       targa.gio                        
  11272.                     pgs_toolbox (dir)
  11273.                       pgs_toolbox.readme               pgs_toolbox.readme.info
  11274.                       tools.hi                         
  11275.                     picconvert (dir)
  11276.                          bin (dir)
  11277.                            bmptoppm                         cjpeg
  11278.                            cjpeg.020881                     djpeg
  11279.                            djpeg.020881                     giftopnm
  11280.                            ilbmtoppm                        pcxtoppm
  11281.                            picttoppm                        pngtopnm
  11282.                            pnmscale                         pnmtopng
  11283.                            pnmtotiff                        ppmquant
  11284.                            ppmtobmp                         ppmtogif
  11285.                            ppmtoilbm                        ppmtopict
  11286.                            ppmtoyuv                         tapgif
  11287.                            tifftopnm                        
  11288.                          docs (dir)
  11289.                            afd-copyright.de                 bmptoppm.man
  11290.                            cjpeg.man                        copying
  11291.                            djpeg.man                        giftopnm.man
  11292.                            ilbmtoppm.man                    jpeg.readme
  11293.                            jpeg.readme.amiga                jpeg.usage.doc
  11294.                            known_problems                   pbm.readme
  11295.                            pcxtoppm.man                     picconvertd.guide
  11296.                            picconvertd.guide.info           picconverte.guide
  11297.                            picconverte.guide.info           picttoppm.man
  11298.                            pngtopnm.man                     pnm.man
  11299.                            pnmscale.man                     pnmtopng.man
  11300.                            pnmtotiff.man                    ppm.man
  11301.                            ppmquant.man                     ppmtobmp.man
  11302.                            ppmtogif.man                     ppmtoilbm.man
  11303.                            ppmtopict.man                    ppmtoyuv.man
  11304.                            tapgif.guide                     tifftopnm.man
  11305.                          fonts (dir)
  11306.                               xen (dir)
  11307.                                 11                               13
  11308.                                 8                                9
  11309.                            xen.font                         
  11310.                          locale (dir)
  11311.                               catalogs (dir)
  11312.                                    english (dir)
  11313.                                      pictureconvert.catalog           
  11314.                                    italiano (dir)
  11315.                                      pictureconvert.catalog           
  11316.                                    nederlands (dir)
  11317.                                      pictureconvert.catalog           
  11318.                            pictureconvert.cd                
  11319.                       docs.info                        iff.library
  11320.                       install                          install-deutsch.info
  11321.                       install-english.info             installer
  11322.                       lokale.exe                       picconvert.lha
  11323.                       picconvert.readme                pictureconvert
  11324.                       pictureconvert.info              
  11325.                     qt (dir)
  11326.                          magicwb (dir)
  11327.                            flatten.info                     qt.guide.info
  11328.                            qt.info                          
  11329.                       flatten                          flatten.info
  11330.                       install qt                       install qt.info
  11331.                       magicwb.info                     qt
  11332.                       qt.020fpu                        qt.030
  11333.                       qt.030fpu                        qt.040fpu
  11334.                       qt.guide                         qt.guide.info
  11335.                       qt.info                          
  11336.                     sviewng (dir)
  11337.                          arexx-scripts (dir)
  11338.                            convertfile.rx                   convertfile.rx.info
  11339.                            loadrequest.rx                   loadrequest.rx.info
  11340.                            setsvdriver.rx                   setsvdriver.rx.info
  11341.                            setsvoperator.rx                 setsvoperator.rx.info
  11342.                            test.pcx                         
  11343.                          bonus (dir)
  11344.                               defaulticons (dir)
  11345.                                 acbm.info                        appicon.info
  11346.                                 bmp.info                         c64.info
  11347.                                 fbm.info                         ilbm.info
  11348.                                 img.info                         jpeg.info
  11349.                                 mac.info                         pcd.info
  11350.                                 pcx.info                         pictor.info
  11351.                                 pnm.info                         ras.info
  11352.                                 sgi.info                         svg.info
  11353.                                 targa.info                       tiff.info
  11354.                                 wpg.info                         yuvn.info
  11355.                            defaulticons.info                readme
  11356.                            readme.info                      sviewng-1.info
  11357.                            sviewng-2.info                   
  11358.                          help (dir)
  11359.                               deutsch (dir)
  11360.                                 firmen-registrierung             firmen-registrierung.info
  11361.                                 registrierung                    registrierung.info
  11362.                                 sviewng.guide                    sviewng.guide.info
  11363.                               english (dir)
  11364.                                 company-register                 company-register.info
  11365.                                 register                         register.info
  11366.                                 registrationfaq                  registrationfaq.info
  11367.                                 sviewng.guide                    sviewng.guide.info
  11368.                               français (dir)
  11369.                                 registration                     registration.info
  11370.                                 sviewng.guide                    sviewng.guide.info
  11371.                               italiano (dir)
  11372.                                 registrazione                    registrazione-compagnie
  11373.                                 registrazione-compagnie.info     registrazione.info
  11374.                                 registrazionefaq                 registrazionefaq.info
  11375.                                 sviewng.guide                    sviewng.guide.info
  11376.                               svenska (dir)
  11377.                                 registration                     registration.info
  11378.                                 sviewng.guide                    sviewng.guide.info
  11379.                            deutsch.info                     english.info
  11380.                            français.info                    italiano.info
  11381.                            svenska.info                     
  11382.                          libraryupdate (dir)
  11383.                               libs (dir)
  11384.                                 wizard.library                   
  11385.                            sviewngwiz.readme                sviewngwiz.readme.info
  11386.                          locale (dir)
  11387.                               catalogs (dir)
  11388.                                    deutsch (dir)
  11389.                                      sviewng.catalog                  sviewng_gui.catalog
  11390.                                    français (dir)
  11391.                                      sviewng.catalog                  
  11392.                                    italiano (dir)
  11393.                                      sviewng.catalog                  
  11394.                                    svenska (dir)
  11395.                                      sviewng.catalog                  
  11396.                               translations (dir)
  11397.                                    deutsch (dir)
  11398.                                      sviewng.ct                       sviewng_gui.ct
  11399.                                    english (dir)
  11400.                                      sviewng.ct                       
  11401.                                    français (dir)
  11402.                                      sviewng.ct                       
  11403.                                    italiano (dir)
  11404.                                      sviewng.ct                       
  11405.                                    svenska (dir)
  11406.                                      sviewng.ct                       
  11407.                                 sviewng.cd                       sviewng_gui.cd
  11408.                            catalogs.info                    readme
  11409.                            readme.info                      translations.info
  11410.                          original (dir)
  11411.                            sviewng_el.lha                   
  11412.                          superviewlibrary (dir)
  11413.                               docs (dir)
  11414.                                    sampleconfigs (dir)
  11415.                                         env_aga (dir)
  11416.                                              superview-library (dir)
  11417.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            aga.controlpad
  11418.                                                dither24bit.controlpad           ecs.controlpad
  11419.                                                extractgrayscales.controlpad     fastilbm24.controlpad
  11420.                                                jpeg.controlpad                  library.controlpad
  11421.                                                pcd.controlpad                   superviewsupport.controlpad
  11422.                                                svg.controlpad                   
  11423.                                         env_aga_cd32 (dir)
  11424.                                              superview-library (dir)
  11425.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            aga.controlpad
  11426.                                                dither24bit.controlpad           ecs.controlpad
  11427.                                                extractgrayscales.controlpad     fastilbm24.controlpad
  11428.                                                jpeg.controlpad                  library.controlpad
  11429.                                                pcd.controlpad                   superviewsupport.controlpad
  11430.                                                svg.controlpad                   
  11431.                                         env_cybergraphics (dir)
  11432.                                              superview-library (dir)
  11433.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            aga.controlpad
  11434.                                                cybergraphics.controlpad         dither24bit.controlpad
  11435.                                                ecs.controlpad                   extractgrayscales.controlpad
  11436.                                                fastilbm24.controlpad            jpeg.controlpad
  11437.                                                library.controlpad               pcd.controlpad
  11438.                                                superviewsupport.controlpad      svg.controlpad
  11439.                                         env_ecs (dir)
  11440.                                              superview-library (dir)
  11441.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            dither24bit.controlpad
  11442.                                                ecs.controlpad                   extractgrayscales.controlpad
  11443.                                                fastilbm24.controlpad            jpeg.controlpad
  11444.                                                library.controlpad               pcd.controlpad
  11445.                                                superviewsupport.controlpad      svg.controlpad
  11446.                                         env_egs7 (dir)
  11447.                                              superview-library (dir)
  11448.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            aga.controlpad
  11449.                                                dither24bit.controlpad           ecs.controlpad
  11450.                                                extractgrayscales.controlpad     fastilbm24.controlpad
  11451.                                                jpeg.controlpad                  library.controlpad
  11452.                                                pcd.controlpad                   superviewsupport.controlpad
  11453.                                                svg.controlpad                   
  11454.                                         env_gfxcards (dir)
  11455.                                              superview-library (dir)
  11456.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            aga.controlpad
  11457.                                                dither24bit.controlpad           ecs.controlpad
  11458.                                                extractgrayscales.controlpad     fastilbm24.controlpad
  11459.                                                jpeg.controlpad                  library.controlpad
  11460.                                                pcd.controlpad                   superviewsupport.controlpad
  11461.                                                svg.controlpad                   
  11462.                                         env_merlin (dir)
  11463.                                              superview-library (dir)
  11464.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            aga.controlpad
  11465.                                                dither24bit.controlpad           ecs.controlpad
  11466.                                                extractgrayscales.controlpad     fastilbm24.controlpad
  11467.                                                jpeg.controlpad                  library.controlpad
  11468.                                                pcd.controlpad                   superviewsupport.controlpad
  11469.                                                svg.controlpad                   
  11470.                                         env_opalvision (dir)
  11471.                                              superview-library (dir)
  11472.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            aga.controlpad
  11473.                                                dither24bit.controlpad           ecs.controlpad
  11474.                                                extractgrayscales.controlpad     fastilbm24.controlpad
  11475.                                                jpeg.controlpad                  library.controlpad
  11476.                                                pcd.controlpad                   superviewsupport.controlpad
  11477.                                                svg.controlpad                   
  11478.                                         env_picassoii (dir)
  11479.                                              superview-library (dir)
  11480.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            aga.controlpad
  11481.                                                dither24bit.controlpad           ecs.controlpad
  11482.                                                extractgrayscales.controlpad     fastilbm24.controlpad
  11483.                                                jpeg.controlpad                  library.controlpad
  11484.                                                pcd.controlpad                   picassoii.controlpad
  11485.                                                superviewsupport.controlpad      svg.controlpad
  11486.                                         env_retina (dir)
  11487.                                              superview-library (dir)
  11488.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            aga.controlpad
  11489.                                                dither24bit.controlpad           ecs.controlpad
  11490.                                                extractgrayscales.controlpad     fastilbm24.controlpad
  11491.                                                jpeg.controlpad                  library.controlpad
  11492.                                                pcd.controlpad                   retina.controlpad
  11493.                                                superviewsupport.controlpad      svg.controlpad
  11494.                                 liesmich.doc                     liesmich.doc.info
  11495.                                 power-brei.txt                   power-brei.txt.info
  11496.                                 superview-library.guide          superview-library.guide.info
  11497.                               env (dir)
  11498.                                    superview-library (dir)
  11499.                                      24bittoham.cpinfo                aga.cpinfo
  11500.                                      amifig.cpinfo                    callpnm.cpinfo
  11501.                                      crop.cpinfo                      cybergraphics.cpinfo
  11502.                                      dither24bit.cpinfo               ecs.cpinfo
  11503.                                      eps.cpinfo                       extractgrayscales.cpinfo
  11504.                                      fastilbm24.cpinfo                ghostscript.cpinfo
  11505.                                      gplot.cpinfo                     hilbertdither256.cpinfo
  11506.                                      ilbm.cpinfo                      jpeg.cpinfo
  11507.                                      library.cpinfo                   limbo.cpinfo
  11508.                                      metaview.cpinfo                  opal.cpinfo
  11509.                                      palettedither.cpinfo             pcd.cpinfo
  11510.                                      picassoii.cpinfo                 png.cpinfo
  11511.                                      pnm.cpinfo                       printer.cpinfo
  11512.                                      retina.cpinfo                    rotate.cpinfo
  11513.                                      rotatefree.cpinfo                scale50.cpinfo
  11514.                                      scanner.cpinfo                   superviewsupport.cpinfo
  11515.                                      svg.cpinfo                       xor.cpinfo
  11516.                               libs (dir)
  11517.                                    68030 (dir)
  11518.                                         svdrivers (dir)
  11519.                                           aga.svdriver                     cybergraphics.svdriver
  11520.                                           merlin.svdriver                  picassoii.svdriver
  11521.                                         svobjects (dir)
  11522.                                           ilbm.svobject                    jpeg.svobject
  11523.                                           pcd.svobject                     
  11524.                                         svoperators (dir)
  11525.                                           24bittoham.svoperator            dither24bit.svoperator
  11526.                                      superview.library                superviewsupport.library
  11527.                                    svdrivers (dir)
  11528.                                      aga.svdriver                     cybergraphics.svdriver
  11529.                                      ecs.svdriver                     egs7.svdriver
  11530.                                      merlin.svdriver                  opal.svdriver
  11531.                                      picassoii.svdriver               retina.svdriver
  11532.                                    svobjects (dir)
  11533.                                      acbm.svobject                    amifig.svobject
  11534.                                      bmp.svobject                     c-source.svobject
  11535.                                      c64.svobject                     cdr.svobject
  11536.                                      deep.svobject                    degas.svobject
  11537.                                      eps.svobject                     fastilbm24.svobject
  11538.                                      fbm.svobject                     ghostscript.svobject
  11539.                                      gplot.svobject                   ilbm.svobject
  11540.                                      img.svobject                     jpeg.svobject
  11541.                                      limbo.svobject                   mac.svobject
  11542.                                      metaview.svobject                pbm.svobject
  11543.                                      pcd.svobject                     pcx.svobject
  11544.                                      pict.svobject                    pictor.svobject
  11545.                                      png.svobject                     pnm.svobject
  11546.                                      printer.svobject                 qrt.svobject
  11547.                                      rgb8.svobject                    scanner.svobject
  11548.                                      sgi.svobject                     sunraster.svobject
  11549.                                      svg.svobject                     targa.svobject
  11550.                                      tiff.svobject                    winicon.svobject
  11551.                                      wpg.svobject                     yuvn.svobject
  11552.                                    svoperators (dir)
  11553.                                      24bittoham.svoperator            anyto24bit.svoperator
  11554.                                      callpnm.svoperator               crop.svoperator
  11555.                                      dither24bit.svoperator           extractblue.svoperator
  11556.                                      extractgrayscales.svoperator     extractgreen.svoperator
  11557.                                      extractred.svoperator            hilbertdither256.svoperator
  11558.                                      lefttoright.svoperator           optimizepalette.svoperator
  11559.                                      palettedither.svoperator         rotate.svoperator
  11560.                                      rotatefree.svoperator            scale50.svoperator
  11561.                                      toptobottom.svoperator           xor.svoperator
  11562.                                 superview.library                superviewsupport.library
  11563.                               locale (dir)
  11564.                                    catalogs (dir)
  11565.                                         deutsch (dir)
  11566.                                           superviewlib.catalog             
  11567.                                         english (dir)
  11568.                                           superviewlib.catalog             
  11569.                                         italiano (dir)
  11570.                                           superviewlib.catalog             
  11571.                                         svenska (dir)
  11572.                                           superviewlib.catalog             
  11573.                                    translations (dir)
  11574.                                         deutsch (dir)
  11575.                                           superviewlib.ct                  
  11576.                                         english (dir)
  11577.                                           superviewlib.ct                  
  11578.                                         italiano (dir)
  11579.                                           superviewlib.ct                  
  11580.                                         svenska (dir)
  11581.                                           superviewlib.ct                  
  11582.                                 catalogs.info                    readme
  11583.                                 readme.info                      superviewlib.cd
  11584.                                 translations.info                
  11585.                               packersupport (dir)
  11586.                                    libs (dir)
  11587.                                         svobjects (dir)
  11588.                                           unpack.svobject                  
  11589.                                 install_unpack                   install_unpack.info
  11590.                                 unpack.doc                       unpack.doc.info
  11591.                               prefs (dir)
  11592.                                 svprefs                          svprefs.info
  11593.                               sq-operators (dir)
  11594.                                    envarc (dir)
  11595.                                         superview-library (dir)
  11596.                                           sqbentley.cpinfo                 sqblur.cpinfo
  11597.                                           sqcontrast.cpinfo                sqdeep_press.cpinfo
  11598.                                           sqdiffuse.cpinfo                 sqemboss.cpinfo
  11599.                                           sqhighpass.cpinfo                sqmosaic.cpinfo
  11600.                                           sqmotion_blur.cpinfo             sqoilpaint.cpinfo
  11601.                                           sqsharpen.cpinfo                 sqslicing.cpinfo
  11602.                                           sqthreshold.cpinfo               sqtiling.cpinfo
  11603.                                    libs (dir)
  11604.                                         svoperators (dir)
  11605.                                           sqbentley.svoperator             sqblur.svoperator
  11606.                                           sqcontrast.svoperator            sqdeep_press.svoperator
  11607.                                           sqdiffuse.svoperator             sqemboss.svoperator
  11608.                                           sqhighpass.svoperator            sqmosaic.svoperator
  11609.                                           sqmotion_blur.svoperator         sqoilpaint.svoperator
  11610.                                           sqsharpen.svoperator             sqslicing.svoperator
  11611.                                           sqthreshold.svoperator           sqtiling.svoperator
  11612.                                 install_sqop                     install_sqop.info
  11613.                                 sq-operators.guide               sq-operators.guide.info
  11614.                                 sqbentley.doc                    sqblur.doc
  11615.                                 sqcontrast.doc                   sqdeep_press.doc
  11616.                                 sqdiffuse.doc                    sqemboss.doc
  11617.                                 sqhighpass.doc                   sqmosaic.doc
  11618.                                 sqmotion_blur.doc                sqoilpaint.doc
  11619.                                 sqsharpen.doc                    sqslicing.doc
  11620.                                 sqthreshold.doc                  sqtiling.doc
  11621.                            docs.info                        install_svlib
  11622.                            install_svlib.info               libs.info
  11623.                            locale.info                      packersupport.info
  11624.                            prefs.info                       sq-operators.info
  11625.                          tools (dir)
  11626.                            readme                           readme.info
  11627.                            superslide                       superslide.info
  11628.                            superviewpalette                 superviewpalette.info
  11629.                       arexx-scripts.info               bonus.info
  11630.                       help.info                        install_sviewng
  11631.                       install_sviewng.info             libraryupdate.info
  11632.                       locale.info                      readme_pirates
  11633.                       readme_pirates.info              readme_prices
  11634.                       readme_prices.info               readme_register
  11635.                       readme_register.info             superview.config.info
  11636.                       superviewlibrary.info            sviewng
  11637.                       sviewng.config                   sviewng.info
  11638.                       tools.info                       
  11639.                     videoeasel (dir)
  11640.                          algorithms (dir)
  11641.                            billiards.info                   brain
  11642.                            brain.info                       cam_echo_center0
  11643.                            cam_echo_center0.info            cam_echo_center1
  11644.                            cam_echo_center1.info            cam_margolus_hvcenters
  11645.                            cam_margolus_hvcenters.info      cam_margolus_hvpases.info
  11646.                            cam_margolus_hvphases            cam_margolus_phases
  11647.                            cam_margolus_phases.info         cam_margolus_phcenters
  11648.                            cam_margolus_phcenters.info      cam_moore_centers
  11649.                            cam_moore_centers.info           cam_moore_hv
  11650.                            cam_moore_hv.info                cam_moore_hvphases
  11651.                            cam_moore_hvphases.info          cam_moore_phases
  11652.                            cam_moore_phases.info            cam_neumann_centers
  11653.                            cam_neumann_centers.info         cam_neumann_hv
  11654.                            cam_neumann_hv.info              cam_neumann_hvpc
  11655.                            cam_neumann_hvpc.info            cam_neumann_hvphases
  11656.                            cam_neumann_hvphases.info        cam_neumann_phases
  11657.                            cam_neumann_phases.info          city
  11658.                            city.info                        crystal
  11659.                            crystal.info                     greenberg
  11660.                            greenberg.info                   heat
  11661.                            heat.info                        life
  11662.                            life.info                        margolus
  11663.                            margolus.info                    planarlife
  11664.                            planarlife.info                  reproducer
  11665.                            reproducer.info                  rowgen
  11666.                            rowgen.info                      smartgen
  11667.                            smartgen.info                    smartlife
  11668.                            smartlife.info                   wire
  11669.                            wire.info                        
  11670.                          applications (dir)
  11671.                            anneal                           anneal.info
  11672.                            bank's                           bank's.info
  11673.                            billiards                        billiards.info
  11674.                            brian's_brain                    brian's_brain.info
  11675.                            bwlife                           bwlife.info
  11676.                            cambeats_me                      cambeats_me.info
  11677.                            camdendrite                      camdendrite.info
  11678.                            camdiffusion                     camdiffusion.info
  11679.                            camdigitallogic                  camdigitallogic.info
  11680.                            camhpp-gas                       camhpp-gas.info
  11681.                            camhpp-gas_w_borders             camhpp-gas_w_borders.info
  11682.                            camhpp-gas_w_refract             camhpp-gas_w_refract.info
  11683.                            camisingi                        camisingi.info
  11684.                            camisingii                       camisingii.info
  11685.                            camisingiii                      camisingiii.info
  11686.                            camlife                          camlife.info
  11687.                            camlife_echo                     camlife_echo.info
  11688.                            camparityflip                    camparityflip.info
  11689.                            camrand_anneal                   camrand_anneal.info
  11690.                            camsoil                          camsoil.info
  11691.                            camtm-gas                        camtm-gas.info
  11692.                            camtm-gas_w_borders              camtm-gas_w_borders.info
  11693.                            city                             city.info
  11694.                            colorpark_88                     colorpark_88.info
  11695.                            colortiles                       colortiles.info
  11696.                            critters                         critters.info
  11697.                            crystal                          crystal.info
  11698.                            diamonds                         diamonds.info
  11699.                            fastanneal                       fastanneal.info
  11700.                            fastbwlife                       fastbwlife.info
  11701.                            fastlife                         fastlife.info
  11702.                            forget-me-not                    forget-me-not.info
  11703.                            freelife                         freelife.info
  11704.                            greenberg                        greenberg.info
  11705.                            heat                             heat.info
  11706.                            hglass                           hglass.info
  11707.                            hpp_gas                          hpp_gas.info
  11708.                            inkspot                          inkspot.info
  11709.                            jolly                            jolly.info
  11710.                            kleingordon_2_in_z5              kleingordon_2_in_z5.info
  11711.                            lichens                          lichens.info
  11712.                            lichens_with_dead                lichens_with_dead.info
  11713.                            life                             life.info
  11714.                            lightspeedlife                   lightspeedlife.info
  11715.                            majority                         majority.info
  11716.                            moving_frames                    moving_frames.info
  11717.                            one_out_of_8                     one_out_of_8.info
  11718.                            parity                           parity-flip
  11719.                            parity-flip.info                 parity.info
  11720.                            park_88                          park_88.info
  11721.                            reproducer                       reproducer.info
  11722.                            rotator                          rotator.info
  11723.                            roundheat                        roundheat.info
  11724.                            rule-2                           rule-2.info
  11725.                            rule1234-3                       rule1234-3.info
  11726.                            rule12345-3                      rule12345-3.info
  11727.                            rule12345-4                      rule12345-4.info
  11728.                            rule12345-45                     rule12345-45.info
  11729.                            rule123456-3                     rule123456-3.info
  11730.                            rule34-34                        rule34-34.info
  11731.                            rule5-12                         rule5-12.info
  11732.                            shuffle                          shuffle.info
  11733.                            smartlife                        smartlife.info
  11734.                            squares                          squares.info
  11735.                            swap-on-diag                     swap-on-diag.info
  11736.                            time-tunnel                      time-tunnel.info
  11737.                            title                            title.info
  11738.                            triangles                        triangles.info
  11739.                            tron                             tron.info
  11740.                            tube-worms                       tube-worms.info
  11741.                            varcritters                      varcritters.info
  11742.                            vartron                          vartron.info
  11743.                            vartube-worms                    vartube-worms.info
  11744.                            wave                             wave.info
  11745.                            wire                             wire.info
  11746.                            wolfram_20                       wolfram_20.info
  11747.                          brush (dir)
  11748.                               brian's_brain (dir)
  11749.                                 bigswirl                         bigswirl.info
  11750.                                 burningrubberband                burningrubberband.info
  11751.                                 circulartraffic                  circulartraffic.info
  11752.                                 fallingchess                     fallingchess.info
  11753.                                 firefront                        firefront.info
  11754.                                 gliderfactory                    gliderfactory.info
  11755.                                 mediumspaceship                  mediumspaceship.info
  11756.                                 pufftrain.1                      pufftrain.1.info
  11757.                                 slowglider                       slowglider.info
  11758.                                 smallboard                       smallboard.info
  11759.                                 tinyglider                       tinyglider.info
  11760.                                 tinyspaceship                    tinyspaceship.info
  11761.                                 universe                         universe.info
  11762.                               fastlife (dir)
  11763.                                 gliderglidergun                  gliderglidergun.info
  11764.                               life (dir)
  11765.                                 12gliders.life                   12gliders.life.info
  11766.                                 alu.life                         alu.life.info
  11767.                                 background1.life                 background1.life.info
  11768.                                 barberpole.life                  barberpole.life.info
  11769.                                 bigglider.life                   bigglider.life.info
  11770.                                 billiards.life                   billiards.life.info
  11771.                                 blinkership.life                 blinkership.life.info
  11772.                                 blinkership2.life                blinkership2.life.info
  11773.                                 blinkership3.life                blinkership3.life.info
  11774.                                 centinal.life                    centinal.life.info
  11775.                                 clock.life                       clock.life.info
  11776.                                 cmu.life                         cmu.life.info
  11777.                                 cmu2.life                        cmu2.life.info
  11778.                                 cmu3.life                        cmu3.life.info
  11779.                                 counter.life                     counter.life.info
  11780.                                 cross.life                       cross.life.info
  11781.                                 eaters3.life                     eaters3.life.info
  11782.                                 fencepost.life                   fencepost.life.info
  11783.                                 figure8.life                     figure8.life.info
  11784.                                 flywheel.life                    flywheel.life.info
  11785.                                 fusebranch.life                  fusebranch.life.info
  11786.                                 fusecorner.life                  fusecorner.life.info
  11787.                                 futility.life                    futility.life.info
  11788.                                 gardenofeden.life                gardenofeden.life.info
  11789.                                 gear.life                        gear.life.info
  11790.                                 gliderbackcap.life               gliderbackcap.life.info
  11791.                                 gliderforecap.life               gliderforecap.life.info
  11792.                                 glidergen2.life                  glidergen2.life.info
  11793.                                 glidergen4.life                  glidergen4.life.info
  11794.                                 glidergen7.life                  glidergen7.life.info
  11795.                                 gliderglidergun.life             gliderglidergun.life.info
  11796.                                 glidergun.life                   glidergun.life.info
  11797.                                 glidergun2.life                  glidergun2.life.info
  11798.                                 gliders1_2.life                  gliders1_2.life.info
  11799.                                 gliders2_2.life                  gliders2_2.life.info
  11800.                                 gliders4_4.life                  gliders4_4.life.info
  11801.                                 glidersidecap.life               glidersidecap.life.info
  11802.                                 glidertofish.life                glidertofish.life.info
  11803.                                 gourmet.life                     gourmet.life.info
  11804.                                 gunandeater.life                 gunandeater.life.info
  11805.                                 horizfuse.life                   horizfuse.life.info
  11806.                                 kickback.life                    kickback.life.info
  11807.                                 lambdabomb.life                  lambdabomb.life.info
  11808.                                 largefish.life                   largefish.life.info
  11809.                                 line.life                        line.life.info
  11810.                                 longsnake.life                   longsnake.life.info
  11811.                                 mediumfish.life                  mediumfish.life.info
  11812.                                 mediumfishgun.life               mediumfishgun.life.info
  11813.                                 mediumfishgun2.life              mediumfishgun2.life.info
  11814.                                 oscilators.life                  oscilators.life.info
  11815.                                 oscillator1.life                 oscillator1.life.info
  11816.                                 oscillator2.life                 oscillator2.life.info
  11817.                                 oscillator3.life                 oscillator3.life.info
  11818.                                 p24.life                         p24.life.info
  11819.                                 p26.life                         p26.life.info
  11820.                                 p28.life                         p28.life.info
  11821.                                 p47.life                         p47.life.info
  11822.                                 p54shuttle.life                  p54shuttle.life.info
  11823.                                 p55.life                         p55.life.info
  11824.                                 p66.life                         p66.life.info
  11825.                                 pentadecathlon.life              pentadecathlon.life.info
  11826.                                 pifuse.life                      pifuse.life.info
  11827.                                 piston.life                      piston.life.info
  11828.                                 piston2.life                     piston2.life.info
  11829.                                 puffertrain.life                 puffertrain.life.info
  11830.                                 pulsar1.life                     pulsar1.life.info
  11831.                                 pulsar2.life                     pulsar2.life.info
  11832.                                 pulse.life                       pulse.life.info
  11833.                                 pulse1.life                      pulse1.life.info
  11834.                                 pulse2.life                      pulse2.life.info
  11835.                                 pump.life                        pump.life.info
  11836.                                 rake.life                        rake.life.info
  11837.                                 rake2.life                       rake2.life.info
  11838.                                 rake3.life                       rake3.life.info
  11839.                                 rakeshipgun.life                 rakeshipgun.life.info
  11840.                                 randomgun.life                   randomgun.life.info
  11841.                                 relay.life                       relay.life.info
  11842.                                 round.life                       round.life.info
  11843.                                 schooloffish.life                schooloffish.life.info
  11844.                                 sglider.life                     sglider.life.info
  11845.                                 sixgliders.life                  sixgliders.life.info
  11846.                                 skyline.life                     skyline.life.info
  11847.                                 slowship.life                    slowship.life.info
  11848.                                 slowship2.life                   slowship2.life.info
  11849.                                 slowship3.life                   slowship3.life.info
  11850.                                 smallfish.life                   smallfish.life.info
  11851.                                 smallfishgun.life                smallfishgun.life.info
  11852.                                 spark.life                       spark.life.info
  11853.                                 spark2.life                      spark2.life.info
  11854.                                 sparkfuse.life                   sparkfuse.life.info
  11855.                                 sparktopifuse.life               sparktopifuse.life.info
  11856.                                 squaredance.life                 squaredance.life.info
  11857.                                 stargaterepeater.life            stargaterepeater.life.info
  11858.                                 switchengine.life                switchengine.life.info
  11859.                                 thunderbirdfuse.life             thunderbirdfuse.life.info
  11860.                                 tube.life                        tube.life.info
  11861.                                 tubebaby.life                    tubebaby.life.info
  11862.                                 turbine8.life                    turbine8.life.info
  11863.                               lightspeedlife (dir)
  11864.                                 12gliders                        12gliders.info
  11865.                                 6gliders                         6gliders.info
  11866.                                 acorn                            acorn.info
  11867.                                 ak47                             ak47.info
  11868.                                 ak47_stable                      ak47_stable.info
  11869.                                 alu                              alu.info
  11870.                                 aquarium25b                      aquarium25b.info
  11871.                                 aquarium33                       aquarium33.info
  11872.                                 aquarium33w                      aquarium33w.info
  11873.                                 aquarium40                       aquarium40.info
  11874.                                 aquarium50                       aquarium50.info
  11875.                                 aquarium50f                      aquarium50f.info
  11876.                                 aquarium50fa                     aquarium50fa.info
  11877.                                 aquarium50fn                     aquarium50fn.info
  11878.                                 aquarium50s                      aquarium50s.info
  11879.                                 aquarium50sb                     aquarium50sb.info
  11880.                                 aquarium50sh                     aquarium50sh.info
  11881.                                 background1                      background1.info
  11882.                                 baker                            baker.info
  11883.                                 barberpole                       barberpole.info
  11884.                                 barberpoles                      barberpoles.info
  11885.                                 barge                            barge.info
  11886.                                 barge2                           barge2.info
  11887.                                 beaconmaker                      beaconmaker.info
  11888.                                 benchmark                        benchmark.info
  11889.                                 bheptomino                       bheptomino.info
  11890.                                 bheptpuffer                      bheptpuffer.info
  11891.                                 bi-gun                           bi-gun.info
  11892.                                 bigglider                        bigglider.info
  11893.                                 billiards                        billiards.info
  11894.                                 binarycounter                    binarycounter.info
  11895.                                 blinkerpuffer                    blinkerpuffer.info
  11896.                                 blinkerpuffers                   blinkerpuffers.info
  11897.                                 blinkership                      blinkership.info
  11898.                                 blinkership2                     blinkership2.info
  11899.                                 blinkership3                     blinkership3.info
  11900.                                 blinkership4                     blinkership4.info
  11901.                                 blockdistance                    blockdistance.info
  11902.                                 blockpuller                      blockpuller.info
  11903.                                 blockpusher                      blockpusher.info
  11904.                                 blockpusher2                     blockpusher2.info
  11905.                                 blockpusher3                     blockpusher3.info
  11906.                                 blockpusher4                     blockpusher4.info
  11907.                                 blockpusher5                     blockpusher5.info
  11908.                                 blockpusher6                     blockpusher6.info
  11909.                                 boatcap                          boatcap.info
  11910.                                 boatmaker                        boatmaker.info
  11911.                                 branchingship                    branchingship.info
  11912.                                 breeder                          breeder.info
  11913.                                 breeder2                         breeder2.info
  11914.                                 breeder3                         breeder3.info
  11915.                                 breeder4                         breeder4.info
  11916.                                 breederst                        breederst.info
  11917.                                 buckeroo                         buckeroo.info
  11918.                                 bunnies                          bunnies.info
  11919.                                 c2p2ship                         c2p2ship.info
  11920.                                 centinal                         centinal.info
  11921.                                 ceshirecat                       ceshirecat.info
  11922.                                 citiesindust                     citiesindust.info
  11923.                                 clappinghands                    clappinghands.info
  11924.                                 clock                            clock.info
  11925.                                 cmu                              cmu.info
  11926.                                 cmu2                             cmu2.info
  11927.                                 cmu3                             cmu3.info
  11928.                                 collapsecap                      collapsecap.info
  11929.                                 collide                          collide.info
  11930.                                 collide2                         collide2.info
  11931.                                 cordership                       cordership.info
  11932.                                 cordership2                      cordership2.info
  11933.                                 cordpull                         cordpull.info
  11934.                                 cordtoss                         cordtoss.info
  11935.                                 counter                          counter.info
  11936.                                 cow                              cow.info
  11937.                                 cross                            cross.info
  11938.                                 crystal                          crystal&decay
  11939.                                 crystal&decay.info               crystal.info
  11940.                                 cyclotron                        cyclotron.info
  11941.                                 dbell                            dbell.info
  11942.                                 dbellships                       dbellships.info
  11943.                                 diagfuse                         diagfuse.info
  11944.                                 dirtypuffer                      dirtypuffer.info
  11945.                                 duplex                           duplex.info
  11946.                                 e1.5growth                       e1.5growth.info
  11947.                                 eater                            eater.info
  11948.                                 eater2                           eater2.info
  11949.                                 eater3                           eater3.info
  11950.                                 electricfence                    electricfence.info
  11951.                                 expo_grow                        expo_grow.info
  11952.                                 f                                f.info
  11953.                                 f2                               f2.info
  11954.                                 f3                               f3.info
  11955.                                 fanout                           fanout.info
  11956.                                 fencepost                        fencepost.info
  11957.                                 figure8                          figure8.info
  11958.                                 filler01                         filler01.info
  11959.                                 filler02                         filler02.info
  11960.                                 filler03                         filler03.info
  11961.                                 filler04                         filler04.info
  11962.                                 filler05                         filler05.info
  11963.                                 filler06                         filler06.info
  11964.                                 filler07                         filler07.info
  11965.                                 filler08                         filler08.info
  11966.                                 filler09                         filler09.info
  11967.                                 filler10                         filler10.info
  11968.                                 filler11                         filler11.info
  11969.                                 filler12                         filler12.info
  11970.                                 filler13                         filler13.info
  11971.                                 filler14                         filler14.info
  11972.                                 fisheater                        fisheater.info
  11973.                                 flasher                          flasher.info
  11974.                                 flywheel                         flywheel.info
  11975.                                 fourbarrelgun                    fourbarrelgun.info
  11976.                                 fusebranch                       fusebranch.info
  11977.                                 fusecorner                       fusecorner.info
  11978.                                 fusehinge                        fusehinge.info
  11979.                                 fuses                            fuses.info
  11980.                                 futility                         futility.info
  11981.                                 gardenofeden                     gardenofeden.info
  11982.                                 gear                             gear.info
  11983.                                 glider                           glider.info
  11984.                                 gliderbackcap                    gliderbackcap.info
  11985.                                 gliderforecap                    gliderforecap.info
  11986.                                 glidergen1                       glidergen1.info
  11987.                                 glidergen2                       glidergen2.info
  11988.                                 glidergen3                       glidergen3.info
  11989.                                 glidergen4                       glidergen4.info
  11990.                                 glidergen5                       glidergen5.info
  11991.                                 glidergen6                       glidergen6.info
  11992.                                 glidergen7                       glidergen7.info
  11993.                                 glidergen8                       glidergen8.info
  11994.                                 gliderglidergun                  gliderglidergun.info
  11995.                                 glidergun                        glidergun.info
  11996.                                 glidergun2                       glidergun2.info
  11997.                                 glidergun3                       glidergun3.info
  11998.                                 glidermesscap                    glidermesscap.info
  11999.                                 gliders4_4                       gliders4_4.info
  12000.                                 glidersawtooth                   glidersawtooth.info
  12001.                                 glidersidecap                    glidersidecap.info
  12002.                                 glidersparcap                    glidersparcap.info
  12003.                                 gourmet                          gourmet.info
  12004.                                 greymatter                       greymatter.info
  12005.                                 growingspaceship                 growingspaceship.info
  12006.                                 gunandeater                      gunandeater.info
  12007.                                 guns1                            guns1.info
  12008.                                 guns2                            guns2.info
  12009.                                 gunstar                          gunstar.info
  12010.                                 gunstar2                         gunstar2.info
  12011.                                 hacksaw                          hacksaw.info
  12012.                                 harmutconvoy                     harmutconvoy.info
  12013.                                 harmutships                      harmutships.info
  12014.                                 harmutships1                     harmutships1.info
  12015.                                 harmutships2                     harmutships2.info
  12016.                                 harmutships3                     harmutships3.info
  12017.                                 harmutships4                     harmutships4.info
  12018.                                 harvester                        harvester.info
  12019.                                 horizfuse                        horizfuse.info
  12020.                                 hotel                            hotel.info
  12021.                                 hwssgun                          hwssgun.info
  12022.                                 irrational                       irrational.info
  12023.                                 irrational2                      irrational2.info
  12024.                                 irrational5                      irrational5.info
  12025.                                 j                                j.info
  12026.                                 kickback                         kickback.info
  12027.                                 lambdabomb                       lambdabomb.info
  12028.                                 largefish                        largefish.info
  12029.                                 lightspeedwire                   lightspeedwire.info
  12030.                                 line                             line.info
  12031.                                 linepuffer                       linepuffer.info
  12032.                                 loafpuffer                       loafpuffer.info
  12033.                                 loggrow                          loggrow.info
  12034.                                 loggrow2                         loggrow2.info
  12035.                                 longfuse                         longfuse.info
  12036.                                 longfuse2                        longfuse2.info
  12037.                                 loop                             loop.info
  12038.                                 loopship                         loopship.info
  12039.                                 lwssgun                          lwssgun.info
  12040.                                 makebilliards                    makebilliards.info
  12041.                                 makefuse                         makefuse.info
  12042.                                 makegun                          makegun.info
  12043.                                 makehustler                      makehustler.info
  12044.                                 makelwss                         makelwss.info
  12045.                                 makemwss                         makemwss.info
  12046.                                 makepole                         makepole.info
  12047.                                 max                              max.info
  12048.                                 mediumfish                       mediumfish.info
  12049.                                 mediumfishgun                    mediumfishgun.info
  12050.                                 mediumfishgun2                   mediumfishgun2.info
  12051.                                 mirage                           mirage.info
  12052.                                 mold                             mold.info
  12053.                                 morec4                           morec4.info
  12054.                                 morejunk                         morejunk.info
  12055.                                 multiships                       multiships.info
  12056.                                 mwssgun                          mwssgun.info
  12057.                                 mwsspuffer                       mwsspuffer.info
  12058.                                 mwssrake                         mwssrake.info
  12059.                                 mwssrake2                        mwssrake2.info
  12060.                                 oscillator1                      oscillator1.info
  12061.                                 oscillator2                      oscillator2.info
  12062.                                 oscillator3                      oscillator3.info
  12063.                                 oscillator6                      oscillator6.info
  12064.                                 oscillator7                      oscillator7.info
  12065.                                 oscillators                      oscillators.info
  12066.                                 oscsp2                           oscsp2.info
  12067.                                 oscsp3                           oscsp3.info
  12068.                                 oscsp4                           oscsp4.info
  12069.                                 oscspn                           oscspn.info
  12070.                                 p120glider                       p120glider.info
  12071.                                 p136                             p136.info
  12072.                                 p24                              p24.info
  12073.                                 p26                              p26.info
  12074.                                 p28                              p28.info
  12075.                                 p2c2tag                          p2c2tag.info
  12076.                                 p47                              p47.info
  12077.                                 p54shuttle                       p54shuttle.info
  12078.                                 p55                              p55.info
  12079.                                 p66                              p66.info
  12080.                                 p72                              p72.info
  12081.                                 p8                               p8.info
  12082.                                 p8puffer                         p8puffer.info
  12083.                                 p8puffersynthesis                p8puffersynthesis.info
  12084.                                 p94                              p94.info
  12085.                                 pentadecathlon                   pentadecathlon.info
  12086.                                 pi                               pi.info
  12087.                                 piecollection                    piecollection.info
  12088.                                 pifuse                           pifuse.info
  12089.                                 pinball                          pinball.info
  12090.                                 pipuffer                         pipuffer.info
  12091.                                 piston                           piston.info
  12092.                                 piston2                          piston2.info
  12093.                                 primes                           primes.info
  12094.                                 puffer                           puffer.info
  12095.                                 puffertrain                      puffertrain.info
  12096.                                 puls                             puls.info
  12097.                                 puls1                            puls1.info
  12098.                                 puls2                            puls2.info
  12099.                                 pulsar18-22-20                   pulsar18-22-20.info
  12100.                                 pulsar28-56-72                   pulsar28-56-72.info
  12101.                                 pulsarpuffer                     pulsarpuffer.info
  12102.                                 pump                             pump.info
  12103.                                 quilt                            quilt.info
  12104.                                 quilt2                           quilt2.info
  12105.                                 r                                r.info
  12106.                                 rabbit                           rabbit.info
  12107.                                 rake                             rake.info
  12108.                                 rake2                            rake2.info
  12109.                                 rake3                            rake3.info
  12110.                                 rake4                            rake4.info
  12111.                                 rake5                            rake5.info
  12112.                                 rake6                            rake6.info
  12113.                                 rake7                            rake7.info
  12114.                                 rakecollision                    rakecollision.info
  12115.                                 rakeshipgun                      rakeshipgun.info
  12116.                                 randomgun                        randomgun.info
  12117.                                 randomgun2                       randomgun2.info
  12118.                                 randomlwss                       randomlwss.info
  12119.                                 relay                            relay.info
  12120.                                 relay2                           relay2.info
  12121.                                 relay3                           relay3.info
  12122.                                 repeattagalong                   repeattagalong.info
  12123.                                 reversefuse                      reversefuse.info
  12124.                                 rot8                             rot8.info
  12125.                                 round                            round.info
  12126.                                 rpentonimo                       rpentonimo.info
  12127.                                 sawtooth                         sawtooth.info
  12128.                                 sawtooth2                        sawtooth2.info
  12129.                                 sawtooth3                        sawtooth3.info
  12130.                                 sawtooth4                        sawtooth4.info
  12131.                                 sawtooth5                        sawtooth5.info
  12132.                                 sawtooth6                        sawtooth6.info
  12133.                                 sawtooth7                        sawtooth7.info
  12134.                                 schooloffish                     schooloffish.info
  12135.                                 sglider                          sglider.info
  12136.                                 shift                            shift.info
  12137.                                 shiningflower                    shiningflower.info
  12138.                                 ship25bit                        ship25bit.info
  12139.                                 shipc2p2                         shipc2p2.info
  12140.                                 shipc2p2_2                       shipc2p2_2.info
  12141.                                 shipc3                           shipc3&tagalongs
  12142.                                 shipc3&tagalongs.info            shipc3.info
  12143.                                 shipper                          shipper.info
  12144.                                 skyline                          skyline.info
  12145.                                 slowpuffer                       slowpuffer.info
  12146.                                 slowpuffer2                      slowpuffer2.info
  12147.                                 slowship                         slowship.info
  12148.                                 slowship2                        slowship2.info
  12149.                                 slowship3                        slowship3.info
  12150.                                 smallfish                        smallfish.info
  12151.                                 smallfishgun                     smallfishgun.info
  12152.                                 somejunk                         somejunk.info
  12153.                                 spark                            spark.info
  12154.                                 spark2                           spark2.info
  12155.                                 spark2pi                         spark2pi.info
  12156.                                 spark2pifuse                     spark2pifuse.info
  12157.                                 sparkfuse                        sparkfuse.info
  12158.                                 spiral                           spiral.info
  12159.                                 squareblinker                    squareblinker.info
  12160.                                 squarecap                        squarecap.info
  12161.                                 squaredance                      squaredance.info
  12162.                                 stargaterepeater                 stargaterepeater.info
  12163.                                 still                            still.info
  12164.                                 stilllifesynthesis               stilllifesynthesis.info
  12165.                                 stretch                          stretch.info
  12166.                                 sun                              sun.info
  12167.                                 sun1                             sun1.info
  12168.                                 switchengine                     switchengine.info
  12169.                                 tagalongtagalong                 tagalongtagalong.info
  12170.                                 test                             test.info
  12171.                                 testtube                         testtube.info
  12172.                                 testtubebaby                     testtubebaby.info
  12173.                                 thickgun                         thickgun.info
  12174.                                 thickgun2                        thickgun2.info
  12175.                                 thickgun3                        thickgun3.info
  12176.                                 thinrake                         thinrake.info
  12177.                                 thin_rake                        thin_rake.info
  12178.                                 thue                             thue.info
  12179.                                 thunderbird                      thunderbird.info
  12180.                                 thunderbirdfuse                  thunderbirdfuse.info
  12181.                                 tiretracks                       tiretracks.info
  12182.                                 track                            track.info
  12183.                                 tumblergen                       tumblergen.info
  12184.                                 turbine8                         turbine8.info
  12185.                                 venetian                         venetian.info
  12186.                                 venetian2                        venetian2.info
  12187.                                 washerwoman                      washerwoman.info
  12188.                                 wave1                            wave1.info
  12189.                                 whatsit                          whatsit.info
  12190.                                 wideship                         wideship.info
  12191.                                 wing                             wing.info
  12192.                                 zigzag                           zigzag.info
  12193.                                 zips                             zips.info
  12194.                               wire (dir)
  12195.                                 diode                            diode.info
  12196.                                 flashinginverter                 flashinginverter.info
  12197.                                 inverter                         inverter.info
  12198.                                 memory                           memory.info
  12199.                                 smallmemory                      smallmemory.info
  12200.                            brian's_brain.info               fastlife.info
  12201.                            life.info                        lightspeedlife.info
  12202.                            wire.info                        
  12203.                          camrexx (dir)
  12204.                            beats_me.rexx                    beats_me.rexx.info
  12205.                            camparityflip.rexx               camparityflip.rexx.info
  12206.                            denrite.rexx                     denrite.rexx.info
  12207.                            diffusion.rexx                   diffusion.rexx.info
  12208.                            digital.rexx                     digital.rexx.info
  12209.                            hpp-gas.rexx                     hpp-gas.rexx.info
  12210.                            hpp-gas_borders.rexx             hpp-gas_borders.rexx.info
  12211.                            hpp-gas_refract.rexx             hpp-gas_refract.rexx.info
  12212.                            isingi.rexx                      isingi.rexx.info
  12213.                            isingii.rexx                     isingii.rexx.info
  12214.                            isingiii.rexx                    isingiii.rexx.info
  12215.                            life.rexx                        life.rexx.info
  12216.                            randanneal.rexx                  randanneal.rexx.info
  12217.                            soil.rexx                        tm-gas.rexx
  12218.                            tm-gas.rexx.info                 tm-gas_borders.rexx
  12219.                            tm-gas_borders.rexx.info         tube-worms.rexx
  12220.                            tube-worms.rexx.info             vartube-worms.rexx
  12221.                            vartube-worms.rexx.info          
  12222.                          environments (dir)
  12223.                            default.chunky                   default.chunky.info
  12224.                            default.chunky_line              default.chunky_line.info
  12225.                            default.chunky_tile              default.chunky_tile.info
  12226.                            default.planar                   default.planar.info
  12227.                            default.planar_tile              default.planar_tile.info
  12228.                          original (dir)
  12229.                            veupdate.lha                     veupdate.readme
  12230.                            videoeasel.lha                   videoeasel.readme
  12231.                          picture (dir)
  12232.                               title (dir)
  12233.                                 title.pic                        title.pic.info
  12234.                          scripts (dir)
  12235.                            drawcircle.rexx                  drawcircle.rexx.info
  12236.                            importxlife.rexx                 importxlife.rexx.info
  12237.                            startup.rexx                     startup.rexx.info
  12238.                          update (dir)
  12239.                            videoeasel                       videoeasel.readme
  12240.                            videoeasel.readme.info           
  12241.                          xlife (dir)
  12242.                            12gliders.life                   2_ak47.life
  12243.                            acorn.life                       ak47.life
  12244.                            ak47_stable.life                 alu.life
  12245.                            alurle.life                      andeater.life
  12246.                            aquarium25b.life                 aquarium33.life
  12247.                            aquarium33w.life                 aquarium40.life
  12248.                            aquarium50.life                  aquarium50f.life
  12249.                            aquarium50fa.life                aquarium50fn.life
  12250.                            aquarium50s.life                 aquarium50sb.life
  12251.                            aquarium50sh.life                background1.life
  12252.                            baker.life                       barberpole.life
  12253.                            barberpoles.life                 barge.life
  12254.                            barge2.life                      beaconmaker.life
  12255.                            benchmark.life                   bheptomino.life
  12256.                            bheptpuffer.life                 bi-gun.life
  12257.                            bigglider.life                   bigneat.life
  12258.                            billiards.life                   binarycounterrle.life
  12259.                            blinkerpuffer.life               blinkerpuffers.life
  12260.                            blinkership.life                 blinkership2.life
  12261.                            blinkership3.life                blinkership4.life
  12262.                            blockdistance.life               blockpuller.life
  12263.                            blockpusher.life                 blockpusher2.life
  12264.                            blockpusher3.life                blockpusher4.life
  12265.                            boatcap.life                     boatmaker.life
  12266.                            brainpain.life                   branchingship.life
  12267.                            breeder.life                     breeder2.life
  12268.                            breeder3.life                    breeder4.life
  12269.                            breederpuffer.life               breederrake.life
  12270.                            breederrle.life                  breederst.life
  12271.                            buckeroo.life                    bunnies.life
  12272.                            c2p2ship.life                    centinal.life
  12273.                            cheshirecat.life                 citiesindust.life
  12274.                            clappinghands.life               clock.life
  12275.                            cmu.life                         cmu2.life
  12276.                            cmu3.life                        collapsecap.life
  12277.                            collide.life                     collide2.life
  12278.                            cordership.life                  cordership2.life
  12279.                            cordpull.life                    cordtoss.life
  12280.                            counter.life                     cow.life
  12281.                            cross.life                       crystal&decay.life
  12282.                            crystal.life                     cyclotron.life
  12283.                            cyclotronrle.life                dbell.life
  12284.                            dbellships.life                  delayloop.life
  12285.                            diagfuse.life                    dirtypuffer.life
  12286.                            doublex.life                     e1.5growth.life
  12287.                            eater.life                       eater2.life
  12288.                            eaters.life                      eaters3.life
  12289.                            electricfence.life               ex.life
  12290.                            expo_grow.life                   f.life
  12291.                            f2.life                          f3.life
  12292.                            fanoutrle.life                   fencepost.life
  12293.                            figure8.life                     filler01.life
  12294.                            filler02.life                    filler03.life
  12295.                            filler04.life                    filler05.life
  12296.                            filler06.life                    filler07.life
  12297.                            filler08.life                    filler09.life
  12298.                            filler10.life                    filler11.life
  12299.                            filler12.life                    filler13.life
  12300.                            filler14.life                    fisheater.life
  12301.                            flasher.life                     flywheel.life
  12302.                            fourbarrelgun.life               fusebranch.life
  12303.                            fusecorner.life                  fusehinge.life
  12304.                            fuses.life                       futility.life
  12305.                            gardenofeden.life                gear.life
  12306.                            gen.life                         glider.life
  12307.                            gliderarmyof256.life             gliderbackcap.life
  12308.                            gliderforecap.life               glidergen1.life
  12309.                            glidergen2.life                  glidergen3.life
  12310.                            glidergen4.life                  glidergen5.life
  12311.                            glidergen6.life                  glidergen7.life
  12312.                            glidergen8.life                  gliderglidergun.life
  12313.                            glidergun.life                   glidergun2.life
  12314.                            glidergun3.life                  glidermesscap.life
  12315.                            glidermirror.life                gliders1_2.life
  12316.                            gliders2_2.life                  gliders4_4.life
  12317.                            gliders6.life                    glidersawtoothrle.life
  12318.                            glidersidecap.life               glidersparcap.life
  12319.                            glidertofish.life                gourmet.life
  12320.                            greymatter1.life                 growingspaceshiprle.life
  12321.                            gunandeater.life                 guns1.life
  12322.                            guns2.life                       gunstar.life
  12323.                            gunstar2.life                    hacksaw.life
  12324.                            harmutconvoy.life                hartmutships.life
  12325.                            hartmutships1.life               hartmutships2.life
  12326.                            hartmutships3.life               hartmutships4.life
  12327.                            harvester.life                   horizfuse.life
  12328.                            hotel.life                       hwssgun.life
  12329.                            irrational.life                  irrational2.life
  12330.                            irrational5.life                 j.life
  12331.                            kickback.life                    lambdabomb.life
  12332.                            largefish.life                   largeoscillator.life
  12333.                            lightspeedwire.life              line.life
  12334.                            linepuffer.life                  loafpufferrle.life
  12335.                            loggrow.life                     loggrow2.life
  12336.                            longfuse.life                    longfuse2.life
  12337.                            longsnake.life                   loop.life
  12338.                            loopship.life                    lwssgun.life
  12339.                            makebilliards.life               makefuse.life
  12340.                            makegun.life                     makehustler.life
  12341.                            makelwss.life                    makemwss.life
  12342.                            makepole.life                    max.life
  12343.                            mediumfish.life                  mediumfishgun.life
  12344.                            mediumfishgun2.life              mirage.life
  12345.                            mold.life                        morec4.life
  12346.                            morejunk.life                    multiships.life
  12347.                            mwssgun.life                     mwsspuffer.life
  12348.                            mwssrake.life                    mwssrake2.life
  12349.                            newsawtooth.life                 orthogonalsawtooth.life
  12350.                            oscilators.life                  oscillator1.life
  12351.                            oscillator2.life                 oscillator3.life
  12352.                            oscillator6.life                 oscillator7.life
  12353.                            oscillators.life                 oscsp2.life
  12354.                            oscsp3.life                      oscsp4.life
  12355.                            oscspn.life                      p120glider.life
  12356.                            p136.life                        p24.life
  12357.                            p26.life                         p28.life
  12358.                            p2c2tag.life                     p32gun.life
  12359.                            p47.life                         p54shuttle.life
  12360.                            p55.life                         p66.life
  12361.                            p72.life                         p8.life
  12362.                            p8puffer.life                    p8puffersynthesis.life
  12363.                            p94.life                         p94s.life
  12364.                            pentadecathlon.life              pi.life
  12365.                            piecollection.life               pifuse.life
  12366.                            pinball.life                     pipuffer.life
  12367.                            piston.life                      piston2.life
  12368.                            primes.life                      puffer128.life
  12369.                            pufferlessbreeder.life           pufferrle.life
  12370.                            puffertrain.life                 pufthinner.life
  12371.                            puftoss.life                     pulsar18-22-20.life
  12372.                            pulsar48-56-72.life              pulsarpuffer.life
  12373.                            pulsartrain.life                 pulse.life
  12374.                            pulse1.life                      pulse2.life
  12375.                            pump.life                        pushgun.life
  12376.                            pushgun2.life                    quilt.life
  12377.                            quilt2.life                      r.life
  12378.                            rabbit.life                      race.life
  12379.                            rake.life                        rake2.life
  12380.                            rake3.life                       rake4.life
  12381.                            rake5.life                       rake6.life
  12382.                            rake7.life                       rake8.life
  12383.                            rake9.life                       rakecollision.life
  12384.                            rakep120b.life                   rakep120f.life
  12385.                            rakep20b.life                    rakep20f.life
  12386.                            rakep24b.life                    rakep24f.life
  12387.                            rakep960b.life                   rakeshipgun.life
  12388.                            randomgun.life                   randomgun2.life
  12389.                            randomlwss.life                  recirc.life
  12390.                            relay.life                       relay2.life
  12391.                            relay3.life                      repeattagalong.life
  12392.                            reversefuse.life                 rot8.life
  12393.                            round.life                       rpentomino.life
  12394.                            sawtooth.life                    sawtooth2.life
  12395.                            sawtooth3.life                   sawtooth4.life
  12396.                            sawtooth5.life                   sawtooth6.life
  12397.                            sawtooth7.life                   sbmemory.life
  12398.                            schooloffish.life                sglider.life
  12399.                            shift.life                       shiningflower.life
  12400.                            ship25bit.life                   shipc2p2.life
  12401.                            shipc2p2_2.life                  shipc3&tagalongs.life
  12402.                            shipc3.life                      shipper.life
  12403.                            shuttle.life                     shuttletrail.life
  12404.                            sixgliders.life                  skyline.life
  12405.                            slowpuffer.life                  slowpuffer2.life
  12406.                            slowship.life                    slowship2.life
  12407.                            slowship3.life                   smallfish.life
  12408.                            smallfishgun.life                somejunk.life
  12409.                            spark.life                       spark2.life
  12410.                            spark2pi.life                    sparkfuse.life
  12411.                            sparktopifuse.life               spiral.life
  12412.                            squareblinker.life               squarecap.life
  12413.                            squaredance.life                 ss.life
  12414.                            ssmgun.life                      ssmpufp20b.life
  12415.                            stargaterepeater.life            still.life
  12416.                            stilllifesythesisrle.life        stretch.life
  12417.                            sun.life                         sun1.life
  12418.                            switchengine.life                tagalongtagalongrle.life
  12419.                            test.life                        testtube.life
  12420.                            testtubebaby.life                thickgun.life
  12421.                            thickgun2.life                   thinblocks.life
  12422.                            thingun.life                     thingun2.life
  12423.                            thingun3.life                    thinrake.life
  12424.                            thin_rake.life                   thue.life
  12425.                            thunderbird.life                 thunderbirdfuse.life
  12426.                            tiretracks.life                  track.life
  12427.                            tumblergen.life                  turbine8.life
  12428.                            venetian.life                    venetian2.life
  12429.                            washerwoman.life                 wave1.life
  12430.                            whatsit.life                     wideship.life
  12431.                            wing.life                        zigzag.life
  12432.                            zips.life                        
  12433.                       algorithms.info                  applications.info
  12434.                       brush.info                       camrexx.info
  12435.                       environments.info                patchdraw
  12436.                       picture.info                     readme
  12437.                       readme.info                      rexxmathlib.lha
  12438.                       scripts.info                     update.info
  12439.                       videoeasel                       videoeasel.info
  12440.                       videoeasel.readme                videoeasel.readme.info
  12441.                       xlife.info                       
  12442.                     wildfire (dir)
  12443.                          wf-base (dir)
  12444.                               alpha (dir)
  12445.                                 miniswirl.iff                    
  12446.                               annotations (dir)
  12447.                                 dw2-transitions                  summer
  12448.                               bonus (dir)
  12449.                                 cyberyafa.lha                    draggadget.lha
  12450.                               convolutions (dir)
  12451.                                 3x3.conv                         
  12452.                               doc (dir)
  12453.                                    pictures (dir)
  12454.                                         processes (dir)
  12455.                                           add.process                      alpha.process
  12456.                                           antique.process                  balancing.process
  12457.                                           blackhole.process                bump.process
  12458.                                           bump3d.process                   cartesian2polar.process
  12459.                                           colortogray.process              compose.process
  12460.                                           convolve.process                 createimage.process
  12461.                                           cube.process                     displace.process
  12462.                                           emboss.process                   example.process
  12463.                                           flip.process                     lut.process
  12464.                                           lwob.process                     magnet.process
  12465.                                           magnet3d.process                 motionblur.process
  12466.                                           negative.process                 noise.process
  12467.                                           oiltransfer.process              perspective.process
  12468.                                           pixelize.process                 plasma.process
  12469.                                           posterise.process                raster.process
  12470.                                           replacecomp.process              roll.process
  12471.                                           rotate.process                   rotateblur.process
  12472.                                           shear.process                    shiftlines.process
  12473.                                           sphere.process                   swaprgb.process
  12474.                                           text.process                     threshold.process
  12475.                                           transform3d.process              twirl.process
  12476.                                           twirl3d.process                  twist.process
  12477.                                           water.process                    wave.process
  12478.                                           wave3d.process                   wrap.process
  12479.                                      add.pic                          alpha.pic
  12480.                                      antique.pic                      balancing.pic
  12481.                                      blackhole.pic                    bump.pic
  12482.                                      bump3d.pic                       cartesian2polar.pic
  12483.                                      colortogray.pic                  compose.pic
  12484.                                      convolve.pic                     createimage.pic
  12485.                                      cube.pic                         displace.pic
  12486.                                      emboss.pic                       example.pic
  12487.                                      flip.pic                         lut.pic
  12488.                                      lwob.pic                         magnet.pic
  12489.                                      magnet3d.pic                     motionblur.pic
  12490.                                      negative.pic                     noise.pic
  12491.                                      oiltransfer.pic                  perspective.pic
  12492.                                      pixelize.pic                     plasma.pic
  12493.                                      posterise.pic                    raster.pic
  12494.                                      replacecomp.pic                  roll.pic
  12495.                                      rotate.pic                       rotateblur.pic
  12496.                                      shear.pic                        shiftlines.pic
  12497.                                      sphere.pic                       swaprgb.pic
  12498.                                      text.pic                         threshold.pic
  12499.                                      transform3d.pic                  twirl.pic
  12500.                                      twirl3d.pic                      twist.pic
  12501.                                      water.pic                        wave.pic
  12502.                                      wave3d.pic                       wrap.pic
  12503.                                    powerplugs! (dir)
  12504.                                         processes (dir)
  12505.                                           composeall_01.process            composeall_02.process
  12506.                                           cubemagnet.process               cubetransformtwirl1.process
  12507.                                           cubetransformtwirl2.process      cubetwist.process
  12508.                                           cubewave1.process                cubewave2.process
  12509.                                           magnetcubetransform.process      magnetsphere.process
  12510.                                           magnetwrap.process               multimagnet.process
  12511.                                           multiwrap1.process               multiwrap2.process
  12512.                                           spheretransform.process          spheretwirlmagnet.process
  12513.                                           transformtwist.process           watercube.process
  12514.                                           waves.process                    wavesphere.process
  12515.                                           wavewrap.process                 wrapwave.process
  12516.                                 wildfire.guide                   wildfire.guide.info
  12517.                                 yafa-doc.guide                   yp.guide
  12518.                                 yp.guide.info                    
  12519.                               envarc (dir)
  12520.                                 wildfire.config                  
  12521.                               envelopes (dir)
  12522.                                 1.env                            ev1.curve
  12523.                                 ev1.tc                           
  12524.                               examples (dir)
  12525.                                    anims (dir)
  12526.                                      example-anims.txt                
  12527.                                    pictures (dir)
  12528.                                      dw2.advert.iff.small             wf_halve.title
  12529.                                    screenshots (dir)
  12530.                                      example-screenshots.txt          
  12531.                                    sound (dir)
  12532.                                      example-sounds.txt               
  12533.                                    variables (dir)
  12534.                                      vars1.var                        vars2.var
  12535.                                      vars3.var                        vars4.var
  12536.                                    wfimages (dir)
  12537.                                      example-wfimages.txt             
  12538.                               filmstrips (dir)
  12539.                                 gearbox.film                     
  12540.                               icons (dir)
  12541.                                    newicons (dir)
  12542.                                      amigaguide.info                  animation.info
  12543.                                      drawer.info                      image.info
  12544.                                      text.info                        wf.info
  12545.                                      yafa.info                        yp.info
  12546.                                 amigaguide.info                  animation.info
  12547.                                 drawer.info                      image.info
  12548.                                 readme                           text.info
  12549.                                 wf.info                          yafa.info
  12550.                                 yp.info                          
  12551.                               libs (dir)
  12552.                                    compressors (dir)
  12553.                                      xpkfast.library                  
  12554.                                 xpkmaster.library                
  12555.                               macros (dir)
  12556.                                 animinfo.rexx                    arexx1.process
  12557.                                 arexx2.process                   pictureinfo.rexx
  12558.                                 playerdemo.rexx                  playstartfilm.rexx
  12559.                                 requester.rexx                   shell.rexx
  12560.                                 variablesdemo.rexx               
  12561.                               processes (dir)
  12562.                                 alpha.process                    arexx1.process
  12563.                                 arexx2.process                   bump.process
  12564.                                 cady.process                     composealpha.process
  12565.                                 cube.process                     lut-test1.process
  12566.                                 sphere.process                   water.process
  12567.                                 wave3d.process                   wrap.process
  12568.                               system (dir)
  12569.                                    filmstrips (dir)
  12570.                                         raw (dir)
  12571.                                           a.yafa                           b.yafa
  12572.                                      a.film                           b.film
  12573.                                    help (dir)
  12574.                                         tutorial (dir)
  12575.                                              converter (dir)
  12576.                                                editor                           
  12577.                                              player (dir)
  12578.                                                txt1                             txt10
  12579.                                                txt2                             txt3
  12580.                                                txt4                             txt5
  12581.                                                txt6                             txt7
  12582.                                                txt8                             txt8b
  12583.                                                txt9                             txte
  12584.                                              variables (dir)
  12585.                                                txt1                             txt10
  12586.                                                txt11                            txt12
  12587.                                                txt13                            txt14
  12588.                                                txt2                             txt3
  12589.                                                txt4                             txt5
  12590.                                                txt6                             txt7
  12591.                                                txt8                             txt9
  12592.                                           processor                        
  12593.                                    images (dir)
  12594.                                      anim.info                        editor.info
  12595.                                      envelope.info                    film.info
  12596.                                      ilbm.info                        image.info
  12597.                                      misc.info                        module.info
  12598.                                      mpeg.info                        player.info
  12599.                                      process.info                     project.info
  12600.                                      sample.info                      session.info
  12601.                                      text.info                        trashcan.info
  12602.                                      variable.info                    viewer.info
  12603.                                      yafa.info                        
  12604.                                    misc (dir)
  12605.                                      color1                           
  12606.                                 drag.gadget                      intro.pic
  12607.                                 plugins                          wf.analysis
  12608.                                 wf.icons                         wf.log
  12609.                                 wildfire.library                 
  12610.                               windows (dir)
  12611.                                 player.wnd                       
  12612.                               yafaoptions (dir)
  12613.                                 byte                             bytewithxpk
  12614.                                 chunkyxpk                        
  12615.                            doc.info                         history
  12616.                            history.info                     motivation2.jpg
  12617.                            motivation2.jpg.info             powerplugs!_01.jpg
  12618.                            powerplugs!_01.jpg.info          powerplugs!_02.jpg
  12619.                            powerplugs!_02.jpg.info          projects
  12620.                            readme_v2.96                     readme_v2.96.info
  12621.                            sessions                         wf-base.lha
  12622.                            wf.info                          yp
  12623.                            yp.info                          
  12624.                          wf-binary (dir)
  12625.                            readme_v2.96                     readme_v2.96.info
  12626.                            wf                               wf-binary.lha
  12627.                          wf-binary881 (dir)
  12628.                            readme_v2.96                     readme_v2.96.info
  12629.                            wf                               wf-binary881.lha
  12630.                          wf-plugins (dir)
  12631.                               system (dir)
  12632.                                    plugins (dir)
  12633.                                         general (dir)
  12634.                                              storage (dir)
  12635.                                                wfg_colorwheel                   wfg_command
  12636.                                                wfg_convertimages                wfg_countplugins
  12637.                                                wfg_epssaver                     wfg_grabwindow
  12638.                                                wfg_slideshow                    wfg_tileimage
  12639.                                         operators (dir)
  12640.                                              storage (dir)
  12641.                                                wfo_add                          wfo_alpha
  12642.                                                wfo_antique                      wfo_arexx
  12643.                                           wfo_balancing                    wfo_blackhole
  12644.                                           wfo_bump                         wfo_bump3d
  12645.                                           wfo_cartesian2polar              wfo_colortogray
  12646.                                           wfo_comment                      wfo_compose
  12647.                                           wfo_convolve                     wfo_createimage
  12648.                                           wfo_crop                         wfo_cube
  12649.                                           wfo_displace                     wfo_emboss
  12650.                                           wfo_example                      wfo_flip
  12651.                                           wfo_halve                        wfo_killtemp
  12652.                                           wfo_loadimage                    wfo_loadtemp
  12653.                                           wfo_lut                          wfo_lwob
  12654.                                           wfo_magnet                       wfo_magnet3d
  12655.                                           wfo_medianfilter                 wfo_motionblur
  12656.                                           wfo_negative                     wfo_noise
  12657.                                           wfo_oiltransfer                  wfo_perspective
  12658.                                           wfo_pixelize                     wfo_plasma
  12659.                                           wfo_posterise                    wfo_raster
  12660.                                           wfo_replacecomp                  wfo_roll
  12661.                                           wfo_rotate                       wfo_rotateblur
  12662.                                           wfo_saveimage                    wfo_savetemp
  12663.                                           wfo_scale                        wfo_shear
  12664.                                           wfo_shiftlines                   wfo_sphere
  12665.                                           wfo_swaprgb                      wfo_text
  12666.                                           wfo_threshold                    wfo_transform3d
  12667.                                           wfo_twirl                        wfo_twirl3d
  12668.                                           wfo_twist                        wfo_water
  12669.                                           wfo_wave                         wfo_wave3d
  12670.                                           wfo_wrap                         
  12671.                                         savers (dir)
  12672.                                              storage (dir)
  12673.                                                wfs_ilbm                         wfs_jpeg
  12674.                                                wfs_png                          
  12675.                                         system (dir)
  12676.                                           colorwheel.prefs                 command.prefs
  12677.                                           countplugins.prefs               epssaver.prefs
  12678.                                           ilbm.prefs                       jpeg.prefs
  12679.                                           png.prefs                        slideshow.prefs
  12680.                                           tileimage.prefs                  wf.operators
  12681.                            readme_v2.96                     readme_v2.96.info
  12682.                            wf-plugins.lha                   
  12683.                          wf-plugins881 (dir)
  12684.                               system (dir)
  12685.                                    plugins (dir)
  12686.                                         general (dir)
  12687.                                              storage (dir)
  12688.                                                wfg_colorwheel                   wfg_command
  12689.                                                wfg_convertimages                wfg_countplugins
  12690.                                                wfg_epssaver                     wfg_grabwindow
  12691.                                                wfg_slideshow                    wfg_tileimage
  12692.                                         operators (dir)
  12693.                                              storage (dir)
  12694.                                                wfo_add                          wfo_alpha
  12695.                                                wfo_antique                      wfo_arexx
  12696.                                                wfo_balancing                    wfo_blackhole
  12697.                                                wfo_bump                         wfo_bump3d
  12698.                                                wfo_cartesian2polar              wfo_colortogray
  12699.                                                wfo_comment                      wfo_compose
  12700.                                                wfo_convolve                     wfo_createimage
  12701.                                                wfo_crop                         wfo_cube
  12702.                                                wfo_displace                     wfo_emboss
  12703.                                                wfo_example                      wfo_flip
  12704.                                                wfo_halve                        wfo_killtemp
  12705.                                                wfo_loadimage                    wfo_loadtemp
  12706.                                                wfo_lut                          wfo_lwob
  12707.                                                wfo_magnet                       wfo_magnet3d
  12708.                                                wfo_medianfilter                 wfo_motionblur
  12709.                                                wfo_negative                     wfo_noise
  12710.                                                wfo_oiltransfer                  wfo_perspective
  12711.                                                wfo_pixelize                     wfo_plasma
  12712.                                                wfo_posterise                    wfo_raster
  12713.                                                wfo_replacecomp                  wfo_roll
  12714.                                                wfo_rotate                       wfo_rotateblur
  12715.                                                wfo_saveimage                    wfo_savetemp
  12716.                                                wfo_scale                        wfo_shear
  12717.                                                wfo_shiftlines                   wfo_sphere
  12718.                                                wfo_swaprgb                      wfo_text
  12719.                                                wfo_threshold                    wfo_transform3d
  12720.                                                wfo_twirl                        wfo_twirl3d
  12721.                                                wfo_twist                        wfo_water
  12722.                                                wfo_wave                         wfo_wave3d
  12723.                                                wfo_wrap                         
  12724.                                         savers (dir)
  12725.                                              storage (dir)
  12726.                                                wfs_ilbm                         wfs_jpeg
  12727.                                                wfs_png                          
  12728.                                         system (dir)
  12729.                                           colorwheel.prefs                 command.prefs
  12730.                                           countplugins.prefs               epssaver.prefs
  12731.                                           ilbm.prefs                       jpeg.prefs
  12732.                                           png.prefs                        slideshow.prefs
  12733.                                           tileimage.prefs                  wf.operators
  12734.                            readme_v2.96                     readme_v2.96.info
  12735.                            wf-plugins881.lha                
  12736.                       wf-base.info                     wf-base.readme
  12737.                       wf-base.readme.info              wf-binary.info
  12738.                       wf-binary.readme                 wf-binary.readme.info
  12739.                       wf-binary881.info                wf-binary881.readme
  12740.                       wf-binary881.readme.info         wf-plugins.info
  12741.                       wf-plugins.readme                wf-plugins.readme.info
  12742.                       wf-plugins881.info               wf-plugins881.readme
  12743.                       wf-plugins881.readme.info        
  12744.                     xanim (dir)
  12745.                          buttons (dir)
  12746.                            bar_6x4_hi.xbm                   bar_6x4_lo.xbm
  12747.                            but_circ16_hi.xbm                but_circ16_lo.xbm
  12748.                            but_dash16_hi.xbm                but_dash16_lo.xbm
  12749.                            but_lstp16_hi.xbm                but_lstp16_lo.xbm
  12750.                            but_ltri10_hi.xbm                but_ltri10_lo.xbm
  12751.                            but_next16_hi.xbm                but_next16_lo.xbm
  12752.                            but_plus16_hi.xbm                but_plus16_lo.xbm
  12753.                            but_prev16_hi.xbm                but_prev16_lo.xbm
  12754.                            but_quad10_hi.xbm                but_quad10_lo.xbm
  12755.                            but_quad16_hi.xbm                but_quad16_lo.xbm
  12756.                            but_rstp16_hi.xbm                but_rstp16_lo.xbm
  12757.                            but_rtri10_hi.xbm                but_rtri10_lo.xbm
  12758.                            but_sond16_hi.xbm                but_sond16_lo.xbm
  12759.                            but_vol56_hi.xbm                 but_vol56_lo.xbm
  12760.                            txt_audn.xbm                     txt_auup.xbm
  12761.                            txt_exit.xbm                     
  12762.                          doc (dir)
  12763.                            cinepak.readme                   cinepak.readme.info
  12764.                            examples.doc                     examples.doc.info
  12765.                            indeo.readme                     indeo.readme.info
  12766.                            readme                           readme.info
  12767.                            xanim.man                        xanim.man.info
  12768.                            xanim.readme                     xanim.readme.info
  12769.                       buttons.info                     doc.info
  12770.                       xanim                            xanim.readme
  12771.                       xanim.readme.info                
  12772.                     xingplay (dir)
  12773.                       xingplay                         xingplay.readme
  12774.                       xingplay.readme.info             
  12775.                     zoomerv1.0 (dir)
  12776.                          source (dir)
  12777.                            debug.h                          drawing.c
  12778.                            drawing.h                        header.c
  12779.                            libraryobject.c                  libraryobject.h
  12780.                            makefile                         scoptions
  12781.                            zoomer.c                         zoomerwindow.c
  12782.                            zoomerwindow.h                   
  12783.                       drawing.dr2d                     drawing.dr2d.info
  12784.                       scoptions                        source.info
  12785.                       zoomer                           zoomer.info
  12786.                       zoomer.readme                    zoomer.readme.info
  12787.                  3d_objects.info                  aga-morph-v1.3.info
  12788.                  archispritedisplay.info          artpro_install.info
  12789.                  asciiartprov4.info               chimicadinstall.info
  12790.                  collector25.info                 dbufdtanim.info
  12791.                  easy_print.info                  ecchi.info
  12792.                  fli_master.info                  iffanimgifanim.info
  12793.                  mastergrabber.info               mpimage7x.info
  12794.                  mpmorph4x.info                   pgs_pnggio.info
  12795.                  pgs_targagio.info                pgs_toolbox.info
  12796.                  picconvert.info                  qt.info
  12797.                  sviewng.info                     videoeasel.info
  12798.                  wildfire.info                    xanim.info
  12799.                  xingplay.info                    zoomerv1.0.info
  12800.                hardware (dir)
  12801.                     a2000-040 (dir)
  12802.                       2000-040.aibb                    a2000-040
  12803.                       a2000-040.readme                 a2000-040.readme.info
  12804.                     ahi (dir)
  12805.                          developer (dir)
  12806.                               docs (dir)
  12807.                                 ahi.doc                          ahi.doc.info
  12808.                                 ahi.guide                        ahi.guide.info
  12809.                                 ahi_sub.doc                      ahi_sub.doc.info
  12810.                                 ahi_sub.guide                    ahi_sub.guide.info
  12811.                                 programming guidelines.ascii     specifikation.ascii
  12812.                                 specifikation.ascii.info         
  12813.                               drivers (dir)
  12814.                                    filesave (dir)
  12815.                                      asmfuncs.a                       filesave.c
  12816.                                      filesave.h                       filesave.i
  12817.                                      prefsfile.a                      smakefile
  12818.                                    paula (dir)
  12819.                                      paula_audio.a                    prefsfile.a
  12820.                                      prefsfile.aura.a                 smakefile
  12821.                                    toccata (dir)
  12822.                                      asmfuncs.a                       prefsfile.a
  12823.                                      smakefile                        toccata.c
  12824.                                      toccata.h                        toccata.i
  12825.                                    wavetools (dir)
  12826.                                      dad_audio.i                      prefsfile.s
  12827.                                      wavetools_audio.s                
  12828.                               examples (dir)
  12829.                                    3rd party (dir)
  12830.                                      gai101.lha                       
  12831.                                    doublebuffer (dir)
  12832.                                      doublebuffer.c                   scoptions
  12833.                                      smakefile                        
  12834.                                    harddiskrecord (dir)
  12835.                                      gui.c                            gui.des
  12836.                                      gui.extras.h                     gui.h
  12837.                                      harddiskrecord.c                 harddiskrecord.cd
  12838.                                      harddiskrecord.ct                harddiskrecord.h
  12839.                                      recordfunc.a                     smakefile
  12840.                                    pt-ahiplay (dir)
  12841.                                      pt-ahiplay.h                     pt-ahiplay.i
  12842.                                      pt-ahiplay.o                     pt-ahiplay.s
  12843.                                    ptdatatype (dir)
  12844.                                      class.c                          data.h
  12845.                                      dt_code.a                        dt_ident
  12846.                                      libcode.c                        protracker.datatype_rev.h
  12847.                                      protracker.datatype_rev.i        protracker.datatype_rev.rev
  12848.                                      protracker_rev.i                 protracker_rev.rev
  12849.                                      romtag.a                         smakefile
  12850.                                    req-test (dir)
  12851.                                      req-test.c                       scoptions
  12852.                                      smakefile                        
  12853.                                 bestaudioid_test.c               recordtestq&d.s
  12854.                               include (dir)
  12855.                                    clib (dir)
  12856.                                      ahi_protos.h                     ahi_sub_protos.h
  12857.                                    devices (dir)
  12858.                                      ahi.h                            ahi.i
  12859.                                    fd (dir)
  12860.                                      ahi_lib.fd                       ahi_sub_lib.fd
  12861.                                    libraries (dir)
  12862.                                      ahi_sub.h                        ahi_sub.i
  12863.                                    lvo (dir)
  12864.                                      ahi_lib.i                        
  12865.                                    pragmas (dir)
  12866.                                      ahi_pragmas.h                    ahi_sub_pragmas.h
  12867.                                    proto (dir)
  12868.                                      ahi.h                            ahi_sub.h
  12869.                                 macros.i                         readme.txt
  12870.                               lib (dir)
  12871.                                 ahi_lib.c                        
  12872.                               support (dir)
  12873.                                    source (dir)
  12874.                                         scanaudiomodes (dir)
  12875.                                           scanaudiomodes.c                 scoptions
  12876.                                           smakefile                        
  12877.                                         sift (dir)
  12878.                                           sift.c                           
  12879.                                 readme.txt                       scanaudiomodes
  12880.                                 sift                             
  12881.                            docs.info                        drivers.info
  12882.                            examples.info                    include.info
  12883.                            lib.info                         support.info
  12884.                          user (dir)
  12885.                               c (dir)
  12886.                                 addaudiomodes                    
  12887.                               devs (dir)
  12888.                                    ahi (dir)
  12889.                                      delfina.audio                    filesave.audio
  12890.                                      filesave.audio.000               paula.audio
  12891.                                      paula.audio.000                  toccata.audio
  12892.                                      toccata.audio.000                wavetools.audio
  12893.                                    audiomodes (dir)
  12894.                                      delfina                          filesave
  12895.                                      paula                            paula.aura
  12896.                                      toccata                          wavetools
  12897.                                 ahi.device                       ahi.device.000
  12898.                               examples (dir)
  12899.                                    harddiskrecord (dir)
  12900.                                      harddiskrecord                   harddiskrecord.info
  12901.                                    protrackerdatatype (dir)
  12902.                                         classes (dir)
  12903.                                              datatypes (dir)
  12904.                                                protracker.datatype              
  12905.                                         devs (dir)
  12906.                                              datatypes (dir)
  12907.                                                protracker                       protracker.info
  12908.                                         env (dir)
  12909.                                              datatypes (dir)
  12910.                                                protracker                       
  12911.                                      install.txt                      install.txt.info
  12912.                                 harddiskrecord.info              protrackerdatatype.info
  12913.                            examples.info                    readme-paula.ascii
  12914.                            readme-toccata.ascii             readme.txt
  12915.                            readme.txt.info                  toccata.library
  12916.                       ahi.readme                       copyright
  12917.                       copyright.info                   credits
  12918.                       credits.info                     developer.info
  12919.                       history                          history.info
  12920.                       readme1st!                       readme1st!.info
  12921.                       user.info                        version
  12922.                     colourjunkie (dir)
  12923.                       colourjunkie                     colourjunkie.info
  12924.                       colourjunkie.txt                 colourjunkie.txt.info
  12925.                     ir-slave200 (dir)
  12926.                       catalogs.run                     docs.run
  12927.                       examples.run                     icons.run
  12928.                       install                          ir-slave deutsch.info
  12929.                       ir-slave english.info            ir-slave.run
  12930.                       irslave.lha                      irslave.readme
  12931.                       irslave.readme.info              
  12932.                     new8n1 (dir)
  12933.                       8n1.device_000                   8n1.device_030
  12934.                       8n1.device_040                   8n1.device_rev.i
  12935.                       8n1.device_rev.rev               8n1_000.s
  12936.                       8n1_030.s                        8n1_040.s
  12937.                       changelog                        copmqr28.lha
  12938.                       dmakefile                        new8n1.guide
  12939.                       new8n1.guide.info                new8n1.readme
  12940.                       new8n1.readme.info               phxoptions
  12941.                     newhackdisk (dir)
  12942.                       hackdisk.asm                     hackdisk.device
  12943.                       hackdisk.doc                     hackdisk.doc.info
  12944.                       hackdisktest                     hackdisktest.asm
  12945.                       kick                             newhackdisk.lha
  12946.                       newhackdisk.readme               
  12947.                     preludeahi (dir)
  12948.                          devs (dir)
  12949.                               ahi (dir)
  12950.                                 prelude.audio                    
  12951.                               audiomodes (dir)
  12952.                                 prelude                          
  12953.                       preludeahi.readme                preludeahi.readme.info
  12954.                     rdprep (dir)
  12955.                          rdprepxexe2r96 (dir)
  12956.                            0.list                           100.list
  12957.                            105.list                         13.256.list
  12958.                            13.list                          3.list
  12959.                            4.list                           rdprepx
  12960.                            rdprepx.info                     rev_notes
  12961.                            rev_notes.info                   simple.doc
  12962.                            simple.doc.info                  
  12963.                       compatibility.notes              compatibility.notes.info
  12964.                       rdhelp1                          rdhelp2
  12965.                       rdhelp3                          rdprep
  12966.                       rdprep.info                      rdprepx
  12967.                       rdprepxexe2r96.info              read.first
  12968.                       read.first.info                  
  12969.                     scancenter (dir)
  12970.                          catalogs (dir)
  12971.                               english (dir)
  12972.                                 scancenter.catalog               
  12973.                          libs (dir)
  12974.                            lies_mich_zuerst                 lies_mich_zuerst.info
  12975.                          piktogramme (dir)
  12976.                            wb16.info                        wb256.info
  12977.                            wb4.info                         wb8.info
  12978.                       .info                            disk.info
  12979.                       history                          history.info
  12980.                       install_deutsch                  install_deutsch.info
  12981.                       scancenter.000                   scancenter.020030040
  12982.                       scancenter.020030fpu             scancenter.040fpu
  12983.                       scancenter.guide                 scancenter.guide.info
  12984.                       scancenter.readme                scancenter.readme.info
  12985.                     scantek (dir)
  12986.                          gamma (dir)
  12987.                            descript                         
  12988.                          images (dir)
  12989.                            descript                         
  12990.                          temp (dir)
  12991.                            descript                         
  12992.                       bestellformular                  bestellformular.info
  12993.                       gamma.info                       images.info
  12994.                       orderform                        orderform.info
  12995.                       readme                           readme.info
  12996.                       scantek                          scantek.guide
  12997.                       scantek.guide.info               scantek.info
  12998.                       scantek2_10.readme               
  12999.                     scantrax (dir)
  13000.                          icons (dir)
  13001.                               scantrax (dir)
  13002.                                 registration.form.info           registrierung.form.info
  13003.                                 rexxtest.info                    scantrax.guide.info
  13004.                                 scantrax.info                    
  13005.                            scantrax.info                    
  13006.                          libs (dir)
  13007.                            gtlayout.library                 
  13008.                          main (dir)
  13009.                               catalogs (dir)
  13010.                                    english (dir)
  13011.                                      scantrax.catalog                 
  13012.                                 scantrax.ct                      
  13013.                            registration.form                registrierung.form
  13014.                            rexxtest                         scanmode.prefs
  13015.                            scantrax                         
  13016.                          pointerhires (dir)
  13017.                            pointer_ad.pre                   pointer_dl.pre
  13018.                            pointer_dt.pre                   pointer_lr.pre
  13019.                            pointer_ud.pre                   
  13020.                          pointerlores (dir)
  13021.                            pointer_ad.pre                   pointer_dl.pre
  13022.                            pointer_dt.pre                   pointer_lr.pre
  13023.                            pointer_ud.pre                   
  13024.                       install.bat                      install_scantrax.info
  13025.                       scantrax.guide                   scantrax.guide.info
  13026.                       scantrax.lha                     scantrax.readme
  13027.                       screenshot.jpg                   screenshot.jpg.info
  13028.                     stfax (dir)
  13029.                          catalogs (dir)
  13030.                               català (dir)
  13031.                                 stfax.catalog                    
  13032.                               dansk (dir)
  13033.                                 stfax.catalog                    
  13034.                               deutsch (dir)
  13035.                                 stfax.catalog                    
  13036.                               español (dir)
  13037.                                 stfax.catalog                    
  13038.                               français (dir)
  13039.                                 stfax.catalog                    
  13040.                               greek (dir)
  13041.                                 stfax.catalog                    
  13042.                               italiano (dir)
  13043.                                 stfax.catalog                    
  13044.                               nederlands (dir)
  13045.                                 stfax.catalog                    
  13046.                               norsk (dir)
  13047.                                 stfax.catalog                    
  13048.                               polski (dir)
  13049.                                 stfax.catalog                    
  13050.                               svenska (dir)
  13051.                                 stfax.catalog                    
  13052.                               ãeótina (dir)
  13053.                                 stfax.catalog                    
  13054.                            català.info                      dansk.info
  13055.                            deutsch.info                     español.info
  13056.                            français.info                    greek.info
  13057.                            italiano.info                    nederlands.info
  13058.                            norsk.info                       polski.info
  13059.                            stfax.cd                         stfax.ct
  13060.                            svenska.info                     ãeótina.info
  13061.                          classes (dir)
  13062.                               datatypes (dir)
  13063.                                 stfax.datatype                   
  13064.                          contributions (dir)
  13065.                            multi2stfax                      multi2stfax.doc
  13066.                            multi2stfax.doc.info             
  13067.                          devs (dir)
  13068.                               datatypes (dir)
  13069.                                 stfax                            stfax.info
  13070.                               printers (dir)
  13071.                                 stfaxprt                         
  13072.                          docs (dir)
  13073.                               italiano (dir)
  13074.                                 leggimi_ora!                     modregistrazione.txt
  13075.                                 stfax.guide                      
  13076.                       catalogs.info                    contributions.info
  13077.                       install                          install.info
  13078.                       nodata.txt                       orderform.txt
  13079.                       orderform.txt.info               readme_now!
  13080.                       readme_now!.info                 stfax
  13081.                       stfax.guide                      stfax.guide.info
  13082.                       stfax.info                       stfax.readme
  13083.                     sysinspector (dir)
  13084.                          libs (dir)
  13085.                            boards.library                   reqtools.library
  13086.                       install                          install.info
  13087.                       sysinspector                     sysinspector.guide
  13088.                       sysinspector.guide.info          sysinspector.info
  13089.                       sysinspector10.readme            
  13090.                     zipmount (dir)
  13091.                       zipmac                           zipmac.info
  13092.                       zipmount.guide                   zipmount.guide.info
  13093.                       zipmount.readme                  zipmount.readme.info
  13094.                       zippc                            zippc.info
  13095.                  a2000-040.info                   ahi.info
  13096.                  colourjunkie.info                ir-slave200.info
  13097.                  new8n1.info                      newhackdisk.info
  13098.                  preludeahi.info                  rdprep.info
  13099.                  scancenter.info                  scantek.info
  13100.                  scantrax.info                    stfax.info
  13101.                  sysinspector.info                zipmount.info
  13102.                misc (dir)
  13103.                     ag2hh (dir)
  13104.                       ag2hh                            ag2hh.guide
  13105.                       ag2hh.guide.info                 ag2hh.readme
  13106.                       ag2hh.readme.info                
  13107.                     amibroker200e (dir)
  13108.                          data (dir)
  13109.                            exbud                            intel
  13110.                            irena                            microsoft
  13111.                            mostalexp                        motorola
  13112.                            netscape                         optimus
  13113.                            sgi                              sun
  13114.                            wedel                            wig
  13115.                            wig20                            wirr
  13116.                            zywiec                           
  13117.                          examples (dir)
  13118.                            apple                            apple.2
  13119.                            coke                             intel
  13120.                            microsoft                        microsoft2
  13121.                            motorola                         netscape
  13122.                            sgi                              sun
  13123.                          fonts (dir)
  13124.                               xenpl (dir)
  13125.                                 8                                
  13126.                               xhelveticapl (dir)
  13127.                                 11                               
  13128.                            xenpl.font                       xhelveticapl.font
  13129.                          rexx (dir)
  13130.                               telestock (dir)
  13131.                                 ak.ts                            names
  13132.                                 telestock.doc                    telestock.rexx
  13133.                          teletext (dir)
  13134.                            wyn960205                        wyn960429
  13135.                            wyn960430                        
  13136.                       amibroker                        amibroker.fpu
  13137.                       amibroker.fpu.info               amibroker.guide
  13138.                       amibroker.guide.info             amibroker.history
  13139.                       amibroker.history.info           amibroker.info
  13140.                       amibroker200e.lha                amibroker200e.readme
  13141.                       arexxdemo.abrx                   arexxdemo.abrx.info
  13142.                       broker.arexx                     broker.portfolio
  13143.                       convertdata                      examples.info
  13144.                       install-amibroker                install-amibroker.info
  13145.                       readme                           readme.info
  13146.                     amis (dir)
  13147.                          catalogs (dir)
  13148.                               deutsch (dir)
  13149.                                 amis.catalog                     
  13150.                               italiano (dir)
  13151.                                 amis.catalog                     
  13152.                               nederlands (dir)
  13153.                                 amis.catalog                     
  13154.                            amis.cd                          amis.cd.info
  13155.                            amis_deutsch.ct                  amis_deutsch.ct.info
  13156.                            amis_italiano.ct                 amis_italiano.ct.info
  13157.                            amis_nederlands.ct               amis_nederlands.ct.info
  13158.                            deutsch.info                     italiano.info
  13159.                            nederlands.info                  overview.txt
  13160.                            overview.txt.info                
  13161.                          env (dir)
  13162.                               deutsch (dir)
  13163.                                 amis.prefs                       
  13164.                               italiano (dir)
  13165.                                 amis.prefs                       
  13166.                               nederlands (dir)
  13167.                                 amis.prefs                       
  13168.                            amis.prefs                       def_text.info
  13169.                            italiano.info                    
  13170.                          findfunctions (dir)
  13171.                            adoc                             defines
  13172.                          icons (dir)
  13173.                            amis_1.info                      amis_2.info
  13174.                          libs (dir)
  13175.                            amis.library                     
  13176.                          scripts (dir)
  13177.                            agindexcreator.rexx              agindexcreator.rexx.info
  13178.                            amigaguide.rexx                  amigaguide.rexx.info
  13179.                            firsterror.rexx                  firsterror.rexx.info
  13180.                            hunt.rexx                        hunt.rexx.info
  13181.                            insertdate.rexx                  insertdate.rexx.info
  13182.                            inserttime.rexx                  inserttime.rexx.info
  13183.                            nexterror.rexx                   nexterror.rexx.info
  13184.                            preverror.rexx                   preverror.rexx.info
  13185.                            scmsg.options                    scmsg.options.info
  13186.                            startscmsg.rexx                  startscmsg.rexx.info
  13187.                          viewers (dir)
  13188.                            important!                       important!.info
  13189.                       amis                             amis.guide
  13190.                       amis.guide.info                  amis.info
  13191.                       amis.readme                      amis_startup.rexx
  13192.                       amis_startup.rexx.info           catalogs.info
  13193.                       env.info                         findfunctions.info
  13194.                       icons.info                       important!
  13195.                       important!.info                  install
  13196.                       install.info                     libs.info
  13197.                       scripts.info                     viewers.info
  13198.                     amwayord (dir)
  13199.                          amwaydata (dir)
  13200.                               custdata (dir)
  13201.                                    cust.data-[23 (dir)
  13202.                                         01 (dir)
  13203.                                           97]                              
  13204.                                    cust.doc-[23 (dir)
  13205.                                         01 (dir)
  13206.                                           97]                              
  13207.                                 cust.data                        cust.doc
  13208.                                 customerdata                     
  13209.                               distdata (dir)
  13210.                                 dist.data                        thomas r. grant.data
  13211.                               orderdata (dir)
  13212.                                    order-[10 (dir)
  13213.                                         04 (dir)
  13214.                                           97].data                         
  13215.                                    ordering-[10 (dir)
  13216.                                         04 (dir)
  13217.                                           97].doc                          
  13218.                                 order.data                       order.doc
  13219.                               stockdata (dir)
  13220.                                 stock.data                       
  13221.                            amway.prefs                      
  13222.                          libs (dir)
  13223.                            cando.library                    candogfx.library
  13224.                            lowlevel.library                 
  13225.                          subdecks (dir)
  13226.                            amwaysearch                      amwaysearch.info
  13227.                       amwaydata.info                   amwaydeck.guide
  13228.                       amwaydeck.guide.info             amwaydeckv3.1
  13229.                       amwaydeckv3.1.info               amwaydeckv3.2.lha
  13230.                       amwaydeckv3.2.readme             libs.info
  13231.                       readme                           readme.info
  13232.                     datatypes_library (dir)
  13233.                          c (dir)
  13234.                            adddatatypes                     gmultiview
  13235.                            spatch                           
  13236.                          development (dir)
  13237.                               clib (dir)
  13238.                                 datatypes_protos.h               datatypes_protos.h.info
  13239.                               datatypes (dir)
  13240.                                 datatypes.pch                    datatypesclass.pch
  13241.                               fd (dir)
  13242.                                 datatypes_lib.fd                 datatypes_lib.fd.info
  13243.                               pragmas (dir)
  13244.                                 datatypes_pragmas.h              datatypes_pragmas.h.info
  13245.                               proto (dir)
  13246.                                 datatypes_protos.h               
  13247.                          docs (dir)
  13248.                            datatypes.library.doc            datatypes_library.doc
  13249.                            datatypes_library.doc.info       
  13250.                          examples (dir)
  13251.                               clonemethods (dir)
  13252.                                 clonemethods                     clonemethods.c
  13253.                                 clonemethods.c.info              scoptions
  13254.                                 smakefile                        
  13255.                               dodt (dir)
  13256.                                 dodt                             dodt.c
  13257.                                 dodt.c.info                      scoptions
  13258.                                 smakefile                        
  13259.                               dtdescrlist (dir)
  13260.                                 dtdescrlist                      dtdescrlist.c
  13261.                                 dtdescrlist.c.info               scoptions
  13262.                                 smakefile                        
  13263.                               dtimage (dir)
  13264.                                 dtimage                          dtimage.c
  13265.                                 dtimage.c.info                   scoptions
  13266.                                 smakefile                        
  13267.                               dtrequester (dir)
  13268.                                 dtrequester                      dtrequester.c
  13269.                                 dtrequester.c.info               scoptions
  13270.                                 smakefile                        
  13271.                          libs (dir)
  13272.                            datatypes.library                
  13273.                       docs.info                        dtypeslib452.readme
  13274.                       dtypeslib452.readme.info         
  13275.                     eo_2.30 (dir)
  13276.                          classes (dir)
  13277.                            textfield.gadget                 
  13278.                          everydayorganiser (dir)
  13279.                               docs (dir)
  13280.                                    english (dir)
  13281.                                      alarmist.guide                   alarmist.guide.info
  13282.                                      coder.guide                      coder.guide.info
  13283.                                      locate.guide                     locate.guide.info
  13284.                                      ontime.guide                     ontime.guide.info
  13285.                                      ontime_calhistory.guide          ontime_hints&tips.guide
  13286.                                      sam.guide                        sam.guide.info
  13287.                                      talk.guide                       talk.guide.info
  13288.                                      textfield_commands.guide         timeprefs.guide
  13289.                                      timeprefs.guide.info             
  13290.                                 english.info                     
  13291.                               extras (dir)
  13292.                                 coder                            coder.info
  13293.                                 sam                              sam.info
  13294.                                 talk                             talk.info
  13295.                                 talk_defaults                    timeprefs
  13296.                                 timeprefs.info                   
  13297.                               locatedata (dir)
  13298.                                 cds.loc                          cds.loc.info
  13299.                                 readme                           readme.info
  13300.                               mui (dir)
  13301.                                 eo_about.mcc                     eo_calendar.mcc
  13302.                                 eo_clock.mcc                     eo_date.mcc
  13303.                                 eo_eventspec.mcc                 eo_performer.mcc
  13304.                                 eo_time.mcc                      readme.txt
  13305.                               rexx (dir)
  13306.                                 alarmist_chime.rexx              alarmist_clockpubscreen.rexx
  13307.                                 alarmist_dropobj.rexx            alarmist_nextalarm.rexx
  13308.                                 alarmist_ontimeedit.rexx         alarmist_quick.rexx
  13309.                                 alarmist_reminder.rexx           alarmist_startup.rexx
  13310.                                 alarmist_warn.rexx               locate_cd_stats.rexx
  13311.                                 locate_cryptnotes.rexx           locate_dropobj.rexx
  13312.                                 ontime_dropobj.rexx              ontime_quickevent.rexx
  13313.                                 ontime_removeoldevents.rexx      ontime_todolist.rexx
  13314.                                 ontime_updatefullmoon.rexx       ontime_yearcalendar.rexx
  13315.                                 talk_arexxport.rexx              
  13316.                               worldclocks (dir)
  13317.                                 worldclocks_english              
  13318.                            alarmist                         alarmist.arexxmenu
  13319.                            alarmist.info                    docs.info
  13320.                            extras.info                      introduction.guide
  13321.                            introduction.guide.info          locate
  13322.                            locate.arexxmenu                 locate.info
  13323.                            locatedata.info                  locdeficon.info
  13324.                            ontime                           ontime.arexxmenu
  13325.                            ontime.info                      rexx.info
  13326.                            worldclocks.info                 
  13327.                          install (dir)
  13328.                            english.info                     install_eo
  13329.                          libs (dir)
  13330.                            everyday.library                 everyday.library_020
  13331.                            everyday.library_020fpu          
  13332.                          translation (dir)
  13333.                               catalogs (dir)
  13334.                                 alarmist.cd                      alarmist.ct
  13335.                                 eo_about_mcc.cd                  eo_about_mcc.ct
  13336.                                 eo_date_mcc.cd                   eo_date_mcc.ct
  13337.                                 eo_eventspec_mcc.cd              eo_eventspec_mcc.ct
  13338.                                 eo_time_mcc.cd                   eo_time_mcc.ct
  13339.                                 everyday.cd                      everyday.ct
  13340.                                 locate.cd                        locate.ct
  13341.                                 ontime.cd                        ontime.ct
  13342.                                 timeprefs.cd                     timeprefs.ct
  13343.                            ...readme.txt                    ...readme.txt.info
  13344.                            catalogs.info                    
  13345.                       eo230.readme                     eo230.readme.info
  13346.                       everydayorganiser.info           install.info
  13347.                       translation.info                 
  13348.                     evenmore (dir)
  13349.                          docs (dir)
  13350.                            evenmore.doc                     evenmore.doc.info
  13351.                            evenmore.guide                   evenmore.guide.info
  13352.                            evenmore036.readme               evenmore036.readme.info
  13353.                            microslick.readme                microslick.readme.info
  13354.                          env (dir)
  13355.                            evenmore.config                  
  13356.                          icons (dir)
  13357.                            program_icon.info                program_icon2.info
  13358.                          libs (dir)
  13359.                            reqtools.library                 
  13360.                          nostalgia (dir)
  13361.                            evenmore01.lha                   evenmore036.lha
  13362.                       docs.info                        evenmore
  13363.                       evenmore.info                    evenmore036.readme
  13364.                       evenmore036.readme.info          icons.info
  13365.                       nostalgia.info                   
  13366.                     extensionmngr (dir)
  13367.                          c (dir)
  13368.                            sort                             
  13369.                          catalogs (dir)
  13370.                               polski (dir)
  13371.                                 extensionsmanager.catalog        
  13372.                            extensionsmanager.cd             
  13373.                          fonts (dir)
  13374.                               applepl (dir)
  13375.                                 13                               8
  13376.                            applepl.font                     
  13377.                       extensionsmanager                extensionsmanager.info
  13378.                       extensionsmanager.readme         extensionsmanager.readme.info
  13379.                       install-extensionsmanager        install-extensionsmanager.info
  13380.                       taski                            
  13381.                     extlister1.8 (dir)
  13382.                          additional_scripts (dir)
  13383.                            delete...dest.doc                delete...dest.doc.info
  13384.                            deletecopydest                   deletecopydest.info
  13385.                            deletemovedest                   deletemovedest.info
  13386.                            findnewfilesamicd                findnewfilesamicd.doc
  13387.                            findnewfilesamicd.doc.info       findnewfilesamicd.info
  13388.                            getmodlistoffami.doc             getmodlistoffami.doc.info
  13389.                            getmodlistoffaminet              getmodlistoffaminet.info
  13390.                            listlha-lzxtofile                listlha-lzxtofile.doc
  13391.                            listlha-lzxtofile.doc.info       listlha-lzxtofile.info
  13392.                            searchamiindex's                 searchamiindex's.doc
  13393.                            searchamiindex's.doc.info        searchamiindex's.dopus
  13394.                            searchamiindex's.dopus.info      searchamiindex's.info
  13395.                          c (dir)
  13396.                            askenv                           moretext
  13397.                            muchmore                         muchmore.info
  13398.                          documents (dir)
  13399.                            askenv.doc                       askenv.doc.info
  13400.                            askenv.lha                       askenv.lha.info
  13401.                            extlister.guide                  extlister.guide.info
  13402.                            muchmore.doc                     muchmore.doc.info
  13403.                          icon (dir)
  13404.                            guideicon.info                   htmlicon.info
  13405.                          s (dir)
  13406.                            extami                           extamiindex
  13407.                            extamisearch                     extcopy
  13408.                            extdelete                        extdmcr
  13409.                            extdmcr-window                   extdms
  13410.                            extlha-view                      extlha-x
  13411.                            extlistersearch                  extlistfiles
  13412.                            extlzx-view                      extlzx-x
  13413.                            extmove                          extrename
  13414.                          sample_guides (dir)
  13415.                            about_these_files                about_these_files.info
  13416.                            autoscript-try_me                autoscript-try_me.info
  13417.                            sample1.guide                    sample1.guide.info
  13418.                            sample1aminet.guide              sample1aminet.guide.info
  13419.                            sample2.guide                    sample2.guide.info
  13420.                            sample2aminet.guide              sample2aminet.guide.info
  13421.                            sample3.guide                    sample3.guide.info
  13422.                            sample4.guide                    sample4.guide.info
  13423.                       additional_scripts.info          aminetcdlister
  13424.                       aminetcdlister.info              documents.info
  13425.                       extlister                        extlister.info
  13426.                       extlister_18.lha                 extlister_18.readme
  13427.                       extlister_18.readme.info         install_extra_files
  13428.                       install_extra_files.info         remove_extra_files
  13429.                       remove_extra_files.info          sample_guides.info
  13430.                       searchtail-guide                 searchtail-html
  13431.                     ezcron (dir)
  13432.                          doc (dir)
  13433.                            ezcron.guide                     ezcron.guide.info
  13434.                          libs (dir)
  13435.                            arexxport.library                rexxreqtools.library
  13436.                          prefs (dir)
  13437.                            clock.prefs                      con.prefs
  13438.                            config.prefs                     defev.prefs
  13439.                            sfx.prefs                        txted.prefs
  13440.                          rexx (dir)
  13441.                               mailcheck (dir)
  13442.                                 mailcheck                        mailcheck.docs
  13443.                                 mailcheck.rexx                   
  13444.                            autogetmail.rexx                 lwave_ezcron.rexx
  13445.                            reminder.rexx                    swapconfigs.rexx
  13446.                            talkingclock.rexx                
  13447.                          rexxc (dir)
  13448.                            varexx                           vxc
  13449.                          s (dir)
  13450.                            cron.config                      
  13451.                          sounds (dir)
  13452.                            programcomplete                  
  13453.                       doc.info                         ezc.gui
  13454.                       ezcron                           ezcron.info
  13455.                       ezcron.install                   ezcron.install.info
  13456.                       ezcron.readme                    ezcrond
  13457.                       ezcrond.info                     readme
  13458.                       readme.first                     readme.first.info
  13459.                       readme.info                      
  13460.                     f-base (dir)
  13461.                          libs (dir)
  13462.                            diskfont.library                 
  13463.                       bbase3-->f-base                  bbase3-->f-base.info
  13464.                       exemple1                         exemple2
  13465.                       f-base                           f-base.info
  13466.                       f-base.lang.de                   f-base.lang.fr
  13467.                       f-base.lang.it                   f-base.lang.uk
  13468.                       f-basev1_3.lha                   f-basev1_3.readme
  13469.                       f-basev1_3b.lha                  f-basev1_3b.readme
  13470.                       f-base_english.guide             f-base_english.guide.info
  13471.                       f-base_francais.guide            f-base_francais.guide.info
  13472.                       f-bprefs                         f-bprefs.info
  13473.                       finfo                            install
  13474.                       install.info                     
  13475.                     filecomp (dir)
  13476.                          docs (dir)
  13477.                            afd-copyright                    afd-copyright.pl
  13478.                            filecomp_pl.guide                filecomp_pl.guide.info
  13479.                          envarc (dir)
  13480.                               sys (dir)
  13481.                                 def_blabla.info                  
  13482.                       docs.info                        filecomp
  13483.                       filecomp.info                    filecomp.readme
  13484.                       filecomp.readme.info             file_id.diz
  13485.                     fileconv (dir)
  13486.                       fileconv                         fileconv.guide
  13487.                       fileconv.guide.info              fileconv.info
  13488.                       fileconv.readme                  install
  13489.                       install.info                     readme
  13490.                       readme.info                      register
  13491.                       register.info                    reqtools.library
  13492.                       uninstall                        uninstall.info
  13493.                     filer (dir)
  13494.                          bin (dir)
  13495.                            verify                           
  13496.                          catalogs (dir)
  13497.                               deutsch (dir)
  13498.                                 filer.catalog                    
  13499.                               english (dir)
  13500.                                 filer.catalog                    
  13501.                          commodity (dir)
  13502.                            filercom                         filercom.info
  13503.                          docs (dir)
  13504.                               deutsch (dir)
  13505.                                 bestellung                       bestellung.info
  13506.                                 filer.guide                      filer.guide.info
  13507.                               english (dir)
  13508.                                 filer.guide                      filer.guide.info
  13509.                                 orderform                        orderform.info
  13510.                            deutsch.info                     english.info
  13511.                          examples (dir)
  13512.                            filer.rc                         
  13513.                          locale (dir)
  13514.                            filer.cd                         
  13515.                          misc (dir)
  13516.                               magicwb (dir)
  13517.                                 filer.info                       
  13518.                               toolmanager (dir)
  13519.                                 filer.anmb                       
  13520.                          rexx (dir)
  13521.                            batchcopy.filer                  dcc.filer
  13522.                            dmswrite.filer                   execute.filer
  13523.                            extern.filer                     fd2pragma.filer
  13524.                            filertm.rexx                     mpegplay.filer
  13525.                            mpegplayaga.filer                picasso.filer
  13526.                            playmodule.filer                 printdir.filer
  13527.                            putfiles.filer                   tape.filer
  13528.                            ttar.filer                       updplay.rexx
  13529.                            upload.filer                     xpk.filer
  13530.                            zoomdecompress.filer             
  13531.                       commodity.info                   docs.info
  13532.                       filer                            filer.info
  13533.                       filer4_03.lha                    filer4_03.readme
  13534.                       liesmich                         liesmich.info
  13535.                       readme                           readme.info
  13536.                     fontcache (dir)
  13537.                       diskfont.pch                     fontcache.guide
  13538.                       fontcache.guide.info             fontcache.readme
  13539.                       spatch                           
  13540.                     fr-sort (dir)
  13541.                       sort                             sort.doc
  13542.                       sort.doc.info                    
  13543.                     gurustatistix (dir)
  13544.                          docs (dir)
  13545.                            gurustatistixd.guide             gurustatistixd.guide.info
  13546.                            gurustatistixe.guide             gurustatistixe.guide.info
  13547.                          locale (dir)
  13548.                               deutsch (dir)
  13549.                                 gurustatistix.catalog            
  13550.                               english (dir)
  13551.                                 gurustatistix.catalog            
  13552.                       docs.info                        gurustatistix
  13553.                       gurustatistix.info               gurustatistix.lha
  13554.                       gurustatistix.readme             install
  13555.                       install-deutsch.info             install-english.info
  13556.                     iconview (dir)
  13557.                       iconview                         iconview.readme
  13558.                       iconview.readme.info             
  13559.                     liga3 (dir)
  13560.                          divisions (dir)
  13561.                            hiszpania.goal                   hiszpania.liga
  13562.                            hiszpania.play                   hiszpania.reck
  13563.                            hiszpania.team                   
  13564.                          fonts (dir)
  13565.                               gemb (dir)
  13566.                                 8bt                              
  13567.                               gemn (dir)
  13568.                                 8t                               
  13569.                               gems (dir)
  13570.                                 8tf                              
  13571.                            gemb.font                        gemn.font
  13572.                            gems.font                        
  13573.                          libs (dir)
  13574.                            amos.library                     diskfont.library
  13575.                            easylife.library                 reqtools.library
  13576.                       liga3                            liga3.info
  13577.                       liga3.readme                     liga3.readme.info
  13578.                     oldhacks (dir)
  13579.                          boot (dir)
  13580.                            boot'em                          boot'emdirty
  13581.                            gurumaker                        intromaker2
  13582.                            jumptype                         newinsertdiskpic
  13583.                            readme                           telstarmenu
  13584.                          dev (dir)
  13585.                            bin2source                       blitlab1.1
  13586.                            cosaque                          exelink
  13587.                            readme                           sekasourcerescue
  13588.                            uppercaseconverter               
  13589.                          gfx (dir)
  13590.                            bar                              chaos
  13591.                            colourscope                      dk
  13592.                            iconmaster                       iffconv
  13593.                            lightoff                         lighton
  13594.                            mouseback                        rasters
  13595.                            readme                           shaped
  13596.                            stars                            stripes
  13597.                          moni (dir)
  13598.                            coppermonitor                    exterminator
  13599.                            fastmon                          readme
  13600.                            vectorcheck1.0                   
  13601.                          pack (dir)
  13602.                            bytehacker                       bytekiller1.3_extended
  13603.                            bytekiller2.0                    flashpack
  13604.                            hqccruncher                      readme
  13605.                            stpacker                         supercruncher2.7
  13606.                            syncropacker4.6                  tetracrunch1.02
  13607.                            tetrahack                        tetrapack2.2
  13608.                            thecrunchmaster                  timecruncher
  13609.                            titancrunch                      tnmcrunch
  13610.                            tryitcruncher1.01                tskcrunch
  13611.                            turbosqueeze6.1                  
  13612.                          rip (dir)
  13613.                            hunter                           joygrab1.0
  13614.                            mempeek                          readme
  13615.                            sonixpeek                        
  13616.                          text (dir)
  13617.                            chared                           qview
  13618.                            readme                           setkey
  13619.                            showfont                         textfinder0.4
  13620.                            textmaker                        
  13621.                          util (dir)
  13622.                            acopier                          addresscoder1.1
  13623.                            allocabs                         blanker2
  13624.                            chunk                            hunkcon
  13625.                            mirrorhack                       noripper
  13626.                            popdir1.4                        readme
  13627.                            turbodisk                        
  13628.                       authors                          authors.info
  13629.                       oldhacks.readme                  readme.now!
  13630.                       readme.now!.info                 
  13631.                     pretium (dir)
  13632.                          acntgrp.samplegroup (dir)
  13633.                            acnt.my checking                 acnt.my savings
  13634.                            acnt.visa card                   thisacntgroup.data
  13635.                       demoversion.readme               pretium
  13636.                       pretium.info                     pretium.lha
  13637.                       pretium.readme                   pretium_docs.guide
  13638.                       pretium_docs.guide.info          pretium_docs.html
  13639.                       pretium_docs.text                
  13640.                     pscalc_v1.43 (dir)
  13641.                          catalogs (dir)
  13642.                               français (dir)
  13643.                                 pscalc.catalog                   
  13644.                          help (dir)
  13645.                               english (dir)
  13646.                                 fenapropos_image                 fencalc_image
  13647.                                 fenderive_image                  fenechelle_image
  13648.                                 fenecrans_image                  fenintegre_image
  13649.                                 fenprefs_image                   fenresouds_image
  13650.                                 fensaisie_image                  fenzoom_image
  13651.                                 pscalc.guide                     pscalc.guide.info
  13652.                               français (dir)
  13653.                                 fenapropos_image                 fencalc_image
  13654.                                 fenderive_image                  fenechelle_image
  13655.                                 fenecrans_image                  fenintegre_image
  13656.                                 fenprefs_image                   fenresouds_image
  13657.                                 fensaisie_image                  fenzoom_image
  13658.                                 pscalc.guide                     pscalc.guide.info
  13659.                            english.info                     français.info
  13660.                          icones (dir)
  13661.                            pscalc.guide4.info               pscalc.guide8.info
  13662.                            pscalc_e4.info                   pscalc_e8.info
  13663.                            pscalc_f4.info                   pscalc_f8.info
  13664.                          install (dir)
  13665.                            install_english.info             install_français.info
  13666.                            pscalc-install                   
  13667.                       help.info                        install.info
  13668.                       pscalc                           pscalc.key_file
  13669.                       pscalc.key_file.info             pscalc.lha
  13670.                       pscalc.readme                    pscalc.readme.info
  13671.                     reminder (dir)
  13672.                       microreminder.readme             microreminder1.0
  13673.                       reminder.readme                  reminder.readme.info
  13674.                       reminder1.1                      reminder1.1.info
  13675.                       reminderprefs                    reminderprefs.info
  13676.                     rename2u (dir)
  13677.                       rename.doc                       rename.doc.info
  13678.                       rename2.0unregistered            rename2.0unregistered.info
  13679.                       rename2u.readme                  
  13680.                     searcher (dir)
  13681.                          docs (dir)
  13682.                            afd-copyright                    afd-copyright.pl
  13683.                            searcher_pl.guide                searcher_pl.guide.info
  13684.                          envarc (dir)
  13685.                               sys (dir)
  13686.                                 def_blabla.info                  
  13687.                       docs.info                        file_id.diz
  13688.                       searcher                         searcher.info
  13689.                       searcher.readme                  searcher.readme.info
  13690.                     selector (dir)
  13691.                          examples (dir)
  13692.                            allexamples                      arg
  13693.                            arg.sel                          argtest.sel
  13694.                            argtest2.sel                     b1.sel
  13695.                            b2.sel                           b3.sel
  13696.                            b4.sel                           chargs.sel
  13697.                            clock.sel                        confirm
  13698.                            confirm.sel                      env1.sel
  13699.                            env2.sel                         env3.sel
  13700.                            env4.sel                         env5.sel
  13701.                            env6.sel                         etips.sel
  13702.                            etips2.sel                       filename.sel
  13703.                            font.sel                         gamedisk.sel
  13704.                            gap.sel                          lformat
  13705.                            note1                            note2
  13706.                            onchange.sel                     onexit.sel
  13707.                            req.sel                          rows.sel
  13708.                            rowsinfo.sel                     selector.guide
  13709.                            switch                           switch.sel
  13710.                            testscript                       tinymess.sel
  13711.                          tools (dir)
  13712.                            breakname                        breakname.doc
  13713.                            change                           count
  13714.                            psrun                            psx
  13715.                            psx.docs                         requeststring
  13716.                            requeststring.txt                unsort
  13717.                       guide                            guide.info
  13718.                       selector                         selector.info
  13719.                       selector51.lha                   selector51.readme
  13720.                       selector51.readme.info           selectorfont
  13721.                       selectorfont.info                tools.info
  13722.                     sip (dir)
  13723.                          help (dir)
  13724.                               deutsch (dir)
  13725.                                 sip.guide                        sip.guide.info
  13726.                               english (dir)
  13727.                                 sip.guide                        sip.guide.info
  13728.                            deutsch.info                     english.info
  13729.                       help.info                        sip
  13730.                       sip.info                         sip.readme
  13731.                       sip.readme.info                  
  13732.                     sort1.70 (dir)
  13733.                          deutsch (dir)
  13734.                            installiere_sort                 installiere_sort.info
  13735.                            sort                             sort.guide
  13736.                            sort.guide.info                  
  13737.                          english (dir)
  13738.                            install_sort                     install_sort.info
  13739.                            sort                             sort.guide
  13740.                            sort.guide.info                  
  13741.                       deutsch.info                     english.info
  13742.                       sort.readme                      sort.readme.info
  13743.                     spelling (dir)
  13744.                       readme.file                      readme.file.info
  13745.                       searchguide                      spelling.guide
  13746.                       spelling.guide.info              
  13747.                     tm30_popmccs (dir)
  13748.                          libs (dir)
  13749.                               mui (dir)
  13750.                                 popdevice.mcc                    pophotkey.mcc
  13751.                                 popport.mcc                      popposition.mcc
  13752.                                 poptask.mcc                      popxxx.mcp
  13753.                          locale (dir)
  13754.                               catalogs (dir)
  13755.                                    deutsch (dir)
  13756.                                      pophotkey_mcc.catalog            popposition_mcc.catalog
  13757.                       popxxx-demo                      tm30_popmccs.readme
  13758.                       tm30_popmccs.readme.info         
  13759.                     write (dir)
  13760.                          c (dir)
  13761.                            lx                               
  13762.                          catalogs (dir)
  13763.                               english (dir)
  13764.                                 write.catalog                    
  13765.                            deutsch.info                     english.info
  13766.                          config (dir)
  13767.                            empty.config                     mailer.config
  13768.                            oberon.config                    startup.config
  13769.                            tex.config                       view.config
  13770.                            write.config                     
  13771.                          docs (dir)
  13772.                            garbagecollector.lha             garbagecollector.lha.info
  13773.                            lx103.doc                        lx103.doc.info
  13774.                            write.guide.lha                  write.guide.lha.info
  13775.                          icons (dir)
  13776.                            text.info                        writei.info
  13777.                            writeii.info                     write_app.info
  13778.                            write_txt.info                   
  13779.                          libs (dir)
  13780.                               gadgets (dir)
  13781.                                 scroller.gadget                  textfield.gadget
  13782.                               images (dir)
  13783.                                 select.image                     
  13784.                            garbagecollector.library         hui.library
  13785.                            js_tools.library                 write.library
  13786.                          module (dir)
  13787.                            arexx.menu                       bookmarks.key
  13788.                            count.menu                       cursor.key
  13789.                            edit.key                         edit.menu
  13790.                            extern.menu                      folds.menu
  13791.                            funktionkeys.key                 help.menu
  13792.                            hmailerproject.menu              index.menu
  13793.                            intern.menu                      jump.menu
  13794.                            mailerproject.menu               matchbracket.key
  13795.                            mouse.key                        numpad.key
  13796.                            oberonindex.menu                 oberonnumpad.key
  13797.                            pgp.menu                         prefs.menu
  13798.                            project.menu                     replace.menu
  13799.                            replace_all.menu                 search.menu
  13800.                            searchpattern.menu               standard.macro
  13801.                            texindex.menu                    utilities.menu
  13802.                            viewedit.menu                    viewproject.menu
  13803.                          prefs (dir)
  13804.                            garbageprefs.lha                 
  13805.                          rexx (dir)
  13806.                            rexx.lha                         
  13807.                       catalogs.info                    changes
  13808.                       changes.info                     config.info
  13809.                       copyright                        copyright.info
  13810.                       disk.info                        docs.info
  13811.                       features                         features.info
  13812.                       file_id.diz                      icons.info
  13813.                       install write.info               installiere write.info
  13814.                       installreadme                    installreadme.info
  13815.                       libs.info                        liesmichzuerst
  13816.                       liesmichzuerst.info              module.info
  13817.                       mykey.asc                        prefs.info
  13818.                       quickwrite                       quickwrite.info
  13819.                       rexx.info                        translators needed
  13820.                       translators needed.info          write
  13821.                       write.info                       write.install
  13822.                       write.product-info               
  13823.                  amibroker200e.info               amis.info
  13824.                  amwayord.info                    datatypes_library.info
  13825.                  eo_2.30.info                     evenmore.info
  13826.                  extensionmngr.info               extlister1.8.info
  13827.                  ezcron.info                      f-base.info
  13828.                  filecomp.info                    fileconv.info
  13829.                  filer.info                       fontcache.info
  13830.                  fr-sort.info                     gurustatistix.info
  13831.                  iconview.info                    liga3.info
  13832.                  oldhacks.info                    pretium.info
  13833.                  pscalc_v1.43.info                reminder.info
  13834.                  rename2u.info                    searcher.info
  13835.                  selector.info                    sip.info
  13836.                  sort1.70.info                    spelling.info
  13837.                  tm30_popmccs.info                write.info
  13838.                music (dir)
  13839.                     amp072 (dir)
  13840.                          bin (dir)
  13841.                            amp.000                          amp.020
  13842.                            amp.020881                       amp.040881
  13843.                          src (dir)
  13844.                            audio.c                          audio.h
  13845.                            layer3.c                         makefile
  13846.                            transform.c                      
  13847.                       amp.guide                        amp.guide.info
  13848.                       amp.readme                       amp.readme.info
  13849.                       changes                          changes.info
  13850.                       readme                           readme.info
  13851.                       todo                             todo.info
  13852.                     digiboosterpro (dir)
  13853.                          devs (dir)
  13854.                               ahi (dir)
  13855.                                 delfina.audio                    filesave.audio
  13856.                                 paula.audio                      toccata.audio
  13857.                                 wavetools.audio                  
  13858.                               audiomodes (dir)
  13859.                                 delfina                          filesave
  13860.                                 paula                            toccata
  13861.                                 wavetools                        
  13862.                            ahi.device                       
  13863.                          docs (dir)
  13864.                            dbm-fileformat.txt               dbpro.doc
  13865.                            dbpro.doc.info                   
  13866.                          fonts (dir)
  13867.                               digiboostered (dir)
  13868.                                 6                                
  13869.                               digiboostermain (dir)
  13870.                                 8                                
  13871.                            digiboostered.font               digiboostermain.font
  13872.                          modules (dir)
  13873.                            nareszcie!!!!.dbm                the stories.dbm
  13874.                       dboosterpro.readme               digiboosterpro
  13875.                       digiboosterpro.info              docs.info
  13876.                       install                          install.info
  13877.                       registration.form                registration.form.info
  13878.                     karami (dir)
  13879.                          catalogs (dir)
  13880.                               dev (dir)
  13881.                                 français.ct                      français.ct.info
  13882.                                 karami.cd                        karami.cd.info
  13883.                               français (dir)
  13884.                                 karami.catalog                   
  13885.                            script_catalog                   script_catalog.info
  13886.                          graphics (dir)
  13887.                            simplebox.iff                    simplebox.iff.info
  13888.                            woman002.iff                     woman002.iff.info
  13889.                            woman005.iff                     woman005.iff.info
  13890.                            woman007.iff                     woman007.iff.info
  13891.                            woman012.iff                     woman012.iff.info
  13892.                          lyrics (dir)
  13893.                               balavoine (dir)
  13894.                                 au_revoir                        la_fillette_de_l'étang
  13895.                                 y'a_pas_de_bon_numéro            
  13896.                               carpenters (dir)
  13897.                                 it's_going_to_take_some_time     sing
  13898.                                 ticket_to_ride                   
  13899.                               eddy_mitchell (dir)
  13900.                                 couleur_menthe_à_l'eau           il_ne_rentre_pas_ce_soir
  13901.                                 la_dernière_séance               
  13902.                               mylène_farmer (dir)
  13903.                                 libertine                        
  13904.                               texas (dir)
  13905.                                 i_don't_want_a_lover             tell_me_why
  13906.                               u2 (dir)
  13907.                                 new_year's_day                   sunday_bloody_sunday
  13908.                            carpenters.info                  eddy_mitchell.info
  13909.                            la_cavalerie                     mylène_farmer.info
  13910.                            texas.info                       u2.info
  13911.                       graphics.info                    karami.guide
  13912.                       karami.guide.info                karami_fr.guide
  13913.                       karami_fr.guide.info             karami_v1.1
  13914.                       karami_v1.1.info                 karami_v11.readme
  13915.                       lyrics.info                      
  13916.                     maplay3 (dir)
  13917.                          bin (dir)
  13918.                            maplay.020881                    maplay.040881
  13919.                          src (dir)
  13920.                            ibitstream.cc                    makefile
  13921.                       announcement                     install
  13922.                       maplay3.guide                    maplay3.guide.info
  13923.                       maplay3.readme                   maplay3.readme.info
  13924.                       readme                           readme.info
  13925.                       readme.l3                        readme.l3.info
  13926.                     maves (dir)
  13927.                          buffer_mixer_set (dir)
  13928.                               kac_demo (dir)
  13929.                                 mixer.all                        
  13930.                          help (dir)
  13931.                            g1.hlp_pic1                      g112.hlp_pic1
  13932.                            g21.hlp_pic1                     g232.hlp_pic1
  13933.                            g233.hlp_pic1                    g234.hlp_pic1
  13934.                            g235.hlp_pic1                    g24.hlp_pic1
  13935.                            g24.hlp_pic2                     g50.hlp_pic1
  13936.                            g50.hlp_pic2                     help_browser
  13937.                          s (dir)
  13938.                            maves-startup                    
  13939.                          snd_loaders (dir)
  13940.                            avr____clarity.loa               iff-8svx_amiga.loa
  13941.                            iff-aiff___mac.loa               iff-maud_amiga.loa
  13942.                            raw16-bit_sym.lob                raw_8-bit_sym.lob
  13943.                            riff-wave___pc.loa               universal_mon.lob
  13944.                          snd_plug_in (dir)
  13945.                            basstreble blocked.plg           chorus blocked.plg
  13946.                            clip editor blocked.plg          declicker blocked.plg
  13947.                            denoiser_info.plg                dynamiccorrector blocked.plg
  13948.                            flanger blocked.plg              fourieranalyser blocked.plg
  13949.                            harmonizer blocked.plg           karaokeprocessor blocked.plg
  13950.                            multidelay blocked.plg           paramequalizer blocked.plg
  13951.                            phaser blocked.plg               pitchtransform blocked.plg
  13952.                            reflectanalyzer blocked.plg      reverb blocked.plg
  13953.                            timestretch blocked.plg          unison blocked.plg
  13954.                            vocoder ii blocked.plg           wah-wah blocked.plg
  13955.                          snd_savers (dir)
  13956.                            iff-8svx___amiga blocked.sav     raw_8-bit blocked.sab
  13957.                          vt1 (dir)
  13958.                            sd_e_krok1-hi_rev_m.r08          sd_e_krok2-hi_rev_m.r08
  13959.                            sd_zegarcho_m.r08                
  13960.                       howinstall.txt                   howinstall.txt.info
  13961.                       jakzainstalowaê.txt              jakzainstalowaê.txt.info
  13962.                       maves-1_demo                     maves-1_demo.info
  13963.                       maves_d.readme                   maves_d.readme.info
  13964.                     med2xm (dir)
  13965.                       med2xm                           med2xm.readme
  13966.                       med2xm.readme.info               
  13967.                     midipreter (dir)
  13968.                       midipreter.guide                 midipreter.guide.info
  13969.                       midipreter1.9                    midipreter1.9.info
  13970.                       midipreter19.readme              
  13971.                     mpega (dir)
  13972.                       mpega.020                        mpega.020fpu
  13973.                       mpega.040                        mpega.040fpu
  13974.                       mpega.doc                        mpega.doc.info
  13975.                       mpega.readme                     
  13976.                     mui_cd_player (dir)
  13977.                          catalogs (dir)
  13978.                               polski (dir)
  13979.                                 cd_editor.catalog                cd_manager.catalog
  13980.                                 mui_cd_player.catalog            
  13981.                            cd_editor.cd                     cd_editor.polski.ct
  13982.                            cd_manager.cd                    cd_manager.polski.ct
  13983.                            mui_cd_player.cd                 mui_cd_player.polski.ct
  13984.                          cdplayers (dir)
  13985.                               source (dir)
  13986.                                 cddevplay.e                      
  13987.                            cddevplay.library                
  13988.                          disks (dir)
  13989.                            mui_cd_player                    mui_cd_player.guide
  13990.                            mui_cd_player.guide.info         mui_cd_player.info
  13991.                            mui_cd_player.pl.guide           mui_cd_player.pl.guide.info
  13992.                            preview.gif                      preview.gif.info
  13993.                          programs (dir)
  13994.                          texts (dir)
  13995.                             readme.txt                       readme.txt.info
  13996.                            'weird al' yankovic - even wor   'weird al' yankovic - in 3-d
  13997.                            'weird al' yankovic - off the    2 unlimited - get ready!
  13998.                            2 unlimited - limits!            2 unlimited - tribal dance
  13999.                            ace of bace - happy nation       ace of base - happy nation (u.
  14000.                            aerosmith - greatest hits - li   aerosmith - permanent vacation
  14001.                            aerosmith - pump                 andrew lloyd webber - phantom 
  14002.                            andrew lloyd webber - starligh   bach - brandenburgische konzer
  14003.                            bach - toccata & fugue           beethoven - symphonien nr. 5 &
  14004.                            best of classics                 billy idol - idol songs - 11 o
  14005.                            billy joel - 52nd street         billy joel - an innocent man
  14006.                            billy joel - glass houses        billy joel - piano man
  14007.                            billy joel - river of dreams     billy joel - storm front
  14008.                            billy joel - streetlife serena   billy joel - the bridge
  14009.                            billy joel - the nylon curtain   billy joel - the stranger
  14010.                            billy joel - turnstiles          bob geldof - the vegetarians o
  14011.                            bob marley & the wailers - leg   bon jovi - keep the faith
  14012.                            bon jovi - livin' on a prayer    bon jovi - new jersey
  14013.                            bon jovi - slippery when wet     bryan adams - cuts like a knif
  14014.                            bryan adams - reckless           bryan adams - waking up the ne
  14015.                            carreras - domingo - pavarotti   cher - love hurts
  14016.                            chris huelsbeck - apidya sound   chris huelsbeck - shades
  14017.                            chris huelsbeck - to be on top   chris huelsbeck - turrican sou
  14018.                            das phantom der oper             david bowie - changes
  14019.                            david bowie - the singles coll   dire straits - brothers in arm
  14020.                            dire straits - communiqué        dire straits - dire straits
  14021.                            dire straits - love over gold    dire straits - making movies
  14022.                            dire straits - money for nothi   dire straits live - alchemy pa
  14023.                            doors - l.a. woman               doors - morrison hotel
  14024.                            doors - the doors                doors - the soft parade
  14025.                            doors - waiting for the sun      duran duran - decade
  14026.                            elton john - the fox             elton john - the very best of 
  14027.                            eric clapton - backless          eric clapton - journeyman
  14028.                            eric clapton - mr. slowhand      eric clapton - time pieces
  14029.                            eric clapton - time pieces vol   eric clapton - unplugged
  14030.                            eurythmics - be yourself tonig   eurythmics - revenge
  14031.                            eurythmics - we too are one      franz schubert (1797-1828) - p
  14032.                            genesis - ... and then there w   genesis - foxtrot
  14033.                            genesis - invisible touch        genesis - mama
  14034.                            genesis - nursery cryme          genesis - selling england by t
  14035.                            genesis - turn it on again       genesis - wind & wuthering
  14036.                            gershwin - rhapsody in blue      guns n' roses - use your illus
  14037.                            hair                             handel's messiah - a soulful c
  14038.                            iggy pop - blah-blah-blah        jean michel jarre - images - t
  14039.                            kraftwerk - die roboter          kylie minogue - rhythm of love
  14040.                            lisa stansfield - so natural     ludwig van beethoven - klavier
  14041.                            ludwig van beethoven - symphon   mariah carey - emotions
  14042.                            marillion - misplaced childhoo   meisterwerke der klassik - ant
  14043.                            meisterwerke der klassik - fra   meisterwerke der klassik - joh
  14044.                            meisterwerke der klassik - pet   meisterwerke der klassik - wol
  14045.                            metallica - vertigo              mick jagger - wandering spirit
  14046.                            mike oldfield - earth morning    monty python - monty python si
  14047.                            monty python live at dury lane   mussorgsky - bilder einer auss
  14048.                            nazareth - greatest hits         nazareth - snakes 'n' ladders
  14049.                            nirvana - nevermind              paul mccartney - band on the r
  14050.                            paul mccartney - flowers in th   pet shop boys - behaviour
  14051.                            pet shop boys - very             peter i. tschaikowsky (1840 - 
  14052.                            phil collins - another day in    phil collins - live usa
  14053.                            phil collins - serious hits      prince & the new power generat
  14054.                            prince & the revolution - purp   prokofiev - romeo & juliet
  14055.                            queen - the miracle              richard wagner - walkürenritt
  14056.                            rod stewart - the best of rod    rolling stones - flashpoint li
  14057.                            rolling stones - jump back '71   scorpions - crazy world
  14058.                            scorpions - love at first stin   simon & garfunkel - bookends
  14059.                            simon & garfunkel - bridge ove   simon & garfunkel - parsley, s
  14060.                            simon & garfunkel - sounds of    simon & garfunkel - wednesday 
  14061.                            simply red - a new flame         simply red - picture book
  14062.                            soundtrack - blade runner        soundtrack - bram stoker's dra
  14063.                            soundtrack - footloose (origin   soundtrack - out of africa
  14064.                            soundtrack - pretty woman        soundtrack - the a-team
  14065.                            soundtrack - woody allen's mov   springsteen, bruce - born in t
  14066.                            springsteen, bruce - human tou   springsteen, bruce - lucky dow
  14067.                            sting - bring on the night (1)   sting - bring on the night (2)
  14068.                            sting - nothing like the sun..   sting - ten summoner's tales
  14069.                            sting - the dream of the blue    sting - the soul cages
  14070.                            take that - could it be magic    the beatles - gold edition (1)
  14071.                            the beatles - gold edition (2)   the beatles - gold edition (3)
  14072.                            the beatles - gold edition (4)   the beatles - magical mystery 
  14073.                            the beatles - sgt. pepper's lo   the beatles - the beatles [whi
  14074.                            the doors - strange days         the mantovani orchestra - grea
  14075.                            the police - the singles         the rolling stones - rewind (1
  14076.                            the simpsons - do the bartman    tori amos - little earthquakes
  14077.                            tschaikowsky p.i. - symphonie    u2 - rattle and hum
  14078.                            u2 - the joshua tree             w.a. mozart - 1991 live in sal
  14079.                            whitney houston - whitney        whitney houston - whitney hous
  14080.                            yes - big generator              zz top - greatest hits
  14081.                       cd_editor                        cd_manager
  14082.                       cd_manager.info                  disks.info
  14083.                       texts.info                       
  14084.                     musicbox (dir)
  14085.                          audiocd (dir)
  14086.                            audiocd-id#0003afec              audiocd-id#0003afec.info
  14087.                            audiocd-id#0003b088              audiocd-id#0003b088.info
  14088.                            audiocd-id#00055490              audiocd-id#00055490.info
  14089.                            audiocd-id#00063c34              audiocd-id#00063c34.info
  14090.                            audiocd-id#00077beb              audiocd-id#00077beb.info
  14091.                            audiocd-id#0026216d              audiocd-id#0026216d.info
  14092.                            audiocd-id#0028c394              audiocd-id#0028c394.info
  14093.                            audiocd-id#002b0ca0              audiocd-id#002b0ca0.info
  14094.                            audiocd-id#002d1d74              audiocd-id#002d1d74.info
  14095.                            audiocd-id#003b919c              audiocd-id#003b919c.info
  14096.                            audiocd-id#0050cd72              audiocd-id#0050cd72.info
  14097.                          deutsch.language (dir)
  14098.                            archive.guide                    archive.guide.info
  14099.                            inquiry.txt                      inquiry.txt.info
  14100.                            musicbox.catalog                 musicbox.catalog.info
  14101.                            musicbox.guide                   musicbox.guide.info
  14102.                            showcd.txt                       showcd.txt.info
  14103.                          fonts (dir)
  14104.                               hifi-display (dir)
  14105.                                 18                               7
  14106.                            hifi-display.font                
  14107.                       archive                          archive.guide
  14108.                       archive.guide.info               archive.info
  14109.                       audiocd.info                     deutsch.language.info
  14110.                       fonts.info                       inquiry
  14111.                       inquiry.info                     inquiry.txt
  14112.                       inquiry.txt.info                 install
  14113.                       install.cli                      install.cli.info
  14114.                       install.info                     install.txt
  14115.                       install.txt.info                 musicbox
  14116.                       musicbox.guide                   musicbox.guide.info
  14117.                       musicbox.info                    musicbox.lha
  14118.                       musicbox.library                 musicbox.library.info
  14119.                       musicbox.readme                  musicbox.readme.info
  14120.                       register                         register.form
  14121.                       register.form.info               register.info
  14122.                       shareware.txt                    shareware.txt.info
  14123.                       showcd                           showcd.info
  14124.                       showcd.txt                       showcd.txt.info
  14125.                     nakinfo (dir)
  14126.                       nakinfo                          nakinfo.cfg
  14127.                       nakinfo.doc                      nakinfo.doc.info
  14128.                       nakinfo.info                     nakinfo.readme
  14129.                     omed_pt15 (dir)
  14130.                          rexx (dir)
  14131.                            cut_cmds.omed                    deldragcmds.omed
  14132.                            deldragup.omed                   insert_cmd.omed
  14133.                            paste_cmd.omed                   search_block.omed
  14134.                       omed_pt.guide                    omed_pt.guide.info
  14135.                       omed_pt15.readme                 omed_pt15.readme.info
  14136.                       soundstudio.defkeyboard.new      
  14137.                     ripit (dir)
  14138.                       disk2file                        disk2file.dat
  14139.                       disk2file.info                   file_id.diz
  14140.                       release.notes!                   ripit
  14141.                       ripit.guide                      ripit.guide.info
  14142.                       ripit.info                       ripit12.readme
  14143.                       ripit121.readme                  
  14144.                     samplee (dir)
  14145.                          libs (dir)
  14146.                            reqtools.library                 reqtools.library.info
  14147.                       libs.info                        samplee
  14148.                       samplee.info                     samplee.readme
  14149.                       samplee.readme.info              samplee_deutsch.guide
  14150.                       samplee_deutsch.guide.info       
  14151.                     soundconvert (dir)
  14152.                          bin (dir)
  14153.                               tables (dir)
  14154.                                 1cb0                             1cb1
  14155.                                 1cb2                             1th0
  14156.                                 1th1                             1th2
  14157.                                 2cb0                             2cb1
  14158.                                 2cb2                             2th0
  14159.                                 2th1                             2th2
  14160.                                 absthr_0                         absthr_1
  14161.                                 absthr_2                         alloc_0
  14162.                                 alloc_1                          alloc_2
  14163.                                 alloc_3                          dewindow
  14164.                                 enwindow                         
  14165.                               tables.mp3 (dir)
  14166.                                 1cb0                             1cb1
  14167.                                 1cb2                             1cb4
  14168.                                 1cb5                             1cb6
  14169.                                 1th0                             1th1
  14170.                                 1th2                             1th4
  14171.                                 1th5                             1th6
  14172.                                 2cb0                             2cb1
  14173.                                 2cb2                             2cb4
  14174.                                 2cb5                             2cb6
  14175.                                 2th0                             2th1
  14176.                                 2th2                             2th4
  14177.                                 2th5                             2th6
  14178.                                 absthr_0                         absthr_1
  14179.                                 absthr_2                         alloc_0
  14180.                                 alloc_1                          alloc_2
  14181.                                 alloc_3                          alloc_4
  14182.                                 dewindow                         enwindow
  14183.                                 huffcode                         huffdec
  14184.                                 psy_data                         
  14185.                            amisox                           amisox020881
  14186.                            makemaud                         mpega
  14187.                            musicin                          musicin.030fpu
  14188.                            ps3mrec                          x2adpcm
  14189.                          docs (dir)
  14190.                            afd-copyright.de                 amigamp3.guide
  14191.                            makemaud.guide                   musicin.doc
  14192.                            play16.dok                       ps3mrec.doc
  14193.                            soundconvertd.guide              soundconvertd.guide.info
  14194.                            soundconverte.guide              soundconverte.guide.info
  14195.                            sox.guide                        x2adpcm.doc
  14196.                          fonts (dir)
  14197.                               xen (dir)
  14198.                                 11                               13
  14199.                                 8                                9
  14200.                            xen.font                         
  14201.                          locale (dir)
  14202.                               catalogs (dir)
  14203.                                    english (dir)
  14204.                                      soundconvert.catalog             
  14205.                                    italiano (dir)
  14206.                                      soundconvert.catalog             
  14207.                                    nederlands (dir)
  14208.                                      soundconvert.catalog             
  14209.                            soundconvert.cd                  
  14210.                       docs.info                        install
  14211.                       install-deutsch.info             install-english.info
  14212.                       ismagicwb                        sclokale.exe
  14213.                       soundconvert                     soundconvert.info
  14214.                       soundconvert.readme              
  14215.                     splayer_1.6 (dir)
  14216.                          bin (dir)
  14217.                               s (dir)
  14218.                                    splayer (dir)
  14219.                                      splayer.images                   
  14220.                            led                              requestfile
  14221.                          fonts (dir)
  14222.                               splayer (dir)
  14223.                                 10f                              
  14224.                               splayer8 (dir)
  14225.                                 8                                
  14226.                               splayerbig (dir)
  14227.                                 16f                              
  14228.                            splayer.font                     splayer8.font
  14229.                            splayerbig.font                  
  14230.                          play16_1.7 (dir)
  14231.                               cybersound (dir)
  14232.                                    presets (dir)
  14233.                                      flowerpower's_calibration        flowerpower's_calibration.info
  14234.                                 14bit.doc                        14bit.doc.info
  14235.                                 14bit.dok                        14bit.dok.info
  14236.                                 14bit_calibration                14bit_calibration.info
  14237.                                 presets.info                     
  14238.                               extraicons (dir)
  14239.                                 play16_8col.info                 play16_drawer.info
  14240.                                 play16_mwb.info                  
  14241.                               libs (dir)
  14242.                                 asyncio.library                  
  14243.                            cybersound.info                  extraicons.info
  14244.                            gaip16                           play16
  14245.                            play16'020                       play16.doc
  14246.                            play16.doc.info                  play16.dok
  14247.                            play16.dok.info                  play16.info
  14248.                            play16.readme                    play16.readme.info
  14249.                       install_splayer                  install_splayer.info
  14250.                       play16_1.7.info                  splayer
  14251.                       splayer.doc                      splayer.doc.info
  14252.                       splayer.guide                    splayer.guide.info
  14253.                       splayer.info                     splayer_v1.6.lha
  14254.                       splayer_v1.6.readme              
  14255.                     superplay (dir)
  14256.                          superplay-lib_dev (dir)
  14257.                               autodocs (dir)
  14258.                                 spobject_ref_eng                 spobject_ref_eng.doc
  14259.                                 spobject_ref_eng.doc.info        spobject_ref_eng.info
  14260.                                 superplay_ref_eng                superplay_ref_eng.doc
  14261.                                 superplay_ref_eng.doc.info       superplay_ref_eng.info
  14262.                                 superplay_ref_ger                superplay_ref_ger.doc
  14263.                                 superplay_ref_ger.doc.info       superplay_ref_ger.info
  14264.                               example_spobjects (dir)
  14265.                                    spo (dir)
  14266.                                      scoptions                        smakefile
  14267.                                      smakefile.wth                    spo.h
  14268.                                      spo.spobject                     spo.spobject.info
  14269.                                      spobject.h                       spobjectbase.h
  14270.                                      spobject_api.h                   sp_changesubs.c
  14271.                                      sp_changesubs.o                  sp_infosubs.c
  14272.                                      sp_infosubs.o                    sp_playsubs.c
  14273.                                      sp_playsubs.o                    sp_recogsubs.c
  14274.                                      sp_recogsubs.o                   sp_samplelistsubs.c
  14275.                                      sp_samplelistsubs.h              sp_samplelistsubs.o
  14276.                                      sp_samplesubs.c                  sp_samplesubs.o
  14277.                                      sp_startup.c                     sp_startup.o
  14278.                                      sp_supervisor.c                  sp_supervisor.o
  14279.                                      sp_writesubs.c                   sp_writesubs.o
  14280.                                    st (dir)
  14281.                                      scoptions                        smakefile
  14282.                                      smakefile.wth                    spobject.h
  14283.                                      spobjectbase.h                   spobject_api.h
  14284.                                      sp_changesubs.c                  sp_changesubs.o
  14285.                                      sp_infosubs.c                    sp_infosubs.o
  14286.                                      sp_player.a                      sp_player.o
  14287.                                      sp_playsubs.c                    sp_playsubs.o
  14288.                                      sp_recogsubs.c                   sp_recogsubs.o
  14289.                                      sp_samplelistsubs.c              sp_samplelistsubs.h
  14290.                                      sp_samplelistsubs.o              sp_samplesubs.c
  14291.                                      sp_samplesubs.o                  sp_startup.c
  14292.                                      sp_startup.o                     sp_supervisor.c
  14293.                                      sp_supervisor.o                  sp_writesubs.c
  14294.                                      sp_writesubs.o                   st.h
  14295.                                      st.spobject                      st.spobject.info
  14296.                                 spo.info                         st.info
  14297.                               example_tools (dir)
  14298.                                    listspos (dir)
  14299.                                      asmsupport.a                     asmsupport.o
  14300.                                      listspos                         listspos.c
  14301.                                      listspos.info                    listspos.o
  14302.                                      listspos_subs.c                  listspos_subs.o
  14303.                                      scoptions                        smakefile
  14304.                                    samplelistdemo (dir)
  14305.                                      asmsupport.a                     asmsupport.o
  14306.                                      scoptions                        sld
  14307.                                      sld.c                            sld.o
  14308.                                      sld_subs.c                       sld_subs.o
  14309.                                      smakefile                        
  14310.                                    samplelistplay (dir)
  14311.                                      asmsupport.a                     asmsupport.o
  14312.                                      scoptions                        slp
  14313.                                      slp.c                            slp.o
  14314.                                      slp_subs.c                       slp_subs.o
  14315.                                      smakefile                        
  14316.                                    simpleplay (dir)
  14317.                                      asmsupport.a                     asmsupport.o
  14318.                                      scoptions                        simpleplay
  14319.                                      simpleplay.c                     simpleplay.info
  14320.                                      simpleplay.o                     simpleplay_subs.c
  14321.                                      simpleplay_subs.o                smakefile
  14322.                                 listspos.info                    samplelistdemo.info
  14323.                                 samplelistplay.info              simpleplay.info
  14324.                               fd (dir)
  14325.                                 fd-info                          fd-info.info
  14326.                                 spobjects.fd                     superplay.fd
  14327.                               include (dir)
  14328.                                    clib (dir)
  14329.                                      spobjects_protos.h               superplay_protos.h
  14330.                                    pragmas (dir)
  14331.                                      spobjects_pragmas.h              superplay_pragmas.h
  14332.                                    proto (dir)
  14333.                                      spobjects.h                      superplay.h
  14334.                                    spobjects (dir)
  14335.                                      spobjectbase.h                   spobjects.h
  14336.                                    superplay (dir)
  14337.                                      spobsolete.h                     superplay.h
  14338.                                      superplaybase.h                  
  14339.                               oberon-2 (dir)
  14340.                                    example_tools (dir)
  14341.                                      compileexample_tools             listspos.mod
  14342.                                      listspos.mod.info                readme
  14343.                                      readme.info                      samplelistdemo.mod
  14344.                                      samplelistdemo.mod.info          samplelistplay.mod
  14345.                                      samplelistplay.mod.info          simpleplay-stop.info
  14346.                                      simpleplay.mod                   simpleplay.mod.info
  14347.                                    interfaces (dir)
  14348.                                      spobjects.mod                    spobjects.mod.info
  14349.                                      superplay.mod                    superplay.mod.info
  14350.                                 delsuperplay                     example_tools.info
  14351.                                 interfaces.info                  readme
  14352.                                 readme.info                      superplay-interfaces
  14353.                                 superplay-interfaces.info        
  14354.                            autodocs.info                    example_spobjects.info
  14355.                            example_tools.info               fd.info
  14356.                            include.info                     oberon-2.info
  14357.                            splibdev.lha                     splibdev.readme
  14358.                            splibdev.readme.info             
  14359.                          superplay-lib_usr (dir)
  14360.                               docs (dir)
  14361.                                 liesmich.doc                     liesmich.doc.info
  14362.                                 superplay-library.guide          superplay-library.guide.info
  14363.                               libs (dir)
  14364.                                    spobjects (dir)
  14365.                                      8svx.spobject                    jam.spobject
  14366.                                      med.spobject                     sounddt.spobject
  14367.                                      spo.spobject                     st.spobject
  14368.                                      voc.spobject                     wav.spobject
  14369.                                 superplay.library                
  14370.                               superplay (dir)
  14371.                                 scoptions                        smakefile
  14372.                                 smakefile.wth                    sp_spolistsubs.c
  14373.                                 sp_spolistsubs.h                 sp_spolistsubs.o
  14374.                                 superplay                        superplay.c
  14375.                                 superplay.doc                    superplay.doc.info
  14376.                                 superplay.h                      superplay.info
  14377.                                 superplay.o                      superplay_main.c
  14378.                                 superplay_main.des               superplay_main.h
  14379.                                 superplay_main.o                 
  14380.                            docs.info                        install_splib
  14381.                            install_splib.info               libs.info
  14382.                            splibusr.lha                     splibusr.readme
  14383.                            superplay.info                   
  14384.                       superplay-lib_dev.info           superplay-lib_usr.info
  14385.                     thx (dir)
  14386.                          eagleplayers (dir)
  14387.                            thx-player                       
  14388.                          modules (dir)
  14389.                            thx.64k_is_all_you_need          thx.aufwiedersehenmonty
  14390.                            thx.bluestar                     thx.insanity
  14391.                            thx.nameless                     thx.running
  14392.                            thx.sidvibes!                    thx.stormlord v1
  14393.                            thx.the magic spoon              thx.thxcolly-intro
  14394.                       ep_thx127.readme                 ep_thx127.readme.info
  14395.                       readmeornot                      readmeornot.info
  14396.                  amp072.info                      digiboosterpro.info
  14397.                  karami.info                      maplay3.info
  14398.                  maves.info                       med2xm.info
  14399.                  midipreter.info                  mpega.info
  14400.                  mui_cd_player.info               musicbox.info
  14401.                  nakinfo.info                     omed_pt15.info
  14402.                  ripit.info                       samplee.info
  14403.                  soundconvert.info                splayer_1.6.info
  14404.                  superplay.info                   thx.info
  14405.                programming (dir)
  14406.                     amoslist-0397 (dir)
  14407.                       amos.faq                         amos.faq.info
  14408.                       amosannounce                     amosannounce.info
  14409.                       amoslist                         amoslist-0397.readme
  14410.                       amoslist-0397.readme.info        amoslist.info
  14411.                     fpulib (dir)
  14412.                       fpulib.readme                    fpulib.readme.info
  14413.                       mazfpulib.obj                    
  14414.                     mcc_htmltext (dir)
  14415.                          demos (dir)
  14416.                            htmltext-demo                    htmltext-demo.info
  14417.                          developer (dir)
  14418.                               autodocs (dir)
  14419.                                 htmltext_mcc.doc                 htmltext_mcc.guide
  14420.                               c (dir)
  14421.                                    examples (dir)
  14422.                                      htmltext-demo.c                  
  14423.                                    include (dir)
  14424.                                         mui (dir)
  14425.                                           htmltext_mcc.h                   
  14426.                          docs (dir)
  14427.                            afd-copyright.html               author.gif
  14428.                            author.html                      autodocs.html
  14429.                            bugs.html                        copyright.html
  14430.                            copyright.html.txt               description.html
  14431.                            developer.html                   future.html
  14432.                            history.html                     htmltext_mcc.html
  14433.                            htmltext_mcc.html.info           installation.html
  14434.                            morehtml.html                    owntags_font.html
  14435.                            preferences.html                 preferences.iff
  14436.                            supported_tags.html              taglist.html
  14437.                            tag_a.html                       tag_address.html
  14438.                            tag_b.html                       tag_big.html
  14439.                            tag_blockquote.html              tag_body.html
  14440.                            tag_br.html                      tag_center.html
  14441.                            tag_cite.html                    tag_code.html
  14442.                            tag_dd.html                      tag_dl.html
  14443.                            tag_dt.html                      tag_em.html
  14444.                            tag_font.html                    tag_head.html
  14445.                            tag_hr.html                      tag_html.html
  14446.                            tag_htmr.html                    tag_hx.html
  14447.                            tag_i.html                       tag_img.html
  14448.                            tag_pre.html                     tag_samp.html
  14449.                            tag_small.html                   tag_strong.html
  14450.                            tag_title.html                   tag_u.html
  14451.                            testpage.html                    thanks.html
  14452.                          libs (dir)
  14453.                               mui (dir)
  14454.                                 htmltext.mcc                     htmltext.mcp
  14455.                          rexx (dir)
  14456.                            preview.ged                      
  14457.                       afd-copyright                    afd-copyright.info
  14458.                       demos.info                       docs.info
  14459.                       install                          install.info
  14460.                       mcc_htmltext.readme              morehtml
  14461.                       morehtml.info                    readme
  14462.                       readme.info                      
  14463.                     mcc_nlist (dir)
  14464.                          demos (dir)
  14465.                            nlist-demo                       nlist-demo.info
  14466.                          developer (dir)
  14467.                               amigae (dir)
  14468.                                    example (dir)
  14469.                                      nfloattext_example.txt           nlist_example
  14470.                                      nlist_example.e                  nlist_example.txt
  14471.                                    modulessrc (dir)
  14472.                                         mui (dir)
  14473.                                           nfloattext_mcc.e                 nlistview_mcc.e
  14474.                                           nlist_mcc.e                      
  14475.                                 fakestack.lha                    important.readme
  14476.                               autodocs (dir)
  14477.                                 mcc_nfloattext.doc               mcc_nlist.doc
  14478.                                 mcc_nlistview.doc                
  14479.                               c (dir)
  14480.                                    examples (dir)
  14481.                                      makefile                         nlist-demo.c
  14482.                                      scoptions                        smakefile
  14483.                                    include (dir)
  14484.                                         mui (dir)
  14485.                                           nfloattext_mcc.h                 nlistview_mcc.h
  14486.                                           nlist_mcc.h                      
  14487.                          docs (dir)
  14488.                               english (dir)
  14489.                                 nlist.mcc.doc                    nlist.mcc.doc.info
  14490.                            english.info                     
  14491.                          libs (dir)
  14492.                               mui (dir)
  14493.                                 ndirlist.mcc                     nfloattext.mcc
  14494.                                 nlist.mcc                        nlistview.mcc
  14495.                                 nlistviews.mcp                   
  14496.                       demos.info                       developer.info
  14497.                       docs.info                        mcc_nlist.readme
  14498.                       mcc_nlist.readme.info            mcc_nlist0.58.readme
  14499.                       readme.mui                       readme.mui.info
  14500.                     mpgui5x (dir)
  14501.                          demo (dir)
  14502.                            snoopdos-prefs                   snoopdos-prefs.info
  14503.                            test                             test.info
  14504.                          docs (dir)
  14505.                            mpgui.doc                        
  14506.                          gui (dir)
  14507.                            snoopdos.def                     snoopdos.gui
  14508.                            test.gui                         
  14509.                          include (dir)
  14510.                               clib (dir)
  14511.                                 mpgui_protos.h                   
  14512.                               libraries (dir)
  14513.                                 mpgui.h                          
  14514.                               pragmas (dir)
  14515.                                 mpgui_pragmas.h                  
  14516.                          libs (dir)
  14517.                            mpgui.library                    
  14518.                          mpgui5xs (dir)
  14519.                               demo (dir)
  14520.                                 snoopdos-prefs                   snoopdos-prefs.info
  14521.                                 test                             test.info
  14522.                               docs (dir)
  14523.                                 emptyfile                        
  14524.                               gui (dir)
  14525.                                 snoopdos.def                     snoopdos.gui
  14526.                                 test.gui                         
  14527.                               include (dir)
  14528.                                    clib (dir)
  14529.                                      emptyfile                        
  14530.                                    libraries (dir)
  14531.                                      emptyfile                        
  14532.                                    pragmas (dir)
  14533.                                      emptyfile                        
  14534.                               lha (dir)
  14535.                                 emptyfile                        
  14536.                               libs (dir)
  14537.                                 emptyfile                        
  14538.                               sc (dir)
  14539.                                 sprintf.c                        
  14540.                               sd (dir)
  14541.                                 editprefs.texi                   mpgui.texi
  14542.                               sg (dir)
  14543.                                    clib (dir)
  14544.                                      mpgui_protos.h                   
  14545.                                    libraries (dir)
  14546.                                      mpgui.h                          
  14547.                                    pragmas (dir)
  14548.                                      emptyfile                        
  14549.                                 hook.c                           mpgui.c
  14550.                                 mpgui.cd                         mpgui.fd
  14551.                                 mpgui.h                          pragmas.edit
  14552.                                 runmpgui.c                       runmpgui.cd
  14553.                               sp (dir)
  14554.                                    a (dir)
  14555.                                      editprefs.arb                    editprefs.c
  14556.                                      editprefs.h                      editprefs_rxcl.c
  14557.                                      editprefs_rxif.c                 
  14558.                                 editprefs.c                      editprefs.cd
  14559.                            copying                          demo.info
  14560.                            install                          install.info
  14561.                            mpgui.guide.info                 read.me
  14562.                            read.me.info                     smakefile
  14563.                          sc (dir)
  14564.                            sprintf.c                        
  14565.                          sg (dir)
  14566.                            runmpgui.c                       
  14567.                       copying                          demo.info
  14568.                       editprefs                        editprefs-rexx
  14569.                       editprefs.guide                  install
  14570.                       install.info                     mpgui.guide
  14571.                       mpgui.guide.info                 mpgui5x.readme
  14572.                       mpgui5x.readme.info              mpgui5xs.info
  14573.                       runmpgui                         
  14574.                  amoslist-0397.info               fpulib.info
  14575.                  mcc_htmltext.info                mcc_nlist.info
  14576.                  mpgui5x.info                     
  14577.                program_patches (dir)
  14578.                virus (dir)
  14579.                     antibeol_13 (dir)
  14580.                       afd-copyright                    antibeol
  14581.                       antibeol_13.readme               antibeol_13.readme.info
  14582.                     virusworkshop (dir)
  14583.                          arexx (dir)
  14584.                            error.rexx                       lhafile.rexx
  14585.                            sfile.rexx                       
  14586.                          c (dir)
  14587.                            ppguide                          
  14588.                          documents (dir)
  14589.                            dhunk.guide                      dhunk.guide.info
  14590.                            dhunk.guide.sig                  dhunk_dansk.guide
  14591.                            dhunk_dansk.guide.info           dhunk_dansk.guide.sig
  14592.                            elrm.guide                       elrm.guide.info
  14593.                            elrm.guide.sig                   elrm_dansk.guide
  14594.                            elrm_dansk.guide.info            elrm_dansk.guide.sig
  14595.                            heuristik.guide                  heuristik.guide.info
  14596.                            heuristik_dansk.guide            heuristik_dansk.guide.info
  14597.                            lhacheck.guide                   lhacheck.guide.info
  14598.                            newvirus.guide                   newvirus.guide.info
  14599.                            newvirus.guide.sig               pref-edit.guide
  14600.                            pref-edit.guide.info             pref-edit.guide.sig
  14601.                            starterproblems.guide            starterproblems.guide.info
  14602.                            starterproblems.guide.sig        virusworkshop.guide
  14603.                            virusworkshop.guide.info         virusworkshop.guide.sig
  14604.                            virusworkshop_dansk.guide        virusworkshop_dansk.guide.info
  14605.                            virusworkshop_dansk.guide.sig    vw-save!.guide
  14606.                            vw-save!.guide.info              vw-save!.guide.sig
  14607.                            vw-save!_dansk.guide             vw-save!_dansk.guide.info
  14608.                            vw-save!_dansk.guide.sig         vw-viruses.guide
  14609.                            vw-viruses.guide.info            vw-viruses.guide.sig
  14610.                            vwmemmon.guide                   vwmemmon.guide.info
  14611.                            vwmemmon.guide.sig               
  14612.                          libs (dir)
  14613.                            fileid.library                   fileid.library.sig
  14614.                            powerpacker.library              reqtools.library
  14615.                            reqtools.library.sig             xfdmaster.library
  14616.                            xfdmaster.library.sig            
  14617.                          locale (dir)
  14618.                               catalogs (dir)
  14619.                                    dansk (dir)
  14620.                                      vw-save!.catalog                 vw.catalog
  14621.                                    deutsch (dir)
  14622.                                      vw-save!.catalog                 vw.catalog
  14623.                                    espanol (dir)
  14624.                                      vw.catalog                       
  14625.                                    français (dir)
  14626.                                      vw-save!.catalog                 vw.catalog
  14627.                                    italian (dir)
  14628.                                      vw-save!.catalog                 vw.catalog
  14629.                                    nederlands (dir)
  14630.                                      vw.catalog                       
  14631.                                    svenska (dir)
  14632.                                      vw.catalog                       vw.cd
  14633.                                      vwsvenska.ct                     
  14634.                            make                             make.sig
  14635.                            vw-save!.cd                      vw-save!.cd.sig
  14636.                            vw-save!.ct                      vw-save!.ct.sig
  14637.                            vw-save!_i.ct                    vwdescription
  14638.                            vwdescription.sig                vwdescription.spanish
  14639.                            vwtranslation_german             vwtranslation_nederlands
  14640.                            vwtranslation_portuguese         vw_i.ct
  14641.                          magicwb (dir)
  14642.                            dostouch.guide.info              pref-edit.guide.info
  14643.                            pref-edit.info                   virusworkshop(drawer).info
  14644.                            virusworkshop.guide.info         virusworkshop.info
  14645.                            virusworkshop.news.info          vwmemmon.guide.info
  14646.                            vw_drawer.info                   
  14647.                          s (dir)
  14648.                            startup-sequence                 
  14649.                          tools (dir)
  14650.                            dhunk                            dhunk.sig
  14651.                            elrm                             elrm.sig
  14652.                            vw-save!                         vw-save!.info
  14653.                            vw-save!.sig                     
  14654.                       documents.info                   file_id.diz
  14655.                       install_virusworkshop            install_virusworkshop.info
  14656.                       magicwb.readme                   magicwb.readme.sig
  14657.                       preferences                      preferences.info
  14658.                       trsivw65.lha                     virusworkshop
  14659.                       virusworkshop.info               virusworkshop.news
  14660.                       virusworkshop.news.info          virusworkshop.news.sig
  14661.                       virusworkshop.sig                vw.prefs
  14662.                       vw.prefs.readme                  vw.prefs.readme.sig
  14663.                     virusz (dir)
  14664.                          arexx (dir)
  14665.                            checkarc.vzrx                    checkdir.vzrx
  14666.                            checkfile.vzrx                   
  14667.                          envarc (dir)
  14668.                            virusz_ii.archivers              
  14669.                          libs (dir)
  14670.                               xfd (dir)
  14671.                                 xfdmaster.library                
  14672.                            reqtools.library                 
  14673.                          scripts (dir)
  14674.                            virusz_ii.zoo_script             
  14675.                       ansi.armyshop                    ansi.virushelp_dk
  14676.                       install libs                     install libs.info
  14677.                       install.script                   virusz
  14678.                       virusz.history                   virusz.history.info
  14679.                       virusz.info                      virusz_deutsch.guide
  14680.                       virusz_deutsch.guide.info        virusz_english.guide
  14681.                       virusz_english.guide.info        virusz_ii137.lha
  14682.                       virusz_ii137.readme              
  14683.                     xtruder (dir)
  14684.                          catalogs (dir)
  14685.                               dansk (dir)
  14686.                                 xtruder.catalog                  
  14687.                               deutsch (dir)
  14688.                                 xtruder.catalog                  
  14689.                               français (dir)
  14690.                                 xtruder.catalog                  
  14691.                               italiano (dir)
  14692.                                 xtruder.catalog                  
  14693.                               nederlands (dir)
  14694.                                 xtruder.catalog                  
  14695.                               norsk (dir)
  14696.                                 xtruder.catalog                  
  14697.                               suomi (dir)
  14698.                                 xtruder.catalog                  
  14699.                               svenska (dir)
  14700.                                 xtruder.catalog                  
  14701.                            .readme                          .readme.info
  14702.                            dansk.ct                         deutsch.ct
  14703.                            empty.ct                         français.ct
  14704.                            italian.ct                       nederlands.ct
  14705.                            norsk.ct                         suomi.ct
  14706.                            svenska.ct                       xtruder.cd
  14707.                          documentation (dir)
  14708.                            xtruder.guide                    xtruder.guide.info
  14709.                            xtruder.guide.sig                
  14710.                          l (dir)
  14711.                            bootblock.brainfile              bootblock.brainfile.sig
  14712.                          libs (dir)
  14713.                               xfd (dir)
  14714.                                 .readme.first                    1am
  14715.                                 4vx                              89a8
  14716.                                 =sb=                             ace?
  14717.                                 alc0                             amos
  14718.                                 arcd                             arcr
  14719.                                 atom                             axis
  14720.                                 bond                             chryseis
  14721.                                 cmp1                             cp
  14722.                                 crnd                             crun
  14723.                                 decloner                         dhp2
  14724.                                 dpra                             dtpk
  14725.                                 fire                             fuck
  14726.                                 gp                               graftgold
  14727.                                 huf                              huff
  14728.                                 ice_tsm                          ift?
  14729.                                 jr                               kdub
  14730.                                 lob                              lzwh
  14731.                                 magneticfields                   masm
  14732.                                 mass                             pack
  14733.                                 pak0                             propackexe
  14734.                                 rle                              sf
  14735.                                 spv3                             ssur
  14736.                                 tpwm                             tsm
  14737.                                 vdco                             vic2
  14738.                                 vol1                             xp10
  14739.                                 xpac                             xvdg
  14740.                            bootblock.library                bootblock.library.sig
  14741.                            fileid.library                   fileid.library.sig
  14742.                            filevirus.library                filevirus.library.sig
  14743.                            reqtools.library                 reqtools.library.sig
  14744.                            unpack.library                   unpack.library.sig
  14745.                            xfdmaster.library                xfdmaster.library.sig
  14746.                            xtruder.library                  xtruder.library.sig
  14747.                          registration (dir)
  14748.                            xtruder.regform                  xtruder.regform.info
  14749.                            xtruder.regform.sig              
  14750.                          rexx (dir)
  14751.                               dlg (dir)
  14752.                                 xtrudercheck.rexx                
  14753.                               e!xi (dir)
  14754.                                 e!xi-fv                          e!xi-fv.sig
  14755.                                 e!xi.doc                         e!xi.doc.sig
  14756.                                 e!xi.rexx                        
  14757.                               examples (dir)
  14758.                                 xtrudercheckall.rexx             xtruderlistall.rexx
  14759.                                 xtruder_checkfiles.rexx          xtruder_getfile.rexx
  14760.                                 xtruder_getpath.rexx             xtruder_requestuser.rexx
  14761.                               transamiga (dir)
  14762.                                 checkfiles.rexx                  
  14763.                               zeus (dir)
  14764.                                 viruscheck.zeus                  
  14765.                       catalogs.info                    documentation.info
  14766.                       file_id.diz                      install
  14767.                       install.info                     install.sig
  14768.                       registration.info                rexx.info
  14769.                       xtruder                          xtruder.info
  14770.                       xtruder.sig                      xtruder33.lha
  14771.                       xtruder33.readme                 xtruder33.readme.info
  14772.                  antibeol_13.info                 virusworkshop.info
  14773.                  virusz.info                      xtruder.info
  14774.                workbench (dir)
  14775.                     akjfif-datatype (dir)
  14776.                          c (dir)
  14777.                            akt                              
  14778.                          classes (dir)
  14779.                               datatypes (dir)
  14780.                                 akjfif.datatype                  akjfif.datatype.030
  14781.                                 akjfif.datatype.040              akjfif.datatype.060
  14782.                          devs (dir)
  14783.                               datatypes (dir)
  14784.                                 jfif                             jfif-ps
  14785.                                 jfif-ps.info                     jfif.info
  14786.                          docs (dir)
  14787.                            akjfif.guide                     commercial_1
  14788.                          prefs (dir)
  14789.                               datatypes (dir)
  14790.                                 akjfifprefs                      akjfifprefs.info
  14791.                            datatypes.info                   
  14792.                       akjfif43x.readme                 akjfif43x.readme.info
  14793.                       install                          install.info
  14794.                     akljpg-datatype (dir)
  14795.                          c (dir)
  14796.                            akt                              
  14797.                          classes (dir)
  14798.                               datatypes (dir)
  14799.                                 akljpg.datatype                  akljpg.datatype.030
  14800.                                 akljpg.datatype.040              akljpg.datatype.060
  14801.                          devs (dir)
  14802.                               datatypes (dir)
  14803.                                 ljpg                             ljpg.info
  14804.                          docs (dir)
  14805.                            akljpg.guide                     akljpg.guide.info
  14806.                            commercial_1                     
  14807.                          prefs (dir)
  14808.                               datatypes (dir)
  14809.                                 akljpg.info                      akljpgprefs
  14810.                            datatypes.info                   
  14811.                       akljpg43x.readme                 akljpg43x.readme.info
  14812.                       docs.info                        install
  14813.                       install.info                     
  14814.                     akpng-datatype (dir)
  14815.                          c (dir)
  14816.                            akt                              
  14817.                          classes (dir)
  14818.                               datatypes (dir)
  14819.                                 akpng.datatype                   akpng.datatype.030
  14820.                                 akpng.datatype.040               akpng.datatype.060
  14821.                          devs (dir)
  14822.                               datatypes (dir)
  14823.                                 png                              png.info
  14824.                          docs (dir)
  14825.                            akpng.guide                      commercial_1
  14826.                          prefs (dir)
  14827.                               datatypes (dir)
  14828.                                 akpngprefs                       akpngprefs.info
  14829.                            datatypes.info                   
  14830.                       akpng43x.readme                  akpng43x.readme.info
  14831.                       install                          install.info
  14832.                     aksvg-datatype (dir)
  14833.                          c (dir)
  14834.                            akt                              
  14835.                          classes (dir)
  14836.                               datatypes (dir)
  14837.                                 aksvg.datatype                   aksvg.datatype.030
  14838.                                 aksvg.datatype.040               aksvg.datatype.060
  14839.                          devs (dir)
  14840.                               datatypes (dir)
  14841.                                 svg                              svg.info
  14842.                          docs (dir)
  14843.                            aksvg.guide                      commercial_1
  14844.                            formatspecs                      
  14845.                          prefs (dir)
  14846.                               datatypes (dir)
  14847.                                 aksvgprefs                       aksvgprefs.info
  14848.                            datatypes.info                   
  14849.                          tools (dir)
  14850.                            anytosvg                         anytosvg.doc
  14851.                       aksvg43x.readme                  aksvg43x.readme.info
  14852.                       install                          install.info
  14853.                     assignerpro (dir)
  14854.                       assignerpro                      assignerpro.info
  14855.                       assignerpro.readme               assignerpro.readme.info
  14856.                     benchtrash (dir)
  14857.                          extras (dir)
  14858.                            readme                           readme.info
  14859.                            removedevice                     resolvedevicename
  14860.                          localize! (dir)
  14861.                            benchtrash.cc                    createcatalog
  14862.                            readme                           readme.info
  14863.                       benchtrash                       benchtrash.catalog
  14864.                       benchtrash.guide                 benchtrash.guide.info
  14865.                       benchtrash.info                  benchtrash.readme
  14866.                       extras.info                      localize!.info
  14867.                     bmpdt (dir)
  14868.                          classes (dir)
  14869.                               datatypes (dir)
  14870.                                    68000 (dir)
  14871.                                      bmp.datatype                     
  14872.                                    68020 (dir)
  14873.                                      bmp.datatype                     
  14874.                          devs (dir)
  14875.                               datatypes (dir)
  14876.                                 windows bmp                      windows bmp.info
  14877.                          source (dir)
  14878.                            bmp.o00                          bmp.o20
  14879.                            bmp.s                            ffr.c
  14880.                            getbmp.c                         getbmp.h
  14881.                            makeit                           mathsup.h
  14882.                       bmpdt.guide                      bmpdt.guide.info
  14883.                       bmpdt407.readme                  
  14884.                     bootsys (dir)
  14885.                          pic (dir)
  14886.                            bootsyspic128                    bootsyspic128.info
  14887.                            bootsyspic16                     bootsyspic16.info
  14888.                          prefs (dir)
  14889.                            bsprefs                          bsprefs.info
  14890.                       bootsys                          bootsys.guide
  14891.                       bootsys.guide.info               bootsys.info
  14892.                       bootsys20.readme                 installbs
  14893.                       installbs.info                   pic.info
  14894.                       prefs.info                       
  14895.                     clicon (dir)
  14896.                          examples (dir)
  14897.                            addfonts.info                    civilizationaga.info
  14898.                            devpac.info                      dpaint.info
  14899.                            examples.readme                  examples.readme.info
  14900.                            install.info                     list.info
  14901.                            monam.info                       octamed.info
  14902.                            oktagonmount.info                sonix.info
  14903.                            wp.info                          xoper.info
  14904.                       clicon                           clicon.catalog
  14905.                       clicon.info                      clicon.readme
  14906.                       clicon_deutsch.guide             clicon_deutsch.guide.info
  14907.                       clicon_english.guide             clicon_english.guide.info
  14908.                       examples.info                    wbload
  14909.                     dzdir (dir)
  14910.                          imagedocks (dir)
  14911.                            dock.0                           dock.1
  14912.                            dock.2                           dock.3
  14913.                            dock.5                           dock.6
  14914.                            dock.7                           dzdir_ailist
  14915.                            dzdir_app                        dzdir_typelist
  14916.                            dzdir_winnodes                   
  14917.                          mui (dir)
  14918.                            dzailist.mcc                     dzaipanel.mcc
  14919.                            dzaiwindow.mcc                   dzdbwindow.mcc
  14920.                            dzfilter.mcc                     dzflaglist.mcc
  14921.                            dzglobe.mcc                      dzreq.mcc
  14922.                            dztypelist.mcc                   
  14923.                          muiwincfg (dir)
  14924.                            copy.1.prefs                     copyas.1.prefs
  14925.                            delete.1.prefs                   dz dir.pref
  14926.                            dz dir.prefs                     dz tasks.prefs
  14927.                            dzdir.1.prefs                    dzdir.1.wini
  14928.                            dzdirtask.1.prefs                dzdirtask.1.wini
  14929.                            dzdirtext.1.wini                 filesize.1.prefs
  14930.                            filter.1.prefs                   grep.1.cfg
  14931.                            grep.1.prefs                     grep.1.wini
  14932.                            move as.1.prefs                  move.1.prefs
  14933.                            moveas.1.prefs                   rename.1.prefs
  14934.                            search.1.prefs                   select.1.prefs
  14935.                          muiwincfg.images (dir)
  14936.                            copy.1.prefs                     copyas.1.prefs
  14937.                            delete.1.prefs                   dz dir.pref
  14938.                            dz dir.prefs                     dz tasks.prefs
  14939.                            dzdir.1.prefs                    dzdir.1.wini
  14940.                            dzdirtask.1.prefs                dzdirtask.1.wini
  14941.                            dzdirtext.1.wini                 filesize.1.prefs
  14942.                            filter.1.prefs                   grep.1.cfg
  14943.                            grep.1.prefs                     grep.1.wini
  14944.                            move as.1.prefs                  move.1.prefs
  14945.                            moveas.1.prefs                   rename.1.prefs
  14946.                            search.1.prefs                   select.1.prefs
  14947.                          textdocks (dir)
  14948.                            dock.0                           dock.2
  14949.                            dock.3                           dock.5
  14950.                            dock.6                           dock.7
  14951.                            dzdir_ailist                     dzdir_app
  14952.                            dzdir_typelist                   dzdir_winnodes
  14953.                       ced.jumpto                       ced.loadfile
  14954.                       csource.rx                       dzdir
  14955.                       dzdir.guide                      dzdir.guide.info
  14956.                       dzdir.info                       dzdir.lha
  14957.                       dzdir.readme                     dzshell-startup
  14958.                       filetypes                        install_dzdir
  14959.                       install_dzdir_english.info       preview.pic
  14960.                       preview.pic.info                 product-info
  14961.                       product-info.info                readme.mui
  14962.                       readme.mui.info                  ttx.jumpto
  14963.                       ttx.loadfile                     viewtext.rx
  14964.                       viewtextline.rx                  whatis.library
  14965.                     executive_v2.10 (dir)
  14966.                          c (dir)
  14967.                            expatch                          lhx
  14968.                            lhx.readme                       lhx.readme.info
  14969.                            tool                             
  14970.                          data (dir)
  14971.                            bin.lha                          bin020.lha
  14972.                            catalogs.lha                     dashboardprefs.lha
  14973.                            developers.lha                   doc.lha
  14974.                            executive.lha                    extra.lha
  14975.                            hrvatski.lha                     icons_ml.lha
  14976.                            icons_mnl.lha                    icons_ni.lha
  14977.                            icons_nl.lha                     icons_nnl.lha
  14978.                            register.lha                     
  14979.                       .product-info                    deutsch.info
  14980.                       english.info                     executive.readme
  14981.                       français.info                    hrvatski.info
  14982.                       install                          nederlands.info
  14983.                       norsk.info                       polski.info
  14984.                       português.info                   readme.changes
  14985.                       readme.changes.info              readme.first!
  14986.                       readme.first!.info               suomi.info
  14987.                       svenska.info                     uninstall
  14988.                       uninstall.executive              ãeótina.info
  14989.                     finditgui (dir)
  14990.                          libs (dir)
  14991.                            whatis.library                   
  14992.                       filetypes                        finditgui
  14993.                       finditgui.guide                  finditgui.guide.info
  14994.                       finditgui.info                   finditgui_120s.readme
  14995.                       history                          history.info
  14996.                       install                          install.info
  14997.                     gh97 (dir)
  14998.                          gh97 (dir)
  14999.                               checkmark (dir)
  15000.                                 26x11                            fixed
  15001.                               close (dir)
  15002.                                 20x11                            20x12
  15003.                                 20x13                            20x14
  15004.                                 20x15                            scale
  15005.                               depth (dir)
  15006.                                 24x11                            24x12
  15007.                                 24x13                            24x14
  15008.                                 24x15                            scale
  15009.                               down (dir)
  15010.                                 18x11                            18x12
  15011.                                 18x13                            18x14
  15012.                                 18x15                            scale
  15013.                               iconify (dir)
  15014.                                 24x11                            24x12
  15015.                                 24x13                            24x14
  15016.                                 24x15                            scale
  15017.                               left (dir)
  15018.                                 18x11                            18x12
  15019.                                 18x13                            18x14
  15020.                                 18x15                            scale
  15021.                               mx (dir)
  15022.                                 17x9                             fixed
  15023.                               right (dir)
  15024.                                 18x11                            18x12
  15025.                                 18x13                            18x14
  15026.                                 18x15                            scale
  15027.                               sdepth (dir)
  15028.                                 22x11                            22x12
  15029.                                 22x13                            22x14
  15030.                                 22x15                            23x11
  15031.                                 23x12                            23x13
  15032.                                 23x14                            23x15
  15033.                                 scale                            
  15034.                               size (dir)
  15035.                                 18x11                            18x12
  15036.                                 18x13                            18x14
  15037.                                 18x15                            scale
  15038.                               up (dir)
  15039.                                 18x11                            18x12
  15040.                                 18x13                            18x14
  15041.                                 18x15                            scale
  15042.                               zoom (dir)
  15043.                                 24x11                            24x12
  15044.                                 24x13                            24x14
  15045.                                 24x15                            scale
  15046.                          ghstart (dir)
  15047.                            cx.bru                           def.bru
  15048.                            findfile.info                    group.bru
  15049.                            logo.bru                         menu.bru
  15050.                            quit.bru                         screens.bru
  15051.                            startb.bru                       startsetup.info
  15052.                            wincontrol.info                  
  15053.                          hazefont (dir)
  15054.                               haze (dir)
  15055.                                 11                               
  15056.                            haze.font                        
  15057.                       gh97.info                        gh97.readme
  15058.                       gh97.readme.info                 ghstart.doc
  15059.                       ghstart.doc.info                 ghstart.info
  15060.                       ghurou97.doc                     ghurou97.doc.info
  15061.                       hazefont.doc                     hazefont.doc.info
  15062.                       hazefont.info                    showfont
  15063.                       showfont.info                    showstart
  15064.                       showstart.info                   showurou
  15065.                       showurou.info                    
  15066.                     ksr (dir)
  15067.                          fonts (dir)
  15068.                               futurab (dir)
  15069.                                 32                               
  15070.                            futurab.font                     
  15071.                       installksr                       installksr.info
  15072.                       ksr                              ksr-start
  15073.                       ksr-start.info                   ksr.doc
  15074.                       ksr.doc.info                     ksr.lha
  15075.                       reset                            wait
  15076.                     madhouse (dir)
  15077.                          blankers (dir)
  15078.                               bouncingpixel (dir)
  15079.                                 blanker                          gadget
  15080.                                 pref                             
  15081.                               digitalclock (dir)
  15082.                                 blanker                          gadget
  15083.                                 pref                             
  15084.                               fireworks (dir)
  15085.                                 blanker                          gadget
  15086.                                 pref                             
  15087.                               flow (dir)
  15088.                                 blanker                          gadget
  15089.                                 pref                             
  15090.                               flyingtoasters (dir)
  15091.                                 blanker                          gadget
  15092.                                 pref                             
  15093.                               funnyalerts (dir)
  15094.                                 blanker                          gadget
  15095.                                 pref                             
  15096.                               glitter (dir)
  15097.                                 blanker                          gadget
  15098.                                 pref                             
  15099.                               lightning (dir)
  15100.                                 blanker                          gadget
  15101.                                 pref                             
  15102.                               nautic (dir)
  15103.                                 blanker                          gadget
  15104.                                 pref                             
  15105.                               shuffle (dir)
  15106.                                 blanker                          gadget
  15107.                                 pref                             
  15108.                               snow (dir)
  15109.                                 blanker                          gadget
  15110.                                 pref                             
  15111.                               soccer (dir)
  15112.                                 blanker                          gadget
  15113.                                 pref                             
  15114.                               stars (dir)
  15115.                                 blanker                          gadget
  15116.                                 pref                             
  15117.                               waves (dir)
  15118.                                 blanker                          gadget
  15119.                                 pref                             
  15120.                               worldtime (dir)
  15121.                                 blanker                          gadget
  15122.                                 pref                             world.iff
  15123.                               wusel (dir)
  15124.                                 blanker                          gadget
  15125.                                 pref                             
  15126.                            the_right_drawer                 
  15127.                          docs (dir)
  15128.                            aminet-readme                    aminet-readme.info
  15129.                            anleitung.guide                  anleitung.guide.info
  15130.                            doc.guide                        doc.guide.info
  15131.                            registration_d.txt               registration_d.txt.info
  15132.                            registration_e.txt               registration_e.txt.info
  15133.                          icons (dir)
  15134.                            madhouse2.info                   madhouse3.info
  15135.                            madhouse4.info                   madhouse_mwb1.info
  15136.                            madhouse_mwb2.info               madhouse_mwb3.info
  15137.                          importhelp (dir)
  15138.                            blitz.3dstars                    blitz.amigasign
  15139.                            blitz.amigasign256               blitz.aswarm
  15140.                            blitz.butterfly                  blitz.clock
  15141.                            blitz.crumble                    blitz.dissolve
  15142.                            blitz.electric                   blitz.execute
  15143.                            blitz.fade                       blitz.flash
  15144.                            blitz.flyingtoaster              blitz.fountain
  15145.                            blitz.fractal                    blitz.goats
  15146.                            blitz.gravity                    blitz.guru
  15147.                            blitz.life                       blitz.lines
  15148.                            blitz.mandel                     blitz.maze
  15149.                            blitz.melt                       blitz.mosaic
  15150.                            blitz.noise                      blitz.patterncycling
  15151.                            blitz.plasma                     blitz.pyro
  15152.                            blitz.radar                      blitz.skyline
  15153.                            blitz.slideshow                  blitz.snow
  15154.                            blitz.splines                    blitz.spot
  15155.                            blitz.starfield                  blitz.text
  15156.                            blitz.tictactoe                  blitz.tiles
  15157.                            blitz.tunnel                     blitz.wobble
  15158.                            blitz.worms                      blitz.worms2
  15159.                            garshne.aclock                   garshne.arose
  15160.                            garshne.aswarm                   garshne.circles
  15161.                            garshne.clock                    garshne.clouds
  15162.                            garshne.crazyant                 garshne.cubes
  15163.                            garshne.demons                   garshne.dragon
  15164.                            garshne.executor                 garshne.fade
  15165.                            garshne.fireworks                garshne.flyingtoaster
  15166.                            garshne.fountain                 garshne.fractal
  15167.                            garshne.galaxy                   garshne.goats
  15168.                            garshne.goldenspiral             garshne.ifs
  15169.                            garshne.interference             garshne.life
  15170.                            garshne.lightning                garshne.maze
  15171.                            garshne.moiré                    garshne.mostlydark
  15172.                            garshne.pendulum                 garshne.plasma
  15173.                            garshne.pong                     garshne.puzzle
  15174.                            garshne.rain                     garshne.rival
  15175.                            garshne.scrawls                  garshne.sinus
  15176.                            garshne.snow                     garshne.species
  15177.                            garshne.spotlight                garshne.star
  15178.                            garshne.text                     garshne.tictactoe
  15179.                            garshne.trek                     garshne.vesa
  15180.                            garshne.water                    garshne.waves
  15181.                            garshne.worms                    garshne.xsnow
  15182.                            swaz.alerts                      swaz.aload
  15183.                            swaz.crumble                     swaz.dark
  15184.                            swaz.dimmer                      swaz.energy
  15185.                            swaz.explosion                   swaz.goats
  15186.                            swaz.gravity                     swaz.headlines
  15187.                            swaz.ifs                         swaz.interference
  15188.                            swaz.labyrinth                   swaz.lines
  15189.                            swaz.melt                        swaz.mig
  15190.                            swaz.pattern                     swaz.plazma
  15191.                            swaz.pop                         swaz.pyro
  15192.                            swaz.quotes                      swaz.rainfall
  15193.                            swaz.rotor                       swaz.shuffle
  15194.                            swaz.spliner                     swaz.stars
  15195.                            swaz.storm                       swaz.swarmer
  15196.                            swaz.time                        swaz.toasters
  15197.                            swaz.torch                       swaz.worms
  15198.                          install&remove (dir)
  15199.                            gettooltype                      install
  15200.                            install-deutsch.info             install-english.info
  15201.                            madhouse250.lha                  remove
  15202.                            remove-deutsch.info              remove-english.info
  15203.                          libs (dir)
  15204.                            madblankersupport.library        
  15205.                          locale (dir)
  15206.                               deutsch (dir)
  15207.                                 madhouse.catalog                 madhousebg.catalog
  15208.                       blankers.info                    docs.info
  15209.                       icons.info                       install&remove.info
  15210.                       liesmichzuerst                   liesmichzuerst.info
  15211.                       madhouse                         madhouse.info
  15212.                       madhouse250.readme               madhouseconfiged
  15213.                       readmefirst                      readmefirst.info
  15214.                     mbench (dir)
  15215.                          extras (dir)
  15216.                            launchpad.prefs                  
  15217.                          images (dir)
  15218.                            icon.image                       remapimage.image
  15219.                          modules (dir)
  15220.                            fileio.module                    wbinfo.module
  15221.                            wbstart.module                   
  15222.                          startmenu (dir)
  15223.                               graphics (dir)
  15224.                                 deluxe paint iii.info            paint.info
  15225.                                 personal paint.info              
  15226.                               prefs (dir)
  15227.                                 font.info                        locale.info
  15228.                                 pattern.info                     pointer.info
  15229.                                 prefs drawer.info                printer.info
  15230.                                 sound.info                       time.info
  15231.                               programming (dir)
  15232.                                    silly sized items (dir)
  15233.                                      unnamed1.info                    
  15234.                                 silly size.info                  
  15235.                               text (dir)
  15236.                                 cygnus ed.info                   final writer.info
  15237.                                 pagestream.info                  text.info
  15238.                            graphics.info                    prefs.info
  15239.                            programming.info                 text.info
  15240.                          utilities (dir)
  15241.                            mbcommand                        
  15242.                       extras.info                      mbench
  15243.                       mbench.guide                     mbench.guide.info
  15244.                       mbench.lha                       mbench.readme
  15245.                       readmefirst                      readmefirst.bak
  15246.                       readmefirst.info                 startmenu.info
  15247.                       utilities.info                   workspace.info
  15248.                     mcxp326 (dir)
  15249.                          cat (dir)
  15250.                            mcxp.cd                          mcxp.ct_deutsch
  15251.                            mcxp.ct_español                  
  15252.                          l (dir)
  15253.                            wbstart-handler                  
  15254.                          libs (dir)
  15255.                            dospath.library                  wbstart.library
  15256.                          locale (dir)
  15257.                            deutsch.catalog                  español.catalog
  15258.                       file_id.diz                      install_mui_mcx_prefs
  15259.                       install_mui_mcx_prefs.info       mcxp.guide
  15260.                       mcxp.guide.info                  mcxp_deutsch.guide
  15261.                       mcxp_deutsch.guide.info          mcxp_español.guide
  15262.                       mcxp_español.guide.info          mui_mcx_prefs
  15263.                       mui_mcx_prefs.info               readme.mui
  15264.                       readme.mui.info                  
  15265.                     modepro (dir)
  15266.                          catalogs (dir)
  15267.                               deutsch (dir)
  15268.                                 modepro.catalog                  modeproprefs.catalog
  15269.                               français (dir)
  15270.                                 modepro.catalog                  modeproprefs.catalog
  15271.                               norsk (dir)
  15272.                                 modepro.catalog                  modeproprefs.catalog
  15273.                               polski (dir)
  15274.                                 modepro.catalog                  modeproprefs.catalog
  15275.                               íslenska (dir)
  15276.                                 modepro.catalog                  modeproprefs.catalog
  15277.                            catalogs.readme                  catalogs.readme.info
  15278.                            modepro.cd                       modepro.cd.info
  15279.                            modepro.ct                       modeproprefs.cd
  15280.                            modeproprefs.cd.info             modeproprefs.ct
  15281.                          docs (dir)
  15282.                            modepro.guide                    modepro.guide.info
  15283.                       docs.info                        installmodepro
  15284.                       installmodepro.info              modepro
  15285.                       modepro.info                     modepro4_20.lha
  15286.                       modepro4_20.readme               modeproprefs
  15287.                       modeproprefs.info                
  15288.                     noiconborder (dir)
  15289.                       noiconborder                     noiconborder.doc
  15290.                       noiconborder.doc.info            noiconborder.info
  15291.                     password_v310 (dir)
  15292.                       install_password                 install_password.info
  15293.                       keymaker                         keymaker.info
  15294.                       password                         password.guide
  15295.                       password.guide.info              password_v310.lha
  15296.                       password_v310.readme             setpass
  15297.                       setpass.info                     
  15298.                     powerwindows (dir)
  15299.                       powercrawler.iff                 powercrawler.iff.info
  15300.                       powerwindows                     powerwindows.config
  15301.                       powerwindows.guide               powerwindows.guide.info
  15302.                       powerwindows.info                powerwindows.readme
  15303.                       southtyrol.iff                   southtyrol.iff.info
  15304.                     ro (dir)
  15305.                          arexx (dir)
  15306.                            action.ro                        addarc.ro
  15307.                            archandler.ro                    deiconify.ro
  15308.                            iconify.ro                       loaddir.ro
  15309.                            loadother.ro                     playmodule.ro
  15310.                            showhtml.ro                      
  15311.                          binary (dir)
  15312.                            ro,binary                        roprefs,binary
  15313.                          config (dir)
  15314.                            ro.prefs,default                 ro.prefs,example1
  15315.                            ro.prefs,example2                ro.prefs,example3
  15316.                            ro.prefs,example4                
  15317.                          docs (dir)
  15318.                            regform,deutsch                  regform,english
  15319.                            regform,francais                 regform,svenska
  15320.                            ro.guide,deutsch                 ro.guide,english
  15321.                            ro.guide,francais                ro.guide,svenska
  15322.                          icons (dir)
  15323.                               4col (dir)
  15324.                                 drawer.info                      regform.info
  15325.                                 ro.guide.info                    ro.info
  15326.                                 roprefs.info                     
  15327.                               8col (dir)
  15328.                                 drawer.info                      regform.info
  15329.                                 ro.guide.info                    ro.info
  15330.                                 roprefs.info                     
  15331.                          install (dir)
  15332.                            installer                        ro-install
  15333.                            ro-install.info                  
  15334.                          locale (dir)
  15335.                               catalogs (dir)
  15336.                                    deutsch (dir)
  15337.                                      ro.catalog                       
  15338.                                    français (dir)
  15339.                                      ro.catalog                       
  15340.                                    svenska (dir)
  15341.                                      ro.catalog                       
  15342.                            ro.cd                            ro.ct
  15343.                          previews (dir)
  15344.                            preview1                         preview1.info
  15345.                            preview2                         preview2.info
  15346.                            preview3                         preview3.info
  15347.                            preview4                         preview4.info
  15348.                       install.info                     liesmichzuerst
  15349.                       liesmichzuerst.info              lisezmoidabord
  15350.                       lisezmoidabord.info              previews.info
  15351.                       readmefirst                      readmefirst.info
  15352.                       ro_v125.announce                 ro_v125.readme
  15353.                     screentab (dir)
  15354.                          catalogs (dir)
  15355.                               deutsch (dir)
  15356.                                    plugins (dir)
  15357.                                      commodities_plugin.catalog       pasteclip_plugin.catalog
  15358.                                      systools_plugin.catalog          windows_plugin.catalog
  15359.                                 screentab.catalog                screentabprefs.catalog
  15360.                               français (dir)
  15361.                                    plugins (dir)
  15362.                                      commodities_plugin.catalog       pasteclip_plugin.catalog
  15363.                                      systools_plugin.catalog          windows_plugin.catalog
  15364.                                 screentab.catalog                screentabprefs.catalog
  15365.                               plugins (dir)
  15366.                                 commodities.cd                   pasteclip.cd
  15367.                                 systools.cd                      windows.cd
  15368.                            read.me                          screentab.cd
  15369.                            screentabprefs.cd                
  15370.                          docs (dir)
  15371.                            afd-copyright                    history
  15372.                            st_deutsch.guide                 st_deutsch.guide.info
  15373.                            st_english.guide                 st_english.guide.info
  15374.                          l (dir)
  15375.                            wbstart-handler                  
  15376.                          libs (dir)
  15377.                            dospath.library                  screennotify.library
  15378.                            wbstart.library                  
  15379.                          plugins (dir)
  15380.                            commodities.plugin               pasteclip.plugin
  15381.                            systools.plugin                  windows.plugin
  15382.                          prefs (dir)
  15383.                            screentabprefs                   screentabprefs.info
  15384.                       dirwalker                        dirwalker.info
  15385.                       docs.info                        handlescrtab
  15386.                       images.lha                       install.info
  15387.                       installation-script              prefs.info
  15388.                       preview                          preview.info
  15389.                       read.me                          read.me.info
  15390.                       screentab                        screentab.020
  15391.                       screentab.020.info               screentab.info
  15392.                       screentab.prefs                  screentab_3_1a.readme
  15393.                     serialprefs_2.6 (dir)
  15394.                          bin (dir)
  15395.                            serialprefs                      
  15396.                          icons (dir)
  15397.                            mwb                              ni
  15398.                            nn                               
  15399.                          libs (dir)
  15400.                            gui.library                      
  15401.                       eng.guide                        eng.guide.info
  15402.                       install_eng                      install_eng.info
  15403.                       install_ita                      install_ita.info
  15404.                       ita.guide                        ita.guide.info
  15405.                       serialprefs26.readme             
  15406.                     serprefs (dir)
  15407.                       serprefs                         serprefs.info
  15408.                       serprefs.readme                  serprefs.txt
  15409.                       serprefs.txt.info                
  15410.                     sounddt_v39 (dir)
  15411.                          prefs (dir)
  15412.                            sounddt                          sounddt.info
  15413.                       prefs.info                       sound.datatype
  15414.                       sounddt.guide                    sounddt.guide.info
  15415.                       sounddt.readme                   
  15416.                     tnav (dir)
  15417.                          appicon (dir)
  15418.                            toolsappicon.info                
  15419.                          brush (dir)
  15420.                            dearc.brush                      disk.brush
  15421.                            ed.brush                         empty.brush
  15422.                            prefs.brush                      shell.brush
  15423.                          libs (dir)
  15424.                            reqtools.library                 
  15425.                          pics (dir)
  15426.                            pic11                            pic12
  15427.                            pic12a                           pic13
  15428.                            pic14                            pic15
  15429.                            pic16                            pic17
  15430.                            pic2                             pic3
  15431.                            pic4                             pic5
  15432.                            pic6                             pic7
  15433.                            pic8                             pic9
  15434.                       clickmouse                       hinweise.wichtig
  15435.                       hinweise.wichtig.info            install_tnav_1.2
  15436.                       install_tnav_1.2.info            navigator.guide
  15437.                       navigator.guide.info             tnav.readme
  15438.                       tnav2.config                     tool`snavigator
  15439.                       tool`snavigator.info             tool`spreferator
  15440.                       tool`spreferator.info            tool`spreferator_tv
  15441.                       tool`spreferator_tv.info         
  15442.                     windowchange (dir)
  15443.                       wc.liesmich                      wc.liesmich.info
  15444.                       wc.readme                        wc.readme.info
  15445.                       windowchange                     windowchange.info
  15446.                       windowchange.readme              windowchange.readme.info
  15447.                  akjfif-datatype.info             akljpg-datatype.info
  15448.                  akpng-datatype.info              aksvg-datatype.info
  15449.                  assignerpro.info                 benchtrash.info
  15450.                  bmpdt.info                       bootsys.info
  15451.                  clicon.info                      dzdir.info
  15452.                  executive_v2.10.info             finditgui.info
  15453.                  gh97.info                        ksr.info
  15454.                  madhouse.info                    mbench.info
  15455.                  mcxp326.info                     modepro.info
  15456.                  noiconborder.info                password_v310.info
  15457.                  powerwindows.info                ro.info
  15458.                  screentab.info                   serialprefs_2.6.info
  15459.                  serprefs.info                    sounddt_v39.info
  15460.                  tnav.info                        windowchange.info
  15461.             archivers.info                   cd-rom.info
  15462.             comms.info                       gfxcard.info
  15463.             graphics.info                    hardware.info
  15464.             misc.info                        music.info
  15465.             programming.info                 program_patches.info
  15466.             virus.info                       workbench.info
  15467.        commercial.info                  shareware.info
  15468.      c (dir)
  15469.           eagleplayers (dir)
  15470.                unused (dir)
  15471.             actionamics                      activisionpro
  15472.             aprosys                          chiptracker
  15473.             delta 1.0                        delta 2.0
  15474.             digital mugician                 digital mugician 2
  15475.             dss                              ems
  15476.             fc 1.3                           fc 1.4
  15477.             fred                             ftm
  15478.             gmod                             grouleff
  15479.             hippel                           hippel-coso
  15480.             hippel7v                         iff-8svx
  15481.             iff-emod                         iff-smus
  15482.             instereo 2.0                     instereo!
  15483.             j.c.brooke                       jamcracker
  15484.             laxity-player                    lme
  15485.             m.o.n                            majortom
  15486.             mark ii                          maxtrax_ß-only
  15487.             mcmd                             med
  15488.             mth                              music-assembler
  15489.             musicmaker4                      musicmaker8
  15490.             octamed                          oktalyzer
  15491.             old whittaker                    playsid
  15492.             promizer 0.1                     promizer 1.x
  15493.             promizer 4.0                     ps3m_eagle
  15494.             pumatracker 1.0                  robhubbard
  15495.             ronklaren                        sidmon 1.0
  15496.             sidmon 2.0                       sonicarranger
  15497.             soundcontrol                     soundfx 1.3
  15498.             soundfx 2.0                      soundmaster
  15499.             soundmon                         soundmon3
  15500.             soundtracker 2.6                 synth
  15501.             syntracker                       tfmx 1.5
  15502.             tfmx_7v                          tfmx_pro
  15503.             tme                              tronic
  15504.             vectordean                       vss
  15505.             whittaker                        wizardofsound
  15506.             xmod                             
  15507.           ep-userprograms (dir)
  15508.             analyzer                         dirlistviewer
  15509.             hifi                             levelgraph
  15510.             levelmeteraga                    m.e.l.g.u
  15511.             messagewindow                    moduleinfo
  15512.             noiseeagle                       patternscroll
  15513.             patternscroll++                  patternscroll_kick1.3
  15514.             publicscreenmanager              quadrascope
  15515.             space-scope                      space-scope+
  15516.             stereoscopeaga                   time
  15517.        addbuffers                       adddatatypes
  15518.        amigaguide                       amigaguide.info
  15519.        assign                           avail
  15520.        biganim                          binddrivers
  15521.        break                            caprefs
  15522.        cd                               cdgsxl
  15523.        cdgsxl.info                      cdscript
  15524.        changetaskpri                    cls
  15525.        conclip                          copy
  15526.        cpu                              date
  15527.        deficons                         delete
  15528.        dir                              diskchange
  15529.        dms                              eagleplayer
  15530.        eagleplayer.doc.guide            eagleplayer.doc.guide.info
  15531.        eagleplayer.info                 eagleplayers.info
  15532.        echo                             ed
  15533.        edit                             endcli
  15534.        ep-userprograms.info             eval
  15535.        execute                          filenote
  15536.        flick                            flick.doc
  15537.        flick.doc.info                   flick.info
  15538.        getinput                         gowb
  15539.        hip                              hip.info
  15540.        iconj                            iconx
  15541.        info                             initlib
  15542.        injectbrush                      install
  15543.        installer                        iprefs
  15544.        jaymoose19                       join
  15545.        joymouse                         list
  15546.        loadresource                     loadwb
  15547.        lock                             lzx
  15548.        magtape                          mainview
  15549.        mainview.info                    makedir
  15550.        makelink                         more
  15551.        mount                            mountenv
  15552.        mp                               multiview
  15553.        newcli                           newicons
  15554.        patchopenwb                      playvideo
  15555.        pmore                            ppmore
  15556.        ppshow                           pronet-server
  15557.        protect                          quadraplayer
  15558.        quadraplayer.guide               quadraplayer.guide.info
  15559.        quadraplayer.info                relabel
  15560.        remrad                           rename
  15561.        requestchoice                    requestfile
  15562.        rightguard                       rmtm
  15563.        run                              search
  15564.        setclock                         setdate
  15565.        setfont                          setkeyboard
  15566.        setpatch                         snoopdos
  15567.        snoopdos.info                    sort
  15568.        status                           testlmb
  15569.        toolmanager                      toolmanager.info
  15570.        type                             unsit
  15571.        version                          viewtek
  15572.        viewtek.info                     vt
  15573.        wait                             which
  15574.        xicon                            xlplay
  15575.        xlplay.info                      
  15576.      classes (dir)
  15577.           codecs (dir)
  15578.             jpeg.codec                       picture.codec
  15579.           datatypes (dir)
  15580.             8svx.datatype                    amigaguide.datatype
  15581.             anim.datatype                    animation.datatype
  15582.             ascii.datatype                   bmp.datatype
  15583.             cdxl.datatype                    gif.datatype
  15584.             hwgpost.datatype                 ico.datatype
  15585.             ilbm.datatype                    jfif.datatype
  15586.             macpaint.datatype                pcx.datatype
  15587.             picture.datatype                 sound.datatype
  15588.             sunau.datatype                   text.datatype
  15589.             tiff.datatype                    xbm.datatype
  15590.           gadgets (dir)
  15591.             button.gadget                    button.gadget.v42
  15592.             calendar.gadget                  checkbox.gadget
  15593.             chooser.gadget                   clicktab.gadget
  15594.             colorwheel.gadget                fuelgauge.gadget
  15595.             gradientslider.gadget            integer.gadget
  15596.             layout.gadget                    listbrowser.gadget
  15597.             palette.gadget                   pop.gadget
  15598.             popup.gadget                     radiobutton.gadget
  15599.             scroller.gadget                  space.gadget
  15600.             speedbar.gadget                  string.gadget
  15601.             tabs.gadget                      tapedeck.gadget
  15602.             textfield.gadget                 
  15603.           images (dir)
  15604.             bevel.image                      drawlist.image
  15605.             glyph.image                      label.image
  15606.             led.image                        penmap.image
  15607.        arexx.class                      chunkyimage.class
  15608.        codec.class                      compleximage.class
  15609.        gadgets.info                     gaugeimage.class
  15610.        window.class                     
  15611.      devs (dir)
  15612.           datatypes (dir)
  15613.             .info                            8svx
  15614.             8svx.info                        amigaguide
  15615.             amigaguide.info                  anim
  15616.             anim.info                        cdxl
  15617.             cdxl.info                        ftxt
  15618.             ftxt.info                        gif
  15619.             gif.info                         ilbm
  15620.             ilbm.info                        jfif
  15621.             jfif.info                        macpaint
  15622.             pcx                              postscript
  15623.             postscript.info                  postscriptbin
  15624.             postscriptbin.info               sun audio
  15625.             sun audio.info                   tiff
  15626.             tiff.info                        windows bitmap
  15627.             windows icon                     x-bitmap
  15628.             x-bitmap.info                    
  15629.           dosdrivers (dir)
  15630.             pipe                             pipe.info
  15631.           keymaps (dir)
  15632.             gb                               gb.info
  15633.           monitors (dir)
  15634.             ntsc                             ntsc.info
  15635.             pal                              pal.info
  15636.           printers (dir)
  15637.             generic                          generic.info
  15638.        clipboard.device                 datatypes.info
  15639.        dosdrivers.info                  keymaps.info
  15640.        kingcon-mountlist                monitors.info
  15641.        parallel.device                  printer.device
  15642.        printers.info                    pronet.config
  15643.        pronet.device                    pronet.mountlist
  15644.        serial.device                    system-configuration
  15645.      expansion (dir)
  15646.      fonts (dir)
  15647.           advertise (dir)
  15648.             30                               
  15649.           albatross (dir)
  15650.             30                               
  15651.           albatross-bold (dir)
  15652.             30                               
  15653.           alex (dir)
  15654.             17                               
  15655.           alexander (dir)
  15656.             8                                
  15657.           amelia (dir)
  15658.             10                               12
  15659.             15                               
  15660.           avantguard (dir)
  15661.             10                               12
  15662.             15                               8
  15663.           avguard (dir)
  15664.             10                               12
  15665.             15                               
  15666.           barcelona (dir)
  15667.             10                               12
  15668.           betonc (dir)
  15669.             44                               
  15670.           biko (dir)
  15671.             12                               15
  15672.           carawaybold (dir)
  15673.             15                               
  15674.           chantilly (dir)
  15675.             10                               12
  15676.             15                               18
  15677.             24                               
  15678.           cleargothic (dir)
  15679.             10                               12
  15680.             15                               
  15681.           colossal (dir)
  15682.             8                                
  15683.           compact (dir)
  15684.             16                               24
  15685.             31                               64
  15686.           compactl (dir)
  15687.             16                               31
  15688.           condensed60 (dir)
  15689.             6                                9
  15690.           courier (dir)
  15691.             10                               11
  15692.             12                               13
  15693.             14                               15
  15694.             18                               24
  15695.           cracklingfire (dir)
  15696.             15                               90
  15697.           cw (dir)
  15698.             11                               
  15699.           defender (dir)
  15700.             8                                
  15701.           dgsansserif (dir)
  15702.             11                               13
  15703.             7                                8
  15704.             9                                
  15705.           diamond (dir)
  15706.             12                               20
  15707.           didot (dir)
  15708.             28                               56
  15709.           dom-casual (dir)
  15710.             10                               12
  15711.             15                               18
  15712.           du (dir)
  15713.             9                                
  15714.           emerald (dir)
  15715.             17                               20
  15716.           empirebuilder (dir)
  15717.             15                               
  15718.           energise (dir)
  15719.             15                               45
  15720.           ericabold (dir)
  15721.             15                               45
  15722.           ericaital (dir)
  15723.             15                               45
  15724.           ernest (dir)
  15725.             15                               45
  15726.           ernestital (dir)
  15727.             15                               45
  15728.           flags (dir)
  15729.             27                               
  15730.           flemish (dir)
  15731.             15                               
  15732.           franklin (dir)
  15733.             18                               23
  15734.             36                               72
  15735.           franklinc (dir)
  15736.             114                              28
  15737.             58                               
  15738.           futurab (dir)
  15739.             12                               16
  15740.             20                               32
  15741.           futurac (dir)
  15742.             22                               32
  15743.             78                               
  15744.           futural (dir)
  15745.             20                               85
  15746.           futurax (dir)
  15747.             24                               47
  15748.             94                               
  15749.           garamond (dir)
  15750.             23                               32
  15751.             64                               
  15752.           garnet (dir)
  15753.             16                               9
  15754.           geneva (dir)
  15755.             8                                
  15756.           gfont (dir)
  15757.             8                                
  15758.           gill (dir)
  15759.             16                               24
  15760.             57                               96
  15761.           gilln (dir)
  15762.             58                               
  15763.           goudyb (dir)
  15764.             23                               48
  15765.           goudyl (dir)
  15766.             23                               48
  15767.           groovyplayerlcd (dir)
  15768.             8                                
  15769.           groovyplayermain (dir)
  15770.             12                               
  15771.           gtbgadget (dir)
  15772.             8f                               
  15773.           gtbmenu (dir)
  15774.             8                                
  15775.           helvetica (dir)
  15776.             10                               11
  15777.             12                               13
  15778.             15                               18
  15779.             20                               22
  15780.             24                               5
  15781.             9                                
  15782.           helvetican (dir)
  15783.             39                               78
  15784.           ibm (dir)
  15785.             11                               8
  15786.           ironwood (dir)
  15787.             15                               
  15788.           iv (dir)
  15789.             8                                
  15790.           jump (dir)
  15791.             8                                
  15792.           koblenz (dir)
  15793.             10                               12
  15794.             15                               
  15795.           laser-london (dir)
  15796.             15                               
  15797.           linea (dir)
  15798.             15                               
  15799.           linea_bold (dir)
  15800.             15                               
  15801.           linea_bolditalic (dir)
  15802.             15                               
  15803.           linea_italic (dir)
  15804.             15                               
  15805.           linea_light (dir)
  15806.             15                               
  15807.           linea_lightitalic (dir)
  15808.             15                               
  15809.           medium (dir)
  15810.             7                                
  15811.           mideast (dir)
  15812.             17                               
  15813.           napoleon (dir)
  15814.             17                               
  15815.           napoleonic (dir)
  15816.             8i                               
  15817.           newsgothic (dir)
  15818.             114                              56
  15819.           newtopaz (dir)
  15820.             8                                
  15821.           opal (dir)
  15822.             12                               9
  15823.           oswaldblack (dir)
  15824.             120                              15
  15825.             30                               45
  15826.             60                               75
  15827.           overlord (dir)
  15828.             17                               
  15829.           peridot (dir)
  15830.             7                                
  15831.           personal (dir)
  15832.             8                                
  15833.           photogenics (dir)
  15834.             8                                
  15835.           prodad (dir)
  15836.             16                               
  15837.           reporter (dir)
  15838.             8                                
  15839.           ruby (dir)
  15840.             12                               15
  15841.             8                                
  15842.           sapphire (dir)
  15843.             14                               19
  15844.           shannonbook (dir)
  15845.             14                               15
  15846.             30                               45
  15847.           siesta (dir)
  15848.             8                                
  15849.           symbol (dir)
  15850.             10                               12
  15851.             14                               18
  15852.             24                               
  15853.           thinpaz (dir)
  15854.             8                                
  15855.           times (dir)
  15856.             10                               11
  15857.             12                               13
  15858.             14                               15
  15859.             18                               24
  15860.             7                                9
  15861.           topaz (dir)
  15862.             11                               8
  15863.           topazgr (dir)
  15864.             11                               8
  15865.             9e                               
  15866.           venus (dir)
  15867.             10                               8
  15868.           weather (dir)
  15869.             9                                
  15870.           xen (dir)
  15871.             11                               8
  15872.             9                                
  15873.           xhelvetica (dir)
  15874.             11                               13
  15875.             9                                
  15876.           zombie (dir)
  15877.             8                                
  15878.           _bullet (dir)
  15879.             hq3.fnt                          hq3updt.tyq
  15880.             if.fnt                           if.uc
  15881.             plugin.types                     
  15882.           _bullet_outlines (dir)
  15883.             ac.type                          advertise.type
  15884.             agate-bold.type                  albatross-bold.type
  15885.             albatross.type                   barcelona.type
  15886.             biko.type                        carawaybold.type
  15887.             cgtimes.type                     cgtriumvirate.type
  15888.             cracklingfire.type               cstimes.type
  15889.             cstriumvirate.type               eddacaps.type
  15890.             empirebuilder.type               energise.type
  15891.             ericabold.type                   ericaital.type
  15892.             ernest.type                      ernestital.type
  15893.             flemish.type                     flemish_bold.type
  15894.             flemish_bolditalic.type          flemish_italic.type
  15895.             futureworld.type                 heather.type
  15896.             ironwood.type                    isabelle.type
  15897.             isabelle_bold.type               isabelle_bolditalic.type
  15898.             isabelle_italic.type             laser-london.type
  15899.             lauramccrary.type                lettergothic.type
  15900.             linea.type                       linea_bold.type
  15901.             linea_bolditalic.type            linea_italic.type
  15902.             linea_light.type                 linea_lightitalic.type
  15903.             liquidcrystal.type               madrid.type
  15904.             madrid_bold.type                 madrid_bolditalic.type
  15905.             madrid_italic.type               oswaldblack.type
  15906.             postcrypt.type                   shannonbook.type
  15907.             tngmonitors.type                 viking.type
  15908.             zephyr.type                      
  15909.        advertise.font                   advertise.otag
  15910.        agate-bold.font                  agate-bold.otag
  15911.        albatross-bold.otag              albatross.font
  15912.        albatross.otag                   alex.font
  15913.        alexander.font                   amelia.font
  15914.        atiny.font                       avantguard.font
  15915.        avguard.font                     barcelona.font
  15916.        barcelona.otag                   betonc.font
  15917.        biko.font                        biko.otag
  15918.        carawaybold.font                 carawaybold.otag
  15919.        cgtimes.font                     cgtimes.otag
  15920.        cgtriumvirate.font               cgtriumvirate.otag
  15921.        chantilly.font                   chklist.ms
  15922.        cleargothic.font                 colossal.font
  15923.        compact.font                     compactl.font
  15924.        condensed60.font                 courier.font
  15925.        courier.metric                   cracklingfire.font
  15926.        cracklingfire.otag               cw.font
  15927.        defender.font                    dgsansserif.font
  15928.        diamond.font                     didot.font
  15929.        disk.info                        dom-casual.font
  15930.        du.font                          eddacaps.font
  15931.        eddacaps.otag                    emerald.font
  15932.        empirebuilder.font               empirebuilder.otag
  15933.        energise.font                    energise.otag
  15934.        ericabold.font                   ericabold.otag
  15935.        ericaital.font                   ericaital.otag
  15936.        ernest.font                      ernest.otag
  15937.        ernestital.font                  ernestital.otag
  15938.        flags.font                       flemish.font
  15939.        flemish.otag                     flemish_bold.font
  15940.        flemish_bold.otag                flemish_bolditalic.font
  15941.        flemish_bolditalic.otag          flemish_italic.font
  15942.        flemish_italic.otag              franklin.font
  15943.        franklinc.font                   futurab.font
  15944.        futurac.font                     futural.font
  15945.        futurax.font                     futurax.font.mpic
  15946.        futureworld.font                 futureworld.font.mpic
  15947.        futureworld.otag                 garamond.font
  15948.        garnet.font                      geneva.font
  15949.        gfont.font                       gill.font
  15950.        gilln.font                       goudyb.font
  15951.        goudyl.font                      groovyplayerlcd.font
  15952.        groovyplayermain.font            gtbgadget.font
  15953.        gtbmenu.font                     heather.font
  15954.        heather.otag                     helvetica.font
  15955.        helvetica.otag                   helvetican.font
  15956.        ibm.font                         ironwood.font
  15957.        ironwood.otag                    isabelle.font
  15958.        isabelle.otag                    isabelle_bold.font
  15959.        isabelle_bold.otag               isabelle_bolditalic.font
  15960.        isabelle_bolditalic.otag         isabelle_italic.font
  15961.        isabelle_italic.otag             iv.font
  15962.        jump.font                        koblenz.font
  15963.        laser-london.font                laser-london.otag
  15964.        lauramccrary.font                lauramccrary.font.mpic
  15965.        lauramccrary.otag                lettergothic.font
  15966.        lettergothic.otag                linea.font
  15967.        linea.otag                       linea_bold.font
  15968.        linea_bold.font.mpic             linea_bold.otag
  15969.        linea_bolditalic.font            linea_bolditalic.otag
  15970.        linea_italic.font                linea_italic.otag
  15971.        linea_light.font                 linea_light.otag
  15972.        linea_lightitalic.font           linea_lightitalic.otag
  15973.        liquidcrystal.font               liquidcrystal.otag
  15974.        madrid.font                      madrid.otag
  15975.        madrid_bold.font                 madrid_bold.font.mpic
  15976.        madrid_bold.otag                 madrid_bolditalic.font
  15977.        madrid_bolditalic.otag           madrid_italic.font
  15978.        madrid_italic.otag               mapleroman.font
  15979.        mapleroman.otag                  medium.font
  15980.        mideast.font                     napoleon.font
  15981.        napoleonic.font                  newsgothic.font
  15982.        newtopaz.font                    opal.font
  15983.        oswaldblack.font                 oswaldblack.otag
  15984.        overlord.font                    peridot.font
  15985.        postcrypt.font                   postcrypt.font.mpic
  15986.        postcrypt.otag                   prodad.font
  15987.        reporter.font                    ruby.font
  15988.        sapphire.font                    shannonbook.font
  15989.        shannonbook.otag                 siesta.font
  15990.        symbol.font                      symbol.metric
  15991.        thinpaz.font                     times.font
  15992.        times.metric                     tngmonitors.font
  15993.        tngmonitors.otag                 topaz.font
  15994.        topazgr.font                     venus.font
  15995.        viking.font                      viking.otag
  15996.        weather.font                     xen.font
  15997.        xhelvetica.font                  zephyr.font
  15998.        zephyr.otag                      zombie.font
  15999.      l (dir)
  16000.        aux-handler                      fifo-handler
  16001.        kingcon-handler                  port-handler
  16002.        queue-handler                    toolsdaemon-handler
  16003.      libs (dir)
  16004.           compressors (dir)
  16005.             xpkblzw.library                  xpkcbr0.library
  16006.             xpkcrms.library                  xpkdlta.library
  16007.             xpkfast.library                  xpkfeal.library
  16008.             xpkhfmn.library                  xpkidea.library
  16009.             xpkimpl.library                  xpklhlb.library
  16010.             xpkmash.library                  xpknuke.library
  16011.             xpkrake.library                  xpkrdcn.library
  16012.             xpkrlen.library                  xpkshri.library
  16013.             xpksmpl.library                  xpksqsh.library
  16014.           svdrivers (dir)
  16015.             aga.svdriver                     cybergraphics.svdriver
  16016.             ecs.svdriver                     egs7.svdriver
  16017.             merlin.svdriver                  opal.svdriver
  16018.             picassoii.svdriver               retina.svdriver
  16019.           svobjects (dir)
  16020.             acbm.svobject                    bmp.svobject
  16021.             c64.svobject                     deep.svobject
  16022.             eps.svobject                     fastilbm24.svobject
  16023.             fbm.svobject                     gif.svobject
  16024.             ilbm.svobject                    img.svobject
  16025.             jpeg.svobject                    mac.svobject
  16026.             pcd.svobject                     pcx.svobject
  16027.             pict.svobject                    pictor.svobject
  16028.             pnm.svobject                     qrt.svobject
  16029.             sgi.svobject                     sunraster.svobject
  16030.             svg.svobject                     targa.svobject
  16031.             tiff.svobject                    unpack.svobject
  16032.             winicon.svobject                 wpg.svobject
  16033.             yuvn.svobject                    
  16034.           svoperators (dir)
  16035.             24bittoham.svoperator            anyto24bit.svoperator
  16036.             callpnm.svoperator               crop.svoperator
  16037.             dither24bit.svoperator           extractblue.svoperator
  16038.             extractgrayscales.svoperator     extractgreen.svoperator
  16039.             extractred.svoperator            hilbertdither256.svoperator
  16040.             lefttoright.svoperator           optimizepalette.svoperator
  16041.             rotate.svoperator                rotatefree.svoperator
  16042.             scale50.svoperator               sqbentley.svoperator
  16043.             sqblur.svoperator                sqcontrast.svoperator
  16044.             sqdeep_press.svoperator          sqdiffuse.svoperator
  16045.             sqemboss.svoperator              sqhighpass.svoperator
  16046.             sqmosaic.svoperator              sqmotion_blur.svoperator
  16047.             sqoilpaint.svoperator            sqsharpen.svoperator
  16048.             sqslicing.svoperator             sqthreshold.svoperator
  16049.             sqtiling.svoperator              toptobottom.svoperator
  16050.             xor.svoperator                   
  16051.           xfd (dir)
  16052.             .readme.first                    4vx
  16053.             axis                             bond
  16054.             cmp1                             decloner
  16055.             fire                             graftgold
  16056.             ice_tsm                          lob
  16057.             lzwh                             sf
  16058.             ssur                             tpwm
  16059.        68040.library                    amigaguide.library
  16060.        amos.library                     arexxport.library
  16061.        arp.library                      asl.library
  16062.        backstab.library                 boards.library
  16063.        bullet.library                   cando.library
  16064.        candogfx.library                 cddevplay.library
  16065.        cdplay.library                   commodities.library
  16066.        conhandler.library               crm.library
  16067.        datatypes.library                debox.library
  16068.        decrunch.library                 dfunc.library
  16069.        diskfont.library                 dopus.library
  16070.        epu0.library                     epu1.library
  16071.        explode.library                  extend.library
  16072.        f1gp.library                     fifo.library
  16073.        fileid.library                   fontmachine.library
  16074.        freeanim.library                 fye.library
  16075.        gadtools.library                 gadutil.library
  16076.        ibsupport.library                icon.library
  16077.        iff.library                      iffparse.library
  16078.        info.library                     inovamusic.library
  16079.        ixemul.library                   ixemul000.library
  16080.        lh.library                       libs.readme
  16081.        locale.library                   lowlevel.library
  16082.        mathieeedoubbas.library          mathieeedoubtrans.library
  16083.        mathieeesingtrans.library        mathtrans.library
  16084.        matrix.library                   medplayer.library
  16085.        multipic.library                 newicon.library
  16086.        nipc.library                     nonvolatile.library
  16087.        octaplayer.library               patch.library
  16088.        playerprefs.library              powerpacker.library
  16089.        protracker.library               provision.library
  16090.        ptreplay.library                 realtime.library
  16091.        req.library                      reqtools.library
  16092.        rexxarplib.library               rexxmathlib.library
  16093.        rexxreqtools.library             rexxserdev.library
  16094.        rexxsupport.library              rexxsyslib.library
  16095.        superplay.library                superview.library
  16096.        superviewsupport.library         ted.library
  16097.        tower.library                    translator.library
  16098.        triton.library                   version.library
  16099.        vmm.library                      vnc.library
  16100.        workbench.library                xfdmaster.library
  16101.        xout_g.library                   xpkshri.library
  16102.      locale (dir)
  16103.           catalogs (dir)
  16104.                deutsch (dir)
  16105.                  superviewlib.catalog             
  16106.                english (dir)
  16107.                     sys (dir)
  16108.                       monitors.catalog                 
  16109.                  superviewlib.catalog             
  16110.                italiano (dir)
  16111.                  superviewlib.catalog             
  16112.           countries (dir)
  16113.             australia.country                belgie.country
  16114.             belgique.country                 canada.country
  16115.             canada_français.country          danmark.country
  16116.             deutschland.country              españa.country
  16117.             france.country                   great_britain.country
  16118.             italia.country                   nederland.country
  16119.             norge.country                    portugal.country
  16120.             schweiz.country                  suisse.country
  16121.             sverige.country                  svizzera.country
  16122.             united_kingdom.country           united_states.country
  16123.             österreich.country               
  16124.           help (dir)
  16125.                english (dir)
  16126.                     sys (dir)
  16127.                       amigaguide.guide                 
  16128.             newicons.guide                   newicons.guide.info
  16129.           languages (dir)
  16130.      mui (dir)
  16131.           demos (dir)
  16132.             appwindow                        appwindow.info
  16133.             balancing                        balancing.info
  16134.             boopsidoor                       boopsidoor.info
  16135.             class1                           class1.info
  16136.             class2                           class2.info
  16137.             class3                           class3.info
  16138.             dragndrop                        dragndrop.info
  16139.             envbrowser                       envbrowser.info
  16140.             inputhandler                     inputhandler.info
  16141.             layout                           layout.info
  16142.             menus                            menus.info
  16143.             mui-demo                         mui-demo.info
  16144.             pages                            pages.info
  16145.             popup                            popup.info
  16146.             readme                           readme.info
  16147.             showhide                         showhide.info
  16148.             slidorama                        slidorama.info
  16149.             subtask                          subtask.info
  16150.             virtual                          virtual.info
  16151.             wbman                            wbman.info
  16152.           docs (dir)
  16153.                english (dir)
  16154.                  mui.guide                        mui.guide.info
  16155.             changes                          changes.info
  16156.             english.info                     imagedesign
  16157.             imagedesign.info                 preview-1
  16158.             preview-1.info                   preview-2
  16159.             preview-2.info                   registration
  16160.             registration.info                
  16161.           goodies (dir)
  16162.             clickforcolors                   clickforcolors.info
  16163.             kmel_a2024_foreignwb.iff         magicwb
  16164.             palette.ilbm                     readme
  16165.             readme.info                      readme.kmel
  16166.             readme.kmel.info                 
  16167.           icons (dir)
  16168.             def_mui.info                     mui-template.info
  16169.           images (dir)
  16170.                goonie (dir)
  16171.                     classic (dir)
  16172.                          11pt (dir)
  16173.                            arrowdown.mb0                    arrowdown.mb1
  16174.                            arrowleft.mb0                    arrowleft.mb1
  16175.                            arrowright.mb0                   arrowright.mb1
  16176.                            arrowup.mb0                      arrowup.mb1
  16177.                            disk.mbr                         drawer.mbr
  16178.                            harddisk.mbr                     ram.mbr
  16179.                            volume.mbr                       
  16180.                     newlook (dir)
  16181.                          11pt (dir)
  16182.                            arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  16183.                            arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  16184.                            arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  16185.                            arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  16186.                            assign.mbr                       checkmark.mb0
  16187.                            checkmark.mb1                    chip.mbr
  16188.                            cycle.mbr                        disk.mbr
  16189.                            disk2.mbr                        drawer.mbr
  16190.                            harddisk.mbr                     network.mbr
  16191.                            popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  16192.                            popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  16193.                            popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  16194.                            volume.mbr                       
  16195.                kmel (dir)
  16196.                  kmel_arrowdown.image             kmel_arrowdown2.image
  16197.                  kmel_arrowleft.image             kmel_arrowleft2.image
  16198.                  kmel_arrowright.image            kmel_arrowright2.image
  16199.                  kmel_arrowup.image               kmel_arrowup2.image
  16200.                  kmel_checkmark.image             kmel_cycle.image
  16201.                  kmel_knob.image                  kmel_knob2.image
  16202.                  kmel_popdrawer.image             kmel_popfile.image
  16203.                  kmel_popup.image                 kmel_tapepause.image
  16204.                  kmel_taperecord.image            kmel_taperecord2.image
  16205.                  kmel_tapestop.image              
  16206.                kt (dir)
  16207.                     black (dir)
  16208.                          11pt (dir)
  16209.                            arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  16210.                            arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  16211.                            arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  16212.                            arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  16213.                            cycle.mbr                        
  16214.                     gradient (dir)
  16215.                          11pt (dir)
  16216.                            arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  16217.                            arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  16218.                            arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  16219.                            arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  16220.                            checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  16221.                            cycle.mbr                        radiobutton.mf0
  16222.                            radiobutton.mf1                  
  16223.                          13pt (dir)
  16224.                            checkmark1.mf0                   checkmark1.mf1
  16225.                            cycle.mbr                        radiobutton.mf0
  16226.                            radiobutton.mf1                  radiobutton2.mf0
  16227.                            radiobutton2.mf1                 
  16228.                     plain (dir)
  16229.                          11pt (dir)
  16230.                            arrowdown.mb0                    arrowdown.mb1
  16231.                            arrowleft.mb0                    arrowleft.mb1
  16232.                            arrowright.mb0                   arrowright.mb1
  16233.                            arrowup.mb0                      arrowup.mb1
  16234.                misc (dir)
  16235.                  mui-stdcycle.image               
  16236.                wd (dir)
  16237.                     11pt (dir)
  16238.                       arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  16239.                       arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  16240.                       arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  16241.                       arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  16242.                       checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  16243.                       cycle.mbr                        cycle2.mbr
  16244.                       popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  16245.                       popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  16246.                       popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  16247.                     13pt (dir)
  16248.                       arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  16249.                       arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  16250.                       arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  16251.                       arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  16252.                       checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  16253.                       cycle.mbr                        cycle2.mbr
  16254.                       popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  16255.                       popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  16256.                       popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  16257.                       radiobutton.mf0                  radiobutton.mf1
  16258.                xen (dir)
  16259.                     gradient (dir)
  16260.                          11pt (dir)
  16261.                            arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  16262.                            arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  16263.                            arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  16264.                            arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  16265.                            checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  16266.                            popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  16267.                            popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  16268.                            popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  16269.                          13pt (dir)
  16270.                            arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  16271.                            arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  16272.                            arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  16273.                            arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  16274.                            checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  16275.                            popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  16276.                            popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  16277.                            popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  16278.                     plain (dir)
  16279.                          11pt (dir)
  16280.                            arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  16281.                            arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  16282.                            arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  16283.                            arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  16284.                            checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  16285.                            chip.mbr                         cycle.mbr
  16286.                            disk.mbr                         drawer.mbr
  16287.                            drawer2.mbr                      harddisk.mbr
  16288.                            popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  16289.                            popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  16290.                            popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  16291.                            radiobutton.mf0                  radiobutton.mf1
  16292.                            volume.mbr                       
  16293.                          13pt (dir)
  16294.                            arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  16295.                            arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  16296.                            arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  16297.                            arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  16298.                            checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  16299.                            chip.mbr                         cycle.mbr
  16300.                            disk.mbr                         drawer.mbr
  16301.                            drawer2.mbr                      harddisk.mbr
  16302.                            popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  16303.                            popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  16304.                            popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  16305.                            radiobutton.mf0                  radiobutton.mf1
  16306.                            volume.mbr                       
  16307.                     scrollbars (dir)
  16308.                       xenbar.image                     xenbar2.image
  16309.           libs (dir)
  16310.                mui (dir)
  16311.                  aboutmui.mui                     boopsi.mui
  16312.                  busy.mcc                         busy.mcp
  16313.                  coloradjust.mui                  colorfield.mui
  16314.                  crawling.mcc                     dirlist.mui
  16315.                  dtpic.mui                        floattext.mui
  16316.                  frameadjust.mui                  framedisplay.mui
  16317.                  gauge.mui                        imageadjust.mui
  16318.                  imagedisplay.mui                 knob.mui
  16319.                  levelmeter.mui                   listtree.mcc
  16320.                  listtree.mcp                     listtreename.mcc
  16321.                  magicwb.mcc                      numericbutton.mui
  16322.                  palette.mui                      penadjust.mui
  16323.                  pendisplay.mui                   popasl.mui
  16324.                  popframe.mui                     popimage.mui
  16325.                  poppen.mui                       popscreen.mui
  16326.                  scale.mui                        scrollgroup.mui
  16327.                  settings.mui                     settingsgroup.mui
  16328.                  virtgroup.mui                    volumelist.mui
  16329.             muiconfig.library                muigfx.library
  16330.             muihelp.library                  muilocale.library
  16331.             muilowlevel.library              muimaster.library
  16332.             muipop.library                   muipropg.class
  16333.             muirexx.library                  muiscreen.library
  16334.             muispecial.library               muiwinborder.class
  16335.             muiwinscroller.class             
  16336.           locale (dir)
  16337.                catalogs (dir)
  16338.                     català (dir)
  16339.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16340.                     czech (dir)
  16341.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16342.                     dansk (dir)
  16343.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16344.                     deutsch (dir)
  16345.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16346.                     français (dir)
  16347.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16348.                     greek (dir)
  16349.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16350.                     italiano (dir)
  16351.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16352.                     nederlands (dir)
  16353.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16354.                     polski (dir)
  16355.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16356.                     suomi (dir)
  16357.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16358.                     svenska (dir)
  16359.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16360.           mui_developer (dir)
  16361.                autodocs (dir)
  16362.                  muimaster.doc                    mui_aboutmui.doc
  16363.                  mui_application.doc              mui_applist.doc
  16364.                  mui_area.doc                     mui_balance.doc
  16365.                  mui_bitmap.doc                   mui_bodychunk.doc
  16366.                  mui_boopsi.doc                   mui_cclist.doc
  16367.                  mui_coloradjust.doc              mui_colorfield.doc
  16368.                  mui_configdata.doc               mui_cycle.doc
  16369.                  mui_dataspace.doc                mui_dirlist.doc
  16370.                  mui_dtpic.doc                    mui_family.doc
  16371.                  mui_floattext.doc                mui_frameadjust.doc
  16372.                  mui_framedisplay.doc             mui_gadget.doc
  16373.                  mui_gauge.doc                    mui_group.doc
  16374.                  mui_image.doc                    mui_imageadjust.doc
  16375.                  mui_imagedisplay.doc             mui_knob.doc
  16376.                  mui_levelmeter.doc               mui_list.doc
  16377.                  mui_listview.doc                 mui_mccprefs.doc
  16378.                  mui_menu.doc                     mui_menuitem.doc
  16379.                  mui_menustrip.doc                mui_notify.doc
  16380.                  mui_numeric.doc                  mui_numericbutton.doc
  16381.                  mui_palette.doc                  mui_penadjust.doc
  16382.                  mui_pendisplay.doc               mui_popasl.doc
  16383.                  mui_popframe.doc                 mui_popimage.doc
  16384.                  mui_poplist.doc                  mui_popobject.doc
  16385.                  mui_poppen.doc                   mui_popscreen.doc
  16386.                  mui_popstring.doc                mui_prop.doc
  16387.                  mui_radio.doc                    mui_rectangle.doc
  16388.                  mui_register.doc                 mui_scale.doc
  16389.                  mui_scrmodelist.doc              mui_scrollbar.doc
  16390.                  mui_scrollgroup.doc              mui_semaphore.doc
  16391.                  mui_settings.doc                 mui_settingsgroup.doc
  16392.                  mui_slider.doc                   mui_string.doc
  16393.                  mui_text.doc                     mui_virtgroup.doc
  16394.                  mui_volumelist.doc               mui_window.doc
  16395.                c (dir)
  16396.                     dlib (dir)
  16397.                       allocaslreq.c                    aslreq.c
  16398.                       classnames.c                     dmakefile
  16399.                       dmakefile.info                   makeobj.c
  16400.                       muil.lib                         muilr.lib
  16401.                       muis.lib                         muisr.lib
  16402.                       newobj.c                         readme
  16403.                       readme.info                      request.c
  16404.                     examples (dir)
  16405.                       appwindow.c                      balancing.c
  16406.                       boopsidoor.c                     brush2c.c
  16407.                       class1.c                         class2.c
  16408.                       class3.c                         demo.h
  16409.                       dragndrop.c                      envbrowser.c
  16410.                       inputhandler.c                   layout.c
  16411.                       menus.c                          mui-demo.c
  16412.                       pages.c                          popup.c
  16413.                       psi.c                            psi.h
  16414.                       psi.lh                           psi_colors.brush
  16415.                       psi_freqs.brush                  psi_screencf.mbr
  16416.                       psi_screencn.mbr                 psi_screenof.mbr
  16417.                       psi_screenon.mbr                 psi_sizes.brush
  16418.                       readme                           readme.info
  16419.                       showhide.c                       slidorama.c
  16420.                       smakefile                        smakefile.info
  16421.                       subtask.c                        virtual.c
  16422.                       wbman.c                          
  16423.                     include (dir)
  16424.                          clib (dir)
  16425.                            muimaster_protos.h               
  16426.                          inline (dir)
  16427.                            muimaster.h                      
  16428.                          libraries (dir)
  16429.                            mui.h                            
  16430.                          pragma (dir)
  16431.                            muimaster_lib.h                  
  16432.                          pragmas (dir)
  16433.                            muimaster_pragmas.h              
  16434.                          proto (dir)
  16435.                            muimaster.h                      
  16436.                     manx (dir)
  16437.                          include (dir)
  16438.                               pragmas (dir)
  16439.                                 muimaster_lib.h                  
  16440.                          lib (dir)
  16441.                            mui.lib                          
  16442.                       readme                           readme.info
  16443.                  dlib.info                        examples.info
  16444.                  include.info                     manx.info
  16445.                  readme                           readme.info
  16446.                docs (dir)
  16447.                  muidev.guide                     muidev.guide.info
  16448.                  policies                         policies.info
  16449.                  readme.mui                       readme.mui.info
  16450.                extclasses (dir)
  16451.                     mcc_tron (dir)
  16452.                          demos (dir)
  16453.                            tron-demo                        
  16454.                          developer (dir)
  16455.                               amiga-e (dir)
  16456.                                    modules (dir)
  16457.                                         mui (dir)
  16458.                                           tron_mcc.e                       
  16459.                               autodocs (dir)
  16460.                                 mcc_tron.doc                     
  16461.                               c (dir)
  16462.                                    examples (dir)
  16463.                                         mui (dir)
  16464.                                           tron_mcc.h                       
  16465.                                         rev (dir)
  16466.                                           tron-demo.rev                    
  16467.                                      smakefile                        tron-demo.c
  16468.                                    include (dir)
  16469.                                         mui (dir)
  16470.                                           tron_mcc.h                       
  16471.                               modula (dir)
  16472.                                    txt (dir)
  16473.                                      mcctron.def                      mcctron.mod
  16474.                               oberon (dir)
  16475.                                    txt (dir)
  16476.                                      mcctron.mod                      
  16477.                               source (dir)
  16478.                                    mui (dir)
  16479.                                      mccheader.c                      mui33_mcc.h
  16480.                                      tron_mcc_private.h               
  16481.                                    rev (dir)
  16482.                                      tron.mcc.rev                     tron.mcp.rev
  16483.                                 brush2c.c                        prefs_image.mbr
  16484.                                 smakefile                        tron.c
  16485.                                 tronp.c                          
  16486.                          docs (dir)
  16487.                               deutsch (dir)
  16488.                               english (dir)
  16489.                          images (dir)
  16490.                          libs (dir)
  16491.                               mui (dir)
  16492.                                 tron.mcc                         tron.mcp
  16493.                          mccreg (dir)
  16494.                            info                             readme.first!
  16495.                            registered                       tron.ids
  16496.                       mcc_tron0_8.readme               mcc_tron0_8.version
  16497.                  mcc_tron.info                    readme
  16498.                  readme.info                      
  16499.                fd (dir)
  16500.                  muiclass_lib.fd                  muimaster_lib.fd
  16501.             autodocs.info                    c.info
  16502.             docs.info                        extclasses.info
  16503.             fd.info                          readme
  16504.             readme.info                      
  16505.           mui_install (dir)
  16506.                demos (dir)
  16507.                  appwindow                        appwindow.info
  16508.                  balancing                        balancing.info
  16509.                  boopsidoor                       boopsidoor.info
  16510.                  class1                           class1.info
  16511.                  class2                           class2.info
  16512.                  class3                           class3.info
  16513.                  dragndrop                        dragndrop.info
  16514.                  envbrowser                       envbrowser.info
  16515.                  inputhandler                     inputhandler.info
  16516.                  layout                           layout.info
  16517.                  menus                            menus.info
  16518.                  mui-demo                         mui-demo.info
  16519.                  pages                            pages.info
  16520.                  popup                            popup.info
  16521.                  readme                           readme.info
  16522.                  showhide                         showhide.info
  16523.                  slidorama                        slidorama.info
  16524.                  subtask                          subtask.info
  16525.                  virtual                          virtual.info
  16526.                  wbman                            wbman.info
  16527.                docs (dir)
  16528.                     deutsch (dir)
  16529.                       mui.guide                        mui.guide.info
  16530.                     english (dir)
  16531.                       mui.guide                        mui.guide.info
  16532.                  changes                          changes.info
  16533.                  deutsch.info                     english.info
  16534.                  imagedesign                      imagedesign.info
  16535.                  preview-1                        preview-1.info
  16536.                  preview-2                        preview-2.info
  16537.                  registration                     registration.info
  16538.                goodies (dir)
  16539.                  clickforcolors                   clickforcolors.info
  16540.                  kmel_a2024_foreignwb.iff         magicwb
  16541.                  palette.ilbm                     readme
  16542.                  readme.info                      readme.kmel
  16543.                  readme.kmel.info                 
  16544.                icons (dir)
  16545.                  def_mui.info                     mui-template.info
  16546.                images (dir)
  16547.                     goonie (dir)
  16548.                          classic (dir)
  16549.                               11pt (dir)
  16550.                                 arrowdown.mb0                    arrowdown.mb1
  16551.                                 arrowleft.mb0                    arrowleft.mb1
  16552.                                 arrowright.mb0                   arrowright.mb1
  16553.                                 arrowup.mb0                      arrowup.mb1
  16554.                                 disk.mbr                         drawer.mbr
  16555.                                 harddisk.mbr                     ram.mbr
  16556.                                 volume.mbr                       
  16557.                          newlook (dir)
  16558.                               11pt (dir)
  16559.                                 arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  16560.                                 arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  16561.                                 arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  16562.                                 arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  16563.                                 assign.mbr                       checkmark.mb0
  16564.                                 checkmark.mb1                    chip.mbr
  16565.                                 cycle.mbr                        disk.mbr
  16566.                                 disk2.mbr                        drawer.mbr
  16567.                                 harddisk.mbr                     network.mbr
  16568.                                 popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  16569.                                 popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  16570.                                 popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  16571.                                 volume.mbr                       
  16572.                     kmel (dir)
  16573.                       kmel_arrowdown.image             kmel_arrowdown2.image
  16574.                       kmel_arrowleft.image             kmel_arrowleft2.image
  16575.                       kmel_arrowright.image            kmel_arrowright2.image
  16576.                       kmel_arrowup.image               kmel_arrowup2.image
  16577.                       kmel_checkmark.image             kmel_cycle.image
  16578.                       kmel_knob.image                  kmel_knob2.image
  16579.                       kmel_popdrawer.image             kmel_popfile.image
  16580.                       kmel_popup.image                 kmel_tapepause.image
  16581.                       kmel_taperecord.image            kmel_taperecord2.image
  16582.                       kmel_tapestop.image              
  16583.                     kt (dir)
  16584.                          black (dir)
  16585.                               11pt (dir)
  16586.                                 arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  16587.                                 arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  16588.                                 arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  16589.                                 arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  16590.                                 cycle.mbr                        
  16591.                          gradient (dir)
  16592.                               11pt (dir)
  16593.                                 arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  16594.                                 arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  16595.                                 arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  16596.                                 arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  16597.                                 checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  16598.                                 cycle.mbr                        radiobutton.mf0
  16599.                                 radiobutton.mf1                  
  16600.                               13pt (dir)
  16601.                                 checkmark1.mf0                   checkmark1.mf1
  16602.                                 cycle.mbr                        radiobutton.mf0
  16603.                                 radiobutton.mf1                  radiobutton2.mf0
  16604.                                 radiobutton2.mf1                 
  16605.                          plain (dir)
  16606.                               11pt (dir)
  16607.                                 arrowdown.mb0                    arrowdown.mb1
  16608.                                 arrowleft.mb0                    arrowleft.mb1
  16609.                                 arrowright.mb0                   arrowright.mb1
  16610.                                 arrowup.mb0                      arrowup.mb1
  16611.                     misc (dir)
  16612.                       mui-stdcycle.image               
  16613.                     wd (dir)
  16614.                          11pt (dir)
  16615.                            arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  16616.                            arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  16617.                            arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  16618.                            arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  16619.                            checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  16620.                            cycle.mbr                        cycle2.mbr
  16621.                            popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  16622.                            popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  16623.                            popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  16624.                          13pt (dir)
  16625.                            arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  16626.                            arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  16627.                            arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  16628.                            arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  16629.                            checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  16630.                            cycle.mbr                        cycle2.mbr
  16631.                            popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  16632.                            popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  16633.                            popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  16634.                            radiobutton.mf0                  radiobutton.mf1
  16635.                     xen (dir)
  16636.                          gradient (dir)
  16637.                               11pt (dir)
  16638.                                 arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  16639.                                 arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  16640.                                 arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  16641.                                 arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  16642.                                 checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  16643.                                 popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  16644.                                 popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  16645.                                 popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  16646.                               13pt (dir)
  16647.                                 arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  16648.                                 arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  16649.                                 arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  16650.                                 arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  16651.                                 checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  16652.                                 popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  16653.                                 popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  16654.                                 popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  16655.                          plain (dir)
  16656.                               11pt (dir)
  16657.                                 arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  16658.                                 arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  16659.                                 arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  16660.                                 arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  16661.                                 checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  16662.                                 chip.mbr                         cycle.mbr
  16663.                                 disk.mbr                         drawer.mbr
  16664.                                 drawer2.mbr                      harddisk.mbr
  16665.                                 popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  16666.                                 popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  16667.                                 popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  16668.                                 radiobutton.mf0                  radiobutton.mf1
  16669.                                 volume.mbr                       
  16670.                               13pt (dir)
  16671.                                 arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  16672.                                 arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  16673.                                 arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  16674.                                 arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  16675.                                 checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  16676.                                 chip.mbr                         cycle.mbr
  16677.                                 disk.mbr                         drawer.mbr
  16678.                                 drawer2.mbr                      harddisk.mbr
  16679.                                 popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  16680.                                 popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  16681.                                 popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  16682.                                 radiobutton.mf0                  radiobutton.mf1
  16683.                                 volume.mbr                       
  16684.                          scrollbars (dir)
  16685.                            xenbar.image                     xenbar2.image
  16686.                libs (dir)
  16687.                     mui (dir)
  16688.                       aboutmui.mui                     boopsi.mui
  16689.                       busy.mcc                         busy.mcp
  16690.                       coloradjust.mui                  colorfield.mui
  16691.                       crawling.mcc                     dirlist.mui
  16692.                       dtpic.mui                        floattext.mui
  16693.                       frameadjust.mui                  framedisplay.mui
  16694.                       gauge.mui                        imageadjust.mui
  16695.                       imagedisplay.mui                 knob.mui
  16696.                       levelmeter.mui                   listtree.mcc
  16697.                       listtree.mcp                     listtreename.mcc
  16698.                       magicwb.mcc                      numericbutton.mui
  16699.                       palette.mui                      penadjust.mui
  16700.                       pendisplay.mui                   popasl.mui
  16701.                       popframe.mui                     popimage.mui
  16702.                       poppen.mui                       popscreen.mui
  16703.                       scale.mui                        scrollgroup.mui
  16704.                       settings.mui                     settingsgroup.mui
  16705.                       virtgroup.mui                    volumelist.mui
  16706.                  muiconfig.library                muigfx.library
  16707.                  muihelp.library                  muilocale.library
  16708.                  muilowlevel.library              muimaster.library
  16709.                  muipop.library                   muipropg.class
  16710.                  muirexx.library                  muiscreen.library
  16711.                  muispecial.library               muiwinborder.class
  16712.                  muiwinscroller.class             
  16713.                locale (dir)
  16714.                     catalogs (dir)
  16715.                          català (dir)
  16716.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16717.                          czech (dir)
  16718.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16719.                          dansk (dir)
  16720.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16721.                          deutsch (dir)
  16722.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16723.                          español (dir)
  16724.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16725.                          français (dir)
  16726.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16727.                          greek (dir)
  16728.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16729.                          italiano (dir)
  16730.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16731.                          nederlands (dir)
  16732.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16733.                          polski (dir)
  16734.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16735.                          português (dir)
  16736.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16737.                          suomi (dir)
  16738.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16739.                          svenska (dir)
  16740.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  16741.                patterns (dir)
  16742.                  marbledark                       tissuedark
  16743.                presets (dir)
  16744.                  dirkf.prefs                      kmel_a2024.prefs
  16745.                  rgb.txt                          stuntzi.prefs
  16746.                  xen.prefs                        
  16747.                rexx (dir)
  16748.                  mui-demo.mrx                     mui-demo.mrx.info
  16749.                  readme                           readme.info
  16750.                  wbman.mrx                        wbman.mrx.info
  16751.                                               .info
  16752.             demos.info                       docs.info
  16753.             goodies.info                     icons.info
  16754.             images.info                      install-mui
  16755.             install-mui.info                 installer
  16756.             installer433                     libs.info
  16757.             liesmich                         liesmich.info
  16758.             locale.info                      mui
  16759.             mui.info                         mui38usr.lha
  16760.             mui38usr.readme                  patterns.info
  16761.             presets.info                     psi
  16762.             psi.info                         readme
  16763.             readme.info                      rexx.info
  16764.           patterns (dir)
  16765.             marbledark                       tissuedark
  16766.           presets (dir)
  16767.             dirkf.prefs                      kmel_a2024.prefs
  16768.             rgb.txt                          stuntzi.prefs
  16769.             xen.prefs                        
  16770.           rexx (dir)
  16771.             mui-demo.mrx                     mui-demo.mrx.info
  16772.             readme                           readme.info
  16773.             wbman.mrx                        wbman.mrx.info
  16774.                                          .info
  16775.        demos.info                       docs.info
  16776.        goodies.info                     icons.info
  16777.        images.info                      libs.info
  16778.        liesmich                         liesmich.info
  16779.        locale.info                      mui
  16780.        mui.info                         mui_developer.info
  16781.        mui_install.info                 patterns.info
  16782.        presets.info                     psi
  16783.        psi.info                         readme
  16784.        readme.info                      rexx.info
  16785.      prefs (dir)
  16786.           env-archive (dir)
  16787.                aweb (dir)
  16788.                  browser                          network
  16789.                  program                          window
  16790.                mui (dir)
  16791.                  ibrowse.prefs                    mindwalker.prefs
  16792.                  publicscreens.iff                
  16793.                scala (dir)
  16794.                sys (dir)
  16795.                  font.prefs                       input.prefs
  16796.                  overscan.prefs                   palette.prefs
  16797.                  pointer.prefs                    screenmode.prefs
  16798.             language                         snoopdos.prefs
  16799.           patterns (dir)
  16800.             marble_classic                   patterns.db
  16801.           presets (dir)
  16802.        classact                         classact.info
  16803.        font                             font.info
  16804.        icontrol                         icontrol.info
  16805.        input                            input.info
  16806.        locale                           locale.info
  16807.        menuprefs                        newiconsprefs
  16808.        newiconsprefs.info               overscan
  16809.        overscan.info                    palette
  16810.        palette.info                     palette.prefs
  16811.        pointer                          pointer.info
  16812.        printer                          printer.info
  16813.        printergfx                       printergfx.info
  16814.        printerps                        printerps.info
  16815.        screenmode                       screenmode.info
  16816.        serial                           serial.info
  16817.        sound                            sound.info
  16818.        svprefs                          svprefs.info
  16819.        time                             time.info
  16820.        toolsprefs                       toolsprefs.info
  16821.        wbpattern                        wbpattern.info
  16822.      rexxc (dir)
  16823.        hi                               rx
  16824.        rxc                              rxlib
  16825.        rxset                            tcc
  16826.        tco                              te
  16827.        ts                               waitforport
  16828.      s (dir)
  16829.        .edrc                            amytree16.prefs
  16830.        brutab                           disclaimer.iff
  16831.        dpat                             ed-startup
  16832.        magnify.config                   pcd
  16833.        scala.config                     shell-startup
  16834.        spat                             startup-sequence
  16835.        subad.html                       toolsdaemon.menu
  16836.        toolsdaemon.menu.base            toolsdaemon.menu.base.info
  16837.        toolsdaemon.menu.info            user-startup
  16838.      system (dir)
  16839.        cli                              diskcopy
  16840.        fixfonts                         fixfonts.info
  16841.        format                           format.info
  16842.        intellifont                      intellifont.info
  16843.        nofastmem                        nofastmem.info
  16844.        shell.info                       
  16845.      temp (dir)
  16846.      tools (dir)
  16847.           commodities (dir)
  16848.             autopoint                        autopoint.info
  16849.             blanker                          blanker.info
  16850.             clicktofront                     clicktofront.info
  16851.             crossdos                         crossdos.info
  16852.             exchange                         exchange.info
  16853.             fkey                             fkey.info
  16854.             mouseblanker                     mouseblanker.info
  16855.             nocapslock                       nocapslock.info
  16856.        calculator                       calculator.info
  16857.        cmd                              cmd.info
  16858.        commodities.info                 graphicdump
  16859.        graphicdump.info                 iconedit
  16860.        iconedit.info                    initprinter
  16861.        initprinter.info                 keyshow
  16862.        keyshow.info                     lacer
  16863.        lacer.info                       memacs
  16864.        memacs.info                      prepcard
  16865.        prepcard.info                    printfiles
  16866.        printfiles.info                  showconfig
  16867.        showconfig.info                  
  16868.      utilities (dir)
  16869.        clock                            clock.info
  16870.        copynewicon                      copynewicon.info
  16871.        createdefaulticon                createdefaulticon.info
  16872.        killnewicon                      killnewicon.info
  16873.        more                             multiview
  16874.        multiview.info                   
  16875.      wbstartup (dir)
  16876.        choices                          choices.info
  16877.        exchange                         exchange.info
  16878.        multicx                          multicx.info
  16879.   -coverdisks-.info                -in_the_mag-.info
  16880.   -look_here_1st!-.info            -pd_select-.info
  16881.   -readerstuff-.info               -screenplay-.info
  16882.   -seriously_amiga-.info           ben_speaks!
  16883.   ben_speaks!.info                 disk.info
  16884.   mui.info                         prefs.info